Marvel Database

Unstoppable Wasp Vol 1 1 Torque Variant Textless
Nadia Pym
Quote1 They need to fill out a form for me and I need a last name, but I've never really had a last name before. Quote2
Janet Van Dyne (Earth-616) from Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 10 001
Janet Van Dyne
Quote1 Okay? Quote2
Unstoppable Wasp Vol 1 1 Torque Variant Textless
Nadia Van Dyne
Quote1 And I thought, Pym makes sense, right? My parents' name. Why wouldn't I choose that? Except I never knew them and I don't know what they were like, and my last name should mean something to me. And I could only think of one last name that meant anything to me. And it's Van Dyne. But I wanted to ask you. Because it seems like it would be weird if I just got your last name and didn't ask or-- Quote2
Janet Van Dyne (Earth-616) from Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 10 001
Janet Van Dyne
Quote1 Yes! I would be honored. Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

After yesterday's events, Janet had the best night sleep in a while with Nadia and Ying sharing the bed with her. At 10 am, Janet wakes them up and, after weird teen science-assassin banter, Janet took them to a Superhuman holding facility in Queens by 11am. There, they visit Poundcakes (Marian Pouncy) and Letha (Helen Feliciano) to recruit them into G.I.R.L..

As Nadia conveys her sincerity to want to help Pouncy and Feliciano, apologizing for losing her temper and hurting both[1] severely enough to be put into casts, wishing to do better with them. Emotional that someone apologized for hitting her, Pouncy and Feliciano explain they needed to steal money for food and shelter. To remedy that, Janet offers employment at Pym Labs as security for GIRL in exchange for the Aggarwal family dropping the criminal charges; with Janet's sponsorship for their return to women's wrestling with costume redesigns.

At Noon, Janet takes Nadia and Ying to Pym Labs in Cresskill, where Janet explains how she improved employment and average salary since Hank left it to her. Meeting Matt Murdock, Janet arranged to play a time capsule recording with Hank and Maria, Nadia's birth parents. In the video, Hank mentions potential genetic damage from Pym Particle use and Maria was taking samples of his blood for future comparison. Seeing and hearing her mother for the first time, Nadia is awash with emotions finally seeing both parents in a recording. But Janet surprises everyone with a clean DNA sample in the form of a preserved blood vial from the test done in the recording. With said sample, Matt will rush it to the state lab for verification of Nadia's identity to resolve her immigration status.

With a loud honk outside, Janet surprises Nadia with her GIRL recruits in limousines. Shay and Priya were both allowed to return after Janet told her mother's they'd each have an internship, with Shay developing a romantic crush on Ying. Tai is so happy to see Nadia that she manages to make her way to hug her all on her own, being in awe at Nadia's defeating the Beetle; Alexis apologizes for leaving after Ying's ambulance ride as S.H.I.E.L.D. was inquiring about her driving record. With the reunion complete, Janet directs everyone inside for her next and biggest surprise so far.

Stepping off the elevator, Janet reveals a functional lab for GIRL proper, an official non-profit subsidiary of Pym Labs. When Nadia asks how, Janet reveals the floor was the original A.I. Laboratory, where Hank first made Ultron and was shut down soon after the first incident. With interior decorators working on it the night before, Janet apartment rooms with two of them set for Nadia and Ying to stay over at the lab. With the other doors acting as space for the other girls to visit should they ever get the chance, Nadia inquires about the additional two doors, which Janet unveils them as rooms for Lab mentors who stay over as well. Seeing one of the mentors is Bobbi Morse, Nadia leaps and hugs her before Janet leads them on a field trip.

At her Seventh Avenue outlet store "Van Dyne's", Janet wants to hold a gala to celebrate GIRL being operational and hired six fashion designers to make their dresses. Alexis thanks Janet on behalf of her sister, and being the astonishing Wasp that she is, Janet tells Alexis she hired six as she wanted Alexis to look nice too, much to Alexis's appreciative exuberance. But as Nadia tries on a dress, she overhears two of the designers talk about Hank's past with Janet. As one designer talks on how he would feel, the other explains that Nadia was the child of his first wife before Janet, with Nadia shocked to hear that Hank actually struck Janet.

Back at Pym Labs, everyone else is ready while Janet looks for and finds Nadia rewatching the recording of her parents from earlier. Nadia explains she's trying to see what it was in Hank that allowed him to hit Janet[2], finding it hard to believe or reconcile that her father the hero would ever do something "evil". Janet then explains that Hank wasn't evil, but he did do an evil act and he had to live with it, and that he struggled with mental illnesses his whole life refusing treatment out of pride. While holding onto that anger for so long, she chose to not let what other people do to her define her and take control of her own life; something Nadia reminded her of when they met.

Janet tells Nadia she left Hank as he placed his pride over her well-being, and now that Nadia realizes the truth she needs to realize nobody can live up to being the greatest person ever. Janet also informs Nadia that she is helping and fostering her because she loves her, not because she's Hank's daughter, and loves how Nadia loves everything with a want to keep that preserved as Nadia gives Janet hope in life. As they hug, Nadia accepts she won't have it all together and Janet admits she won't either, as they both get up and go dance. with the others. At the dance, everyone wears the dresses they had made as Shay dances with Ying growing more smitten with her, while Janet and Nadia have a good time.

The next day, with the DNA test confirming Nadia's parentage, Nadia runs out asking Janet explaining that, while her parents were "Pym", she doesn't have any real connection to the name. But given all that Janet has done for her, Nadia asks permission to adopt Janet's surname Van Dyne to fill out a last name for her citizenship, and Janet is honored Nadia would adopt her name. Two months later, GIRL is up and running, with Shay readying a test-run of her teleporter technology. As Janet thinks how she never wanted kids and still doesn't, but she realizes she meant her words to Nadia about loving her, how she gives Janet hope. Happy with the vision Nadia is building, Janet wants to help it grow and is happy to see it do so. As once she sets her mind on an objective, just as Nadia taught her, Janet can be unstoppable.

Solicit Synopsis

• When you need something smashed, you call a Hulk. When you need to win a war, you call a Captain America. But when you need to make the world worth saving, you call the Wasp.

• Everything Nadia has been building is in ruins, but she has Janet Van Dyne on her side and there’s nothing the two of them can’t handle together.

See Also

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