Marvel Database

Quote1 Reporting for Duty! Quote2
—Captain America[src]


He is one of the leaders of the Avengers.

Classic Era[]

Steven Rogers (Earth-13122) from LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 001

Classic skin.

Once a meek and sickly kid from Brooklyn, one day Steve Rogers underwent a procedure to be injected with the 'super-soldier serum' as a result of his good character, transforming him into the American Hero, Captain America. As Captain America, Steve fought in World War II and had many adventures battling the forces of Hydra.[2][4]

Fighting the Red Skull[]

Storming the base of Hydra's leader, the Red Skull, who had recently acquired the Tesseract. Steve and Bucky, Steve's childhood friend and comrade in arms, took down Arnim Zola's cannons before making their way upward, eventually making their way into Skull's office where he and Zola fled. Cap and Bucky pursued Skull & Zola, with Captain America and Red Skull eventually meeting face-to-face. Steve engaged him one-on-one while Bucky took out various Hydra forces.

Ambush on a Train[]

Later, attempting to apprehend Zola on a Hydra train, Cap and Bucky made their way inside after fighting through a large number of Hydra Forces on the train's rooftop, only for Bucky to be knocked back by an explosion and fall into a chasm, Steve and everyone else presuming him dead.

Red Skull's defeat[]

Red Skull, trying to weild the Tesseract's power, was eventually consumed by it and vanished during a confrontation with Captain America.

Eventually, Steve Rogers was frozen, not being found until modern day.[2][5]

Chitauri Invasion[]

Steven Rogers (Earth-13122)

Avengers 2012 skin.


Whilst training in the gym and being spotted by Stan Lee, Rogers was approached by Nick Fury. Rogers and Fury worked together to create various gym apparatus for Steve to train, destroying much of the gym and knocking Stan Lee unconscious as a result. When punching one of the makeshift punching bags, Steve had various flashbacks to his time in World War II, until breaking the bag. Afterwards, Fury asked Steve about the Tesseract, with Steve telling him they should've left it in the ocean.

Rogers was then escorted to a Quinjet by Phil Coulson, eventually landing at the Helicarrier and meeting with Black Widow and Bruce Banner as they made their way inside.

A New Mission[]

Inside, Rogers was quickly met with 28 Konigstrasse in Struttgard, being attacked by Loki Laufeyson, making his way there, Steve was joined by Black Widow in a quinjet and Iron Man, who made a theatrical entrance. Steve and Iron Man sparred with Loki, Loki able to gain backup through mind controlled agents and his powers of illusion, until the heroes were able to capture him.

However, while escorting him to the Quinjet, Thor arrived, stealing Loki from them to discuss personal matters, Iron Man and Cap pursued the God of Thunder, eventually resulting in Iron Man antagonizing Thor and him fighting the two. The skirmish escalated throughout the Forest, the duo assembling various gadgets to stop Thor as he reigned thunder from the skies. This continued until Thor attacked Captain America's Shield with his Mjolnir, the three realising they were at an impasse and resolved to bring Loki into the Helicarrier.

Attack on the Helicarrier[]

At the helicarrier, Thor told Steve, Black Widow and Bruce Banner of Loki's plans, wanting to use an army of Chitauri to conque Earth. Deciding to look into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files, Steve investigated with the help of Agent Williams, looking into various S.H.I.E.L.D. crates before finding plans to make weapons of mass destruction with the tesseract. Telling Iron Man, Bruce Banner, Black Widow and Thor of this, an argument broke out between the group and Nick Fury. The group were then interrupted by the Hellicarrier being attacked by a brainwashed Hawkeye, separating the group. With the damage to the Helicarrier's propeller systems, Steve and Tony worked to fix Engine, with Tony donning the MK VI Armor. The two made their way to the propeller whilst fighting their way through brainwashed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Upon reaching the propeller, Steve Rogers inspected the relay while Iron Man used his suit's flight capabilities to successfully restart the propeller. Upon regrouping on the Helicarrier bridge, they learned of Phil Coulson's incapacitation and Loki's escape. Deceived by Fury into thinking Coulson dead, Tony and Steve had a heart to heart. Figuring out that Loki would be basing his operations at Stark Tower, the other scattered heroes, began to prepare for the upcoming battle, with Steve polishing his shield.

