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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Avengers (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of the Avengers, see the Avengers' Organization Hub

"The Avengers. That's what we call ourselves. We're sort of like a team. 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes'-type thing."
Tony Stark to Loki[src]

The Avengers were a team of extraordinary individuals, with either superpowers or other special characteristics. Though primarily affiliated with the interests of the United States of America, the group's purpose was to protect global stability from inner or extraterrestrial threats. The Avengers were assembled by S.H.I.E.L.D. as a result of the Avengers Initiative, when Loki invaded Earth with his Chitauri army. The first iteration of the team, consisting of Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye, defeated Loki in the Battle of New York to stop the Chitauri Invasion.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. became a defunct agency due to the HYDRA infiltration, the team was no longer an American governmental division, therefore becoming an independent and private organization. Stark Industries remodeled Stark Tower into Avengers Tower and the team joined in the fight against HYDRA. After their victory, Stark built Ultron, hoping that the AI would be able to defend the world from any threats necessary in place of the Avengers. The plan backfired and Ultron started a war against humanity, forcing the Avengers to fight him. When Ultron was defeated, Hulk, Barton, Thor and Stark left the team, so Wanda Maximoff, Vision, War Machine and Falcon were recruited, and they were relocated to the Avengers Compound.

Under Captain America's leadership, the team completed several operations around the world with success, until the amount of collateral damage during their conflicts caused the United Nations to pass the Sokovia Accords in an attempt to regulate their actions, turning the team from a private organization to one which was under the control of a governmental body. The differences in opinions created a rift within the team which split the Avengers into two factions, one led by Iron Man and the other by Captain America. After Captain America was able to stop Helmut Zemo, the instigator of their fight, the team was divided; Iron Man, Vision and War Machine remained official members, while a small group consisting of Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon continued to operate in the shadows. Stark would try to boost the Avengers' membership by inviting Spider-Man to join, but the young hero turned down the offer to remain closer to the people he had sworn to protect.

Two years after the Accords were ratified, Thanos launched a crusade against the universe in his quest to gather the Infinity Stones. The Avengers were split up into different groups as they fought to combat Thanos before he succeeded, joining forces with the Masters of the Mystic Arts, the Wakandans, and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Iron Man and Spider-Man went to Titan alongside Doctor Strange, where they allied with Star-Lord, Nebula, Mantis and Drax to try to stop Thanos, while Captain America, Banner, Black Widow, War Machine, Falcon, Thor, Groot, Rocket and Maximoff protected Vision from the Black Order in Wakanda. The team on Wakanda was successful in killing Thanos' minions, but the team on Titan was defeated. Thanos arrived and overpowered the heroes on Wakanda with ease before killing Vision to acquire the Mind Stone, thus completing the Infinity Gauntlet, and eradicating half of the universe's population. Among the victims were Falcon, Maximoff, and Spider-Man; with Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Banner, Black Widow and War Machine being the only Avengers to survive the war. Despite them managing to kill Thanos, the victory was empty, as the Infinity Stones were destroyed, ensuring no chances of undoing the Snap. This resulted in Iron Man, Captain America and Thor retiring from the team. Black Widow then became the team's new leader, commanding War Machine as well as new members Rocket, Nebula, Captain Marvel and Okoye, as they strove to maintain order on Earth and the wider universe.

Five years later, Ant-Man escaped from the Quantum Realm and provided the Avengers with a chance to time travel, so the Avengers assembled once more. With Ant-Man officially joining the roster, the Avengers initiated a Time Heist, where they traveled to alternate timelines and collected the six Infinity Stones. Returning to their timeline with the Stones, at the cost of Black Widow's life, Banner donned the Nano Gauntlet and was able to resurrect those who died in the Snap. However, an alternate timeline Thanos and his army had followed them, sparking the immense Battle of Earth, where Iron Man gave his life to defeat Thanos and his army. With the battle won and over, and the remaining members going their separate ways, the Avengers effectively disbanded.



Starting the Initiative[]

"We have no idea what other intergalactic threats are out there. And our one woman security force had a prior commitment on the other side of the universe. S.H.I.E.L.D. alone can't protect us. We need to find more."
"More weapons?"
"More heroes."
Nick Fury and Phil Coulson[src]
The Protector Initiative

Nick Fury writing up "The Protector Initiative"

Upon meeting Captain Marvel and being thrown into the midst of the Kree-Skrull War, Nick Fury realized that a group of extraordinary individuals would be needed to battle the growing forces that conventional military forces or S.H.I.E.L.D. would not be able to handle alone, much less defeat. During the starting development of the initiative, the team's original name was meant to be named the Protectors, until Fury decided to name it as the Avengers, after Captain Marvel’s former Air Force pilot callsign.[2]

Recruiting Tony Stark[]

Nick Fury meets Tony Stark

Nick Fury introduces himself to Tony Stark

"'I am Iron Man.' You think you're only the superhero in the world? Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe. You just don't know it yet."
Nick Fury to Tony Stark[src]

Nick Fury personally encountered Tony Stark, following his revelation to the world that he was Iron Man. Fury consulted with Stark regarding the Avengers Initiative, telling him that he's not the only superhero in the world. Stark declined but Fury still kept his eye on him for the meantime.[3]

Rejecting Tony Stark[]

Natasha secretary

Natasha Romanoff watches over Tony Stark

"I told you I don't want to join your super-secret boy band."
Tony Stark to Nick Fury[src]

Two years[4] after revealing to the world that he was Iron Man, Stark helped to stabilize peace between East and West relations. However, he discovered that the palladium Arc Reactor was slowly killing him. Beginning to act questionably, such as donating a large number of his personal belongings and giving Pepper Potts control of Stark Industries, Nick Fury began to intervene, sending Natasha Romanoff, herself a candidate of the Avengers Initiative, in the guise of Stark's new assistant, to keep an eye on him.

Fury and Iron Man

Nick Fury keeping tabs on Tony Stark

Following several altercations, including an attack on Stark by Ivan Vanko and a fight with James Rhodes during a drunken stupor, Fury met with Stark to discuss his condition and help him get back on the path to save himself. After finding a new element to stabilize his health and end a large scale attack by Vanko, Romanoff wrote a report on Stark, stating that while the armor would benefit the Avengers Initiative, Stark himself was deemed unsuitable and was instead given the position of consultant. Stark accepted on the condition that he and Rhodes would be given medals for their heroics, personally awarded by Senator Stern.[5]

The Arrival of Thor[]


Agent Clint Barton takes aim at Thor

"Know this, Son of Coul. We both fight for the safety of this world. From this day forward, you can consider me an ally."
Thor to Phil Coulson[src]

After Thor was exiled to Earth, landing in New Mexico, he tried to retrieve Mjølnir after discovering it was on Earth as well. During this attempt, Avengers Initiative candidate, Clint Barton, who was there to watch over the site, was tasked with stopping Thor if requested.

Phil Coulson and Thor

Agent Phil Coulson speaking with Thor

Phil Coulson made note of Thor's strength, albeit human, and his combat skills, as he took down a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents with ease. When Thor's brother Loki sent the Destroyer to Earth to kill him, Thor regained his power and defeated the Destroyer. After that, Coulson approached him and Thor vowed he would be an ally to S.H.I.E.L.D. if they returned Jane Foster's research, which Coulson agreed. However, before Coulson had a chance to debrief him, Thor flew to the landing site to return to Asgard to stop Loki.[6]

The Consultant[]

Hulk vs

Hulk fights against Abomination in Harlem

"So, on the Council's orders, we have to send one of our people down to General Ross to ask for Blonsky, who we don't even want?"
Jasper Sitwell and Phil Coulson[src]

Soon after the confrontation between Hulk and Emil Blonsky in New York City, a request came down from the World Security Council to blame the incident on Banner and that Blonsky, who was being held in Thaddeus Ross' sector, be exonerated for his crimes and placed on the team's roster.


