Marvel Database

Quote1 Ten days. In ten days it would have been all right. He would have awakened to his potential. Quote2

Appearing in "Of Living and Dying"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Sonny Bean (First appearance; dies)
  • Sonny's mother

Other Characters:

  • Cipher (Alisa Tager) (invisible and inaudible (retconned)) (First appearance chronologically)
  • NYPD
    • Dan (First appearance)
    • Eugene (First appearance)
  • Chi Ping (Mentioned)
  • Xorn's aunt (Mentioned)
  • Xorn's uncle (Mentioned)

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Of Living and Dying"

When a crowd rioted over a "monster" in Mutant Town, Xorn, Jean, and Cyclops attempted to put it down, but were also called "monsters." Afterwards, Xorn told Professor X, who found the "monster" before the former went into Mutant Town and discovered that the "monster" was a twelve-year-old mutant boy named Sonny Bean. His mutation was not complete and after his mother dropped a container of medicine, he went on a rampage in search of it. The police fired upon Sonny and killed him, although Xorn believed that he would have been fine in ten more days. After Sonny was carried away in a body bag, Xorn ate rice with an old man.

See Also

Links and References

