Marvel Database

Appearing in "Lost Souls!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

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Synopsis for "Lost Souls!"

Angel runs into Ka-Zar, recently visiting from Pangea, and tells him what has happened to the Savage Land since he's been gone. Ka-Zar realizes the Shanna is probably Sauron's captive as well, since she was last seen going to visit the village that the X-Men found ravaged earlier. Together, they work out a plan to rescue their friends where Angel draws out Sauron for a battle in the sky while Ka-Zar sneaks into the fortress to free the X-Men. After succeeding in their endeavours, Storm, enraged over the ordeal Sauron has put her and the X-Men through, overcomes the will-draining effects of the energy field to generate enough power to defeat Sauron and Zaladane.

Afterwards, everyone is reverted to their original forms, including the mutates back to their pre-evolved forms, and the evolutionary accelerator is destroyed. Karl Lykos and Tanya Anderssen then return with the X-Men to Westchester, where Professor X is able to cure Lykos of his mutation.

Appearing in "Mindgame"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Janince Manning (Illusion or holographic simulation)


  • Dr. Commonhate
  • Hugo


Synopsis for "Mindgame"

Brand Corporation scientists experiment on the mind of the captive Deathlok, making him see scenarios where he escapes, is reunited with his long-lost wife, and is restored to his human form.

Appearing in "Ordeal!"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for "Ordeal!"

Tony Stark has a dream where he fights a personification of his own pride for the sake of his compassion.

Appearing in "Editori-Al"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for "Editori-Al"

Al Milgrom clarifies that he actually likes Chris Claremont and offers him a chance to write a rebuttal to the slander in previous installments. He just has to get it in before deadline.


  • Wraparound cover.

See Also

Links and References