Tony Stark is sent to ask about Abomination

Nick Fury didn't want Blonsky for the team but was in no position to disobey a direct order from the council. Hoping to resolve the situation for Fury, Phil Coulson and Jasper Sitwell conspired to sabotage the request by sending in Tony Stark to be the one to contact Ross. As planned, Stark's abrasive manner and disdain for authority resulted in Ross turning down the request.[7][8]

Captain America's Return[]

Frozen Captain America

Captain America is discovered and saved

"You've been asleep, Cap. For almost 70 years."
Nick Fury to Steve Rogers[src]

Upon the expedition in the Arctic, S.H.I.E.L.D. recovered the body of Captain America who was frozen for approximately 70 years. Examining Rogers' body, scientists informed Nick Fury that he was still alive.

Cap Fury

Nick Fury meets Steve Rogers after waking

Fury ordered to place Rogers in a 1940s-style hospital where he suddenly woke up. Realizing that something was wrong, he escaped onto the streets of New York City. There, he met Fury who told him the entire incident was meant to break the news to him slowly that he had been missing for nearly 70 years.[9]

Chitauri Invasion[]

Destruction of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S.[]

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Nick Fury and the World Security Council

"We're running the world's greatest covert security network and you're gonna leave the fate of human race to a handful of freaks."
"I'm not leaving anything to anyone. We need a response team. These people may be isolated, unbalanced even, but I believe with the right push they can be exactly what we need."
Gideon Malick and Nick Fury[src]

When it seemed no progress had been made with it, the Avengers Initiative was shut down by World Security Council. Using the Tesseract, Loki arrived on Earth, initiating an invasion, taking control of Clint Barton with the Scepter and stealing the Tesseract. Following this, Nick Fury reinstated the Initiative in hopes to stop Loki's invasion. Fury later spoke with the council, who opposed Fury's actions, not believing in the Initiative, but it was still allowed to proceed.[10]

Bringing in the Team[]

Banner and Romanoff

Natasha Romanoff recruits Bruce Banner

"He'll be putting together a team."
"Are they a threat?"
"To each other, more than likely."
Clint Barton and Loki[src]

While she was on a mission, Natasha Romanoff was called by Phil Coulson to assist in the recruitment. Romanoff was tasked with recruiting Bruce Banner, much to her fear. After arriving in Kolkata and tricking Banner, Romanoff introduced herself to the scientist, informing him of the Tesseract and how Nick Fury wanted him to find it due to his expertise. After some persuasion, Romanoff was able to convince Banner to accompany her to the Helicarrier.

Fury and Steve

Nick Fury giving Steve Rogers a mission

Fury then went to recruit Steve Rogers for his first mission since being awakened. Fury arrived at a gym, where he gave Rogers a report on the Tesseract, informing him that Loki had stolen it from S.H.I.E.L.D.. Fury told Rogers he would provide him with more details if he accepted the mission, although Rogers was hesitant to return to the world, and left the gym after telling Fury the Tesseract never should have been found. After reading a debriefing packet for him, Rogers accepted the mission and was picked up in a Quinjet.


Tony Stark accesses the Avengers Initiative

Coulson was assigned to bring in Tony Stark, so he forced his way into Stark Tower to recruit him. Coulson gave Stark files that contained information on his other potential teammates, Loki, and the Tesseract. When Pepper Potts realized the visit was about the Avengers, Stark commented on how he didn't qualify for the Initiative, but Coulson informed him that it didn't matter anymore. Stark then looked over the files, updating him on the situation that was going on.

Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff & Bruce Banner

Romanoff and Banner meet Steve Rogers

When Rogers arrived on the Helicarrier, he was greeted by Romanoff, and the two got acquainted. They were soon joined by Banner, who discussed the mission with Rogers, as well as getting to know each other. When S.H.I.E.L.D. prepared for takeoff, Romanoff guided the two inside, after they were amazed by the Helicarrier actually being an aircraft. The three then met up with Fury in the bridge and started to assist S.H.I.E.L.D. in their search for Loki and the Tesseract.[10]

Loki and Hawkeye deleted scene 4

Clint Barton informs Loki of the Avengers

In a secure hideout, a mind-controlled Clint Barton, informed Loki that Fury was putting a team together. When Loki asked about if they would be a threat, Barton insisted that the Avengers would be more of a danger to themselves. Loki then demanded to know everything about the Avengers, vowing to test them. Barton would go on to inform Loki all about the Avengers, including the dangers of Hulk, Romanoff's past, and the power of Stark Tower.[11]

Skirmish in Germany[]

Iron Man & Captain America

Captain America and Iron Man capture Loki

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!"
"I have a plan. Attack."
Captain America and Iron Man[src]

When Loki was spotted in Germany, Captain America was sent to apprehend him. Discovering Loki standing over a group of people and about to execute one, Captain America dropped down to stop him. After deflecting a blast back at Loki, Captain America confronted him, while Black Widow assisted from a Quinjet in the sky. When a fight commenced between the two, Iron Man soon arrived, knocking Loki down, resulting in him surrendering.


Steve Rogers and Tony Stark discuss Loki

Rogers and Stark brought Loki on board the Quinjet and they flew back to the Helicarrier for questioning. On the way, Rogers and Stark discussed Loki's suspicious surrender, as well as each other. Not too long after, the Quinjet was infiltrated by Thor, who grabbed Loki and flew away. Stark then went after him, and Rogers followed after equipping a parachute, despite Romanoff's warnings about the Asgardians.

Thor, Iron Man and Captain America

Iron Man and Captain America meet Thor

When Iron Man found Thor, the two argued over taking Loki. Both of them refused the other's requests, so a fight broke out between them. During the fight, Captain America intervened and tried to talk with Thor. However, this did not last long, as Thor went to attack Captain America, too. Although, when Thor struck Captain America's Shield with Mjølnir, it caused a shockwave to go off, knocking everyone down. The three then decided to no longer fight and return to the Helicarrier.[10]

Team Tension[]


The Avengers discuss what Loki's plans are

"I mean, what are we, a team? No, we're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're a time bomb."
Bruce Banner to the Avengers[src]

With the team joined by Thor, they all gathered in the bridge and watched Nick Fury talk with Loki in his cell. The team discussed Loki's plans, and Thor revealed that his brother had an army that was going to attack Earth. When they realized Loki planned to open a portal, Tony Stark joined them informing them that was what the Iridium was for. Stark and Bruce Banner discussed the mechanics of the portal in detail and then went to work on locating the Tesseract.

Cap, Banner & Stark

The Avengers discuss Nick Fury's motives

As Stark and Banner examined the Scepter and began their search, they bonded with each other. When Steve Rogers arrived and found Stark testing Banner's control over his transformation, the three discussed Fury calling them in, believing he was hiding something. After discussing Fury's motivations, a dispute broke out between Stark and Rogers, as the latter believed they should stay focused on the mission, whereas Stark was attempting to uncover S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secrets.


The Avengers argue amongst themselves

After Natasha Romanoff discovered Loki's plans to unleash Hulk, she and Thor headed to the lab to watch over him. Fury met with Stark and Banner in the lab, questioning Stark on why he was hacking S.H.I.E.L.D., and Stark asked about Phase 2. Rogers returned and revealed S.H.I.E.L.D. was intending to make weapons from the Tesseract. Romanoff and Thor then joined them, and they all began to argue over S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secrets as well as with each other.[10]

Attack on the Helicarrier[]


Thor attempting to stop Hulk's rampage

"Your heroes are scattered. Your floating fortress falls from the sky. Where is my disadvantage?"
Loki to Phil Coulson[src]

The heated argument between the Avengers was interrupted when the Helicarrier was attacked by Hawkeye, blowing up the lab, scattering the team in the chaos. Iron Man and Captain America went to repair the turbine, while Black Widow witnessed Bruce Banner lose control and transform into Hulk. Black Widow proceeded to run for her life from the rampaging Hulk until she was saved by Thor, who fought the beast. Meanwhile, Iron Man cleared through the debris as he instructed Captain America how to fix the engine.

