Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-kabutoThis article is about an ability used primarily in Kamen Rider Kabuto.

Clock Up (クロックアップ, Kurokku Appu) is the super-speed ability utilized by the Riders and the Worms of Kamen Rider Kabuto.

Clock Up[]

To a regular person, someone in Clock Up can reach speeds at approximately Mach-3, or around 2300mph, which, relatively speaking, is as fast as a traveling bullet fired from a gun. Technically speaking, however, Clock Up does not actually increase the users' speed, but "accelerates ones' own time flow" by compressing the tachyon particles that are circulating around them. In layman's terms, Clock Up slows down time in the perspective of the user. [1]

In return, the particle compression puts an immense amount of strain onto the user's bodies, which the Zecter will detect and remove them from Clock-Up, in a process hence known as Clock Over. In Kamen Rider Decade, Sohji's Zecter was damaged which removed the strain that the compression exerts onto his body, thus making it impossible for him to Clock Over. [2] The exact time limit one can stay in Clock Up is not made clear, as it has differed significantly each episode.

Known Users


KRDCD-AttackRide Kabuto Clock Up Rider Card

Kabuto Clock Up Attack Ride Card

Decade is able to perceive super-speed fights and can utilize Clock Up by using its associated Attack Ride Card. Decade is required to Kamen Ride into Kabuto first before he can use the card, though this restriction was seen to be bypassed in Violent Emotion form.

Though the series does not explain the origins of the card, the novel Kamen Rider Decade: The World of Tsukasa Kadoya ~The Garden Inside the Lens~ expands on its lore, explaining that it was originally in the possession of the original Soji Tendo before he gave it to Tsukasa.


KROu-KamenRide Kabuto Hyper Form Zein Card

Kabuto Hyper Form KamenRide Card

Zein is able to perceive super-speed fights and can utilize Clock Up and Hyepr Clock Up by using the Kabuto Hyper Form KamenRide Card.

The card was created through Soji Tendo willingly allowing Zein to temporarily power his powers.


Though Clock Up is a powerful skill, it is far from infallible, with several Riders such as Soji Tendo/Kamen Rider Kabuto[3], Daiki Kaito/Kamen Rider Diend, and Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade[4] having countered it with pure skill alone. Furthermore, there are several characters who possess an optimal counterattack:

Note: This list will only include methods that have actually been tested on-screen against Clock Up. Due to other future Riders able to copy the abilities of other Riders, methods used by them will be listed here and considered used by the original Rider.

While super-speed is a common ability for most superheroes in general, there are other Riders who have rivaled Clock-Up using a similar super-speed ability:

Hyper Clock Up[]

Hyper Clock Up (ハイパークロックアップ, Haipā Kurokku Appu) is an upgraded version of Clock Up and an ability exclusively bestowed upon users of the Hyper Zecter. By activating the slap switch, the Zecter compresses twice the amount of tachyon particles compared to Clock Up and spreads them across the user's entire body.

From the perspective of users employing Hyper Clock Up, everything in the surroundings appears frozen in place, with only those using Clock Up able to move in slow motion. For instance, Kamen Rider Kabuto from an alternate future, replaced Hiyori after she transformed into Sisyra Worm with a Salis Worm just before Kamen Rider Kabuto from the main timeline killed her with a Rider Kick. During this event, the surroundings, including Kamen Rider Kabuto, were frozen in place. Kamen Rider Gatack, who was not using Clock Up, was frozen in mid-air while falling, while the Cochlea Worm, who was using Clock Up, attacked Kamen Rider Gatack in slow motion. Kamen Rider Kabuto and Kamen Rider Gatack, using Clock Up, were moving in slow motion while Kamen Rider Caucasus was attacking them.

From the perspective of normal humans and even Clock Up users, they are completely unaware of someone using Hyper Clock Up. Everyone believed Kamen Rider Kabuto killed Hiyori after she transformed into Sisyra Worm, completely oblivious to the fact that she was replaced by a Salis Worm. Kamen Rider Gatack and Kamen Rider Sasword, while using Clock Up, had no idea what caused the Salis Worms to suddenly explode. Kamen Rider Dark Kabuto, using Clock Up, attempted to attack Kamen Rider Kabuto while they were both falling to the ground. Just before he could attack, Kamen Rider Kabuto seemingly teleported to the ground and had already prepared for his final attack.

Additionally, Hyper Clock Up tremendously enhances the user's attack power, surpassing that of Clock Up by numerous times. No one has ever successfully dodged, blocked, or countered the attacks during Hyper Clock Up, even those who use Clock Up. Kamen Rider Kabuto from an alternate future was able to easily kill several Salis Worms simply by running past them, causing Kamen Rider Kabuto and Kamen Rider Gatack to be sent flying in the air and knocking them down. Later, Kamen Rider Kabuto, Kamen Rider Gatack, and Scorpio Worm were sent flying in the air and knocked down again. Kamen Rider Caucasus was able to easily kill Kamen Rider Hercus with just one hit using Hyper Clock Up and inflicted severe damage on Kamen Rider Kabuto and Kamen Rider Gatack, even though they were both using Clock Up, sending them flying in the air and knocking them down.

Moreover, Hyper Clock Up is unaffected by gravity devices. Kamen Rider Caucasus was able to move as fast as usual even after Kamen Rider Gatack activated the gravity device in the space station, despite the device being strong enough to pull Kamen Rider Kabuto and Kamen Rider Gatack to the ground and prevent them from getting up.

This also allows them to travel much faster than the speed of light, enabling instantaneous time travel to both the past and future. For example, Kamen Rider Kabuto was able to travel back in time seconds before Kamen Rider Gatack was killed by the Cammarus Worm, and also traveled back in time moments before Kagami was killed by Kamen Rider Caucasus. Additionally, Kamen Rider Kabuto traveled seven years into the past while transporting the Worm-infected meteorite, colliding it with the original Shibuya meteor and altering the timeline. Kamen Rider Kabuto was even able to instantly travel to the edge of time and space several times through involuntary Hyper Clock Up.

Known Users


  • As Hyper Clock Up only slows down time, the Cassis Worm's Freeze ability stops time entirely.


  • The physics concerning Clock Up are never fully explained. For instance, in several episodes, the Riders and Worms can interact with the outside world without an issue, whereas in other situations, they appear to have some limits placed.

