Marvel Database

Appearing in "If Not For Love"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Team-Up #76

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Synopsis for "If Not For Love"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Team-Up #76

It's Saturday night, and Spider-Man is enjoying himself swinging across Washington Square. Soon he passes by Dr. Strange's Greenwich Village sanctum, and the mystic master sees him through a window. Strange wonders what brings Spider-Man into the neighborhood and calls out to him, but Spider-Man seems preoccupied and does not respond. Strange thinks Spider-Man's appearance is more than coincidence, for just this morning he received a deck of tarot cards by special delivery, with no return address. It was an ancient deck, heavily charged with power, and as soon as he touched it he felt compelled to do a reading, even though he had not done one in years. The ten cards are still laid out on a table, and as he returns to contemplate them, Clea enters the room. She tries to distract him, but he is far too busy trying to penetrate the arcane forces that seem to be clouding his perception. Clea is annoyed that Strange is excluding her from his work, and as they leave the room quarreling, neither one notices that the Orb of Agamotto has begun to glow. A few blocks away, Spider-Man finds an alley and changes into his street clothes, wondering why his spider-sense started to tingle. Trying not to think about his studies, he starts to walk back toward Dr. Strange's house, still too preoccupied to care about where he is headed. At the same time, having calmed Clea down, Dr. Strange returns to once more contemplate the tarot layout, but he still fails to note the glowing Orb behind him.

Near Abingdon Square, a few blocks away, Carol Danvers, editor of Woman magazine, disembarks from a bus. Having spent thirty hours working without a break to get the latest issue to the printers, she is looking forward to a hot bath. Unfortunately, a rude man behind her pushes her out onto the sidewalk, and she stumbles into Wong, Dr. Strange's servant, who is homeward bound with groceries. She recognizes him, but he does not know her and introduces himself, and she helps him pick up the provisions.

Meanwhile, Dr. Strange continues to contemplate the tarot, but when Clea looks in on him she finds his study cold and the air reeking of evil. Then she sees the glowing Orb and shouts a warning, but before Strange can react, a demon form erupts from the object and attacks. Ectoplasmic tentacles hit Dr. Strange like steel bars as the monster attacks his mind. Strange utters a spell, but it has no effect, and when Clea begins to scream, the telepathic rapport Strange shares with his disciple transmits her agony, and he feels her soul wrenched from her body, leaving her hollow and worse than dead. As Carol Danvers finishes repacking Wong's shopping bag, he suddenly receives a mental alarm from Dr. Strange and rushes away. Carol realizes something is wrong and follows him, and when he runs by Peter Parker, Peter's spider-sense tingles a strong warning. Peter recognizes Wong, and he quickly ducks into an alley, changes into his Spider-Man costume, and follows Wong to Dr. Strange's sanctum. The first bad sign Spider-Man notices is that the door is unlocked, which means that Strange's mystic defenses are down. Finding the first floor empty, he rushes upstairs, noting that the interior of the house seems a lot larger than it looks from outside. Finally he reaches Strange's study, where he finds Wong staring in shock at the unconscious forms of the mystic master and his disciple. As Wong and Spider-Man whisper together, Spider-Man's spider-sense starts to tingle, and he turns to see Ms. Marvel behind him. Her costume has changed since Spider-Man last saw her, and at first he does not recognize her. Just then Dr. Strange very weakly asks for Wong, and Ms. Marvel tells Spider-Man to take Strange into the next room while she takes care of Clea.

Sometime later, in the library, Dr. Strange restores his strength with a Spell of Rejuvenation. With Clea's life at stake, he explains, he does not have the time to recover naturally. Unfortunately, he cannot use the Spell of Rejuvenation on Clea, because her soul has been torn from her body and is now imprisoned in the mystic Orb of Agamotto. Strange's strongest spells have failed to bring her back. It is imperative that they rescue her quickly, he continues, lest the realm of unreality within the Orb drive her mad or kill her. The tarot cards he received earlier that day were clearly sent to warn him about this, says Strange, and the only clue they have about the sender is the postmark — New Orleans. Spider-Man replies that black magic has always been out of his league and starts to leave, but Dr. Strange persuades him to stay. Then Strange casts a spell, and he, Spider-Man, and Ms. Marvel vanish, leaving Clea's body lying on a bed in the care of Wong.

