Marvel Database

Appearing in "Rampage"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Mr. Boggs (Death)
  • Quinn (Apparent death)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Rampage"

Greg Knight has been hired by a man named Boggs to hunt down and capture animals for his circus. Their operation is interrupted by Lorna the Jungle Queen who tries to convince them that the animals are happier in the jungle than cooped up in cages, but Greg refuses to listen to the opinion of a woman and Boggs is motivated by his business. They leave Lorna, but Lorna is not through trying to convince Greg of her point of view.

As it turns out, Boggs is running a cruel operation, starving the animals and making them go mad with hunger in order to get better prices on the animals when they sell them to the circus. They next set their sights on Agu the giant ape and convince Greg that they have no intention of capturing him, only shooting film of the giant primate in action. Leaving Boggs' assistant with the frenzied animals they go out looking for Agu. Left alone the assistant is grabbed by one of the apes and strangled to death. The ape then frees himself and the other animals.

Meanwhile, Lorna is spying on Greg and Boggs as they track down Agu. As they approach Agu's domain, Boggs shows his try colors by trying to shoot Greg in the back, but he fights back, but Boggs succeeds in knocking him out. Agu appears and is angered by the intruder in his land. Boggs defends himself with his rifle shooting Agu in the shoulder but Lorna attacks him, stopping any more shots from being fired. She then orders Agu to flee and the large primate complies. Boggs is about to shoot Lorna when suddenly they hear the roars of the hungry animals. Reviving Greg, the trio flee from the rampaging jungle beasts but come to a cliff. While Lorna and Greg swing to safety on vines, Boggs is left alone to face the animals he has treated with cruelty and they force him off the cliff sending him falling to his death.

In the aftermath of the danger, Greg realizes the errors of his ways and Lorna capitalizes on his remorse by pretending to be afraid so that he will hold her close to him.

Appearing in "The Man on the Tiger"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Man on the Tiger"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Devil's Lagoon"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Native Boy (Unnamed)
  • Other Unnamed Natives

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Devil's Lagoon"

Lorna and Greg Knight are out fishing along the river when they hear the cries of a native swimming in the water. They watch as the man is pulled under the water by the Devil of the Lagoon, a massive octopus that lives in the waters. Lorna and Greg dive in to try and save him but are too late and are forced to flee.

They swim to shore where they meet with the local tribe who explain that the Devil of the Lagoon have taken many of their people. When the chief of the tribe asks Lorna to kill the creature she agrees but Greg protests her putting her life at risk. With no other choice, she convinces the locals that Greg is responsible for bringing the Devil to them and they take him prisoner. This allows Lorna to dive into the water and face the Devil of the Lagoon. Lorna slays the Devil with her knife and drags its corpse to shore to show the locals. However, even though the monster is dead, they still blame Greg for bringing the creature to their village and are about to burn him at the stake unless Lorna can return their people.

Lorna dives back into the river and finds the creatures cave and finds all the missing natives alive, apparently kept below in underwater caves to be eaten later. Lorna frees them and brings them back to their tribe. Seeing their loved ones alive and well, the tribe agrees to let Greg go free.

As they leave by boat, Greg gets back at Lorna for putting him in danger by pushing her overboard and rowing away.

Appearing in "White Lion!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • White Lion


  • Mark Hall
  • Mona Hall

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "White Lion!"

Two poachers named Mark and Mora come across an albino lion on a wild life preserve and are about to shoot it when suddenly Greg Knight arrives to see what they are up to. They make up a story that they are merely sight-seers and ask Greg to take them on a tour. Greg agrees and educates them on the importance of the wild life preserve and how rare the albino lion is.

When they stop for coffee, Mike tries to drug Greg's coffee. Their meal is interrupted by a snake which Greg shoots dead. As they drink their coffee Greg suddenly passes out. Mark and Mona go after the albino lion when suddenly Mike passes out. When the lion tries to attack them, Greg appears and fights it off sending it fleeing. Greg reveals to Mona that he knew what they were up to the whole time and switched his coffee cup with Mark's while they were distracted by the snake. He takes them prisoner and drives them off to the local village to face justice.

Appearing in "The Vulture Strikes!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Old Croc
  • Junior (Old Croc's son)
  • Mikki

Races and Species:



  • Rudy's Vulture Costume

Synopsis for "The Vulture Strikes!"

Greg Knight watches as Lorna the Jungle Queen rides a crocodile in order to get to it's child, trapped in some branches on the edge of a waterfall.

After the rescue operation, Lorna joins Greg as he pays a visit to his friend Ralph Rudolph who operates a local trading post, but Greg tells Lorna to leave him to handle his business alone. Lorna instead spies on them and overhears Ralph telling Greg how his diamond shipments have been pilfered around vultures roost and it is driving him out of business. Greg agrees to take his next batch of diamonds for delivery despite the unknown danger.

Along the way he soon finds that Lorna is following him, Greg is exasperated by Lorna's persistence he allows her to accompany him as long as she stays out of his way. As they approach Vulture's Roost. As Lorna swings through the trees a large vulture spies Greg as he makes his trek. The massive bird drops a rock on Greg's head knocking him out. However, before the vulture can act, Greg is discovered by Lorna and it is forced to flee.

Greg is revived and they continue along their trek when the vulture attacks them again. However, Lorna realizes their attacker is not a real vulture and stabs it with her knife, knocking it out. Lorna then searches it revealing that it has a bag full of diamonds and that it is really a man in a disguise. Removing the mask, Lorna reveals the Vulture to be Rudy Rudolph. With the thief revealed, Lorna and Greg take him to the village to face justice for his crimes.


Lorna, the Jungle Queen Vol 1 4 Indicia

See Also

Links and References

