Marvel Database

Quote1 Now that the life and death matters have been settled... X-Factor were hoping to find you New Mutants and invite you to join us... here on our ship... permanently. Quote2

Appearing in "Splash!"

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Synopsis for "Splash!"

The New Mutants, the mansion destroyed, go looking for somewhere to call home. Eventually they hit upon going to see the X-Terminators. Out off the ship, the X-Terminators are doing some diving, and find a strange horn. Boom-Boom blows it, and it calls a sea monster that attacks the ship. Just then the New Mutants arrive, followed shortly by Namor. Namor chastises them for blowing the horn, and they all resolve to get ship back from the sea monster. They fight, and eventually they put some dynamite down the creature's throat, and they get Ship back. X-Factor arrives, and offers the New Mutants the ship as a residence.


  • This story in this issue leads into the first part of the New Mutants Annual #5 and it acts as an interlude for that storyline.

See Also

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