Marvel Database

Quote1 "So what if it changes? Still perfect." Quote2
—Red Guardian[src]


Alexi was the best test pilot in the Air Force of the former Soviet Union. He was recruited by the KGB to become a special agent and selected to be the second "Red Guardian", the equivalent of Captain America in the Soviet Union.[2]

At some point in time, he fathered Natalia Romanova, who would grow up to become the vigilante Black Widow. The two were particularly close, but as Natasha grew older, she became increasingly annoyed by her father's over-protectiveness.[1]

Kang's Invasion[]

Shostakov and the Winter Guard were sent to investigate and abandoned research facility in Siberia, but were unable to get in. They were present, however, to congratulate the Avengers, Thor, She-Hulk, and Captain America on defeating the person behind the facility's strange goings on: The Presence.

The Winter Guard were present somewhere in Manhattan when it was transported to Chronopolis by Kang the Conqueror.

The Winter Guard was taken over by Presence's mind control, with the only one who was not affected being Ursa Major, who recruited two heroes to free everyone on the team from Presence's control.[2]

Code Red[]

Some time after Kang's defeat, the Red Guardian interrupted the Avengers' latest battle with the Red Skull, hoping to spend some quality time with his daughter. During the team's bowling night, his overprotective nature got the better of him, interfering with Natasha's final strike and preventing her from winning the game. This led to an argument between the two, Natasha telling her father to leave her alone. Before they could make amends, however, he was kidnapped by a mysterious robot while reminiscing about Natasha's childhood on top of Avengers Tower.

The Avengers, with help from Wolverine, tracked Alexi and several other kidnapped heroes and villains to an abandoned diner, underneath which was the Collector's spaceship. It was revealed that The Collector captured Alexi to be part of his "Red Collection", consisting entirely of meta-humans with the word "Red" in their names. The Collector then attempted to add Natasha (along with Thor, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson) to his "Avengers Collection". Before he could, however, Natasha lied and told him that Alexi had joined the Avengers, meaning that no matter what collection he put him in, the other would never be complete. This bought them enough time for Iron Man, Black Panther, Wolverine, and the Hulk to escape from their own captivity and free them. Natasha would end up saving her father from the Collector's drones, before going to confront The Collector directly. While he tried to convince Alexi of his preservation machine's value, insisting that the people and creatures he captures will "stay perfect", Alexi came to realize that even though Natasha was no longer his "little girl", he loved her just as much the way she was, and destroyed the machine.

After escaping The Collector's ship, Natasha invited Alexi to make pancakes for her and her teammates at Avengers Tower, just like they used to do when Natasha was a child.[1]







See Also

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