Hawkeye vs

Black Widow and Hawkeye fight each other

When Hulk was lured out of the Helicarrier, Thor went to check on Loki in his cell. Black Widow went to stop Hawkeye, and the two fought until she was able to release him from Loki's control. Iron Man was able to start up the engine, stopping the Helicarrier from falling. When Thor reached the detention level, he was tricked by his brother and was locked in the cell. Although, Phil Coulson tried to stop Loki, but was killed, and Thor was dropped from the Helicarrier.

Hawkeye, Captain America & Black Widow

The Avengers come together to stop Loki

With the Avengers distracted during the attack, Loki was able to escape from the Helicarrier. Fury informed the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Avengers of Coulson's death, so Stark and Rogers returned to the bridge to mourn him. Fury also updated them on their situation and used Coulson's death to motivate them to avenge him. After Stark and Rogers spoke, they realized Loki's plan to use Stark Tower, so they decided to head there and stop him. Rogers recruited Romanoff and Barton for the fight, and they all geared up and traveled to New York.[10]

Battle of New York[]


Iron Man attempts and fails to threaten Loki

"Let's do a headcount, here. Your brother, the demigod, a super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend. A man with breathtaking anger-management issues, a couple of master assassins, and you, big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them."
Tony Stark to Loki[src]

Iron Man was the first to arrive at Stark Tower, so he confronted Loki, threatening him with the might of the Avengers. However, Loki threw him out of a window as the portal opened. After suiting up, Iron Man engaged in battle, destroying many ships.

Avengers-movie-screencaps com-12578

The Avengers witness the Chitauri's arrival

When the invasion had begun, Thor arrived to confront his brother, followed by Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye flying in a Quinjet. While the two brothers fought, the Quinjet was shot out of the sky and crashed. The three on the street went to fight Loki, but were stopped by the sight of the Leviathans flying through the sky. They then decided to stay on the ground to help save the civilians and fight the Chitauri, so Black Widow and Hawkeye held them off as Captain America went to coordinate the police assistance.

Banner joins the Avengers

Bruce Banner arrives at the battlefield

While Black Widow and Hawkeye fought off hordes of the Chitauri, they were eventually joined by Captain America and Thor. The four discussed the battle as Captain America went to create a plan, but was interrupted by the arrival of Bruce Banner. When Iron Man was informed of Banner's arrival, he led a Leviathan towards them, so Banner transformed into Hulk to defeat it. With all of the Avengers finally assembled and working as a team, they stood together in a circle and looked over the ongoing invasion.


The Avengers finally assemble to stop Loki

With more of the Chitauri coming through the portal, Captain America took command and tasked each Avenger with a role in the battle. Hawkeye took position on a rooftop, overseeing the whole battle to assist. Iron Man was instructed to maintain a perimeter while battling the Chitauri. Thor flew on top of the Chrysler Building and released a powerful charge of lighting to bottleneck the portal. Black Widow and Captain America stayed on the streets to keep the fight with them. And Hulk was simply told to smash.

Hulk vs

Hulk ruthlessly smashes Loki multiple times

The Avengers proceeded to battle the massive army, giving everything they had, although Black Widow told Captain America it would mean nothing if they didn't close the portal, so she made her way to Stark Tower. Meanwhile, Captain America went to rescue hostages taken by the Chitauri, as the other Avengers continued to fight the alien invaders. After Hawkeye shot Loki out of the sky, he fell towards Stark Tower, where Hulk launched himself at Loki and beat him severely.


Black Widow preparing to close the portal

Black Widow was able to reach the rooftop of the tower where she came across Erik Selvig, who was finally free from Loki's control. Selvig revealed to Black Widow that the portal could be closed by using the Scepter. So, Black Widow went to retrieve Loki's weapon so she could close the portal and bring an end to the invasion. Despite their best efforts, the battle began to overwhelm the Avengers as more Chitauri forces came through the portal.

Iron Man Nuke

Iron Man stops a nuke from hitting the city

Doubting the Avengers' chances of stopping the invasion, the World Security Council launched a nuclear weapon at New York. Nick Fury informed Iron Man of the nuke, so he flew to intercept it before it could hit the city. Iron Man was able to get a hold of the nuke and decided to fly it through the portal. Once Iron Man got the nuke clear of the city, he released it towards the Chitauri Command Center, destroying it, resulting in the deaths of the Chitauri army.

We Won

The Avengers rest shortly after their victory

With the entire fleet eliminated, Captain America ordered Black Widow to close the portal, although Iron Man had not returned from the other side. However, as the portal closed, Iron Man fell through at the last moment, and was caught by Hulk and brought to the ground safely. Captain America, Thor and Hulk stood over Iron Man, who appeared to be dead, but after Hulk let out a roar, he awoke. The Avengers then took a moment, having finally been won after a long battle. Iron Man suggested that they get shawarma to celebrate.

The Avengers Assembled

The Avengers stand before a defeated Loki

However, Thor reminded the Avengers that they were not finished, so they regrouped with Black Widow and Hawkeye and went to apprehend Loki. The Avengers gathered inside Stark Tower, where Loki was just getting up from the beating he received from Hulk. When the God of Mischief turned around he discovered the Avengers standing before him, so he accepted defeat and the Avengers arrested him.[10] Iron Man, Thor and Hulk escorted Loki and the Tesseract, Captain America went to coordinate search and rescue, and Black Widow and Hawkeye shared a drink in the tower.[12]


Shawarma Palace

The Avengers eat in the Shawarma Palace

"I don't think you understand what you've started. Letting the Avengers loose on this world. They're dangerous."
"They surely are. And the whole world knows it. Every world knows it."
Hawley and Nick Fury[src]

After an encounter with Alexander Pierce regarding Loki and the Tesseract,[12] the Avengers met together shortly after at the nearby Shawarma Palace where they ate and rested together after the intense battle.[13] They were soon joined by War Machine who arrived late to help in the battle.[14]

Central Park

The Avengers all gather in Central Park

Later, the Avengers reassembled once again at Central Park in their civilian clothes to watch Thor take Loki back to Asgard to be punished by Odin. After Thor departed from Earth with Loki and the Tesseract, the remaining Avengers said their goodbyes as they all went their separate ways: Tony Stark driving away with Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers returning to the world, and Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton continuing to work for S.H.I.E.L.D..

Ace peterson and the avengers toy figures

The "Heroes of New York" action figures

After their heroic acts during the Battle of New York, the Avengers were publicly recognized and praised around the world, with many people seeing it as a comfort knowing that they were out there.[10] A memorial for the battle was built near Grand Central Terminal to honor the six heroes.[15] However, with this positive reception, some didn't look as fondly upon the new superhero team.[10] With the Avengers' rise in popularity, a toy-line was made under the name the "Heroes of New York," featuring action figures of each Avenger.[16]

War on HYDRA[]


Avengers hqplans

Tony Stark begins to support the Avengers

"Oh, actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler."
Tony Stark to Maria Hill[src]

With the rising threat of HYDRA, the Avengers were officially reassembled, with the financial backing of Tony Stark, who provided the team with new and updated equipment and uniforms.

