Marvel Database

Appearing in "Last Stand"

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Synopsis for "Last Stand"

In a relentless pursuit of power, Cobra Commander sends a swarm of B.A.T.s to attack the Pit, ensuring that he has a clear video signal to observe the assault. At the same time, Duke valiantly leads the defense of the Pit, but despite his efforts, the B.A.T.s manage to injure Torpedo and Outback. In a strategic counterattack, the Joes lure the B.A.T.s into an explosive trap set by Tripwire, momentarily halting the onslaught.

Meanwhile, on Cobra Island, Firefly arrogantly boasts about his success in brainwashing Snake Eyes. Little does he know that Snake Eyes has already broken free from his control and liberated Storm Shadow as well. As events unfold at the Pit, Cobra Commander impatiently awaits the Joes' exit, positioning himself at the main ramp. Duke, however, outsmarts him by sending Crossfires up the ramp while the Joes stealthily make their way to the surface through the ventilation ducts. Realizing the danger, Cobra Commander calls for air support before making a hasty retreat.

Back on the island, an intense battle ensues between Storm Shadow and Firefly as Snake Eyes works to free the rest of the Ninja Force from Firefly's insidious brainwashing. Ultimately, Storm Shadow escapes with the now-freed Ninja Force, leaving Firefly to be apprehended by Cesspool and Zarana. However, with assistance from Slice and Dice, Firefly manages to reverse the situation, capturing Cesspool and Zarana instead.

As Cobra Commander returns to Cobra Island, Firefly attempts to negotiate with him, offering the island and his prisoners as a bargaining chip. Unmoved by the proposition, Cobra Commander declares his assault on the Pit a total success, emphasizing the effectiveness of the radar suppressor and his video evidence. With grander schemes in mind, the island no longer holds his interest, leaving Firefly to face the consequences of his failed bargain.

Appearing in "GI Joe Dossiers"

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Synopsis for "GI Joe Dossiers"

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