Marvel Database

Quote1 I am the Holy and I say enough! You two idiots had better start shaping up before the wrath of God descends! I'm not kidding! We've got to get this together! Because right now, if we ask the Punisher to join this little band, then our particular brand of justice will be over before it's begun! Quote2
The Holy

Appearing in "Any Which Way You Can"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:



  • Door (Destruction)
  • Cup of Coffee
  • Pizzas
  • Guns
  • The Holy's Axe
  • Desk (Destroyed)
  • Chocolate Bar
  • Copy of The Bridges of Madison County
  • Bag
  • Cigarette
  • Cellphone
  • Chair


  • Gnucci Family Car
  • Detective Martin Soap's Car

Synopsis for "Any Which Way You Can"

The Russian throws the Punisher through a door and when the Punisher gets up, he orders Dave and Joan to run before the Russian can hurt them. Next, the Russian throws Frank through a door of a room in which Bumpo is eating pizza. Frank picks up a pizza and throws it at the Russian's face, burning it and disorienting him. Then, the Punisher knocks him down and pushes Bumpo on top of him. The Punisher and Bumpo are on top of the Russian for twenty minutes, so the vigilante suggests that they crush the criminal for ten more. Meanwhile, at a church, the Elite and Mr. Payback insult each other based on their race and social status until The Holy silences them. The two want to start a vigilante campaign against criminals in the city. Meanwhile, the Punisher and Bumpo have killed the Russian after thirty minutes. The Punisher then leaves the apartment building, takes a Gnucci mobster's car, and drives away.

Meanwhile, at the Gnucci Mansion, Ma Gnucci is lying on the floor, unable to move, and expects the Russian to return with the Punisher's head. The Punisher drives by Martin Soap and Molly von Richthofen's car. The two detectives expect the Punisher to pursue the Gnucci Mob.

Back at the church, Mr. Payback suggests targeting banks and corporations, while the Elite suggests targeting drug dealers. The Holy insists that they go after every kind of criminal and kill them all. They also want the Punisher to join their new squad, which they dub the Vigilante Squad. At the Gnucci Mansion, the Gnucci mobsters are watching outside the window waiting for the Russian to return, when Castle arrives with the Russian's head. The men guarding the mansion decide to desert their positions, leaving Ma Gnucci alone with the Punisher.

See Also

Links and References