Soon the three companions materialize on Bourbon Street in New Orleans's fabled French Quarter, much to the astonishment of two tourists, Billy and Lorie. Strange magically erases the tourists' memory and quickly casts a spell to disguise himself, Spider-Man, and Ms. Marvel as ordinary people. Then Strange detects an astral energy trail leading out of the city into the bayou country along the Mississippi River. Whoever sent the cards is making it very easy to find him, says Strange as they approach an isolated shanty. The dilapidated appearance of the structure, however, belies the ornate and beautiful interior they see when they enter. A woman seated at a long table welcomes them and tells Strange to "enter freely and of his own will." When Strange asks her who she is, she says she is Marie Laveau, the Witch-Queen of New Orleans. Dr. Strange can see that Marie Laveau is contemplating a tarot-card layout identical to the one he laid out in New York. He senses power in the woman, but no threat. Then he asks what part she plays in this nightmare, and she replies that it was she who sent him the warning, as a friend. She explains that his being there means her warning came too late. As the cards foretold, she continues, he has fought malign magical forces and lost, and now the woman he loves stands in peril of her soul, for which he and his companions must do battle. The identity of his foe, she says, is Silver Dagger. At the mention of that name, Dr. Strange recalls his last battle against Silver Dagger, which nearly killed Strange and forced him to enter the realm within the Orb of Agamotto. There Strange died, but he was soon reborn as the Sorcerer Supreme, and with Clea's help he defeated Silver Dagger who was then drawn forever into the abyss within the Orb. As Marie Laveau continues, sinister cloaked figures carrying swords creep through the shadows of the night outside and surround her abode. Strange thought Silver Dagger was trapped forever, continues Marie, but he forgot that what the Eye of Agamotto knows the Orb knows, and what the Orb knows all within it know. Silver Dagger was helpless until a few weeks ago, but then the Eye of Agamotto — Dr. Strange's amulet — was stolen by the Harvesters of Eyes, who used it as a gateway to bring an ancient demon race to Earth. Strange and the Defenders fought the cultists and regained the Eye, sealing the gateway and preventing the day of Xenogenesis. But while the Eye was being used as a gateway, continues Marie, it was flooded with "the totality of the demon race's eldritch lore," and this allowed Silver Dagger to gain control of the Orb and plot his revenge against Dr. Strange.

As Dr. Strange removes his mystic amulet, he asks the witch queen why she is helping him. If Silver Dagger slays him, she replies, it will not be long before he comes after her. But Strange is not convinced, because his reading of the tarot cards indicated a betrayal. Then he lays his amulet on the table and casts a spell that causes it to reveal Silver Dagger, his disciples, and Clea, all within the realm of the Orb. Clea is shouting for help, and Silver Dagger and his disciples surround a pyre on which they plan to burn Clea alive. Strange knows that if Clea's soul dies within the Orb, her body will die on Earth. But Sliver Dagger has closed the Orb to him, Strange says, and he has no way to enter it.There is a way, replies Marie, but he must first master The Shiatra Book of the Damned. Meanwhile, one of the figures outside whispers to the others that at their mistress's signal, they will attack and destroy all those within but her. Unaware of what is happening outside, Strange continues to discuss magic with Marie. The Shiatra book is supposedly the oldest occult tome in creation, he says. The dreaded Necronomicon is derived from a small part of Shiatra lore, and legend says that the lore is evil. But Marie Laveau replies that it is merely power that can be used for evil or for good, depending on the sorcerer who wields it.

Knowing that he has no choice with Clea's life at stake, Strange agrees to accept the witch-queen's aid, and as she casts a spell that causes herself to vanish she carries away Strange's astral form. Then, as Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel view Dr. Strange's entranced body. Spider-Man's spider-sense starts to tingle strongly, reacting to the unseen skulkers outside who are preparing to strike.

Appearing in "What If the World Knew Daredevil Was Blind?"

Reprint of the 1st story from
What If? #8

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Electro (First appearance)
    • Electro's auto theives
  • The Owl (First appearance)
    • The Owl's henchmen
  • Duke Klaus Kruger (First appearance)
    • Kruger's Inhuman guard

Other Characters:




  • A Truck carrying radioactive material (Flashback)
  • NYPD Patty Wagon

Synopsis for "What If the World Knew Daredevil Was Blind?"

Reprint of the 1st story from
What If? #8

Daredevil fought Electro alongside Spider-Man when Electro figured out he was blind after setting off an extremely bright flare in front of his face. Spidey didn't believe it, and asked Daredevil what color Electro's costume was, confirming the suspicion.

Electo outed the secret to the Daily Bugle, and Matt continued to fight crime as Daredevil at the protest of Karen. The Owl tried to use this known weakness against him, and almost succeeded, causing Matt to reconsider a radical experimental operation to regain his sight.

Matt and Karen travel to Lichenbad to have the operation, and encounter the tyrant monarch Duke Klaus Kruger along the way. After the operation, Daredevil is forced to save the doctor who performed it and is subjugated to a large radiation dose from shutting down a Nuclear Pile Reactor.