Avengers Age of Ultron 71

Stark Tower becomes Avengers Tower

Using the former Stark Tower, now renamed Avengers Tower, as their headquarters, and using the new drones of the Iron Legion, they embarked on several missions to ruin HYDRA's plans for world domination. Their main target was the cell of Baron Strucker, which had Loki's scepter.[17]

Battle of Sudan[]

Avengers vs HYDRA

The Avengers battle HYDRA in Sudan

"Let's take 'em down fast, boys!"
Captain America[src]

When Black Widow intercepted a call from Jensen to her colleagues in Khartoum, the Avengers quickly flew in their Quinjet to the location of Jensen's lab. Though HYDRA managed to shoot down the Quinjet, the Avengers fiercely attacked HYDRA's soldiers. Despite their tanks, guns, and numerical superiority, HYDRA soldiers decided to retreat. Refusing to admit defeat, Dr. Jensen took the power gauntlets from one fallen soldier and attacked the Avengers with heavy energy blasts. However, Hawkeye sneaked up behind her and destroyed her weapon with one of his explosive arrows.[18]

Attack on the HYDRA Research Base[]

Avengers Age of Ultron 82

The Avengers attack the HYDRA base

"They have to be after the Scepter. Can we hold them?"
"They're the Avengers."
Baron Strucker and Fortress Soldier[src]

When S.H.I.E.L.D. acquired information about the location of Loki's Scepter, Phil Coulson contacted Maria Hill,[19], who passed this information on to the Avengers. The team attacked the HYDRA base in Sokovia, using their skilled combat techniques to fight as a harmonious unit.


Hawkeye being injured on the battlefield

This synergy, coupled with their abilities and equipment, gave the Avengers a decisive advantage over HYDRA, despite their upgrades, allowing the team to confidently joke amongst themselves. During the battle, Pietro Maximoff joined the battlefield to attack the Avengers, resulting in Hawkeye getting badly injured. Black Widow rushed to his aid, as Hulk destroyed the bunkers.

Captain America & Thor

Captain America and Thor during the battle

After some delay, Iron Man was able to disable the base's defenses, so Captain America regrouped and discussed the battle plan with Thor, who decided to take Hawkeye back to the Quinjet, while the others retrieved the Scepter. With the battle won, and HYDRA defeated, Black Widow went to use the lullaby she created on Hulk to calm him down and transform back into Bruce Banner, as Captain America and Iron Man entered the base.

Tony Stark's vision

Tony Stark's vision of the killed Avengers

Captain America came across Baron Strucker, as well as Wanda Maximoff, who knocked him back and retreated. Captain America got back up and knocked out von Strucker, while Iron Man found the Scepter in a secret room. Wanda followed Iron Man and used her abilities to show him a vision of all the Avengers killed with, Earth being invaded. Shocked by this vision, Iron Man then grabbed the Scepter and regrouped with the rest of the Avengers in the Quinjet.


The Avengers discuss their recent victory

Stark then piloted the Quinjet back to the Avengers Tower. As Barton rested, Banner and Romanoff discussed Hulk, while Stark, Thor and Rogers expressed their relief over the war with HYDRA finally over. Thor allowed Stark to examine the Scepter before he brought it to Asgard after the celebration that was going to be held for their recent victory.

Bruce Banner and Tony Stark

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner create Ultron

Upon returning to the Avengers Tower, Barton was rushed to Banner's lab so Helen Cho could treat him, as Thor secured the Scepter, and Rogers was informed by Maria Hill of the two enchanted individuals from the battle. While the Scepter was being deciphered, Romanoff, Banner and Stark were present as Barton was being treated in the Regeneration Cradle. Stark then brought Banner out to discuss the Scepter, telling him it could be used to achieve the Ultron Program. After convincing Banner, they spent the next few days working on it, to no success.[17]


Avengers Tower Party

The Avengers at the party for their victory

"Just a few days till the farewell party. You're staying, right?"
"Yes, yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels."
Tony Stark and Thor[src]

Three days later, Tony Stark held a massive party in Avengers Tower for the Avengers over their defeat of HYDRA. Along with the team, Maria Hill, Helen Cho, James Rhodes and Sam Wilson attended, and they all mingled with each other as well assume of the guests. The party included comparing of girlfriends, drinking strong Asgardian liquor, and flirting between Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner.


The Avengers are challenged to lift Mjølnir

After the guests left, the remaining Avengers and their allies sat around drinking and joking with each other. Clint Barton challenged Thor over the legitimacy of Mjølnir, leading to the Asgardian opening it up for Barton to try and lift it. After a failed attempt, Stark, Rhodes, Banner and Steve Rogers then tried and also failed, with Romanoff declining the challenge.[17]

Ultron Offensive[]

Crashed Party[]

Avengers Tower Party Later

The Avengers witness Ultron's arrival

"There is only one path to peace... The Avengers' extinction."
Ultron to the Avengers[src]

Suddenly, a high-pitched noise disrupted the party, and an Iron Legion drone emerged. The Avengers then watched as the drone began to speak, revealing himself to be Ultron and that he was on a mission for peace.

Thor at Avengers Tower after Smashing Ultron

The Avengers fight against the Iron Legion

More drones then began to attack the Avengers, so they all attempted to fight them off. Thor, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark focused on destroying the drones, while Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner and Clint Barton dodged the attacks. However, the attack was just a distraction so Ultron could acquire the Scepter. Once all of the drones were destroyed, Ultron then gave a speech about the Avengers' extinction, and Thor destroyed him.[17]



The Avengers debate Ultron after his attack

"How were you guys planning on beating that?"
"We'll lose."
"Then we'll do that together, too."
Tony Stark and Steve Rogers[src]

After the attack, the Avengers, Maria Hill, James Rhodes and Helen Cho gathered in the lab and discovered that Ultron had gone through all their files and had escaped through the internet. They then discussed Ultron and what his plans, and found that he had destroyed J.A.R.V.I.S. in rage.

Endgame (AoU)

The Avengers argue with Tony Stark

Thor then stormed in and grabbed Tony Stark by the throat, angry at him for creating Ultron. Thor informed the team that he had lost the Iron Legion and the Scepter in his search. With everyone upset at Stark, he attempted to defend his actions, but Steve Rogers said that the Avengers were supposed to be different from S.H.I.E.L.D.. When Stark discussed the Avengers and how they would defeat Ultron, Rogers responded that they would defeat him or lose as a team.

Casual Avengers

The Avengers search for Ultron

Without the use of their digital resources, the Avengers attempted to search for Ultron. The Avengers soon discovered that Ultron had aligned with Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, and had killed Baron Strucker. They then discussed what Ultron's plans were, knowing that von Strucker had information that would reveal his plans to the Avengers. When they discovered that all their digital files on von Strucker were gone, they went through their physical files, where they came across Ulysses Klaue, who they suspected possessed Vibranium, which Ultron would want to acquire.[17]

Battle at the Salvage Yard[]

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The Avengers confront Ultron and the Maximoff twins

"Natasha, I could really use a lullaby."
"Well, that's not gonna happen. Not for a while. The whole team is down."
Tony Stark and Clint Barton[src]

The Avengers flew to South Africa and landed outside of the Salvage Yard, where the team, minus Bruce Banner infiltrated the Churchill. Iron Man, Captain America and Thor confronted Ultron, while Black Widow and Hawkeye took their positions.


The Avengers battle the Ultron Sentries

After an exchange between Ultron, along with Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, who were in the process of acquiring Vibranium, the Avengers engaged in a fierce battle. Iron Man faced off with Ultron alone, as Captain America and Thor destroyed the army of Ultron Sentries, and Black Widow and Hawkeye fought off Ulysses Klaue's mercenaries. Pietro also joined in the fight against the Avengers.


Hawkeye checks on the defeated Avengers

Wanda then snuck up on the Avengers and used her abilities to show them their worst fears. Wanda was able to subdue Thor, Captain America and Black Widow, but when she went to engage Hawkeye, he stunned her with an arrow. Pietro rescued his sister, and when they found Banner, Wanda showed him his fear, causing him to transform into Hulk. Hawkeye attempted to rally the team, but they were all defeated.

