Marvel Database

Quote1 You can't make me tell, you are not the god of me! Quote2


Adopted and raised as a son by Odin, king of the Norse gods, Loki grew up resentful and jealous of his foster brother Thor, the heroic god of thunder. Constantly overshadowed by Thor's bravery and glory, Loki developed from a mere trickster into a malicious god of evil.[6]

Working with the Chitauri[]

Attack on the S.H.I.E.L.D. base[]

Having been presumed dead on Asgard, Loki sent by the Other to conquer Earth, Loki was granted an army of Chitauri. When the Tesseract activated while in the custody of S.H.I.E.L.D., Loki arrived through the portal and attacked the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, using his Scepter to mind control several of the agents he knocked out. Loki was backed into the portal chamber by Nick Fury and Hawkeye, two agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., leading him to fight them with 12 projections of his image. After Fury and Hawkeye defeated these projections, Loki was able to take control of Hawkeye and Selvig, leaving with the Tesseract as the base began to explode. Despite some resistance from S.H.I.E.L.D. Forces, Loki and his minions were able to escape.


After conversing with the Other about the progress of their plan Loki helped pose a distraction in Struttgart, Germany while Hawkeye helped extract Irridium for Selvig's portal to the Chitauri army. Here, Loki was confronted by Captain America and Iron Man, two of earth's heroes. Loki engaged the duo in combat, gaining backup through mind controlled agents and his powers of illusion, until the heroes were able to capture him. Upon being escorted to the Quinjet, however, Thor kidnapped Loki in an attempt to discuss affairs between his brother. However, this conversaion was cut short when Iron Man and Captan America pursued Thor, leaving the three to fight amongst themselves. After the three reconciled, they brought Loki onto the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.


Aboard the Helicarrier, he was placed in a confinement capsule designed to hold the Hulk. From there his mere presence was enough to provide a disruptive element that would fragment the only group of heroes that had any hope of stopping him. During his incarceration he had an audience with Natasha Romanoff. Thinking her only priority was Barton, Loki let his guard down and was duped into revealing that his intent was to enrage Banner into becoming the Hulk, which would destroy the carrier and disrupt any resistance against him.

Despite his loss in the game of wits, Loki's plan to distract and sow the seeds of disharmony continued successfully, and when the assembled heroes had all but torn themselves apart with their disagreements, he made his next move. This came in the form of a daring commando raid led by Clinton Barton. The attacking force struck at the carrier's critical locomotive systems and inadvertently caused Banner to change in the process. Loki was released while S.H.I.E.L.D. was scrambling to repulse the attack and save the ship. During his escape he was able to trap his brother Thor in the cage used for him, forcing Thor to watch as Loki encountered and knocked out Agent Coulson, an event that would provide far reaching repercussions. Loki then left the ship after ejecting the cage from the Hellicarrier and sending his brother plummeting to the surface.

Confrontations at Stark Tower[]

Loki then went to Stark Tower in New York City where Professor Selvig had erected a device that could harness the Tesseract's power to form a stable dimensional rift. Tony Stark, fresh from the raid on S.H.I.E.L.D., caught up with him here and abandoned his wrecked Iron Man suit to engage him in a battle of wits. When Loki grew weary of the stalling tactic he tried to corrupt Stark as he had done with Selvig and Barton, only to be physically blocked by the arc reactor in Stark's chest. Annoyed, he threw the inventor out through a window, and was surprised when a freshly built Iron Man armor rocketed out after the man.

The portal, now fully active, opened the way for Loki's Chitauri army to come pouring through, and with his triumph near at hand he suddenly found himself challenged by his brother, Thor. After initially coming to blows with his brother, Thor threw him at a Chitauri chariot, inadvertently allowing him to board the craft and make his escape. Upon Black Widow using a quinjet to strike Loki's craft with a missile, he jumped back down to Stark Tower and continued his duel with Thor, adeptly beaten by Thor's centuries of battle experience and showed no interest in Thor's appeal to stop the mad scheme. Upon being beaten, Loki struck the Quinjet with his scepter, forcing Black Widow and her teammates to the ground, and punched Thor in the stomach, causing Thor to knock him off the building in retaliaton, once again causing him to land on one of the Chitauri's small flying craft.

