Marvel Database

Quote1 I don't like you. I don't trust you. But maybe... just maybe... I'm beginning to respect you. Quote2
Rictor, thinking to himself about Cable

Appearing in "Prey for the Living"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Prey for the Living"

  • Synopsis not yet written


  • This issue's cover is possibly a homage to the cover of Rom #9.
  • Plot by Simonson, script by Nicieza. Fabian Nicieza gets his first credit on this title as scripter. He becomes the new writer of New Mutants as of New Mutants #98 and continues as writer when the series turns into X-Force.
  • The next issue box promises a trip to Madripoor, however next issue is a fill in. Madripoor will instead appear in New Mutants #93.
  • Sabretooth seemingly dies this issue. He returns in Wolverine (Vol. 2) #41.

See Also

Links and References

