Marvel Database

Quote1 I am Thor Odinson of the Vikings, giant. I am not the god of reason and understanding. I am the god of Thunder and Lightning!!! Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Synthegraft patients

Other Characters:




Synopsis for 1st story

The Red Hulk is sent to the campus of Omnisapient Systems, the Red Hulk has attempted to contain an outbreak of a virus created there that turns people into infectious and violent cyborgs. However, this mission was compromised when Iron Man, sent as his backup, didn't know that the Red Hulk was his ally and attacked, only to be swarmed moments later by the Synthegraft zombies. When Red Hulk recovered from Iron Man's attack, he found that the creatures had swarmed around Iron Man's empty armor. Suddenly, Iron Man's armor springs to life and begins blasting the zombies, who begin to revert back to normal. Tony Stark then begins talking to the Red Hulk through his discarded helmet. He informs Ross that he managed bailed out of his armor before it got infected but his technology managed to develop a cure. Although he is able to cure people individually, Stark only has limited control over his armor while outside it. He tells the Red Hulk that the only way to stop this infection is to take down Omisapient's computer servers. Tagging the Red Hulk with a device that will allow him to track his progress and tell him what needs to be shut down.

As the Red Hulk rips his way through the facility as Tony Stark guides him. Stark explains that this virus works in much the same way his new Bleeding Edge technology works. Soon, the Red Hulk gets down to the main computer server. He is about to smash it when its inventor, Parul Kurinji is physically wired into the database and warns him to stay away as she has the situation under control. Not listening, the Red Hulk pulls the woman away, forcibly severing the connection. With that, he smashes the computer network, ending the infestation. With the authorities on the scene, Iron Man thanks the Red Hulk for his help. However, he points out that what he does now cannot erase all the wrong he has committed over the years, with that the Red Hulk tells Stark to bite him, and leaps away. While back down in the Omnisapient facility, Parul awakens changed by her forceful disconnection from the facilities computer network.

Back at Gamma Base, Bruce Banner continues his investigation into the Leader and MODOK's Scorched Earth program. With each new threat he discovers and has disabled, new menaces appear. Unfortunately, his attempts to question the two men have failed as they have been stripped of their powers, reducing their mentalities to the point where they are of no use to him. He is then contacted by Captain Steve Rogers who is arriving with Thor. When they land, Bruce informs Thor about the menace of Scorched Earth. Thor looks forward to working with the Hulk again, however, the Captain tries to tell him that he isn't working with the green Hulk, but the red one. However, before he can, the Red Hulk is about to land on the site. The site of his one-time foe angers Thor and he tosses Mjolnir at him. Thor then begins beating into the Red Hulk, easily overpowering him this time. While Captain Rogers tries to order Thor to stand down, the Red Hulk grabs hold of Thor's hammer. Thor then lets go of his weapon, causing the enchantments within it making it to heavy for the Red Hulk to lift, and pinning his hands to the ground. The Red Hulk breaks free, and then tells Thor that he is working with Banner and Rogers to save the world and tells Thor to drop his grudge so they can work together. However, Thor still isn't interested in listening to reason and lashes into the Red Hulk with a powerful bolt of lightening.

Steve has had enough of the situation and tells Banner to do something to stop the fight. Although he is reluctant to do so, Banner activates a holographic device that makes it appear as though Galactus has come to consume the Earth. The image of the world devourer is startling enough to cause both Thor and the Red Hulk to pause their battle. With the full attention of Thor and the Red Hulk, Banner explains that the Intelligencia have used a white dwarf star missile create a black hole that changed the course of two comets that orbit the sun and set them on a collision course with Earth. Unable to destroy them with missiles, Banner intends to send Thor and the Red Hulk into space to destroy this new threat. So the Red Hulk can breath in space, Banner gives him a pill that will give him the oxygen he needs for about an hour. Before they go, Steve pulls the Red Hulk aside and gives him a chance to sit this mission out after being attacked by both Iron Man and Thor. However, the Red Hulk refuses to do so, telling Rogers that the mission is far more important. With that, Thor uses his hammer to open a portal to take him and the Red Hulk in proximity to the two comets. Passing through the portal, Thor tosses the Red hulk at one comet, while he smashes the other with Mjolnir. The Red Hulk smashes through the second comet, shattering it into harmless pieces. Thrown off course, the Red Hulk lands on a meteor not far away. There he is approached by Uatu the Watcher he points out that Banner miscalculated the collapse of the micro-black hole and that it is still every active, leaving the Red Hulk at risk of being sucked in.

Appearing in "You Know You Want to Hit That"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



Synopsis for "You Know You Want to Hit That"

A-Bomb has been sent to San Diego, California, to stop a massive creature unleashed by the Intelligencia from destroying the city. As he battles the massive beast, he is unaware that he is being observed by two ghostly figures. Meanwhile, the creature knocks A-Bomb into the city where he crashes into an apartment building. Apologizing to the tenants for the damage, he then leaps back out to the beach to resume his fight with the monster.

Using his stealth abilities, A-Bomb is able to get the element of surprise on the monster and beat it into submission. The two spirits watching him are impressed by this display of power and decide that they can trick Rick into working for them. Meanwhile, Jones radios back to Bruce Banner to inform him that he has downed the monster. However, its threat is still not over and they must figure out what to do about the creature. As the monster revives and tries to escape, A-Bomb decides to find out where it lives. Leaping onto a boat, he uses the anchor as a lasso to rope up the creature and is pulled out to sea along with it.

Appearing in "Hulk Schoolbus"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed bus driver

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Hulk Schoolbus"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

It’s god versus Hulk as MODOK’s apocalyptic SCORCHED EARTH protocol continues, because one doomsday is never enough! To save the world, Red Hulk needs the mightiest Avenger, and THOR has just the right tool for the job – the matchless MJOLNIR! But when the God of Thunder’s hammer drops, how much of Thor’s wrath will fall on Red Hulk himself? From the sensational hit creative team of JEFF PARKER (THUNDERBOLTS/FALL OF THE HULKS ALPHA) and rising star GABRIEL HARDMAN (MONSTER-SIZE HULK)!


Chronology Notes[]

Flashbacks in this story affect the chronology of the following characters:

Red Hulk:

Bruce Banner:


Captain Rogers:

See Also

Links and References

