Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Wendell Vaughn (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Nothing personal Gail, but I'm going to have to kick your butt! Quote2
—Quasar Vol 1 1
Quote1 Then I suppose this would be a bad time to tell you about the alien in the garage...! Quote2
—Quasar Vol 1 3
Quote1 Well, according to an eight billion year old being, I'm protector of the universe. I'm also a reserve Avenger and an all-around nice guy. Quote2
—Quasar Vol 1 38
Quote1 Can't let a single extraneous thought creep in... or the sphere of Ultimate Nullification will grow... and mushroom out of control! Quote2
—Quasar Vol 1 40
Quote1 Goodbye, mother planet. This native son is leaving your nest...for good. Please, everyone, be well...and don't think badly of me. I didn't succeed in everything I set out to do, but I tried my best. What more could I do? Quote2
—Quasar Vol 1 60
Quote1 Breathe out, folks...I've got you. Quote2
—Annihilation: Nova Vol 1 2
Quote1 I asked: What's the worst that could happen? This is. How can I protect the universe from another universe? Galaxies and worlds all united to consume us? They're coming! Quote2
—Realm of Kings Vol 1 1
Quote1 There's only one thing I'm good at... I can fail and die. I can let everybody down. And I think I'm about to prove...just how good I am at it. Quote2
—Annihilators Vol 1 1
Quote1 You...are Infinity, the personification of the spatial aspect of the universe... Quote2
—Infinity (Earth-616)
Quote1 I asked: What's the worst that could happen? This is. How can I protect the universe from another universe? Galaxies and worlds all united to consume us? They're coming! Quote2
—Wendell Vaughn (Earth-616)
Eon (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 28 0001
Quote1 The universe is counting on you, Wendell Vaughn. What is your answer? Quote2
Wendell Vaughn (Earth-616) from Marvel Universe Cards Series I 0001
Quote1 Do I really have a choice? Quote2
Eon (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 28 0001
Quote1 Of course! Free will is an affirmation of life. Quote2
—Quasar Vol 1 2
Anthropomorpho (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 My people and I are living fractals, able to shape ourselves in an infinite manner. We serve as the Manifestation-Bodies for beings who have no physical forms. Quote2
Wendell Vaughn (Earth-616) from Marvel Masterpieces Trading Cards 1992 0001
Quote1 So I gathered. But why? Quote2
Anthropomorpho (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 We have a symbiotic relationship with the abstract beings, an exchange of energies that you physicals would not comprehend. Quote2
Wendell Vaughn (Earth-616) from Marvel Masterpieces Trading Cards 1992 0001
Quote1 What about Galactus and some of these guys--they do have bodies of their own. Quote2
Anthropomorpho (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 Certain powerful physical entities also enlist our services so they may be able to put in an appearance somewhere without actually attending. We give our newborns the finite beings to practice on before they are allowed to manifest abstract beings. The skill and experience of the particular manifester determines how well the entity is represented. Quote2
Wendell Vaughn (Earth-616) from Marvel Masterpieces Trading Cards 1992 0001
Quote1 How much input does a being have with how they're represented? Quote2
Anthropomorpho (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 It varies. As much as they want. Some entities have very specific requirements...others give us freer reign. Frequently we form the Manifestation-Body to the mental image of the beholder. Quote2
—Quasar Vol 1 37
Annihilation Nova Vol 1 3 Textless
Quote1 Always a little charmer, aren't you? Quote2
MoondragonQuote1 I "heard" that! Quote2
—Avengers: Infinity Vol 1 2
Nova Vol 4 36 Textless
Quote1 Drax's really been flapping his lip, hasn't he? Quote2
Annihilation Nova Vol 1 3 Textless
Quote1 So...? Quote2
Nova Vol 4 36 Textless
Quote1 He thinks he's my mentor, you realize? Quote2
Annihilation Nova Vol 1 3 Textless
Quote1 Did you ask him to be your mentor? Quote2
Nova Vol 4 36 Textless
Quote1 I may have mentioned something. Quote2
Annihilation Nova Vol 1 3 Textless
Quote1 You watch yourself. He's bad news. Six months' time, I don't want to have to come after you because he's turned you into "Evil Nova". Quote2
Nova Vol 4 36 Textless
Quote1 "Anti-Nova", surely? Quote2
Annihilation Nova Vol 1 3 Textless
Quote1 Or "Dark Nova". "Dark Nova" is the union preferred form. So, about this stargate. Quote2
—Annihilation: Nova Vol 1 3
Quote1 Nothing personal Gail, but I'm going to have to kick your butt! Quote2
—Wendell Vaughn (Earth-616)

All items (14)
