Marvel Database

Appearing in "Never Say Die!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Flagg Gang
    • Flagg
    • Keyes

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Never Say Die!"

Kid Colt is on the trail of Flagg and his gang, but the gang manages get the drop on him and take him hostage. But before they can silence the Kid, he manages to break free and make a run for it. He jumps off a cliff into the raging waters below. Thinking that Kid Colt is dead, one of Flagg's men named Keyes asks if they can divide the loot they just stole. Flagg angrily tells him that they will divide the loot bater.

However, Kid Colt has survived thanks to a branch caught between some rocks in the rapids. When he comes to, the Kid finds his horse Steel and continues on Flagg's trail. Along the way he finds Keyes who has been betrayed, wounded, and left for dead by Flagg. Kid Colt disarms him and learns where Flagg is going and leaves the wounded man with a water canteen as he advances forward.

Not far ahead, Flagg and his remaining confederate are camping out for the night. The man suspects that Flagg will betray him as well and tries to steal the loot, but Flagg wakes up and catches him in the act. Kid Colt however intervenes fighting off Flagg. However when Flagg grabs for his gun, it is shot out of his hand by Keyes who followed after Kid Colt, thankful for the aid he provided. Kid Colt then takes the three outlaws into town to face justice, telling them that their own greed was what done them in.

Appearing in "The Silver Star!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Clem Jooks
  • Seth Jooks

Other Characters:


  • Texas
    • Timberlane



Synopsis for "The Silver Star!"

Western tale of Doc Holliday.

Doc arrived to the town of Timberlane and defeated the Jook brothers.

Appearing in "The Gunman"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Gunman"

Western tale.

Appearing in "The Trouble in Tombstone"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Trouble in Tombstone"

Western tale.

Appearing in "Scourge of the Frontier!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Chuck Farley

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Scourge of the Frontier!"

Billy Buckskin and his partner Soapy are after Chuck Farley and his gang, but Billy has to go to Soapy's rescue when he is pulled down river. This allows Farley and his men to escape and plan their next coach robbery. Not far away, Billy and Soapy start a fire to dry off and Soapy suggests that they give up on trying to round up Chuck Farley and his gang. However Billy does not give up, and when he spots a rattle snake about to bite Soapy, saves his life again then suggests that they head back into town.

They arrive just in time to spot some of Farley's men spying on the stage office overhearing about the changed route the gold carrying coach will be travelling on. When Billy and Soapy try to nab them, they are knocked out from behind. Left alive, Billy and Soapy revive shortly thereafter and race after the outlaws. They arrive just as Farley and his gang have been stopped by guards on the coach. As it turns out, they were prepared for the attack, thanks to Billy's previous suggestion to hide some men underneath the coach to get the drop on any would be thieves.


  • The Doc Holliday story "The Silver Star!" was redrawn in Rawhide Kid Vol 1 35 as "the Sheriff star!" with the entire plot intact.

See Also

Links and References

