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Icon-gotchardThis article is about an episode in Kamen Rider Gotchard.

Bushido, Found. (ブシドー、見つけたり。, Bushidō, Mitsuketari.) is the third episode of Kamen Rider Gotchard. It features the debuts of Gotchard Appareskebow and Valvarad.


Houtarou continues his quest to befriend all the Chemies as he meets a Chemy known as Apparebushido, and is given his card by Minato.

A new Malgam appears and Houtarou attempts to fight it using Apparebushido, but it defies orders and causes Houtarou to be defeated.

"Just how can I get Apparebushido to open up to me?" Houtarou asks himself as he begins to secretly train. Just then, he is approached by alchemist named Supana Kurogane, who demands the Gotchardriver!


At dusk, people in the city are laughing and enjoying their activities when a disturbed man sees all their happiness and wants to destroy it, pulling out a knife from his bag with the intent on stabbing everyone who is laughing. A mushroom Chemy, Venomdake, is resting nearby and suddenly gets sucked into the man by his malice of murderous intent, fusing them both into the Poisonous Mushroom Malgam. He then releases toxic spores to cause everyone around him to laugh uncontrollably and slowly suffer as the mushrooms grow on their heads, causing the victims to experience extreme pain. The Three Dark Sisters observe this and delight in how wild and strong human malice is, with Lachesis enjoying the suffering of the people and Atropos thinking that the Chemies are as wonderful as she hoped, showing a sinister grin.

The next day at Kitchen ICHINOSE, Houtarou is making a jumbo fried cutlet and joyfully humming as Hopper1 dances and sings along. The customers wonder why the lad is in such a good mood, with Tamami saying that her son has figured out what he wants to do with his future and the customers congratulate Houtarou. But he is too spaced out focusing on the meal he’s preparing to answer, Tamami apologizes for his rudeness and Houtarou finishes his custom bento: Pumped Up Big Fried Katsu.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t have time to try it as he is late for school. Hopper1 is almost exposed to Tamami and the customers so Houtarou lies about the noises that the grasshopper makes being from him. He then shoves Hopper1 into his backpack to take him to the Academy. Poor Hopper1 screams in protest to being shoved into the backpack as Houtarou runs as fast as he can to make it to class, unaware he is being stalked by the young man with the wrench blade….

At the Academy, Houtarou loudly introduces himself to his classmates, which disrupts their experiments and gives them a bad first impression of the new student. Renge, a girl whose alchemical experiment was ruined and is wearing a takoyaki costume, asks Houtarou if he likes Chemies and he says that he hopes to befriend all of them. She then attempts to sell the Dokkirimajin Ride Chemy Card to him. Houtarou is tempted but refuses as Chemies are his friends, something Renge finds bizarre as they are just artificial life forms.

The socially awkward student, Sabimaru, protests Renge through his tablet A.I. Issac about giving Dokkirimajin away since he was the one who captured it. After an abrupt, awkward introduction to Houtarou from Issac, Renge explains that Sabimaru apparently hates people, hence his awkwardness and abrupt responses through the tablet. Renge then introduces herself and Houtarou enthusiastically shakes her octopus tentacle glove covered hand.

Mr. Minato enters the classroom, briefing the students about the danger and urgency of recovering the 101 unsealed Chemies as he stands near the blank Ride Chemy Cards in their cases. Some have already been captured by the Academy, but time is of the essence. Houtarou loudly interrupts his speech to inform his teacher that six of the Chemies he has have become his friends, to which an unimpressed Mr. Minato is wondering what the point is. Houtarou asks him to bring out the “moodiest” Chemy that they captured so far to try and befriend it. Mr. Minato wonders what that would accomplish, with Houtarou saying that would bring him one step closer to being a big shot alchemist. Mr. Minato agrees, entrusting his student with Apparebushido, the samurai Chemy.

Mr. Minato orders his students to go out and hunt Chemy, giving them Chemy Risers, special wristband devices that will help the kids track and locate Chemies. Houtarou tries to talk to Apparebushido, but the Chemy gives him a cold reaction and doesn’t acknowledge him. Rinne coldly wishes Houtarou happy hunting and explains when he asks why she isn’t coming with him that she isn’t his chaperone and walks off. Houtarou just wonders if she is mad about something.

