Marvel Database


Mickey Ditillio was an investigative reporter who worked with Senator Wilbur Wycombe to uncover stories on covert government activities. One such case was Project Glamor who were trying to continue the work of Theodore Sallis.[1] After Wycombe disappeared, Mickey continued on his investigation. To this end he visited Sallis' lab in the Florida swamps but was captured by Jody Choate but escaped. He was recaptured by the satanic cult that was working with the project and was going to be its next test subject. Mickey narrowly survived the bombing of the shack and Ditillio learned the entire story of the Project from Lloyd Zahner and the cult's leader Demon. In a final attempt to silence Mickey, they kidnapped his girlfriend, Lyssa, but were saved by Railsback a former Project member who had been unwilling subjected to the serum. They fled, but were confronted by Choate who killed Zahner and Lyssa by smashing their heads together. Mickey was saved at the last minute by Man-Thing and Mikey returned to his office to release the story.[2]




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