Hulk and Hulkbuster Punch

Iron Man attempts to stop an enraged Hulk

With the rest of the Avengers unable to assist in stopping Hulk, Iron Man quickly destroyed Ultron and flew to his location. Iron Man called in Veronica to contain Hulk, but it failed, so in his Mark XLIV armor, Iron Man fought Hulk. Due to the savage nature of the enraged Hulk, the fight caused severe collateral damage to the city. Eventually, Iron Man was able to knock out Hulk, stopping the fight.[17]

The Barton Home[]

Sad Avengers

The Avengers retreat after being defeated

"Sorry for barging in on you."
"Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea you existed."
Steve Rogers and Tony Stark[src]

With Thor, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Bruce Banner beaten, the Avengers retreated to the Quinjet left Johannesburg. Maria Hill called Clint Barton and Tony Stark and suggested they go into hiding after the incident with Hulk.

Hi! We're The Avengers

The Avengers discover Clint Barton's family

Barton decided to take the team to a safe house, which upon entering was revealed to be his home, where his family lived, completely unknown to them. As they all stood in shock, Barton introduced the Avengers to his wife and kids and informed them of how they have been living in seclusion, which would is why it was a good place for them to hide out until their next fight. However, Thor left, needing to find answers on his vision about the Infinity Stones.

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Steve Rogers and Tony Stark discuss Ultron

As Thor met with Erik Selvig to help him on his search, the rest of the Avengers on the farm took the time to recover. Barton reunited with his wife, where they discussed his place on the team, in which he was needed to keep them all together. Romanoff and Banner talked about running away from the Avengers and starting a life together. As Stark and Rogers chopped wood, they argued about the former creating Ultron, who defended it as trying to end the team.


The Avengers are motivated by Nick Fury

Nick Fury arrived at the farm and spoke with Stark about creating Ultron and his fear of not being able to save the Avengers. After they had dinner, Fury informed the Avengers of Ultron's status and what his plans could be, as well as an unknown enemy of Ultron who was disrupting his plans. Fury then motivated the Avengers with a speech to stop Ultron from completing his mission from global destruction. They were able to realize Ultron wanted Helen Cho to help evolve.[17]

Battle of Seoul[]


The Avengers arrive in Seoul to do recon

"I could take out the driver."
"Negative. That truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron."
Hawkeye and Captain America[src]

While Tony Stark went to the NEXUS Internet Hub and Bruce Banner returned to the Avengers Tower, Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye took the Quinjet and flew to Seoul to do recon at the U-GIN Genetic Research Facility.

Barton pilots the Avengers Quinjet

Hawkeye successfully locates Ultron

Hawkeye kept the Quinjet in the air with Black Widow, as Captain America entered the facility, discovering a wounded Helen Cho, who informed him that Ultron was in the process of uploading himself to a new body. After learning that the gem inside the Regeneration Cradle was dangerous, Hawkeye spotted a truck that Ultron was escaping in.

Battle of Seoul

The Avengers attempt to stop Ultron

Captain America then pursued the truck and fought Ultron, as Hawkeye rushed to their location to provide support. Black Widow then prepared her motorcycle and dropped out of the Quinjet to assist Captain America. After picking up Captain America's shield, Black Widow was guided by Hawkeye to the truck's location, where she there the shield back to Captain America.

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The Maximoff twins recuse Captain America

When Hawkeye drew the Ultron Sentries away, Black Widow was able to infiltrate the truck, as the fight between Captain America and Ultron moved into a speeding train. As Black Widow attempted to secure the Regeneration Cradle, the truck became airborne, so Hawkeye chased after it. During the fight on the train, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff arrived to save Captain America and stop Ultron. However, Ultron managed to escape and destroy the train's control panel.


Black Widow is kidnapped by Ultron

Once Black Widow had secured the Regeneration Cradle, she set the truck to explode and dived out on top of the Cradle, where Hawkeye was waiting to catch her in the Quinjet. However, as she made it to the Quinjet, Ultron grabbed Black Widow and kidnapped her. Hawkeye was able to successfully obtain the Cradle and was forced to return to the Avengers Tower, leaving Black Widow.


Captain America confronts the Maximoffs

Meanwhile, Captain America, Wanda and Pietro were able to save the civilians and stop the train. With the battle over, the Maximoff twins asked about Captain America about the Cradle. He assured them Stark would take care of it, although they were doubtful due to their hatred of him, warning Captain America that Ultron and Stark can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it from Stark.[17]

Birth of Vision[]


The Avengers discuss opening the Cradle

"We have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others."

Clint Barton returned to the Avengers Tower with the Regeneration Cradle, and shortly later Tony Stark came back from the NEXUS Internet Hub, regrouping with Bruce Banner. Banner and Barton attempted to open the Cradle but to no success. Stark then joined them and suggested to Barton to go and try to locate Natasha Romanoff, leaving the two scientists alone with the Cradle.


Tony Stark reveals his plan to Bruce Banner

Banner told Stark that they had to destroy everything implanted inside the Cradle but soon discovered Stark had other intentions. Stark revealed that J.A.R.V.I.S. was alive and was the one stopping Ultron from accessing the United States of America's nuclear weapons. Stark explained his idea to put J.A.R.V.I.S. inside the synthetic body, believing it could bring an end to Ultron. After some convincing, Stark was able to get Banner on board with the plan.

Cradle fight

The Avengers fight over using the Cradle

As the two scientists were almost finished, Steve Rogers, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, interrupted them, demanding that they shut it down. They all then began to argue over what should be done with the Cradle, but Pietro took action and unplugged the Cradle. After Barton shot the glass under Pietro, the rest of them began to fight each other. However, Thor suddenly burst in and unleashed his lightning into the Cradle.


The Avengers listen to Vision after his birth

The now living body inside the Cradle jumped out and briefly attacked Thor, but was thrown towards the window. Upon looking at himself, he apologized and Thor informed the other Avengers of the Vision and the gem in his forehead, which was one of the Infinity Stones. Vision told them that he wished to assist them in the fight against Ultron, but they were all hesitant to trust him. However, this was quickly fixed when they witnessed Vision hand Mjølnir to Thor.[17]

Battle of Sokovia[]

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The Avengers fly to Sokovia in the Quinjet

"Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."
Captain America[src]

Captain America then told the Avengers to gear up for the upcoming battle against Ultron, and they all boarded the Quinjet, with Vision, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff joining them. Captain America then gave a speech and laid out the plan to evacuate Sokovia and rescue Black Widow.

Cap's Kooky Quartet

The Avengers discuss Sokovia's evacuation

Upon arriving in Sokovia, Thor and Bruce Banner went to find Black Widow, Iron Man went to confront Ultron, and Captain America, Hawkeye, and the Maximoff twins orchestrated the evacuation. Banner was able to free Black Widow, but when he said he wouldn't help in the fight, Black Widow forced him to transform into Hulk. During the evacuation, Ultron Sentries began to emerge and attack the civilians, so the Avengers fought back to protect them.


Hawkeye inspires Wanda Maximoff to fight

After Vision confronted Ultron, the AI activated the Vibranium detonator, and the city began to rise, where it would be used as a meteor to destroy the Earth. With evacuation no longer an option, the Avengers focused on getting the civilians to safety and destroying the army of sentries, as Iron Man figured out a way to bring the city back down. During the battle, Hawkeye spoke with Wanda and motivated her to continue fighting, which makes her an Avenger.


Captain America and Black Widow fighting

When the Avengers regrouped, they discussed how the air was getting thinner, but they were unable to do anything about an evacuation, so they continued to fight. Iron Man and Captain America discussed what their next actions would be, the former proposing an escape plan, but the latter refusing to leave with any civilians still trapped. Black Widow, who joined the fight, expressed that the only option may be staying in the city with everyone else.

