Marvel Database

Roxxon Presents Thor Vol 1 1 Granov Virgin Variant
Quote1 ...Ullr, you are my older brother. And closer kin by blood than any I have. If there are things you know...I would have you tell them. Quote2
Ullr (Earth-616) from Immortal Thor Vol 1 11 0001
Ullr the Wanderer
Quote1 Then tell them I shall. For as surely as I am thy mother's child... thy end is coming, Thor. And it comes soon. Quote2

Appearing in "The End of All Songs"

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Synopsis for "The End of All Songs"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis


• In Andlang, land of spirits, the Utgard-Odin challenged Thor to battle for the rune of his brother, the war god Tyr.

• For Tyr was changed by strange forces, within and without…and to restore him would come only at equal cost.

• This is the story of the IMMORTAL THOR…and the Odinson’s end.

See Also

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