Avengers Assembled[]

After briefing Black Widow and Hawkeye, now freed from mind control, Captain America made his way to a Quinjet, pilotted by Hawkeye to New York. After Black Widow fought the Chitauri fleet from the air, the quinjet was shot down by Loki's scepter, forcing them onto the ground. There, the trio found various group of civilians either trapped or vulnerable to Chitauri attacks. Upon rescuing the civilians with their various abilities, the trio were joined by Thor. The quartet continued fighting the Chitauri on the street, hoping to keep their attention on them and away from the civilians, while Iron Man provided air support. After making their way the Park Avenue Viaduct they were joined by Bruce Banner, who transformed into the Hulk and used his strength to stop a Leviathan in its tracks, allowing Iron Man to target its weak spot and destroy it.

Triumph in New York[]

With the Avengers now assembled, Captain America took charge, ordering Hawkeye to go to a higher vantage point and snipe at stray and pattern Chitauri, Iron Man to enforce a perimeter, Thor to bottleneck the portal and Hulk to smash while he and Black Widow stayed on the ground to keep the ground forces fighting them. However, upon clearing a squad of Chitauri at Park Avenue Viaduct, Black Widow separated from Captain America in an effort to close the portal, having Captain America use his shield to boost her onto a Chitauri chariot. As the battle continued, Steve's attention was drawn towards a bank where Chitauri had civilians cornered, after being helped by Hawkeye to get into the bank, Thor arrivied to help the hotages, the duo taking out the Chitauri on the balcony with explosives. Upon Stark redirecting a Nuke into the Chitauri mothership, the majority of Chitauri troops died, with that and Natasha's shutting down of the portal signalling a successful end to the battle. After a brief scare where Tony had to be woken up by the Hulk, the Avengers were heralded as heroes by the majority of the world, Loki and the Teseract were returned to Asgard while the Avengers went to get food at Shawarma palace. [2]

Cosmic Brick Crisis[]

A Trip to the Baxter Building[]

Captain America was assigned to help Mister Fantastic with his research on the "Cosmic Bricks" that had recently fallen to Earth. Finding themselves locked out of the Baxter Building, Reed and Captain America were able to use their ingenuity to bypass the security system, entering the building, finding Doctor Octopus stealing the Cosmic Bricks in the lab. The two pursued Doctor Octopus, leading to Doctor Octopus leaving and heading for the roof. Taking to the roof via the Fantastivator, Doctor Octopus gave chase across various rooftops. This led Doc Ock Daily Bugle, where he stormed through the office and caused Spider-Man to take accompany Mr Fantastic and Cap. The trio pursued Doc Ock to Times Square, defeating him in combat only for the brick he stole to be recovered by Green Goblin.After the fight, Black Widow and Hawkeye sent Reed and Cap back to the lab to continue Reed's research.

Break-In at Stark Tower[]

Upon an incident at the raft being taken care of by Iron Man, Hulk and Wolverine, Steve arrived on the scene to put Tony in a new suit. After entering Stark Tower through unconventional means the two found that J.A.R.V.I.S. had been reprogrammed against them,, with the entire building going into security lockdown. Due to this setback Tony planned to use the MK 1 suit, the only one not connected to the mainframe. The two worked their way up to J.A.R.V.I.S.' mainframe where they were able to restore his programming, removing J.A.R.V.I.S.' hostility and letting Tony use the MK 42. Confronting Killian, the two found him working with Mandarin and Loki, with the three working together to steal Tony's Arc Reactors. As Loki teleported away, Tony and Cap confronted the villains on Stark Tower rooftops. Eventually, they were able to incapacitate Killian, forcing Mandarin into the Hulkbuster armour. With the use of the House Party Protocol and an EMP, Iron Man & Captain America were able to disable the Hulkbuster suit and bring The Mandarin into capture.

