Marvel Database

Quote1 This here is a weapon of last resort. Untested. Experimental. Highly volatile. This could've been quick, clean and polite. But the Genus Compound? This is cruel and unusual. Quote2
—Lily Leymus[src]

The Genus Formula was a liquid, chemical compound derived from Genus to alter DNA.[4] More recent version of the Genus Formula have been modified to depower and devolve mutants,[5] and to devolve sapient life forms.[2]



Some time following the battle with Destine, Namor McKenzie met up with the illustrious mutant instructor Professor Xavier who asked the Sub-Mariner to join him on a walkabout to find and acclimate other mutants to their cause. One day, they came across one such individual like them as he was being harassed by local law enforcement before being cut down by gunfire in Stony Plain, Alberta.[6]

This would not be the end of the mutant known as Genus however, for decades later during his rise in corporate America to tackle the issue of planet-wide pollution, Prince Namor fell under the sway of a telepathic specter named Machan.

A guilt apparition erroneously created by Professor X whom subtly pushed the dominant consciousnesses actions from behind the scenes while the former ran his company. Exhuming the body of the deceased Tim Rhodes, the Machan entity harvested his genetic tissue for the purpose of devising a long game plan for world conquest in Atlantis's name.[7]

He used what came to be dubbed as the Genus Formula to transform willing Atlantean soldiers into base born homo sapiens and have them infiltrate world governments, alongside their corresponding societal branches to enable the better deployment of their grand scheme.[8]

War Ghosts[]

Not long afterward, Namor once again declared war on the surface dwellers but use more indirect means of waging his conflict of colonial supremacy.[9]

Using the very same sleeper agents whom he had supplanted within foreign military powers, the mad king, being coaxed into his manic behavior by Machan, instigated a false flag operation wherein Atlantean sleeper agents stationed at a U.S. Naval Base in Portland, Maine launched missiles targeting Atlantis.[10]

This justifying retaliatory defense in lite of the perpetration, allowing Atlantean aggressors to employ usage of their secret elixir via offshore missile strike to transform the surrounding populace into water-breathers and stage a rescue operation. The now converted Atlantean were given citizenship seeing as they can no longer thrive on dry land.[8] Hearing wind of such a miraculous development of science, a major shareholder at Roxxon by the name of Simon Kaito sought to obtain the serum to use for his own purposes.[11]

The greedy corporate worm sent a mercenary squad to procure the testing agent for him so he can buy off the presidency over the larcenous company by selling it to the highest bidder,[7] but the plan went south as Captain Steven Rogers and Sargent Bucky Barns had infiltrated the undersea kingdom at the same time Roxxon launched its pincer attack.[12]

In the ensuing pursuit, a vial of the solution cracked and reverted Cap back to form while also rendering Namor human as well. The two were stranded for some months, but luck smiled upon them after finding the hidden laboratory where the thieves had taken the serum too.[13] Finding out what Roxxon scientists were doing with his handiwork enraged Namor to no end. A brutal fight between an exo-mech pilot, the world's oldest soldier, and the now mortal king of the sea broke out over whom would possess the formula. Quick thinking on Mr. Rogers' part restored Namor's mutantism once again, whom would go back to type by sicking maligned experimental subjects created by the compound upon their cruel lab techs.[13]

Once Machan had been disposed of and the global threat presented by Atlantis had been dealt with, conflict between the American's and Atlanteans finally died down, and both sides falsely stating they destroyed their samples of the Genus Compound whence the converted citizens had been restored to normalcy.[14]

Battle for the Serpent Crown[]

While on a quest to retrieve a magical artifact before the genocidal madman Imus Champion could lay claim to ultimate power, under coaxing by Mephisto.[15] Conan the Cimmerian and a travel companion of his had taken a modified dose of the formula given by Princess Shuri, temporarily giving them deep sea traversal in order to move through the ocean depths to secure it.[16]

Hordeculture vs. X-Men Green[]

Searching for a weapon to use against mutants, Hordeculture stole the Genus Formula from Roxxon.[1][2] They then modified the formula to specifically devolve mutants into a depowered human form upon exposure.[2] During a direct battle with X-Men Green, Lily Leymus shot Armageddon Man devolving him to a human. Then she tried to shoot Nature Girl, Armageddon Man sacrificed himself by jumping in front of the shot. The second dose of the Genus Formula then devolved Armageddon Man into an extinct lemur.[5]

Following their battle with Hordeculture, X-Men Green went into hiding in Santo Marco. While in hiding, they altered the Genus Formula creating Genus Drops, small pellets that could be carried by dragonflies and that would devolve any sentient life on contact.[3] Choosing Niagara Falls as the site of their first attack, Nature Girl was intercepted by the X-Men who located her after Spider-Girl turned off her psy-blocker.[17]


DNA Manipulation: The Genus Formula was able to rewrite DNA of living beings in the same way how the late mutant Genus's power worked.[11] That being transforming men into cats, humans into mutants, animals into hideous chimera's, etc.[7]

Initial tests of the antigen would change anything not of human descent into baseline homo sapiens on a permanent basis, as secondary exposure to the newer chemical solution would not affect protoformal coverts to Atlantean state.[8] This process of special conversion was flawed however, as the concoction's conversion process was dangerously unstable without it's genetic donor to regulate the transformation process.

Without the Homo Superior subject said power worked around, the compound would become fatal to anyone whom partook of the solvent within a few hours time.[11]

See Also

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