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The Wishstone is a powerful artifact in Wario: Master of Disguise. It is the main collectible of the game, and is said to be able to grant someone any wish they desire.


The Wishstone, long ago, was first used by Poobah the Pharaoh who desired a wish to be granted upon his behalf. However, a demon, later revealed to be Terrormisu, managed to trick Poobah by forcing him to starve his people in order to grant him a wish. For many years later, Poobah's land soon eroded into a desert and his palace soon sunk beneath the sands. Poobah was then able to catch the demon off-guard, transform her into stone as the Wishstone, and scattered the five pieces throughout the world.

However, news of the Wishstone's powers spread and, until the current timeline, attracted the attention of three thieves: Wario, Count Cannoli, and Carpaccio. Both Cannoli and Carpaccio in particular already knew of the Wishstone's existence and were already searching for the pieces, while Wario decided to go after them after Goodstyle told him about the Wishstone urging Wario to find the pieces before Cannoli and Carpaccio. Wario, throughout the game, managed to best his two rivals in assembling the Wishstone, but it caused the demon who was sealed away in there, Terrormisu, to become free (something that Carpaccio himself would later reveal was his goal to prevent this from happening). However, despite the demon using the Wishstone's full power, Wario was able to defeat her at the end using his many disguises causing the Wishstone to disappear for good.

Wishstone writing[]

“...Five made one...and one went before our Pharaoh... Our great leader... met the great stone and made...a pact... Pharaoh made a wish...and the stone granted it...but then...a pact... ...We made one back into five...and we scattered them to the winds...”

“...the wishes were...bargained for...the Pharaoh's dreams...made real... ...his dynasty preserved forever...the Pharaoh his palace... ...palace turned into a pyramid...pyramid buried under the sand... ...and one piece of the stone...buried alongeside him...”

“...Ca...mak...Qtl......Re...zrg...mro... ...Hfr...zrg...akl...”

“All...all of...shstones...sought... All pieces are collected... the That is when...all of...wish...may be granted.”

“Behold! We cast our hopes with he who gathers the five Wishstones. Long ago, there lived on this continent a king consumed by the sickness of greed. The king was an evil man, and greatly desired a granted wish above all things. With proud heart, the king called forth a demon who agreed to grant his wish. But it came at a terrible price, for the demon asked him to starve his people. And thus the king agreed. But the king soon learned that demons are sly, and his wish was honored not. The demon stole all the king held dear, and crumbled his land to dust. Time rolled past, the living perished, and all the land became as a desert. The king’s palace was to a pyramid transformed, and sunk under the sand. But yet the king--a soulless, lifeless thing--lived on in his dead house. Eons passed till hope appeared, and a man dared cross the lifeless land. This man talked softly to the demon, and wooed it with his words. And when the demon’s guard was low, he changed his very form! He sealed the furious demon in stone, and split it into five. To those who dare to seek all of the wishstone, take heed. If you can all the five pieces join, then you must slay the reformed demon. But if such is done, then the heartfelt wish of all the people shall be made real.”
