Marvel Database

Quote1 They didn't believe me! Nobody will believe me! People want some sort of proof I suppose--and someday that proof will materialize! Someday those creatures up there will realize that we're not all savages-- that we deserve their trust-- They will come again-- to stay-- and talk about the wonders among the stars... until that day-- I must wait and watch-- and live with the secret of the flying saucers! Quote2
—Unnamed Ufologist (thinking to himself)

Appearing in "I Discovered the Secret of the Flying Saucers!"

Featured Characters:

  • Unnamed Ufologist (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)

Supporting Characters:

  • Unnamed "Flying Saucer" (First appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Numerous unnamed scientists
  • Clarion (Named only)
  • Unnamed Astronomer (First appearance)
  • United States Air Force
    • Numerous unnamed members
  • Unnamed Physicist
  • Sam Brown (First appearance)
  • Daily Globe
  • BXY-TV
    • Unnamed Host
  • United States Army
    • Unnamed Major (First appearance)

Races and Species:

  • Humans (Main story and flashback)
  • Martian Masters (Only on screen as a static image or video record) (Only in flashback)
  • Unidentified Alien Robots (First appearance)


  • Sol
    • Earth
      • United States of America
        • Unidentified Science Institute (First appearance)
        • Unidentified United States Air Force Base
        • BXY-TV Station
        • Unidentified United States Army Base
    • Sun (Referenced)
  • Unidentified Solar System (First appearance) (Vision or hallucination)
    • Unidentified Planet (First appearance) (Vision or hallucination)


  • "Strange Encounter" (Television Show)

Synopsis for "I Discovered the Secret of the Flying Saucers!"

A man discovers that flying saucers are real, but are not actually ships, but alien beings able to travel through space on their own. They are often forced to crashland on Earth because of local radiation, and leave as quickly as possible.

Appearing in "I Captured the Abominable Snowman!"

Featured Characters:

  • Yeti (Kurt Hanson) (First appearance) (Unnamed) (Main story and flashback)

Supporting Characters:

  • Unnamed Lama (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)

Other Characters:

  • Former Yeti (First appearance)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "I Captured the Abominable Snowman!"

A man lies, cheats and steals to find the abominable snowman, and eventually discovers a lama who knows the secret of the snowman and is forced to summon it. He discovers that the snowman was a greedy man like him, cursed to wear a bestial form until another took his place. He is horrified as the snowman becomes human and he is transformed into a monster.

Appearing in "Detour to Mars"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Strange Stories of Suspense #7
(originally printed as The Delivery Box)

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Martian ambassador (Dream)

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "Detour to Mars"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Strange Stories of Suspense #7
(originally printed as The Delivery Box)

A strange package is left at a man's door and it turns out to be the ship of an alien ambassador on his way to Mars. He helps the ambassador on his way, but then wakes up from the dream.

Appearing in "I Am Robot"

Featured Characters:

  • Unnamed Robot (First appearance; dies)

Supporting Characters:

  • Thorne (Robot's Creator)
  • Thorne's Wife
  • Thorne's Son


  • Unnamed Alien
  • Kara

Other Characters:

  • Two unnamed associates of Thorne

Races and Species:


  • Earth-Unknown (2468 A.D.) (First appearance)
    • Milky Way (First appearance)
      • Sol (First appearance)
    • Unidentified Galaxy (Mentioned)


  • Strytum (First appearance) (Fragile Material)
  • Thermo-Barium (First appearance) (Metal)


  • Flying Saucer

Synopsis for "I Am Robot"

A man creates a robot so advanced that it has the capacity to think and feel as a human. He entrusts his son to it, but when the robot is damaged while defending the child from alien abductors, the scientist's suspicious wife is convinced that it malfunctioned, and he abandons the project.

Appearing in "I Am the Last Man on Earth!"

Featured Characters:

  • Adam (Main story and flashback)
  • Eve

Other Characters:

Races and Species:


  • Earth-Unknown (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)
    • Sol (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)
      • Earth (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)
    • Xernes (First appearance) (Only in flashback)


Synopsis for "I Am the Last Man on Earth!"

When the humans of a peaceful future discover a planet where they could live five times as long they all leave Earth, except for one couple who are too attached to Earth's heritage and are left on the abandoned world to reform civilization: Adam and Eve.


See Also

Links and References

