Marvel Database

Appearing in 1st story

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  • Daily Bugle newspaper


Synopsis for 1st story

Watts is with Logan going through Mystique's things. Meanwhile, the Bugle has reported that Tony Stark's company got the contract Osborn wanted. Peter is worried. Osborn is not pleased. He has a schizophrenic conversation with 'himself', where he decides to give Peter one last chance to redeem himself.

Peter goes to Stark Industries but sneaks off.

Watts is at Riker's prison to visit an inmate, Frank Castle. He is now determined to help Murdock. Castle tells him that the confession was persuaded out of him by someone at the police station who wasn't even a police officer, someone from his past. Watts contacts Foggy and tells him they may have a lead to help get Frank off the charge.

On a bench somewhere, Peter tries to tell Gwen about how Osborn has been tailing him and that Osborn wanted him to steal information. Gwen interrupts and says she doesn't believe him. As she leaves and is on her way home, she is abducted by men in a car.

Back at home, Peter's phone goes off. It is Gwen's phone calling but Norman Osborn on the line. He tells Peter that Gwen is "a little tied up right now". Pete says to leave Gwen out of it. Osborn tells him he has two days to get the information from Stark and not to involve the authorities, or else!

At Watts', he notices the street lights are all out. Logan springs into action and ushers him out onto the balcony. Meanwhile, gunmen enter the apartment. Shortly after, the gunmen (including Victor) are leaving as they couldn't find Watts. Logan clings onto their car. He forces it off the road and stands ready for action.

See Also

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