Marvel Database

Appearing in ""From Whence Comes...Dominus?""

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Men #21

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:




  • X-Jet
  • Professor X's Hovercraft
  • Ice raft
  • Ice surfboard


  • Blue Valley Sharp-Shooting Contest (Referenced)

Synopsis for ""From Whence Comes...Dominus?""

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Men #21

The X-Men are racing toward the secret hideout of their alien foe Lucifer when their ship is suddenly deflected by a strange force field. Flying away from the scene to find another way through, the team notices strange objects being pulled out of the sky into the mysterious base. Also witnessing the spectacle is Porter Mack, the owner of a Dude Ranch near Buchanan's Butte, the location of the disturbance. Feeling that the strange goings-on will drive away his customer base, he takes some of his best men out to investigate the disturbance to try to find some way to stop it.

Meanwhile, the X-Men circle the butte until the strange light source disappears. Upon approaching the butte, they cannot get any closer because it suddenly starts spraying a geyser of hot water at them. The X-Men land further away and spot a nearby stream that goes under the butte. The X-Men decide to investigate to see if it's a safe passage into their foes hideout. Leaving their plane, the team leaves the Professor behind as they begin to search for a way into the base. Along the way, they are spotted and attacked by Porter and his posse, who think there may be a reward for the X-Men since they are still wanted criminals back east. However, the X-Men make short work of their would-be attackers, sending them sprawling into the river below where they retreat. They seal Porter in an ice block around his arms and load the would-be attacker on a horse, sending him packing back to his ranch.

Continuing to search for an entrance, the X-Men make their way to the river and have Iceman create an ice raft for them to ride along. They follow the river to the underground opening and find themselves caught in a whirlpool. As the X-Men are swept away, the Professor is shocked to find that telepathic contact with his students have been severed. Before Xavier can do anything about it, he is confronted by two robots commanded by Lucifer who capture the Professor and carry him away into the base. Taken before Lucifer himself, the Professor is put at the alien's mercy with the robots inquiring if they can destroy the telepathic mutant. Lucifer refuses the request, telling the robots and the Professor that he prefers that Xavier lives so that he can witness as the Dominus super-computer enslaves the entire world.

Elsewhere in Lucifer's base, the X-Men are separated and Angel, Cyclops, and Marvel Girl get captured in a transparent cage. Beast and Iceman, meanwhile, are attacked by another Dominus robot that attempts to capture them, but fails to stop the young mutants. They manage to escape the robot but then run right into a metal wall that knocks them out, allowing them to be captured.

With all the X-Men his prisoners, Lucifer gloats over his victory. He intends to use the Dominus computer (operated by the robots) to activate a device that would strip humanity of their individual wills and turn them into slaves that would toil and work as slaves of the Quist aliens that Lucifer is a member of.

Meanwhile, the X-Men attempt to break out of their prison, to no avail. When the Dominus robots place Iceman and Beast into their cell, they fail to free themselves as they are pushed back by an incredible force. However, the X-Men manage to free themselves when Jean uses her telekinetic powers to operate the release switch on the cell's control panel. Freed, they ambush the one robot left to guard them and race toward Lucifer's control room. With the alarm sounding, Lucifer sends his robots out to try and stop the X-Men. The X-Men duck out of sight to avoid detection and then rush Lucifer.

They get a mental command from the Professor telling them not to damage the computer, however Iceman and Angel don't believe the command came from the Professor and attempt to destroy it anyway, but Marvel Girl and Cyclops stop them. This leads to a brief scuffle between teammates until they all decide to hold off on destroying the computer until after they have dealt with Lucifer and his robots. The X-Men destroy all of Lucifer's robots and with his robots destroyed, Lucifer stops the battle and rushes to his communication device for more orders. When the Supreme Leader appears on the screen, he informs Lucifer that with the ultra robots -- the only things that could operate the computer, destroyed, their mission is a failure. He tells Lucifer to return to their home planet to be punished. Suddenly, right before the X-Men's eyes, Lucifer and all of his equipment are teleported away.

