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Appearing in "Balls in the Air"

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Synopsis for "Balls in the Air"

Sometime later, Viv and Vin are playing football in the backyard, where they discuss the difference between faith and prediction. As a joke, Vin keeps phasing through the ball to spook Viv. Vision sees them playing and questions why they are playing with a football without the school logo. Vin explains that the school changed from the Native American caricature seen on the football to a patriotic bull. Virginia watches all of this from inside the kitchen, and expresses happiness at her family’s happiness. This is cut short by the blackmail phone ringing again, and this time Virginia answers it. She and the person on the other end arrange a meeting, while Vision plays football with the kids, at the same time giving an ominous warning that “tomorrow does not always come”.

Vin and Viv return to school shortly afterwards, where they continue to receive frightened stares from their classmates. At her locker, however, Viv is approached by the kid who Vin choked, named Chris Kinzky, who asks to walk to class with him. Chris tells Viv that he doesn’t have any hard feelings towards  Vin, but that his father has complained about the incident and tried to separate him and Viv up as lab partners. He then makes the point that people say things without truly understanding them, and that he thinks Viv is actually cool. Viv is touched by his words.

A few days later, Vision is battling Giganto alongside Iron Man and Captain America. While they are in battle, Virginia calls Vision and asks him to watch over the kids that night, claiming she has a meeting with a headhunter. Vision eventually agrees to clear his schedule to do so.

Virginia then goes to meet with the caller late at night, revealing the situation to be a ruse to rendezvous. The caller is revealed to be Chris Kinzky’s father, Leon, a xenophobic veteran who reveals he is brandishing a handgun. Leon confesses that he had come by the house originally just to say hello, as he knew Chris and Viv would be lab partners. He took the video while sneaking around the back trying to get the Visions’ attention, but did not intend to do anything with it. However, with the altercation between Chris and Vin, Leon now gives Virginia an ultimatum: he won’t give out the video as long as the Visions’ move out, believing Chris to not be safe in their presence. Virginia, however, does not agree to these terms, and flies upwards to intimidate Leon. In a panic, Leon pulls out the gun, then fires shots at Virginia when she tries reaching for it. The bullets phase through her, and end up hitting Chris, who had heard the commotion and come downstairs, killing him. In delirium at accidentally murdering his son, Leon angrily claims Virginia is the one who killed him, then threatens to have all of the neighbors rally together and murder the Visions. To placate him, Virginia punches him unconscious.

Solicit Synopsis

• Just as everything is coming together, everything goes to hell.

• After finally finding love for The Vision, Virginia must respond to the one person who threatens that love - and her response will shock the Marvel Universe.

• A not-to-be-missed ending that builds to next issue's breathtaking climax.


  • The narration briefly says that Viv did not live as long as she could have. This is likely a foreshadowing of her temporary death in Avengers #674.

See Also

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