The Dose causes Matt to lose his heightened extra senses, but he regains his sight. Upon arriving back in the States, the Owl immediately abducts Matt and Karen to participate in his form of a courtroom trial against the Judge (Lewis) who put him away. Matt calls Daredevil to the stand and leaves to get his key witness. Daredevil defeats the Owl and saves Karen as well.

Later Matt outs his secret identity to the press and runs for District Attorney. He wins, and he and Karen get married, seemingly living a happy normal life from then on.

Appearing in "The Last Sunset...?"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Ms. Marvel #8

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "The Last Sunset...?"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Ms. Marvel #8

Continued from last issue... Reporting the AIM base under a department store to S.H.I.E.L.D. does not turn up any results, and AIM begins to plot against Carol Danvers. Meanwhile Carol goes to a local bar to interview Tracy Burke, a photojournalist. Their interview is interrupted when some crooks come to rob the bar, and Carol singlehandedly defeats them all without changing into Ms. Marvel.

That Saturday, Carol and Michael Bennett go swimming at the beach when Carol is drawn to a research facility. Changing into Ms. Marvel once more, she finds Grotesk there attempting to utilize the Cavorite crystal on a warp generator. The two get into a lengthy battle in which Grotesk overpowers her and attempts to drown her. However, Ms. Marvel manages to get the upper hand and during their fight, seemingly killing Grotesk.

Carol survives and changes back to her civilian guise, with the Cavorite crystal in hand when she is recovered by Michael Barnett.

Appearing in "Alone Against Arcturus!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Fear #23

Featured Characters:

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Other Characters:

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Synopsis for "Alone Against Arcturus!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Fear #23

After passing through the wall in the Land Within, Morbius awakens on a strange planet hungering for blood. After wandering for days, he finds a young couple and attacks the man, but discovers that the liquid in his victim's veins is not blood, meaning he has killed for nothing. He reminisces about what’s happened thus far, then discovers that the male was an android, so he attacks and drains the woman, though not enough to kill her.

Travelling to a city in the distance, he is met by a mental projection of Lord I, Potentate of Arcturus. Emerging from the shadows, Lord I explains that Morbius is to remain on Arcturus because the Caretakers cannot be allowed to complete their work on Earth. I explains that the Caretakers are the ancestors of the Arcturans, and that the tampering that was done caused an escalating war over the genetic future of their race, a war that ended in nuclear annihilation. Most survivors went mad and fled the cities, living in tribes that have forgotten how they even came to be. Lord I and his fellow mutants had been created to be a super-intelligent and incredibly long-lived super-race, but had been changed by the radioactive fallout that massively mutated their bodies, and left them all wishing to die.

Unwilling to believe Lord I’s statement, Morbius grabs a nearby woman and threatens to kill her. He is astounded as the Arcturans stand by silently and allow him to drain her completely. Realizing that this is the future in store for humanity, Morbius agrees that the Caretakers must die.

Appearing in "That a Child May Live..."

Reprint of the 1st story from
Fantastic Four #223

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Synopsis for "That a Child May Live..."

Reprint of the 1st story from
Fantastic Four #223

As the Fantastic Four, Agatha Harkness, and the mysterious devil hunter Gabriel speed to Colorado and the town of New Salem in the Pogo Plane each of them broods on the events which have made their journey vital, while Sue concentrates on maintaining a force field around her son, the demonically possessed Franklin Richards.

In New Salem itself the members of Salem's Seven are contemplating their incarceration at the hands of the Fantastic Four when Nicholas Scratch takes possession of Brutacus and uses his powers to deliver his lackeys from the captivity so they can lay a trap for the fast approaching heroes. Once escaped, they use their various abilities to subdue the townspeople of New Salem. As the Fantastic Four arrive Scratch once again possesses Franklin, but Gabriel soon reveals that he himself is acting to dampen Scratch's influence by sheer force of will. The team are quickly surprised by Salem's Seven and eventually taken captive and removed to a place of sacrifice, whence Scratch aims to release the influence of the Dark Realm over the whole earth and release himself in the process.

Though physically restrained, Gabriel waits for the precise moment when Franklin's mind is completely open to harness the love of the Fantastic Four for Franklin, and use that energy as a weapon against Scratch. At the same time, both he and Agatha offer to sacrifice themselves to accomplish this. It's all too much for Scratch: unable to abide the thought of his mother's sacrifice he backs down and releases Franklin. As the Fantastic Four are reunited with Franklin, Agatha reveals that she will not be returning with the team to New York, but will stay on in New Salem.

Having relieved her son of his powers of witchcraft, she will stay behind to watch over him and Salem's Seven. The Fantastic Four bid a tearful farewell to Franklin's former governess but look forward to having Franklin with them on a permanent basis.