Downfall in New York[]

The various heroes assembled as Loki reigned down destruction, with Loki sending the rest of the Chitauri through the portal once the team that would be known as the Avengers had assembled. Loki's chariot was brought down when Barton aimed a loaf of bread at the craft, attracting a flock of pigeons that brought it down and left Loki in Stark Tower, within easy reach of the Hulk. In an attempt to subdue the hero, Loki summoned a group of illusions in order to fool Hulk, leading to Natasha scanning the area to deduce which was the real Loki. His plans unravelling fast, Loki's frustrated rant goaded the Hulk into simply picking him up and repeatedly slamming him into the ground. When he eventually summoned the strength to crawl, he found himself face to face with six of the Earth's mightiest. He returned to Asgard as a prisoner of Thor, the brothers bringing the Tesseract with them. [1]

Cosmic Brick Crisis[]

Plotting with Doom[]

Upon being imprisoned within The Raft, Loki plotting his revenge. Planned to use the legendary Power Cosmic to enhance his own mind control power to take over Galactus' mind and have him devour Earth and Asgard. To that end, Loki made a deal with Doctor Doom, if Doom could capture the Silver Surfer's board, the two would harness its power and Doom could destroy Galactus so Earth would worship him. As Doom's forces pursued the Surfer, Iron Man blasted the helicopter which shattered the board, and split its pieces across the globe.

Escape from the Raft[]

When the villains (and Stan Lee) escaped the vault, Loki's cell opened and he escaped while the heroes above ground fought the other escapees.

Heist of Avengers Tower[]

He accompanied the Mandarin and Killian to Stark Tower to steal Arc Reactors but abandoned his cohorts when Iron Man and Captain America showed up, teleporting out.

Hydra Hideout[]

Going to Hydra with the stolen Arc reactor, Loki used their considerable resources to open a portal to Asgard so he could retrieve the Tesseract to use as power source on the "Doom Ray of Doom". Upon the base being infiltrated by Black Widow, Hawkeye and Human Torch, Loki blasted the three with his scepter, knocking Black Widow and Hawkeye out. Loki then jumped into the portal, transporting him to Asgard.
Loki Laufeyson (Earth-13122)

Skirmish on Asgard[]

Going to Asgard, Loki made an alliance with the Frost Giants, encasing Asgard in ice. After Thor, Human Torch, Captain America and Wolverine arrived on Asgard to stop him, Loki presented them with various illusions before confronting them in the throne room, where he used the Mind Stone to take control of the Destroyer and controlling the Destroyer, he was beaten by Thor, Cap, Wolverine and Human Torch. The four were able to pull the Destroyer apart was pulled apart, forcing Loki resorted to his usual illusions, something Wolverine was able to bypass through his heightened senses. After the four defeated Loki in combat, Loki teleported away, leaving the Teseract behind. Reporting to Doom, that Wolverine took the Cube, Magneto was sent to retrieve it from the X-Mansion.[4]

Ambush on Latveria[]

While working in Latveria with Doom, the two were confronted by Nick Fury and the Fantastic Four. Loki was able to stop the five, however, by blasting the ceiling, causing rocks to fall on them. He and Doom then escaped together.

Battle on Asteroid M[]

When Asteroid M was fuelled and ready, Loki joined Magneto and Doom aboard. He and Doom abandoned Magneto after the heroes defeated him. The three then confronted Doom and Loki. Being supercharged by Loki's scepter, Doom blasted the three, knocking Iron Man and Thor back into the lower areas but failing to take out Spider-Man. Thing, Captain America and Storm arrived to help Spider-Man, prompting Doom and Loki to retreat to the upper levels and continue their work. Eventually, the team of heroes made it to Doom, where he held them off while Loki remained out of reach. When Doom was defeated, Loki revealed his grand plan to the heroes and used the Doom Ray on the arrived Galactus, having him destroy Asteroid M in the process.