Out in the city, Rinne successfully captures the pirate Chemy, Pilets. She remembers Houtarou’s dream of befriending all Chemies and thinks he is very childish when he smiles, unable to understand him. She flashes back to when she was a small child, when her father Fuga asked her what her dream was and what she wanted to be when she grows up. Little Rinne ponders the question but the flashback abruptly ends with Rinne angrily saying she doesn’t want to be anyone, unaware that a stalker in a Hawaiian shirt is following her, plotting to make her his. He is then revealed to be already fused with a Chemy, DeepMariner, becoming the Submarine Malgam and diving underneath the ground to continue stalking Rinne in secret.

Elsewhere, Ryo is trying to convince himself that he saw a monster the other day and that monsters are real, even though his memory is hazy. The Poisonous Mushroom Malgam just so happens to be nearby attacking civilians and Ryo enthusiastically without thinking runs towards him and takes pictures with his phone, smiling with joy at being right. This however triggers Mushroom’s temper, believing that Ryo was laughing at him. He unleashes his laughter poison spores and infects Ryo with his mushrooms along with several bystanders.

At the river, Houtarou is still trying to find a way to make Apparebushido his friend, asking him what he likes or what his favorite food is but the Chemy is still silently ignoring him. Hopper1 senses the presence of a Malgam and alerts Houtarou, pulling him in the direction of the monster despite his partner shouting not to yank him so hard. They arrive where Poisonous Mushroom is as the evil creature laughs at everyone suffering from his laughter poison. Houtarou tries to get Apparebushido to help in battle but the Chemy refuses and summons a sword to attack him, he then pleads for him to stop but the Chemy ignores him. Left little choice, Houtarou engages Poisonous Mushroom as Gotchard SteamHopper, but the Malgam is too strong for him and his SteamHopper Fever is deflected by Poisonous Mushroom’s armored cap. Houtarou is knocked out of his transformation and is poisoned by purple spores, the young man stalking him looks on from the bushes in disgust and then leaves. Houtarou desperately tries to get up to help the poisoned people but unfortunately he finds out that he cannot move, feeling despair that he could not save anyone as he begins to succumb to the poison. Fortunately, Mr. Minato reaches Houtarou in time just as he passes out … but the defeated hero wonders what he is even doing if he can’t protect anyone.

Houtarou briefly has a flashback dream to Fuga’s final wish of entrusting the future to him and wakes up in the Academy, with Rinne relieved he is alive. Mr. Minato gave him an antidote to the poison, stating that Chemies can be used for good and evil as Venomdake’s original intent when it was created was to make powerful medicines to cure poisons, one of which the Academy kept on record in case the Chemy fell into the wrong hands. Rinne says everyone else affected by the spores have already been administered the antidote and healed. A despondent Houtarou just lies in the infirmary bed, but Mr. Minato encourages him to try again by saying that while a Kamen Rider uses the special power of mixing Chemies, it is ultimately up to Houtarou how that power is used.

At first, Houtarou tries to get out of bed, but Mr. Minato forces him to lie down a bit longer as he has not fully healed yet and the poison is still being flushed from Houtarou’s body as he struggles to breathe a little and coughs. Rinne insists that he rest up while she and Mr. Minato will capture the Chemy. All alone, Houtarou realizes that he has no actual knowledge of the Chemies at all and just made assumptions, going to sleep after looking at Apparebushido.

The next day, Houtarou has recovered and has decided to do sword training and to use the Gotchardriver to give him a hint of what to do. However, the young man who was stalking him finally makes his presence known by stating that Houtarou’s last fight was pathetic. Houtarou sees that his mysterious stalker has a ring, making him an alchemist. The man says that Houtarou being chosen as Kamen Rider was a terrible mistake, one he intends to correct immediately, demanding that the Gotchardriver be handed over to him. Houtarou refuses, so the young man decides to take it by force, as the boy does not know his limits or his place in the world, challenging Houtarou to a duel of strength with training swords.

Despite being struck repeatedly, Houtarou refuses to give up his Driver and wants to see his dream come true; a world where humans and Chemies can live in peace and harmony. Apparebushido hears those words but the young man thinks Houtarou’s dream is absolute nonsense, Chemies are an abomination of the natural world and must be imprisoned. Houtarou tries to say that Chemies are not evil and human malice corrupts them but the young man reminds him that Apparebushido attacked a human of his own free will, recalling that incident when the Chemy would not obey Houtarou’s orders. Houtarou believes that was his fault because his heart didn’t understand the true feelings of the Chemy. The man fires back that Chemy are just tools to be used, exerting their powers as humans see fit to do with them.

Hopper1 tries to help Houtarou and gets hurt by the man violently attacking him. Houtarou gets angry and protects Hopper1 by shielding him from the wooden sword with his body, stating that Chemies are alive and have feelings, they are not slaves or tools to be used. The man decides that those naive ramblings need to be stopped but Houtarou does a leaping headbutt to his stomach and knocks his opponent backwards. Apparebushido is moved by Houtarou’s selflessness and acknowledges him as an ally, showering the room with paper fans. The man thinks that this is a ridiculous joke and storms off.

