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Disputatio:Provincia Aesernina

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"Provincia Aeserniae"

[fontem recensere]

A grammatical blunder. N.B. Bradley's Arnold, #223:

<<"Where a geographical expression, such as 'city,' 'island,' 'promontory,' is defined in English by 'of' with a proper name, apposition is used in Latin. Thus—
Urbs Veii, the city of Veii; insula Cyprus, the island of Cyprus; Athenas, urbem inclutam, the renowned city of Athens.
Note 1.—Res with a qualifying adjective is frequently used appositively.
Libertas, res pretiosissima. The precious possession of freedom.
Note 2.—Some substantives are very frequently used in apposition and have a markedly adjectival relation to the nouns they accompany.
Cum exercitu tirone. With a newly levied army.
Nemo pictor, no painter; always nemo (never nullus) Romanus, no Roman.>>

Blunders of this type ("Provincia Aeserniae") may occur elsewhere in Vicipædia. Is there a way to search for them? IacobusAmor 12:11, 22 Augusti 2007 (UTC)[reply]

For articles whose title starts with "Provincia", go to Specialis:Prefixindex/Provincia. --UV 17:35, 23 Augusti 2007 (UTC)[reply]