Marvel Database

Quote1 Save the polemic, Sitwell! Quote2
Iron Man

Appearing in "Vengeance --- Cries the Crusher!"

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Synopsis for "Vengeance --- Cries the Crusher!"

Having freed himself from the center of the Earth, the Crusher attacks an outpost of one of his former masters in order to steal a boat to travel to the United States to get revenge on Iron Man. Meanwhile in the States, Tony Stark tries to console Janice Cord by sending her flowers. As the Crusher travels to America, he informs his prisoners how he managed to survive being sucked to the Earth's core: While there, he was returned back to his human form where he stumbled upon the lair of Tyrannus and used his devices to restore his powers.

Back in the States, Iron Man tests out a new battering ram under the supervision of Jasper Sitwell. At Maggia headquarters Whitney Frost deals with insubordination from her men who question her leadership in light of an attempt to steal Stark's latest invention; Frost decides to take matters into her own hands, using Sitwell as her pawn. When the Crusher attacks Stark Industries, Whitney enters the building to try and steal one of Stark's super-weapons. When Whitney is captured by the Crusher, Jasper tries to save her forcing Iron Man to knock Sitwell out so that he can deal with the Crusher without anyone getting hurt. Using the centrifugal force device to make the Crusher weightless and carry his foe over the ocean and drop him there, where his massive bulk causes him to sink to the ocean's floor. Returning to Stark International, Iron Man finds a revived Jasper humiliated that Iron Man saved Whitney from the Crusher, and the dejected Sitwell leaves to "prove" himself to Whitney.


  • This issue contains a letters page, "Sock It To Shell-Head". Letters are pubished from Nils Osmar, Randy McCain, Eddie Bobb, Hank Shamus, Peter Sanderson, Stephen McGee, and Carl Pitcher.


  • This story includes a number of sentences in Spanish which do not follow grammatical rules. The Crusher says "Mi amigos" instead of "Mis amigos" ("My friends"); "No es importa" instead of "No importa" or "No es importante" ("Not important"); and "Madre de mi" instead of "Mi madre" or "Madre mía" ("My mother"); not to mention a reference to a "cucharacha" instead of a "cucaracha" (Cockroach) or the lack of inverted exclamation marks and diacritical accents.

See Also

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