Rinne tries to defeat Poisonous Mushroom with her newly acquired Pilets in the Chemy Riser, turning the device into a wrist mounted gun with her Chemy’s powers. However, Poisonous Mushroom resists the attack with its thick armor and so she tries luring him to Mr. Minato, who uses levitating, transmutation and fire alchemy to no avail.

Houtarou arrives to help, with Skebows coming out of the deck, wanting to assist Apparebushido with Houtarou agreeing. He becomes Gotchard Appareskebow and gains a new weapon, the Gotchartornado, a samurai sword that can change into an archery bow. Poisonous Mushroom gets stabbed in the foot and gets hurt by the sharp blade of the Gotchardtornado, desperately trying to win by using the same poison as before but Houtarou repels the cloud of spores with his spinning blade. He then executes a Tornado Arrow attack with Kamantis to weaken Poisonous Mushroom by slicing off his cap, leaving him vulnerable to finisher attacks. Houtarou then finishes off the Malgam with the AppareSkebo Fever, which creates a tornado that Houtarou rides on to do a double footed Rider Kick with the added impact of his skateboard while airborne. Venomdake frantically escapes the flames of the explosion and returns safely to his Ride Chemy Card. Houtarou is happy to make a new friend and tries to start a conversation with Venomdake.

The crazed killer tries to escape but Mr. Minato levitates and transmutes nearby objects into an elastic rubber binding and back into steel to leave him for the police. Mr. Minato congratulates Houtarou for his success in gaining the trust of Apparebushido, but his student believes that the Chemies deserve a little credit for helping Apparebushio understand him, petting Hopper1.

Rinne watches from a distance and is suddenly ambushed by the Submarine Malgam, who prevents her, Mr. Minato and Houtarou from moving by sinking them into the ground. The mysterious man appears, blasting Submarine to prevent him from abducting Rinne. Mr. Minato recognizes him and says that the higher ups at the Academy must have sent him: Supana Kurogane.

Valvarad debut

Valvarad's debut

Supana turns his weapon’s position and inserts his own Chemy, Madwheel, into it to transform into a Rider-like power suit called Valvarad. The Malgam angrily talked back about the stranger interrupting his “love”, which Supana thinks is a bad joke. In anger, the Malgam fired his hidden torpedos but quickly uses the excavator Chemy Gutshovel and equips power arm attachment that crushes Submarine’s oncoming torpedoes with a Gutshovel Valvarush finisher. Supana vows to eliminate the Malgam saying that those without virtue will be crushed by him as the episode ends.

To be continued …..


Guest Cast[]

  • Takemoto (茸本): Satoshi Ogasawara (小笠原 覚, Ogasawara Satoshi)
  • Kariya (狩谷, Kariya): Hisashi (久獅)
  • Rinne Kudo (Child): Liliana Oono (大野 りりあな, Ōno Ririana)
  • Customers: Tei Kitabayashi (北林 テイ, Kitabayashi Tei), Shoichi Senna (仙名 翔一, Senna Shōichi)

Suit Actors[]

Forms and Collectibles Used[]

Ride Chemy Cards[]


AppareBushido Error
  • During the sponsor segment, Apparebushido's card had 6 arrow bars instead of 8.
  • When Minato shows the screen that displays the captured Chemies, Pilets is shown among them despite only being captured after the briefing.


Gotchard EP 03 SS
Gotchard EP 03 CS
  • Closing Screen Ride Chemy Cards: Apparebushido, Madwheel, Gutsshovel, Venomdake
  • Count at episode end
    • Ride Chemy Cards in Gotchard's possession: Hopper1, Steamliner, Odorippa, Kamantis, Golddash, Skebows, Apparebushido, Venomdake
    • Ride Chemy Cards in Valvarad's possession: Madwheel, Gutsshovel
    • Ride Chemy Cards in Rinne's possession: Pilets
    • Ride Chemy Cards in Renge and Sabimaru's possession: Dokkirimajin
  • As noted by the Kamen Rider official website, Satoshi Ogasawara, the actor of Takemoto, previously appeared in the 21st episodeIcon-crosswiki of Avataro Sentai Donbrothers. Both episodes are directed by Kyohei Yamaguchi.
  • This episode features the debut of Valvarad's Gutsshovel Custom, the Gotchartornado, and the Chemy Riser.


External links[]