Hydra Hideout[]

As Black Widow, Hawkeye and Human Torch were engaging Hydra, Steve entered the base, alternating between fighting the Red Skull directly and teaming up with the Human Torch to disable the Hydra laser canons. Eventually, Wolverine showed up and tripped Red Skull into the portal, destroying it and electrocuting Red Skull. Red Skull, Zola and the other Hydra agents at the base were then taken into custody.

Skirmish on Asgard[]

Looking for someone who could help them track Loki, Human Torch, Captain America and Wolverine rendezvoused with Thor. Having detected Loki on Asgard, Thor transported his 3 companions, along with one unwilling cleaner, to Asgard. Entering the Obsevatory, they found Asgard overrun with ice and frost giants and, after breaking out of the locked observatory, they found Loki leading the charge. After fighting their way through Asgard and Loki's illusions, they found Loki in the throne room, where he used the mind stone to control the Destroyer. After the four were able to pull the Destroyer apart through a combination of Cap's shield and Mjolnir, Loki resorted to his usual illusions, something Wolverine was able to bypass through his heightened senses. After the four defeated Loki in combat, Loki teleported away, leaving the Teseract behind. Steve argued with Human Torch and Thor as to where to put the Teseract, with Wolverine stealing it when the three weren't looking.

Pursuing Magneto[]

Upon Magneto stealing a Roxxon nucelar source, Thing and Captain America were flown to Magneto's location by Black Widow. As they reached the Island Asteroid M was located, Captain America was able to land swiftly with his parachute while Thing smashed into the island's surface, burying him in sand. Helping Grimm out of the sand, the pair found and took out several Brotherhood bases whilst exploring the Island. Eventually, they found a group of dinosaurs taken from the Savage Land before they found Magneto raising the island. After being cornered by a group of Dinosaurs, the two were rescued by Storm who joined them in their quest to take down Magneto. The three eventually encountered Mystique posing as Magneto, using a metal-bending gun to further the pretense, and Rhino who had taken refuge on the island. After Thing was able to beat Rhino in a fight, the three used nearby Debris to break through Mystique's metal shield. Despite their efforts, however, Asteroid M still rose, though they were still able to capture Mystique.

Battle on Asteroid M[]

Pursuing Asteroid M, the three found Spider-Man standing alone against Loki and Doom. They decided to help Spider-Man, prompting the two to retreat to the upper levels. Fighting Magneto Acolytes and Doombots along the way, the four were able to activate an elevator to the outer corridors of the spacestation, where they were met by minions and security measures, including several security turrets. Opening a door to a joining connection bridge despite the securities' systems warnings, the quartet were sucked out into space, eventually landing back in the spacestation where they confronted Doctor Doom.With Doom channeling his newfound power into a forcefield and Loki out of reach, the team fought a wave of standard Doombots, V-Series Doombots and Magneto Acolytes before Doom chanelled his powers into a laser cannon, allowing Captain America to deflect it, destroying the cannons and allowing them to fight him directly. After working through the rest of his defences, the heroes were finally able to defeat Doom, with the Thing punching him into space. After Iron Man and Thor rejoined the group Loki revealed his master plan, use the Doom Ray to take control of Galactus and have it devour Earth and Asgard. Loki demonstrated this, having Galactus destroy Asteroid M, causing the 6 heroes to crash-land on the hellicarrier.