With the threat passed, the Professor explains to his students that through his mental probing he had learned that the Dominus computer has a specific defense mechanism: it would redirect any force thrown against it right back at it's attackers, putting his students at risk, and thus the reason why he ordered them not to attack the computer directly. With all explained, the X-Men and the Professor depart the base to return home, unsure where Lucifer came from or if the aliens he represented will threaten the Earth again.

Appearing in "The Replacement!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Iron Man #21

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "The Replacement!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Iron Man #21

Tony Stark and Happy Hogan watch a boxing match where Eddie March beats the Hammer. Afterwards, Eddie's doctor tells him he has a blood clot in his brain, so he tells the waiting reporters that he's retiring. Stark and Hogan visit and Eddie mentions if Iron Man ever retires he wouldn't mind taking over, as he is a big fan. Stopping by Cord Manufacturing, Stark finds the Crimson Dynamo menacing Janice Cord and drives him off as Iron Man. Realizing he has been holding back for fear of straining his heart, Iron Man leaves, unaware that the Dynamo never left the building and is really Alex Niven. After Stark tells Hogan that he's retiring as Iron Man, the two agree Eddie March would make an excellent replacement. Stark hires and trains Eddie, and eventually Stark feels comfortable enough to retire and try making a life with Janice. On his first mission, Eddie follows a tip-off to stop smugglers at the docks, but is attacked by the Crimson Dynamo; during their fight a crate falls into the Hudson River. Stark, monitoring the fight, is contacted by Eddie's doctor and learns of the blood clot: donning his armor, he rushes off to help, even as the Dynamo prepares to finish off the ailing Eddie.

Appearing in "The Trap Is Sprung"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Daredevil #21

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Owl
  • Owl's Henchmen
  • Robotic Bird

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "The Trap Is Sprung"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Daredevil #21

As a prisoner of the Owl following his interruption of the mock trail against Judge Lewis, Daredevil is about to be dropped down a long chasm in the Owl's base, however Daredevil manages to escape and fight off the Owl's men.

When a nearby volcano on the island threatens to destroy the Owl's Airie, his goons flee, however, the Owl unleashes his giant owl robot against Daredevil. However, during the battle the danger of the volcano becomes ever-present, and the Owl flees, thinking Daredevil defeated. However, Daredevil manages to grab control of the robotic owl and use it to save Judge Lewis before trying to figure out how to fly them back to the mainland.

Appearing in "The Goblin and the Gangsters"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #23

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "The Goblin and the Gangsters"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #23

The Green Goblin shows up to a mobster hangout and demands the thugs to bow to his superior skill as he wants to take over Lucky Lobo's mob. The gangsters and the Goblin don't see eye to eye and the Goblin flees and gets a write-up in the paper about him attacking mobsters. Pete heads over to The Daily Bugle's office, he sees J. Jonah Jameson meeting with Frederick Foswell, formally the mobster known as the Big Man. Deciding to give Foswell a second chance, Jameson gives Fredrick his old job back.

Meanwhile, The Green Goblin is up to no good and gets a list of unreported taxable income about Lucky Lobo's companies from a henchman. The Green Goblin gives the information to Foswell and he reports on it at The Daily Bugle. While swinging around, Spider-Man notices speeding police cars and a raid and watches as the Goblin throw a pumpkin bomb at one of the mobster's getaway cars. The Goblin leads Spider-Man into Lucky Lobo's hang out and leaves the two there to destroy each other.

Spider-Man temporarily ducks away to call Aunt May and as the mobster follow him in, he traps them as well as Lucky Lobo himself. Lucky explains the Goblin wants to shove Lucky Lobo aside so he can gain control of the mob and be "boss of the underworld". As the Green Goblin and Spider-Man fight, Spider-Man runs out of web fluid and the Goblin runs out of tricks in his bag as he flies away. Yet, the Goblin doesn't have luck on his side as he finds out that the police have caught the entire Lucky Lobo gang.

See Also

Links and References