Controlling Galactus[]

Galactus' threat was so great that Earth's heroes and villains had to team up to stop him. While he made good use of Galactus' power, Galactus' own hunger proved his undoing as the hero-villain alliance fooled the Devourer of Worlds with a model of Earth, that concealed Hulk and Thor. The two powerhouses were able to defeat Galactus and send him through a wormhole, dragging Loki with him, trapped in space with Galactus, who wondered how Loki would taste.[4]

Rescuing Heimdall[]

After Heimdall was kidnapped by the Frost Giants and Malekith, Thor and Loki were sent by Odin to retrieve him. After opening the drawbridge where Heimdall's cage was held, Malekith engaged them in combat. The brothers defeated Malekith and freed Heimdall from his prison, with Loki going back into the shadows as Thor took Heimdall back to Asgard.[4]

Maximum Overload[]

Loki tries to get revenge by working with the Chitauri to "overwhelm" super villains around the world with Nornfrost and take the throne of Asgard. Loki used his Nornfrost first on Doctor Octopus[7] and then on Venom,[8] however, both of whom were defeated by Spider-Man. He then used them on Green Goblin, Frightful 16 and Red Skull, but they were all arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D.[8] He used his Nornfrost on Mandarin but he was soon defeated by Iron Man,[9] and then on Abomination, who was defeated by Hulk and Iron Fist.[10] After all the villains he overloads were trapped in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Hellicarrier, Loki ordered them to jump to take down the Hellicarrier, which they successfully do. Thor would find out that Loki was behind it and force him to stop the plan, Loki then takes all the villains out of his control and Thor says he will tell Odin everything.[5] Afterwards, Loki was imprisoned in Asgard.[1]

Dark Elf Attack[]

In prison, he witnesses the attack of the Dark Elves in Asgard. After Thor's failure, he was released from prison to help Thor defeat the Dark Elves. In battle he sacrifices himself to kill Kurse and is declared dead, but in fact he is still alive.[1]

Kang's Invasion[]

Loki Laufeyson (Earth-13122) from LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 001

Loki would later have an off-screen confrontation with the Avengers, where he would be defeated and thrown into the abyss. However, with Kang's help, he managed to escape[2] and take Odin's place on the throne of Asgard, passing by him.[1][2]


With the destruction of Asgard caused by Ragnarok, Loki's disguise was discovered, he helps Thor and his allies defeat Surtur, but after he escapes.

Sphinx We Have A Problem[]

Disguised as a pharaoh, he tricks the heroes into trapping them in a Egypt pyramid, taking the Nexu Fragment and waking the Living Mummy to get in the way. But they escape and defeat Loki, who is now imprisoned in Egypt as punishment.[2]

Avengers Training[]

In some unknown way, Loki escapes Egypt and returns to Earth-13122, he somehow took the Infinity Stones from Thanos and hid them in Avengers Tower, and now convinces the Avengers to train him to become a member of the team, becoming an Avengers intern. In his training, Loki tries to save a cat from a tree, but he fails as he used his Staff to knock the tree down. He would then try to help the Avengers chase and stop Crossbones, but almost causes another accident. After all of the Avengers were trapped in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier by Nebula and the Chitauris, Loki decided to help the team, disguising himself as Nebula to trick the Chitauri into releasing them. Now with everyone on the loose, the team has a final showdown against Thanos in the tower, where after Thanos took the Stones, Loki reveals they were fake and hid the real Infinity Stones elsewhere. Afterwards, Loki changes his mind about being a hero and leaves.[3]



  • Superhuman Reflexes: Loki has enhanced reflexes that allowed him to catch an bread shot at him while flying a high speed Chitauri aircraft without looking at it.[1]
  • Superhuman Durability: Loki's body possesses an extremely high durability, rendering his skin bulletproof and allowing him to withstand several blows from Thor, being hit by a lighting attack, and even survive repeated battering from the Hulk bodily slamming him into a tiled floor.[1]
  • Superhuman Longevity
  • Sorcery
  • Illusion Projection
  • Teleportation: Loki is able to teleport wherever he wants, as he did to leave Stark Tower and go to the Hydra base,[4] or to dodge the Avengers' attacks.[3]
  • Cold Immunity: Due to his Frost Giant nature, Loki can survive low temperatures,[4] and even use the Casket of Ancient.
  • Metamorphosis: Loki is able to impersonate someone else.[1][2][3]
  • Mystic Vision: Through his mind, Loki can see different locations, but this uses mystical energy and makes his nose run, besides other people can see Loki's eyes, like Hulk who punched him.[10]

Overloaded: When Loki used Nornfrost on himself, his abilities were enhanced.

  • Enhanced Durability: Loki's durability has been enhanced to the point where he can be tickled by Iron Man's repunishment ray and Mjolnir's rays.[5]


  • Strategist
  • Arcane Lore
  • Expert Combatant: Loki has extensive combat training that allowed him to defeat several S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives, and hold his own against Thor for a time.[1]




See Also

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