Last Stand on the Hellicarrier[]

Faced with the prospect of global annihilation, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Earth's mightiest heroes made an alliance with various villains who had previously been hired by Doctor Doom and Loki. Cap was assigned to 'Team Three' with Nick Fury, Mr Fantastic and Doctor Octopus. Team Three built a Black Hole generator to knock Galactus in, however, Galactus refused to let go, leaving the responsibility of knocking him in to Team Four. Team Four's plan worked, knocking Loki and Galactus into the black hole and the earth was saved. As per Fury and Doom's earlier agreement, the villains were given a thirty second head-start to escape, an idea that was unintentionally sabotaged by Hulk's inability to count to three, allowing the villains to escape.[1]

Afterparty at Stark Tower[]

Celebrating their victory over Galactus, Tony Stark held a wrap party at Stark Tower. Captain America attended the party and, much like the other guests, found it lifeless and boring. However, Cap was able to get into the party once Tony and Rhodey were able to assemble a DJ Station, a disco ball and repair a speaker Hulk had broken.[1]

Face-Off at the Bank[]

Upon a Bank in the Downtown Financial District being attacked by Electro and Shocker, Captain America went to the scene with Iron Man and Spider-Man. After Spider-Man knocked Shocker into a bank vault Electro was able to protect himself by electrifying the water in the bank. After the heroes rescued nearby civilians, Electro engaged them directly, the team quickly defeating him. They then opened the Bank vault, where they were able to defeat Shocker. Both villains were then taken into custody.[1]

Investigating Fisk[]

With Wilson Fisk offering cheap dental checkups, Spider-Man and Captain America found someone strapped to a chair being assaulted with a laser. After freeing the man from his restraints, the duo were joined by Daredevil, causing Fisk to show himself and retaliate, sending a group of his minions, including, Elektra to take care of them. After the heroes defeated Elektra, Kingpin sent Bullseye to dispose of them, after Bullseye too was defeated, the trio forced Fisk out of his office, knocking him out with chandeliers.[1]

Maximum Overload[]

Steven along with Wolverine were in charge of taking Venom to a hellicarrier cell.[6] Later, the villains trapped in the helicarrier began an escape, Steven fought the Red Skull and defeated him.[7]

Fall of S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

During a mission to retake the Lemurian Star, Steve defeated Batroc. He then found Black Widow downloading information off of the Lemurian Star. After the mission was over, he confronted Nick Fury, who revealed Project Insight to him. Disagreeing with Fury, Steve left in anger. Afterwards, he found himself, Natasha and Falcon on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D., which had been infiltrated by Hydra, led by Alexander Pierce. Together, they were attacked by the Winter Soldier. During the battle, Steve found out the Winter Soldier was actually Bucky Barnes, brainwashed by Arnim Zola. After escaping from Brock Rumlow's S.T.R.I.K.E. team, they regrouped with Nick Fury and Maria Hill. Together, they plotted to destroy the three Helicarriers to stop Hydra. After destroying two of the Helicarriers, the Winter Soldier engaged in combat with Steve and Sam on the third. As the Helicarrier crashed down, Steve refused to fight his friend. Afterwards, the Winter Soldier saved Steve from drowning.[2]

Age of Ultron[]

Steven Rogers (Earth-13122) from LEGO Marvel's Avengers 002

Age Of Ultron skin

Sokovian Raid[]

After the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve, along with the Avengers, started tracking down Hydra bases across the world, trying to find Baron Wolfgang von Strucker and Loki's Scepter. Finally, they tracked him down to Sokovia, Steve teamed up with Thor, avoiding turret fire by working their way through the Hydra trenches and eventually destroying a Hydra tank. Afterwards, Hawkeye was injured by Quicksilver, part of a set of twins that Hydra had been experimenting on, as the other Avengers members tended to Hawkeye, Iron Man disabled the forcefield of Strucker's castle, allowing Steve and Iron Man to begin their assault. Outside the castle, Tony took out the airborne threats while Steve took out the Hydra cannons. After they were dealt with, Captain America entered the castle and captured Strucker. Later, back at Avengers Tower, Maria Hill debriefed Steve on the twins, finding out their names were Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, twin orphans from Sokovia, whom Strucker had tested the power of the scepter on.