Appearing in "Battle with the Big Man!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Premiere #40

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Battle with the Big Man!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Premiere #40

In a Con Edison plant in Manhattan, the Torpedo struggles to regain consciousness, aware of the fact that his recent battle with the Rocketeers has set off some kind of chain reaction in the plant's nuclear pile. As the Rocketeers fly away, confident that the Torpedo costume will soon be destroyed, the Torpedo spots a main power cable that was accidentally sheared away during the fight, depowering the safety systems meant to prevent explosions. The Torpedo uses his costume to close the circuit and get the safeguards working again. Although it's incredibly painful for Jones, he is able to prevent an explosion by funneling the force of the reactor into the Torpedo costume. However, when the nuclear energy within the suit continues to build up, Jones realizes that he will have to discharge it quickly before he explodes. Lashing out with his atom-infused hands, the Torpedo causes the entire building to disappear into thin air. After seeing him wipe out an entire city block, two NYPD officers open fire but the Torpedo evades the bullets and escapes.

After returning to his home and changing out of his Torpedo suit, Brock is surprised to find Suzy, his wife's little sister, is there. Suzy explains that Lorraine called her to come over and watch the children while she went to the clinic. Suzy then reassures her brother-in-law that Lorraine is staying over for a complete check-up but everything is well.

Elsewhere, Wescott is berated by his employer because the Con Ed plant did not explode and the Torpedo escaped alive. The big man gives them all one more chance to get the prototype design for their army of super-soldiers or they will pay with their lives.

Meanwhile, Brock reviews how he received the Torpedo suit from its dying creator, a man from a foreign country who had been brought to America in order to design a super-suit but had discovered that his rich American relatives were actually a "fifth column" and had decided to stop them. Brock suddenly recalls a name from papers that the original Torpedo had retrieved from a safe-deposit box and realizes that he's known who the "big man" is all along. After phoning to make an appointment, Jones uses the Torpedo suit to fly into the city where, after changing into his civilian clothes, he meets with Senator Stivak in his office to discuss adding his name to the senator's next campaign.

That night, Jones lurks outside the building where the senator's office is and, once he sees the last secretary leave, he changes into the Torpedo suit to break in. Although he finds it funny that the windows weren't locked, he assumes that was because the office is on the 33rd floor and proceeds to break into a wall-safe he had spotted earlier to get the documents inside. As the Torpedo looks through the papers, he is unaware that he's being watched through hidden cameras by Stivak and some of his men. The senator takes a moment to reflect on what a fool he has been, by spending a great deal of money to track the Torpedo down without realizing that the Torpedo was trying to find him because of what Stivak's nephew, the original Torpedo, must have told him before dying. As the Torpedo is preoccupied with reading through the papers while talking aloud to himself about how the senator is an international agent of a foreign power who was planted in America years ago in order to grain enough influence that he would be able to weaken the country, Senator Stivak orders the Rocketeers to close in on the Torpedo. As the Torpedo continues to reminisce aloud about how the genius nephew who had been brought to America to design a series of rocket-suits had discovered his uncle's true plans, turned against him and had designed the inferior Rocketeer suits instead, he is taken by surprise when the Rocketeers attack. He puts up a good fight but is soon knocked out by Wescott, and the senator orders him to be taken to the mansion in Westchester where there will be less chance of anyone hearing his screams as he is pried out of the costume.

Hours later, in the mansion in Westchester, the senator and his men remain somehow unable to get the costume off of the Torpedo. When they begin using electricity to torture him, the Torpedo is able to use his suit's wrist-turbines to break his bonds and free himself. The Torpedo quickly takes out the Rocketeers and then concentrates on assaulting the senator. However, while doing so, he punches Stivak into the fail-safe panel, accidentally activating its destruct-circuit. With his plans and dreams destroyed, the senator goes bananas and attacks the Torpedo who punches him into the Rocketeers as they were trying to regroup. Telling himself that his enemies didn't look like they were willing to listen to reason, the Torpedo flees, leaving them behind in the mansion which explodes seconds later. As the Torpedo flies off, hoping that the original Torpedo can rest easier now that his uncle has been stopped, Senator Stivak pulls himself out of the rubble of the sub-basement of the demolished mansion and gloats that he has won since, when the authorities come to investigate the explosion, they will discover the attempted assassination of a US senator with all the evidence pointing directly at the Torpedo.

Back at home, Brock makes it to his den and changes out of the Torpedo costume in time to greet Lorraine as she returns home. After they kiss, Lorraine reveals that that she is pregnant with their third child. As their children watch, the happy couple kiss again.

See Also

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