Marvel Database

Quote1 Ah, my foolish friend, someday you will face a situation that will cause your so-called solid wall of reality to crumble like sand -- and I would like to witness it! Quote2

Appearing in "A Giant Walks the Earth!"

Featured Characters:

  • Wilbur Fiske (First appearance)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



  • Wilbur Fiske's Growth Serum

Synopsis for "A Giant Walks the Earth!"

A short lab assistant works on a growth serum to gain a normal man's height. The serum works too well, and he continues to grow so tall his life is endangered when the air becomes too thin to breathe. Just as he is about to black out, the serum wears off, and he is restored to his original height having learned a lesson to be satisfied with the way he is.

Strange Tales Vol 1 70 001

Appearing in "The Comic"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Journey Into Unknown Worlds #45

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Comic"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Journey Into Unknown Worlds #45

A successful television comedian battles with his emotions to decide whether he should stay at his current job making good money but doing prepared skits that bore him, or quitting and going back on tour. He finally leaves, changes his name, and is much happier doing so.

Appearing in "Earth in Chains!"

Featured Characters:

  • Earthlings
    • Numerous unnamed residents of Earth


  • Xmmp
  • Knnj
  • Gyyypo
  • Tffdeh
  • Numerous unnamed aliens

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Earth in Chains!"

A colonizing group of aliens land on Earth and deem the human life to be living their non-intelligent. The aliens then begin crafting a colony on what they are calling Regulus Minor. After some initial construction of their capital and destruction of an Earth city they realize a fourth of their colonists are suffering from illness caused by Earth's germs. These germs make the aliens view Earth as too primitive for their bodies to make it worth colonizing altogether and so they leave.

Appearing in "Ghost Ship!"

Featured Characters:


  • Soviet Navy (Only in flashback)
    • Soviet Submarine Crew (Only in flashback)
      • Ivan (Only in flashback)
      • Unnamed Submarine Captain (Only in flashback)

Other Characters:

  • Numerous unnamed aliens (Only in flashback)

Races and Species:



  • Alien Spacecraft (Only in flashback)

Synopsis for "Ghost Ship!"

A United States Coast Guard patrol ship investigates a discovered Soviet submarine only to discover that it's empty of all occupants. The patrol ship crew discover a journal that informs them that the Soviets made contact with aliens and that they attempted to ram them using their submarine. The coast guards after finding a map with an unidentified galaxy written in an alien lagnuage determined that the aliens must have boarded the Soviet submarine and most have taken them with them to their galaxy and that they would have probably left them alone if it wasn't for them attempting to ram them.

Appearing in "Escape to Tomorrow!"

Featured Characters:

  • Joe Palmer

Supporting Characters:

  • Alvin Whitehead

Other Characters:

  • Unidentified Police Department (Mentioned)
  • World Government

Races and Species:



  • Alvin Whitehead's Timemachine

Synopsis for "Escape to Tomorrow!"

Joe Palmer reads of the invention of a time machine in the newspaper which gives him the idea to rob a bank and then escapes 50 years into the future. So after robbing the First National Bank he makes his way to a scientist's house named Alvin Whitehead, there he threatens him and forces him to send him to the future. While in the future Joe soon discovers that under World Government that is currently in charge his stolen money is useless and the technology use by modern police officers makes crime impossible. Without any other options he takes the only job he can get which is hard labor that only pays enough to allow him to survive in this time.

Appearing in "When Wakes the Sphinx!"

Featured Characters:

  • Unnamed Tourist
  • Ahmend

Supporting Characters:


  • Zokae
  • Okzik

Other Characters:

  • Atum (Mentioned)
  • Osiris (Mentioned)
  • Horus (Mentioned)
  • King Khalf-Re (Only in flashback)

Races and Species:


  • Milky Way (Main story and flashback)
    • Sol (Main story and flashback)
      • Earth (Main story and flashback)
        • Africa (Main story and flashback)


  • Alien Spacecraft

Synopsis for "When Wakes the Sphinx!"

Alien invaders make the mistake of landing too near the sphinx and it comes to life, chases them off, and bites a section out of the tail fin of the retreating spacecraft.

Strange Tales Vol 1 70 020


See Also

Links and References