New Threat at the Party[]

Heading back to Avengers Tower, the Scepter was subjected to experiments to deduce what Strucker had used it for. Arriving at Avengers Tower, Hill briefed Steve on the background of Wanda and Pietro. The Avengers threw a victory party celebrating their recent triumphs, with Steve playing pool with Sam. After the party, the team, Stark's best friend Rhodey and their resident scientist Dr. Helen Cho were all gathered around Thor's hammer, with each of the guys trying to lift it. None of them being able, they were interrupted by a heavily damaged drone from Iron Man's Iron Legion appearing before them. The drone had been taken over by Ultron, an artificial intelligence which that had been developed in secret by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, and had since gone haywire. Ultron used other drones to attack the Avengers, Cap managing to gain an edge in combat after Hawkeye threw him his shield. Upon Ultron declaring his intentions, the extinction of the Avengers, Thor destroyed his makeshift body with Mjolnir, though Ultron's consciousness managed to escape and his forces had successfully taken the sceptre.

Anger Management[]

After the conflict, the Avengers confronted Stark and Banner over the creation of Ultron, and decided to deduce its next move. Their investigation brought the Avengers to a shipyard on the coast of South Africa, where Ultron had acquired enormous quantities of vibranium from a black market dealer named Ulysses Klaue. The Maximoff twins had joined Ultron's cause, and during a battle between the Maximoffs and Ultron's sentries, most of the Avengers were affected by Wanda's telepathic abilities, causing them to have visions of their greatest fears. Steve saw himself back in the 40's, attending a party celebrating the end of the war, where he reunited with Peggy Carter. But suddenly, all the attendees vanished, leaving Steve alone. Captain America and the rest of the affected Avengers snapped out of their respective visions and departed once the villains had escaped with the vibranium.

Due to the backlash resulting from Wanda's manipulation on Banner which caused the Hulk to go rampaging in Johannesburg, the Avengers decided to lay low in Clint's countryside house. There, Steve and Tony debated over the latter's methods. Nick Fury appeared shortly after, and motivated the team to stand up and fight back against Ultron.

Korea Prospects[]

Banner deduced that Ultron was trying to evolve, which led the group to the conclusion that the vibranium was a component for a new upgrade, and that the robot's next target would be Dr. Cho in Seoul. Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye took the Quinjet to South Korea, but Ultron escaped from Cho's laboratory in a trailer containing a regeneration cradle with its new body before they got there. Hawkeye spotted the escapee, and Captain America engaged Ultron in combat to distract it, while Black Widow tried to retrieve the cradle. Ultron rushed back to protect the cradle, so he pushed Cap onto a derailed train. The Maximoff twins, who had turned on Ultron, helped Captain America stop the train and save civilians. Meanwhile, Hawkeye was able to retrieve the regeneration cradle (at the price of Ultron being able to capture Black Widow) and deliver it to Tony Stark at the Avengers Tower.

Wanda pointed out to Steve that Tony would attempt to stop Ultron by any means necessary, and that meant a high likelihood of using the synthetic body that Ultron had created. Steve and the Maximoff twins arrived to the Tower right after Stark had started uploading J.A.R.V.I.S. into the body. Thor used his hammer to finish powering it up, finishing the download of J.A.R.V.I.S. into the mainframe. The synthetic body came to life, and after calming down, sided with the Avengers to stop Ultron. He was no longer J.A.R.V.I.S., but the Vision. Steve also gave Wanda and Pietro the chance to aid the team in stopping Ultron.

Rise of Ultron[]

The Avengers prepared themselves to confront Ultron, who had returned to Sokovia and had used the vibranium left to create a set of machines around a portion of the city powerful enough to raise it into the sky, and then ram it into the Earth from a distance high enough to cause an extinction-level event.

The city was evacuated by the heroes at the same time they defended it from Ultron's army of drones. After Hulk had rescued Black Widow from Ultron's captivity, Captain America rallied the team to keep fighting and to protect civilians as much as possible. The Vision assisted Iron Man and cut Ultron off from the Internet, preventing it from transferring its mind outside of itself and the drones it was controlling. However, Ultron's machine was still activated, and a portion of Sokovia started rising from the ground. Iron Man recommended overloading the device, but Captain America refused to do so until the civilians could be secured. Nick Fury and the S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared with the helicarrier, using its lifeboats to rescue civilians. As Sokovia was being evacuated, the Avengers reassembled in the church, to protect Ultron's control unit from being activated by Ultron or the robot army.

