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Quote1 Molten promethium, cast in uru's shadow and melded with symbiote--the black blood, the void's creation. It drips through ancient rocks... over coiling scales... into eyes. Each drop holds visions. Each drop holds myth. And now, in the under-dark of Asgard... there is a Serpent. Quote2

Appearing in "Venom of Asgard: Part Two"

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Synopsis for "Venom of Asgard: Part Two"

In the dungeons under Asgard, a massive serpent constantly drips venom into the eyes of Donald Blake as punishment for his sins against the Ten Realms. Screaming in pain, the God of Lies grins as he swears revenge on Loki for damning him to this fate.

Sensing Blake utter his name, Loki is told to stand his ground by Lady Sif, saying they'll have need of all his tricks. Controlled by the newborn symbiote spawned by Bedlam, Darkoth examines the demonic hammer Hellnir -- created by the symbiote out of Promethium in emulation of Mjolnir. Indwelling Mjolnir, Odin scoffs that they need no tricks and urges Thor to strike Darkoth down. Agreeing, Thor prepares to blast Darkoth with divine lightning in the hopes of freeing him from the symbiote's control. Eddie Brock, the King in Black, urges Thor to wait; pointing out that Bedlam's Child is learning how to fight by imitating him. Emulating Thor, the symbiote-controlled Darkoth blasts Thor with a torrent of hellfire. As Thor is doubled over in pain, Odin and Sif shout at him to get his head in the game as Darkoth lunges. Thor counters the symbiote-controlled Darkoth's attack with Mjolnir, the divine and demonic hammer impacting with the force of colliding planets. Unable to put its genocidal bloodlust into words, Bedlam's Child screams before Darkoth's eyes are webbed-up by Eddie, temporarily blinding it. Helping Thor to his feet, Loki remarks he hasn't seen Thor that badly injured since something his original self did. Odin's voice, sounding dazed, remarks that he feels strange and Thor sees golden ichor oozing from the cracks in Mjolnir. As Thor declares that the bleeding Mjolnir demands blood and that he will no-longer hold back, Eddie cocoons Darkoth in webbing and boasts that over the centuries it's gotten so strong the Devil himself couldn't break free. Darkoth proceeds to effortlessly rip through Eddie's webbing, Sif noting that the dark magic of Limbo is empowering Darkoth's symbiote. Thor suggests Eddie bond the symbiote he is indwelling to him, Eddie agreeing but saying it will be a first for him. As Eddie bonds to Thor, Sif cautions him to be careful and Loki expresses jealousy that he didn't think of bonding to a symbiote sooner. Observing the two gods becoming one from a safe distance, the Warriors Four marvel that Asgard will tell stories of this day; while in his prison Donald Blake senses something has changed.

The Venomized Thor, the God in Black, snarls that he would have words with Darkoth... whose symbiote proves incapable of speech and responds by spinning Hellnir. Thor blasts Darkoth with divine lightning, almost causing Bedlam's Child to separate from its host. Noting that the shockwaves of Thor's hammer blows are weakening Bedlam's Child, Loki conjures a dragon to exploit the symbiotes' other weakness: fire. Unfazed by the inferno, "Thornom" mocks Bedlam's Child's instinctual terror as the newborn symbiote abandons its host and flees. Loki dispels the illusory dragon before it can become real. Separating from Thor, Eddie notes that Bedlam's Child is capable of displacing its consciousness through time like himself and its father, leaving behind a pool of seemingly-inert molten darkness behind. Lifting Hellnir, Eddie quips that he's worthy of it, but Thor muses on what qualities such a hammer would consider "worthy" before consoling Eddie to be careful. Eddie replies that he didn't lie before revealing himself to be Meridius, Eddie Brock's evil future self. Commenting that he is attempting to ensure the future where he comes into being, Meridius says he's seen Thor's fate and asks if Thor wouldn't do whatever is necessary to avert it. Disgusted, Thor refutes Meridius and the King in Black blasts him with Hellnir; declaring his intent to assimilate the demonic hammer to grow his own power, as Promethium is not dissimilar to the living darkness symbiotes are formed from.

Sif councils Thor to unleash the might of Asgard's army on Meridius, while Loki suggests they let him go. Rejecting their council, Thor says this fight is his alone and begins charging a massive ball of lightning in his outstretched hand. Declaring himself the King of Gods to whom even the King in Black must bow, Thor unleashes a Godblast point-blank in Meridius' face. Barely managing to block the blast with Hellnir, Meridius yields to Thor but mockingly warns him that his victory will cost him dearly. Thor dismisses Meridius' warning, saying no-one can know what the future holds in store until it comes. Hellnir melts, the molten Promethium mixing into the living abyss of Bedlam's Child and Meridius' vacated symbiote bodies. As Loki wonders what to do with it, the black ichor drains into a crack in the ground opened by the two gods' clash. With Sif unable to use her All-Sight to find it, Loki worries that a more powerful magic is hiding it. Thor assures him there's nothing below Asgard but solid rock, but Loki remains unconvinced.

Merged with Hellnir's Promethium, the symbiote oozes through the bedrock of Asgard and into Donald Blake's torture chamber, dripping into his ruined eyes and bonding to him. Sprouting a fanged maw and slavering prehensile tongue, the symbiote-augmented God of Lies is reborn as the Serpent, ready to take his revenge on Loki, Thor, and all of Asgard.

Solicit Synopsis


Hammer vs. tongue! Thunder vs. symbiote! Golden hair vs. pointy teeth! It's the epic finale of this dark, twisted team-up between Thor and Venom! How will events from the current VENOM series impact the future of Asgard? Find out here!

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