Battle of Sokovia

The Avengers fighting the Ultron Sentries

At that moment, Nick Fury arrived in a Helicarrier with Maria Hill and some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to assist in evacuating the city, with support from War Machine. When the Avengers learned that Ultron was heading for the core, they all rallied to protect it. When faced with Ultron's entire army, Iron Man repeated Captain America's words about stopping him together, and they engaged in an intense battle, managing to wipe out the oncoming sentries.

VisionThor Iron Man

The Avengers work together to end Ultron

When Ultron joined in the fight, Vision used the Mind Stone to blast him down and was joined by Iron Man and Thor to use their combined blasts, seriously damaging Ultron. When they stopped blasting Ultron, Hulk punched the AI, sending him flying far away. However, this caused Ultron to land near the Quinjet, allowing him to hijack it. With Wanda protecting the core, the Avengers then went to help with the evacuation and then get onto the Lifeboats.


Quicksilver sacrifices himself for Hawkeye

A few sentries remained, so Vision assisted War Machine in destroying all of them. As Black Widow attempted to calm down Hulk, Ultron fired upon them, and then went to kill Hawkeye. However, Quicksilver saw this and used his speed to save his new teammate, sacrificing his own life. Once Hulk got Black Widow to safety, he went after Ultron, throwing him out of the Quinjet.


Hulk leaves the Avengers in the Quinjet

Iron Man made his way below the city to the core, telling Thor to return to the church to help him overload it. Wanda left her position to get revenge on Ultron, ripping his heart out, allowing a sentry to activate the core. As the city dropped, Iron Man and Thor destroyed the core, obliterating the city. The Avengers were able to get to safety, Vision managed to destroy the last sentry, and Hulk flew away in the Quinjet.[17]

New Avengers[]

The New Team[]

Captain America, Thor & Tony Stark

The Avengers discuss the Infinity Stones

"They're good; they're not a team."
"Let's beat 'em into shape."
Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff[src]

After Ultron's defeat, the original Avengers were no more. Hulk went missing, Clint Barton officially retired and returned home to his wife and children, Thor returned to Asgard to research the Infinity Stones, and Tony Stark retired from active duty, choosing to just be a non-combative member.


The New Avengers lineup is assembled

With the help of Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Helen Cho and Erik Selvig, a new base, remodeled from an old Stark Industries warehouse, was established for the Avengers, located in upstate New York. With most of the team gone, Captain America and Black Widow invited War Machine, Falcon, Wanda Maximoff and Vision to become full-time members of the Avengers, assembling at their new base.[17]

Duel at the Avengers Compound[]

Ant-Man x Falcon

Falcon fights an intruder

"Hey, how about the fact that I fought an Avenger and didn't die?"
Scott Lang[src]

When the facility was infiltrated by Ant-Man, who was instructed by Hank Pym to retrieve an old piece of Stark technology for their plans, Falcon went to deal with the situation. After confronting the intruder, the two engaged in a brief skirmish, resulting in Falcon's defeat.[20] Falcon informed Black Widow[21] that it was important that Captain America did not find out about his defeat. Falcon then put word on the street that he was looking for Ant-Man.[20]

Project Ultimo[]

Last Hydra defeat made in Avengers

The Avengers defeat Ultimo

"They don't have a lot of egos to contend with like the last bunch, but as a group they're still untested."
"Now I feel like you're holding back."
"Hey, you asked. Every team starts with a group of individuals. You want them to show you what they're made of... assemble them and find out."
Natasha Romanoff to Steve Rogers[src]

As Steve Rogers sparred with Natasha Romanoff, he asked her to give her evaluation on the new recruits. Romanoff gave her opinions on each of the members, having positive things to say about them, but concluding that they were untested and needed to be assembled to see how they operate as a team. Later, they were alerted on an attack in Eastern Europe, so Rogers notified the team, although he had hoped they could have avoided that area after the events with Ultron. After Tony Stark passed on joining them, the Avengers arrived to discover a giant robot called Ultimo that had been constructed by HYDRA using Ultron Sentries. Rogers made a plan, and by working together the Avengers were able to defeat HYDRA and destroy Ultimo. Rogers felt confident on the New Avengers' ability to work together.[22]

Attack in Lagos[]


The Avengers look for Crossbones in Lagos

"Eyes on target, folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him."
"If he sees us coming, there won't be a problem. He kind of hates us."
Captain America and Falcon[src]

Once the Avengers finally tracked Crossbones to Lagos, Nigeria, Captain America led a covert mission to apprehend him with Black Widow, Falcon and Wanda Maximoff. As Captain America waited in a building and Falcon scouted the area from a roof with Redwing, Black Widow continued her training with Maximoff as they sat in a café, trying to figure out Crossbones' plans.

Falcon and Scarlet Witch

The Avengers fight Crossbones' forces

After Falcon detected that a garbage truck was going to be used to attack the Institute for Infectious Diseases, the Avengers left their positions as Crossbones and his mercenaries infiltrated the building. Captain America, Falcon and Maximoff arrived and fought against the mercenaries as well as clearing the gas. Captain America entered the building, as the other two stayed in the fight, discovering that Crossbones had stolen a biological weapon.

Captain America vs

Captain America interrogates Crossbones

Black Widow made her way to stop the mercenaries, defeating a group of them out, but some of them split up through the market with the bioweapon. Falcon and Black Widow dealt with the mercenaries, and after a brief standoff, they retrieved the bioweapon. At the same time, Captain America was attacked by Crossbones, but he managed to hold his own and ended up defeating him after a heated brawl. However, as Captain America confronted Crossbones, he was caught off guard when he mentioned Bucky Barnes, allowing Crossbones to set off his bomb vest. Maximoff was able to contain the blast but was unable to get it clear in time, causing it to go off next to a building, killing many of its occupants.

Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers

Steve Rogers comforts Wanda Maximoff

The Avengers returned to the Avengers Compound, where a month later, the tragic outcome of their mission was still being discussed, with people like King T'Chaka claiming that the Avengers caused more harm than they tried to prevent. The Avenger that felt the most guilt over the deaths was Maximoff, who believed it to be her fault. Rogers attempted to comfort Maximoff, stating that he was distracted from spotting the bomb, but they both took the blame. Rogers went on to explain how even though they tried to save as many people as they could, sometimes they weren't able to, but they had to learn how to live with it. Vision then entered to inform them of Tony Stark and Thaddeus Ross' arrival.[23]

Civil War[]

The Sokovia Accords[]


The Avengers listen to Thaddeus Ross

"For the past four years, you operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution. The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries. It states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization."
Thaddeus Ross[src]

The Avengers then gathered in the conference room with Tony Stark, as they listened to Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross acknowledge their efforts to save the world multiple times, but addressed the fact that some saw them as vigilantes instead of heroes.


The Avengers witness their destruction

After Ross expressed his concern for the immense power with seemingly unlimited restrictions the Avengers had, he showed them footage of the destruction and death that was left in the aftermath of the Avengers' battles in New York, Washington D.C., Sokovia and Lagos. Ross then explained that the world's governments could no longer tolerate the lack of supervision, so they instated the Sokovia Accords, so the Avengers would operate under the United Nations.

Avengers (2016)

The Avengers learn of the Sokovia Accords

Steve Rogers expressed that the Avengers had been keeping the world safe, but Ross brought up that none of them knew the locations of Thor or Bruce Banner, which was a concern for him. Ross assured them that the Sokovia Accords were the best scenario for them and that it would be ratified in three days by the United Nations in Vienna. As Ross went to let them talk amongst themselves, Natasha Romanoff asked what would happen if they decline, which he answered that they would be forced to retire.[23]

Choosing Sides[]


The Avengers debate the Sokovia Accords

Once Ross left, the Avengers and Stark moved to the lounge area to further discuss the Sokovia Accords, a matter that they were all divided on whether they should sign or not. James Rhodes, who was for the Accords due to its severity and support, argued with Sam Wilson, who was against them, being cautious of what would happen to them.