Ultron took control of an aircraft, and started shooting at civilians. The Hulk managed to take the aircraft from him, but not before Ultron killed Pietro. After the citizens were finally rescued, Iron Man and Thor overloaded the core of Ultron's machine, causing the airborne portion of Sokovia to explode into pieces. Ultron's last remaining drone made it safely to the ground, but was finally destroyed by the Vision.

Sometime after the battle, the New Avengers Facility was built in upstate New York, in order to train potential recruits. Thor and Tony visited the facility. Thor reassured Cap and Tony that the Stone would be safe inside the Vision before heading back to Asgard to investigate more on these Stones. Tony left also, but he first asked Cap if he'd consider leaving, and Cap replied that he felt like he was home.

With Thor leaving, and Tony, Captain America and Black Widow were left in charge of training the team's new roster, which included War Machine, Falcon, Wanda Maximoff, and the Vision.[2]

Yon-Rogg Attacks Manhattan[]

In an attack by Poundcakes on Manhattan, Steven helped Captain Marvel fight her, until the fight was interrupted by Magnitron who would bring down a city over New York. Steven and Carol would manage to defeat the villain by arresting him.[2]

Kang's Invasion[]

Battle With the Presence[]

During a party at Avengers Mansion, Nick Fury contacted the Avengers to help with supervillain activity across the world. Cap, along with Thor and She-Hulk were sent to Siberia, where the Winter Guard lost contact while investigating an outpost emitting strange radiation. When the Avengers came to investigate, Steve was mind controlled by the Presence. After Thor and She-Hulk defeated him, Steve and the Winter Guard were freed from his control. As the trio returned to New York to rendezvous with the Avengers, Kang the Conqueror took Manhattan into Chronopolis.

Liberating Garrett Castle[]

After the Avengers had been taken to Chronopolis, Steve led Star-Lord, Gamora and Groot to follow knights through a portal. There, they ended up in Medieval England, where they found the Black Knight. The four agreed to help him retake his castle. However, Percy led them towards the Enchantress. Doctor Strange, followed by Captain Avalon, came and revealed Percy to actually be Nathan Garrett, the villainous Black Knight. Steve was then captured. As the others defeated Enchantress and stormed the castle, they made their way into the dungeon, where they defeated Garrett, and freed Steve and the real Percy. He then led the Avengers and Guardians towards a portal, where they found themselves in the Hydra Empire.

Hydra Empire[]

After meeting up with Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, and Black Panther, Steve led T'Challa and Quill into the Hydra blimp to retrieve the stolen Vibranium, while the others returned to Avengers Mansion. The trio infiltrated the blimp, but were discovered by Arnim Zola. After fighting through the blimp, the heroes were stopped by Klaw, Bowman and Tactical Force. But while the heroes defeated them, Zola was able to convert the stolen Vibranium into robots. While escaping the blimp, Baron Zemo confronted them. So Steve and Quill stole a Hydra plane to take him down, while T'Challa finished off Klaw. After defeating the villains, the three met Thor and Captain Marvel at a portal. Thor, Carol, and She-Hulk then went into the portal.

