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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Angry Prescod
"News service says one thing, website says another."
The subject of this article belongs to an installment of the MCU that has conflicting statements regarding its canon status. It is possible that its story may not be canonical to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Blood Hotel is a hotel used as a treatment center for people who had been possessed by demons which the Blood captured.


Finn Miller in Charge[]

Esther Smith told Finn Miller that he was in charge of what happened at the Blood Hotel in Portland. She later gave Caretaker the address for the Blood Hotel when he went to Portland to watch Ana and Daimon Helstrom.[1]

Teaching Gabriella Rosetti[]

Believing that Gabriella Rosetti needed to be exposed to the truth about demons and the Blood, Caretaker took Rosetti to the Blood Hotel, and waited for Finn Miller. He explained Keeper Talismans and Keeper Demons to Rosetti, and Miller came out and greeted Caretaker. Caretaker insisted that Rosetti was with him, and therefore did not need to be cleared by anybody except him, and discretely told Miller that there was a demon in the back of his car, which Miller sent people to take care of.

Rosetti walked through the hotel, where Caretaker explained that they were keeping demons in comas for as long as possible, shocking Rosetti, while the two watched Raum get given the same treatment. Miller and Caretaker argued about Rosetti's presence, when Rosetti interrupted the conversation to show him the files for Florence Williams and Edward Thompson, attempting to prove that the Blood's actions were immoral. Rosetti brought up that Daimon Helstrom could exorcise people, as she had seen, although Caretaker explained that by exorcising a demon, Helstrom was merely sending it back to where it could plot with other demons. Upset by the outcome of their conversation, Rosetti left to check on Joshua Crow, the priest that the demon Caretaker brought had possessed. As she entered, Miller, who had overheard the conversation, glared at Caretaker.

Later, Raum's Talisman dissolved, and the demon attacked a nurse. As Miller, joined by several nurses and orderlies, restrained Raum, he feigned begging for help from Rosetti, who Caretaker removed from the room, telling her that she did not have to be with the Blood if she did not want to and explaining that his family legacy left him without a choice. Rosetti asked Caretaker whether Louise Hastings knew about the Hotel, and left angrily when Caretaker did not answer.[1]

Liberation of the Blood Hotel Patients[]

Basar later arrived at the Blood Hotel and massacred all of the Blood members present, taking the patients. Gabriella Rosetti decided to tell Daimon Helstrom about the hotel, so they drove there. When they arrived, they found several dead bodies, realizing that they were too late to help the patients.[2] They walked through the hotel, and Helstrom covered the bodies in cloths and moving the files into Helstrom's car. They called Louise Hastings, who told her that Caretaker was not answering his phone. They discussed why Hastings didn't tell Helstrom about the hotel, and Rosetti explained that he would have tried to shut it down, against the Blood's wishes, and Helstrom said that he did not care about the Blood's wishes. Helstrom assured Rosetti that she had done the right thing by bringing him to the hotel, assuring her that the deaths were not his fault and that the victims would receive a proper burial. Rosetti asked Helstrom if he was sure that his father was responsible, and Helstrom explained that demons would only do something so organized for a very powerful demon. Rosetti asked what his father could possibly want with the now-liberated demons, and he explained that he did not know as the two left.

On their way out, they found Yessenia Flores still alive, and walked toward her. Flores collapsed as Rosetti said that they had to help her, and Helstrom noted she was dying. Rosetti gave Flores her last rites while Helstrom exorcised her and asked for her name. Flores told them as she died in Rosetti's arms.[3]



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