Marvel Database

Quote1 That little girl in there, this... these are her dreams. Karma was right. She's having a nightmare, and it's pulling in the world around her. Quote2

Appearing in "Parasomnia"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Tashi Repina
  • Prime Minister Ivan Prokopovych (First appearance)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "Parasomnia"

Surrounded by her mental creations, a monstrous-looking mutant teenager sobs and begs for forgiveness. Some of the New Mutants are her prisoners. Her voice echoes in their minds as she assures them she didn’t mean to hurt anyone and pleads for help.

Outside the growing black dome created by the girl, Mirage and Boom Boom assess the situation. Dani fears the expanding dome will require city evacuation and asks Boom Boom to inform the Carnelian cops.

Cypher, Wolfsbane, Armor, Mondo, and Wildside arrive in a Blackbird. Cypher explains Wildside might be useful and emphasizes they are on the same side now. The Carnelian cops remain unhelpful, hoping the sphere will consume the mutants.

Meanwhile on Krakoa, Magik searches for the New Mutants and learns from Glob Herman that they went to Carnelia to save a mutant. Glob also tells Magik about the website which keeps track of mutant incidents and sightings.

Back in Carnelia, Cypher examines the sphere and confirms it’s a manifestation of the girl's nightmares, pulling in the world around her. Boom Boom proposes using a bomb to wake the girl, but Cypher warns that it could harm everyone connected in the neural network. Instead, he suggests they enter the sphere and give her good dreams.

Carnelia's Prime Minister Prokopovych arrives at the site and uses the situation to denounce mutants on TV, accusing them of causing the crisis. As Armor, Mondo, Wildside, and Cypher prepare to enter the sphere using a rope tied to the Blackbird, the police prepare to arrest them. Inside, they encounter nightmarish images, with the girl seeming farther away than expected. Cypher instructs Wildside to disrupt the girl’s nightmare and induce pleasant dreams. However, the girl wakes up and attacks, severing their line to the outside.

Outside, Dani is horrified when the line is cut. Inside, Armor struggles to maintain consciousness, hallucinating about her dead family.

Solicit Synopsis


The NEW MUTANTS know it’s tough to adjust to having powers, especially with the new Krakoan paradigm. They’ve been there – and they’re able to help, no matter how weird, wild and dangerous the case may be! …Right?

See Also

Links and References