The Quest for the Nexu Fragments[]

Later at the mansion, the Avengers have their signal jammed by Cosmo, who was trying to communicate with them. The team hatches a plan to open a portal to Knowhere to access Chronopolis, which requires the Nexus Fragments. A group with Captain America, Captain Marvel and Thor went to Asgard to ask Heimdall for help. to locate the fragments with your vision. After facing Surtur, the group heads back to the mansion and locates each Nexus fragment, for a total of five. Wasp divided three groups to get them, one of them was Captain America, Captain Marvel, Thor and Doctor Strange to get the fragments in Lemura and Egypt. When the group went to Lemuria, they were thrown to Sakaar by Attuma, where there, they are reunited with Hulk and defeat the Red King. The heroes then return to Lemuria, now with Hulk and Stingray's help, and fight against Attuma and Torg. Attuma is defeated, and the heroes have retrieved the Nexus Shard. They then head toward Egypt, where they are lead into a trap by the pharaoh. The heroes escape the trap with the help of Horus. However, the pharaoh, revealed to be Loki, unleashes the Living Mummy on the heroes with the Nexus Shard. The heroes defeat both of them and gather the last piece of the Nexus.

Fight Against Kang[]

After the plan was successfully boarded, with Kang's defenses down, all the heroes in Chronopolis then fight off Kang's armies as Captain America, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, and Star-Lord attack Kang head-on. They manage to defeat Kang, but he rallies and uses the Forever Crystal to render them all unconscious, except Captain America, whom he deems a worthy opponent. Kang then creates a giant hologram of himself, using his rebuilt Damocles Base as a sword, and fights Captain America, who makes a hologram as well. Captain America defeats Kang. There, he witnessed Ravonna betray Kang, using the Forever Crystal to turn him into a baby.


After everything was restored, Tony, Steve and Carol were approached by Ravonna, now called Terminatrix, along with Cosmo, Man-Thing, an elderly Kang and the Supreme Intelligence, warning them of an incoming threat.[4]

Gamora's Party[]

Peter Quill planned to throw Gamora a big birthday party, since she never had one. Spider-Man and Captain America would help Peter Quill in this mission, building a dance floor, a food table and a drum set for the Hulk to play music. The party actually works and Gamora is happy.[4]

Climate Conundrum[]

Time Twisted[]

After the Avengers discover that the Ant-Van was stolen by Thanos, Steven (wearing an armor made by Howard called the Hydra Stomper Armor) and the rest of the group go to the island where the villain and his allies (Hydra, Iron Monger, and Ultron) were and fight them to win the fight.[5]

===Code Red===



  • Artificially Enhanced Physiology: As a result of the Super-Soldier Serum, he was transformed from a frail young man to the pinnacle of human physical potential. This transformation gave Rogers superhuman abilities far beyond what even the most advanced "normal" humans are capable of.
    • Enhanced Strength: Rogers' physical strength is enhanced to superhuman levels. He was able to throw a motorcycle from overhead many yards with enough force to crush the front end of a jeep causing it to flip over.[2] He was also able to lift two 500 kg weights in each hand with no difficulty.[8]
    • Enhanced Durability: Steve is far more durable than any normal human. He can survive blunt force trauma such as being hit by superhuman opponents like Loki[2] and Red Skull.[1]
    • Enhanced Agility: Rogers' agility is much greater than that of any human. Steve can perform amazing parkour and gymnastic moves that would be impossible for a normal human to accomplish.[1]
    • Supervision: Thanks to the super soldier serum, Steven can see things at long distances.[3]


  • Master Combatant: Rogers is a master at unarmed combat. He has an extensive knowledge of melee combat and displayed several forms of martial arts in his fighting style. Rogers' combat style composed of a mixture of American Boxing, Judo, Jujutsu, Taekwondo and Aikido.[2]
  • Master Tactician and Strategist: He is an accomplished strategist. He took tactical command of the Avengers against an assault force of Chitauri soldiers.[2] He also knew how to unleash an attack to distract Kang's troops while he invaded the villain's base.[4]
  • Master Acrobat: Rogers' is an expert acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist. He often utilizes these talents in combat for both evasive and offensive purposes. Combined with his enhanced agility, Rogers has shown expertise in utilizing flips in his attacks and take downs.[2][1]
  • Expert Marksman: Rogers can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim (usually his shield).
  • Pilot: Steve has at basic knowledge of aircraft piloting.[4]




  • Boxing Gloves[2]



See Also

Links and References