Avengers (2016)

The Sokovia Accords divide the Avengers

Vision interrupted, detailing that since Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of enhanced people and world-ending threats have grown, which can result in catastrophe, concluding that he too was also for the Accords. Romanoff then addressed Stark's unusual silence, which Rogers noted was because he'd already made up his mind to sign the Accords. Stark proceeded to tell the Avengers about Charlie Spencer, a kid who was killed during their fight against Ultron in Sokovia, leading to him stating that they needed to be put in check.


Steve Rogers rejects the Sokovia Accords

However, Rogers argued that by signing the Accords, they were giving up by not taking responsibility for their actions. Rhodes objected, commenting that in this instance they were dealing with the United Nations, not just any other organization, but Rogers voiced that it was led by people whose agendas may change. Stark reflected on how he chose to shut down his weapons manufacturing, which Rogers added was his own choice, and by signing, they were giving up their right to choose, seeing that they were the ones best qualified to deal with their problems.

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Natasha Romanoff supports Tony Stark

However, Stark made it clear that if they didn't willingly agree to the Accords, more drastic measures would be taken, which Wanda Maximoff feared would involve her being targeted, although Vision stated they'd protect her. Romanoff voiced agreement with Stark, not wanting to have anything bad happen to them. After Rogers left, the discussion was ended, with Stark, Romanoff, Rhodes and Vision for, Rogers and Wilson against, and Maximoff undecided.

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Natasha Romanoff updates Steve Rogers

After the funeral for Peggy Carter, Romanoff, who came to comfort Rogers, updated him on who had signed, also mentioning how she contacted former Avenger Clint Barton, who stated that he was retired, clearing him from needing to sign. Seeing the struggle within Rogers, Romanoff told him that staying together was more important than how they stayed together, wanting him to also sign. However, Rogers was unable to sign, along with Wilson, not knowing what they would be giving up by doing so.[23]

Home Falling Apart[]

Natasha Romanoff at UN Accords Ratification

Natasha Romanoff during the conference

"I'm doing what has to be done, to stave off something worse."
"You keep telling yourself that."
Tony Stark and Steve Rogers[src]

In Vienna, the United Nations and Natasha Romanoff convened to approve the Sokovia Accords. However, during the conference, a bomb was set off outside the building, killing the king of Wakanda, which the authorities suspected Bucky Barnes to be responsible for. Steve Rogers, who had retired, called Romanoff, telling her he had decided to go after Barnes, despite her warnings to stay out of the situation.

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Captain America is arrested by War Machine

Rogers enlisted the help of the also retired Sam Wilson, and they were given a lead from Sharon Carter on where to find Barnes. After Rogers spoke with Barnes in Bucharest, a chase ensued between Barnes, the GSG 9 and a man in a cat suit, who attacked him, with Rogers behind them, and Wilson providing support. The chase came to an end when they were all surrounded by the GSG 9 and War Machine, who came to arrest them, as they violated the Accords.


Vision watches over Wanda Maximoff

Back at the Avengers Compound, Vision was assigned by Tony Stark to watch over Wanda Maximoff and keep her confined to the compound, in fear of another public incident involving her, due to what happened in Lagos. After Vision cooked for Maximoff, the two talked about how the Mind Stone impacted their lives until she discovered what he was asked to do when trying to leave.


Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson complying

Along with Barnes' arrest, Rogers and Wilson were taken to the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building in Berlin, where they spoke with T'Challa, who wanted to kill Barnes after the death of his father. Once they arrived, they met Everett Ross, who confiscated Rogers' shield and Wilson's wings, as they regrouped with Romanoff and Stark, who stopped them from being prosecuted.

Tony and Steve

Tony Stark tries to get Steve Rogers to sign

Stark spoke with Rogers privately to try to convince him to sign the Accords, something Rogers didn't want to be an issue for, but due to his nature, couldn't resist helping in a situation. Stark assured Rogers that nothing had happened that couldn't be undone, so long as he signed, and Rogers became open to doing so, with some safeguards in place. However, when Stark mentioned that Maximoff was confined to the compound, it immediately stopped Rogers from agreeing, leading to the two to argue. Stark attempted to convince Rogers he was doing it for the betterment of the Avengers, although Rogers didn't see it that way, and refused to sign.

Steve Natasha Sam Sharon

The Avengers view Bucky Barnes' interview

The Avengers, separated by who had signed, watched as Barnes was questioned by a psychiatrist until a power outage occurred, so Rogers and Wilson rushed to the holding room, as Stark searched for the cause of the outage. Rogers and Wilson found the psychiatrist, who they realized was responsible for the bombing, but before they could interrogate him, Barnes attacked them, having been activated. After throwing down Wilson, Barnes fought Rogers until he defeated him and proceeded to make his escape. When Wilson awoke, he noticed the psychiatrist also escaping, so he chased after him, but he got away.

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The Avengers go to stop Bucky Barnes

As Barnes continued to make his escape, Stark, Romanoff and Carter went to stop him. However, all three of them were quickly defeated by Barnes but were soon saved by T'Challa, although Barnes still managed to get away from them. When Barnes managed to get to a helicopter, Rogers arrived and was able to stop him from leaving, which resulted in the two falling into the water, where Rogers took Barnes, met up with Wilson, and went underground.

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Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson on their own

Once Barnes awoke, he told Rogers and Wilson that the psychiatrist wanted to know about the HYDRA Siberian Facility, where the other Winter Soldiers were located. Rogers and Wilson decided to not inform Stark of this, now being on their own because of the Accords, so they decided to form a new team to help them. Meanwhile, Thaddeus Ross tasked Stark with hunting Rogers and his team with Romanoff, who enlisted the help of T'Challa, while Stark recruited the teenage vigilante Peter Parker, as they were short on support.

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Hawkeye and Wanda Maximoff fight Vision

Not being able to personally recruit his team, Rogers contacted retired Avenger Clint Barton to do it for him, as well as joining in the fight. Barton started with rescuing Maximoff from the compound and Vision's protection. After luring Vision away, Barton infiltrated the compound and tried to leave with Maximoff. However, they were stopped by Vision, so Barton fought him but was overpowered until Maximoff stepped in and used her powers to defeat Vision.

Steve, Scott & Wanda

Scott Lang joins Steve Rogers' team

Barton and Maximoff then left the compound and went to recruit Scott Lang, who Wilson previously encountered. Keeping a low profile, Rogers, Wilson and Barnes met up with Carter, who provided them with their gear to help them in their fight. They then joined up with Barton and Maximoff at Leipzig-Halle Airport, who introduced them to Lang. Rogers informed Lang that by helping them he would become wanted by the government, but he accepted anyway. After Barton told them about a helicopter he set up for them, they heard the airport being evacuated, leading to them realizing that Stark had found them, so they all suited up.[23]

Clash of the Avengers[]

Black Panther, War Machine, Iron Man & Captain America

Iron Man's side surround Captain America

"I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."
"You did that when you signed."
Iron Man and Captain America[src]

As Captain America approached the helicopter, it was disabled by Iron Man, who confronted him along with War Machine. As Captain America tried to explain the Winter Soldier's innocence, he was soon surrounded when Black Panther, Black Widow and Spider-Man appeared. Iron Man's side attempted to get Captain America to stand down, but he refused to give up.

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Iron Man vs Hawkeye and Wanda Maximoff

Once Falcon located the Quinjet, Captain America was rescued by Hawkeye and Ant-Man, and the two factions began to fight, with Captain America's side trying to leave, and Iron Man's side trying to stop them. As Iron Man went after Hawkeye and Wanda Maximoff, War Machine and Black Panther fought Captain America, Black Widow dealt with Ant-Man, and Spider-Man pursued Falcon and Winter Soldier.

