Marvel Database

John Jonah Jameson (Earth-616) from Todd Macfarlane (Trading Cards) 0001
J. Jonah Jameson
Quote1 Spider-Man?! I knew you had something to do with -- Actually, you know what? Never mind. Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-616) from New Avengers Vol 2 2 Cover 0001
Quote1 What were you going to say? Quote2
John Jonah Jameson (Earth-616) from Todd Macfarlane (Trading Cards) 0001
J. Jonah Jameson
Quote1 Never mind! Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-616) from New Avengers Vol 2 2 Cover 0001
Quote1 That you knew I had something to do with a subterranean civil war? Is that what you were going to say? Quote2
John Jonah Jameson (Earth-616) from Todd Macfarlane (Trading Cards) 0001
J. Jonah Jameson
Quote1 I stopped myself -- Just drop it! Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

The giant ground worm that devoured Spider-Man and Red Hulk spits them out in Subterranea. Deeper underground, Mayor Jameson refuses to kneel before Ra'ktar, the new the Molan king of Subterranea. This angers him and Jameson is taken away, unaware of what's happening since Molans speak in runes.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man awakens on top of Red Hulk, who is tied up and being dragged by an elephant-like creature. Spider-Man questions him on why he isn't smashing things and he is told that Red Hulk wants them to bring them to their base so that he can destroy it. But when they finally arrive, they find it has already been destroyed. Spider-Man decides to help them and is able to get a reluctant Red Hulk to help as well.

When Jameson asks why he was brought here, Mole Man says that the Molans came up from the uber-depths to take Subterranea. The Moloids kidnapped him looking for help from New York's ruler. And by refusing to kneel to Ra'ktar, they took it as a challange to take his throne, and now they must do battle.

They are brought to Ra'ktar, who forges his weapon, the King Blade, from hard stone. But before he can battle Jameson, Spider-Man and Red Hulk come to his aid. Red Hulk challanges Ra'ktar as Jameson's champion but he is quickly cut down by the King Blade and stabbed through the chest.

Solicit Synopsis


SPIDER-MAN and RED-HULK lead an underground army in this action packed extravaganza from superstar artist JOE MADUREIRA


  • Comes with a code allowing for the download of the digital version of the comic.


See Also

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