Marvel Database

Appearing in "Kid Colt Outlaw"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Adams
  • Adams' Men
  • Jeb Rawlins
  • Brad Lane Impostor

Other Characters:

  • Uncle Simms (Mentioned)
  • Brad Lane

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Kid Colt Outlaw"

Kid Colt has come to the aid of Sue Lane the niece of his friend who had inherited his property after his death. Upon his arrival he has to help defend Sue's home from a gang of outlaws who have come to scare her off the property. Killing many of them, the surviving members of the gang flee the area. The Kid learns from Sue that since her uncle died Jeb Rawlins has been insistent that she sell him the property, after her refusal the incidents began happening at her ranch. Kid Colt agrees to stick around and help defend her ranch from any more attacks.

Meanwhile, the surviving outlaws report back to Jeb Rawlins who is furious that they were unable to force the girl from the property as he hopes to purchase it before her brother can come up from Texas, whom Sue had never met before. As he explains his new plan, Kid Colt tries to listen from a nearby window but can't make out what they are saying, and is soon spotted by one of Rawlins' men who knocks Kid Colt out. Turning Kid Colt over to Jeb he orders his men to take the outlaw hero out of town and kick him over a cliff. They follow orders leaving the Kid for dead. However, Kid Colt luckily managed to land in a tree branch that could support his weight, breaking his fall.

Waking up a dawn, Kid Colt rushes back to Sue's ranch where she finds that her brother has apparently arrived and asked her to come back with him to Texas. Sue agrees and decides to sell the ranch after all. However, after introductions are made, Kid Colt knocks out the man claiming to be Sue's brother. The Kid explains that he passed the train coming up from Texas along the way. Before Kid Colt can explain who the man is, Jeb Rawlins and his men storm into the cabin, intent on killing them both. However, Kid Colt is faster at the draw and guns the entire gang down.

Soon, Sue's brother arrives on the ranch and Kid Colt explains that Jeb was hoping to buy up the property as a railroad was looking to buy passage rights from the land owners. With their future set, Kid Colt leaves Sue and her brother as he rides off once again.

Appearing in "Kid Colt Outlaw"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Cory Gang
    • Cory
  • Dr. Walter Q. Calhoun (Death)
  • Powahattu

Other Characters:

  • Sheriff of Clayton (Mentioned)

Races and Species:


  • Sweet Water (Mentioned)
  • Clayton


  • Golden Elixir


  • Dr. Calhoun's Wagon

Synopsis for "Kid Colt Outlaw"

Kid Colt crosses paths with a gang of outlaws who had just robbed the bank in Sweetwater. They try to gun him down, however the outlaw hero proves to be the better shot and manages to fight them into retreat before fleeing the other way himself. Further along the range, Kid Colt crosses paths with traveling salesman Dr. Walter Q. Calhoun and his Native American ally Powahattu, Calhoun offers Kid Colt a free bottle of his golden elixir that he claims can cure everything from the gout to bad luck. Kid Colt warns them of the bank robbers he encountered before sending them on their way. However as they ride away, Kid Colt spots something falling out of the wagon and picks it up off the ground. It is a gold coin and this makes Kid Colt suspicious and so he decides to following the travelling medicine show to investigate.

That night as Calhoun is entertaining the locals of the town of Clayton, Kid Colt sneaks into the back of the medicine wagon. There he finds the gold from the bank robbery confirming his suspicions. He is caught by Powahattu who attacks him, but Kid Colt easily defeats him. Realizing that Calhoun's travelling medicine show is used to distract the locals while the gang robs the town bank and then uses the wagon to smuggle the stolen goods out, Kid Colt disguises himself as Powahattu and gets the drop on the outlaws just as they are robbing the bank.

Kid Colt guns them all down and then goes after Calhoun who flees the scene when the alarm is raised. Chasing after Calhoun's wagon, Kid Colt watches as a jugging rock causes one of the wagon wheels to break off the cart, sending it barreling off a cliff. Checking the bottom of the cliff, Kid Colt finds Calhoun dead over a pile of broken elixir bottles and rides off.

Appearing in "Gun Battle!"

Synopsis for "Gun Battle!"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "The Doomed Express!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Jack Grimes
  • Grimes' Gang

Other Characters:

  • Ben (Leadville Station Conductor)
  • Mike (Gold Coast Express Conductor)

Races and Species:


  • Texas
    • Leadville
    • Eagle Nest Trestle
    • Ketchum Trail (Mentioned)
    • Bear Canyon Trail (Mentioned)


  • Gold Coast Express

Synopsis for "The Doomed Express!"

While riding through the desert the Black Rider spots a man crawling along the hard pan dying of thirst. He gives the man some water and takes him back to Leadville. There the Black Rider changes into his alter ego of Dr. Matthew Masters and treats the man for dehydration. The thankful man admits that he is part of a gang who was hired by Jack Grimes to blow up the rail bridge leading out of Leadville constructed by the Golden Coast Express in revenge for not buying the passage rights through his land. Unwilling to murder innocent people, the man refused and was left in the desert to die.

Realizing that the train is due to leave town any minute, Masters changes into the Black Rider and goes to try and stop it. He arrives at the rail station too late and learns that Marie and Bobby Lathrop are aboard the train as well. Rushing to the bridge, the Black Rider attacks Grimes and his men before they can set the explosives. Killing the gang, the Black Rider chases Grimes onto the tracks where they struggle as the train speeds to ward them. With moments to spare, the Black Rider sends Grimes falling to his death, and then quickly dives over the side of the tracks, grabbing a hold of the beams underneath in order to avoid being struck by the train. While inside the train, Marie and Bobby remark about how dull things have been in Leadville, blissfully unaware how they just narrowly avoided death.

Appearing in "Kid Colt Outlaw"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Steel
  • Spud Dawson
  • Charlie (Silver Moon Bartender)
  • Scully


  • Corbett (Death)
  • Vance

Other Characters:

  • Jim Parkins (Mentioned)
  • Rattle Snake (Death)

Races and Species:


  • Copper City
    • Silver Moon Hotel

Synopsis for "Kid Colt Outlaw"

Kid Colt has been on the trail of Corbett and his gang for murdering his friend Jim Parkins. However Corbett and his gang have captured Kid Colt and tied him to a tree. Before Corbett and his gang can kill Kid Colt they hear a nearby rattle snake and decide to leave Kid Colt to die by its poisonous bite. However before the rattler can strike, it is shot dead by a man named Spud Dawson. Spud explains he happened upon the scene and came to help Kid Colt after Corbett and his men left. Spud tells Kid Colt that Corbett and his gang have been hiding out in the Silver Moon Hotel in Copper City.

Kid Colt races there and inside demands to know what room Corbett is in. The less than friendly locals try to start a fight with him, but when Kid Colt proves the superior bar brawler, the bartender decides to give him Corbett's room number. Rushing up there to apprehend Corbett to hang for his crimes, Kid Colt disarms him with his guns. When Corbett tries to flee out the window, the Kid lands a solid punch on him sending Vince falling out instead. Corbett gets caught in the branches of a tree, snapping his neck in the process. With Jim avenged, Kid Colt rides out of town.

See Also

Links and References

