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The Dinosaurs are a group of characters in the WarioWare series. Since their debut in WarioWare: Twisted!, The Dinosaurs have owned a pizzeria named Pizza Dinosaur, the main competitor of Mona Pizza, and frequently antagonize Mona.


The Dinosaurs directly conflict with Mona's personality as they are proudly corporate and prefer using a regular recipe to make their pizzas. The Dinosaurs are anti-competitive, as their entire reason for chasing Mona down the highway in WarioWare: Twisted! is when a customer accidentally dialed them when they meant to order from Mona Pizza.

In the WarioWare series[]

WarioWare: Twisted![]

The Dinosaurs appear in Mona's story. They receive a call at Pizza Dinosaur and tell the customer to order from them. The customer meant to call Mona Pizza and quickly hangs up. The Dinosaurs become enraged and chase Mona down the highway in a large dinosaur vehicle as she goes on her way to deliver the pizzas ordered by her patrons. The Yum Yums assist Mona to try and fight off the Dinosaurs. The Mona Pizza song is played while the player plays through Mona's set of microgame set. A fraction of the song is sung by the Dinosaurs, who boast their superiority over Mona Pizza. In the ending of Mona's Story, the Yum Yums manage to flip over the vehicle, destroying it.

The Dinosaurs have their own unlockable record titled souvenir in the records section. Mona mentions them in the description, calling them "corporate jerks" and expressing disbelief that they had also put out a record.

WarioWare: Touched![]

Vanessa and The Dinosaurs WWTouched

The Dinosaurs as Vanessa's band in WarioWare: Touched!

The Dinosaurs make another appearance in Mona's story. They are now members of the band of Mona's rival, Vanessa. When Vanessa is knocked down to the number 2 hit singer in Ear Candy, the Dinosaurs join Vanessa to try and stop Mona from performing at the Hawt House. This time, the Dinosaurs use a large eagle vehicle while chasing after Mona.

WarioWare: Smooth Moves[]

Team Dinosaur

The Dinosaurs as football players of Team Dinosaur in WarioWare: Smooth Moves

The Dinosaurs are members of an American football team named Team Dinosaur, which is named after them. The Dinosaurs' team are engaged in a match against the Diamond City Roughs. The Dinosaurs end up being defeated by Boy, who is motivated by his love for Mona. Although the previous games only featured two Dinosaurs, Smooth Moves features three.

