Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Giant of Rawhide Ridge!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Morgan Trumbell

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Giant of Rawhide Ridge!"

The Two-Gun Kid rides into the town of Rawhide Ridge and finds a posse waiting for him who tells him to drop his guns clear and clear out of town. However the Kid refuses and charges at them, shooting the guns out of their hands. He demands to know what is going on, the men tell him that the town is treed over by Morgan Trumbell the "giant" of Rawhide Ridge, who legally owns the only watering hole in town and has fenced it off from other ranchers. Asking why they don't fight back they tell him that Trumbell owns it legally. The people then try to hire the Kid to take the water for them but he refuses their offer, telling them if he legally owns the land fighting won't help. The Kid then gets a room at the local hotel and retires to it. There he laments over the fact that wherever he goes, but he is determined to solve the problem his own way.

A few hours later the Kid rides onto land owned by Trumbell and he is ambushed by one of his men. The Kid easily disarms the man and demands to see his boss. He meets with Trumbell, and finds that the towering man lives up to his nickname. The Kid tries to convince him to let the other ranchers use his water, Trumbell refuses to listen and punches the Kid in the face. The Kid is then ordered to go, furious over being struck Two-Gun vows to get the water for the other people in town. The Kid then returns to the town and tells the locals that they will deal with the issue once and for all.

The following day when Trumbell and his minions prepare to move their cattle to sell, they find the Two-Gun Kid and all the area ranchers are blocking his path. When he orders them to move, they refuse and the Kid shows them paperwork showing that all the area ranchers own the trail in which Trumbell runs his cattle. Stuck in a stalemate, Trumbell is ordered to let other ranchers to use his water in exchange for being able to use their trail to bring his cattle to market. He refuses and attacks the Kid, but Two-Gun easily trounces him and Trumbell relents and agrees with the new deal. While the others rejoice, the Kid cannot bring himself to celebrate, not liking the idea of bringing a proud man down low and leaves.

Appearing in "Mystery in Mustang Mesa!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Mystery in Mustang Mesa!"

Riding into the town of Mustang Mesa the Two-Gun Kid finds a posse waiting outside telling him to turn tail. However when he tells them that he is the Two-Gun Kid, they stand down and the sheriff asks for the Kid's help. He hears how Wade Thompson, the owner of the Big-T ranch which was the biggest ranch in the county until someone began rustling the stock, their last hit netted 200 head of cattle,that seemingly disappeared without a trace. They are joined by Sam Murdock, Wade's neighbor who owns the Circle-M ranch and is determined to help the posse capture the beings responsible for stealing his neighbours cattle. The Kid asks if his cattle have been rustled and learns that only the Big-T has been suffering raids. The Kid decides to investigate and tells them that he is riding out to have look around.

While out on the range, someone starts taking shots that the Two-Gun Kid. The Kid fires at his shooter and soon finds that it is Sam Murdock who stands down, telling the Kid that he thought he was the rustler. When the sheriff, Wade and the posse are drawn to the sound of the gunshots, the Kid tells them that he has figured out who is responsible for stealing the cattle. He draws the Big-T brand and shows them how they could have been altered to look like Circle-M ranches, saying that Murdock stole the cattle and altered the brands so nobody would notice.

Caught, Murdock tries to pull his rifle on them, but while Murdock has his attention focused on the Two-Gun Kid, it gives Wade an opening to gun him down, ending his threat. Before the others can thank the Two-Gun Kid for his help, he rides off.

Appearing in "Trouble in Devil's Gap!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Trouble in Devil's Gap!"

Western tale.

Appearing in "The Golden Touch"

Reprint of the 3rd story from
Outlaw Kid #6

Synopsis for "The Golden Touch"

Reprint of the 3rd story from
Outlaw Kid #6
  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "The Gun-Fighter!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Ann Norton (First appearance)
  • Jim Norton (First appearance)


  • Drago Simms

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Gun-Fighter!"

The Two-Gun Kid is walking through the town of Cayute when someone gets the drop on him and orders him to turn and draw. The Kid complies and easily out draws and shoots the gun out of his attackers hand. He is shocked to see that it is merely a young boy named Jack Trelawny who wanted to prove that he was a faster draw than the Two-Gun Kid and make a name for himself. The Kid decides to teach the Kid the dangers of being a gunslinger, telling him the story of a young man named Clay Harder when he was 18 years old...

... Years ago before he was the Two-Gun Kid, 18 year old Clay Harder lived in Sundown, Arizona, where he gained notoriety as a fast draw. A young hot head, Clay never stood down from a gunfight. He started dating a young girl named Anne Norton, and one day his reputation put her at risk while they were having dinner and the Kid was challenged by Diego Simms. The Kid outdrew Simms but the fight was witnessed by Anne's father who disapproved of his daughter seeing a gunfighter, and slaps Clay across the face in anger. Shamed by this, Clay decided to leave town, and soon after many gunfights and being kicked out of town after town and being seen as a danger, Clay Harder soon came to hate his most deadly talent....

... Finishing his tale, the Two-Gun Kid is happy to hear Jack renounce his desire to be a gunfighter. When the boy realizes that the Two-Gun Kid was Clay Harder, he thanks the Kid for teaching him a valuable lesson.


  • The flashback in the story "The Gun-Slinger!" likely takes place prior to the Two-Gun Kid origin story depicted in Two-Gun Kid #41, probably explaining why the Kid left Sundown, Arizona to begin with.

See Also

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