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The Avengers' factions run at each other

When Captain America's side temporarily defeated Iron Man's side, they regrouped and headed for the Quinjet. But before they could get there, they were stopped by Vision, who fired a blast in front of them. The rest of Iron Man's side regrouped and stood opposite of their former allies, telling them once more to stand down. However, Captain America gave the order to fight, so the two factions charged at each other.

Wanda Maximoff vs

Maximoff and Hawkeye fight Black Widow

During the massive fight, Black Widow and Hawkeye reunited, assuring each other that they were still friends despite being on opposite sides. Not being the best combatant, Maximoff focused on providing support to her team, saving them from being defeated with her powers. Captain America met Spider-Man, who was informed by Iron Man who to fight him, but Captain America was able to beat him. When Falcon was being chased by Iron Man, Hawkeye saved him, by firing Ant-Man on one of his arrows.

Iron Man with War Machine

Iron Man and War Machine fight Giant-Man

When Captain America's side realized that the psychiatrist would be in Siberia, Falcon told Captain America and Winter Soldier to leave, as Hawkeye explained that some of them would have to lose so they could also get to Siberia. Once Ant-Man turned giant, he distracted Iron Man's side along with Falcon, Hawkeye and Maximoff so Captain America and Winter Soldier could get to the Quinjet. Vision realized it was a distraction, and attempted to stop the two from escaping, but Maximoff was able to get them to the hangar.


Black Widow helps Captain America's side

Having succeeded in getting them to the Quinjet, Hawkeye, Maximoff and Ant-Man were soon defeated and arrested by Iron Man's side. When Captain America and Winter Soldier made it to the Quinjet, they were confronted by Black Widow who was waiting for them. Knowing that they would never stop, Black Widow decided to change sides and help them, as she immobilized Black Panther before he could get to them, stating that she only promised to help find them, not capture them.

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War Machine is critically injured by Vision

As the Quinjet departed from the airport, Iron Man and War Machine pursued them, so Falcon went after them. Noticing Falcon, War Machine asked Vision for support, but because he was distracted by Maximoff, he missed and accidentally hit War Machine's Arc Reactor. This caused War Machine to fall from the sky, so Iron Man and Falcon went after him, letting the Quinjet escape. They were unable to save War Machine, but he managed to survive.[23]


Nat and Tony back

Tony Stark speaks with Natasha Romanoff

"This place is for maniacs, it's a place for-"
"Criminals. Criminals, Tony. I think that's the word you're looking for. Right? It didn't use to mean me. Or Sam, or Wanda. But here we are."
"Because you broke the law."
Tony Stark and Clint Barton[src]

Tony Stark and Vision brought James Rhodes back to the Avengers Compound to be examined. When Natasha Romanoff arrived, she and Stark went outside and talked about her betrayal, which Stark informed Romanoff that the government would be coming after her now, forcing her to go on the run.

Stark and Barton

Clint Barton fights with Tony Stark in his cell

Having learned about Helmut Zemo from F.R.I.D.A.Y., Stark realized that Steve Rogers was right, and decided to visit Rogers' teammates who were imprisoned in the Raft. Upon entering the Raft, Stark was greeted by taunts from Clint Barton, who was angry at him for having them all marked as criminals. The two former teammates argued about the Sokovia Accords, which Stark tried to defend himself, but Barton's trust for him was broken, so Stark walked away from him.

Falcon Raft3

Sam Wilson decides to help Tony Stark

Knowing that Sam Wilson knew of where Rogers and Bucky Barnes were heading, Stark moved to his cell, asking for their location. But, Wilson refused to help Stark, until he admitted that he was wrong, revealing to him what he discovered about Zemo. Wilson then decided to tell Stark that they were going to the HYDRA Siberian Facility and that he would have to go there as a friend only, which Stark agreed to, and then left the Raft, lying to Thaddeus Ross.[23]

Battle of the Leaders[]

Captain America with Iron Man

Iron Man and Captain America find Zemo

"He's my friend."
"So was I."
Captain America and Iron Man[src]

Meanwhile, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes arrived at the facility and began searching for Helmut Zemo, until they were joined by Tony Stark, who revealed that he believed them and was there for Zemo, too, so they searched together. They soon found Zemo, who revealed he killed all the Winter Soldiers, explaining he didn't want them but wanted revenge on the Avengers for his family's deaths during the Battle of Sokovia.

Tony Stark & Captain America

Captain America reveals he knew the truth

Zemo, stating how an empire can be rebuilt if destroyed by its enemies, but that if it crumbles from within it is dead for good. He then showed them a video from 1991, revealing to Stark that Barnes, while under HYDRA's control, killed his parents. Enraged by this, Stark demanded Rogers to tell him if he knew all along, which he admitted to, causing Stark to attack him and proceed to attempt to kill Barnes. Rogers desperately tried to stop Stark from killing Barnes, as the three fought, explaining that Barnes wasn't in control of his actions, but Stark didn't care for what he had to say.

Cap vs

Captain America and Iron Man fight

When the fight moved to the lower levels of the facility, both leaders were determined to not stop, so they began to fight each other, as Barnes rejoined them and helped Rogers. The three fought viciously until Stark defeated Barnes by destroying his metal arm, leaving the fight between Stark and Rogers. The fight ended with Rogers defeating Stark, and as he walked away with Barnes, he left his shield behind, after Stark claimed he didn't deserve it.[23]

Avengers Disassembled[]

Escape from the Raft[]

Tony Stark and James Rhodes - Civil War

Tony Stark helps James Rhodes' rehab

"So, no matter what, I promise you, if you need us, if you need me, I'll be there."
Steve Rogers[src]

After Helmut Zemo's arrest, Tony Stark returned to the Avengers Compound, where the remaining Avengers were himself, James Rhodes and Vision. Stark gave Rhodes leg braces to help him walk, and as Stark helped with his rehabilitation, Rhodes commented on how even after his injury and the falling out, he still agreed with the Sokovia Accords.


The Avengers are broken out of the Raft

Stark received a letter and phone from Steve Rogers, explaining that he was sorry for the recent events and wished they agreed on the Sokovia Accords. Also in the letter, Rogers promised that if Stark ever needed him, he would be there, and at the same time, Stark was notified of a breach inside the Raft. This breach was Rogers, who couldn't let those who supported him stay locked up, so he freed Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff and Scott Lang.[23]


The Avengers celebrate their freedom

The group, who were all fugitives now, celebrated their freedom, with Barton expressing that he was going back into retirement for good this time to be with his family. To do this, Barton made a deal with the FBI to be put under house arrest, instead of being imprisoned. Whereas, Rogers, Wilson and Maximoff decided to go on the run, with Maximoff frequently meeting up with Vision secretly, so they could be together. Meanwhile, Rogers and Wilson continued to conduct vigilante missions together, and they were later joined by Natasha Romanoff, who was also on the run,[24] due to her wanting to repair her divided family.[25]

Offering Spider-Man a Place[]

Tony and Peter SMH

Tony Stark asks Spider-Man to join the team

"You're turning me down? You better think about this. Look at that, look at me. Last chance, yes or no?"
Tony Stark and Peter Parker[src]

Following his experience with the Avengers, Peter Parker continued helping the people of New York City, hoping that he would eventually be offered by Tony Stark to join the team. Stark was impressed by Parker stopping Vulture all on his own and finally offered him to join the Avengers, as well as a new suit. However, Parker declined the offer and the suit, claiming that he should stick to helping the ordinary civilians and learn more before joining.[26]

Secret Avengers[]


The Secret Avengers work under the radar

"It's only a matter of time before some bigger intergalactic problem needs to be solved. Doing this case-by-case cleanup isn't what this team was meant for."
Nick Fury to Steve Rogers[src]

Over the course of several months, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff would continue to operate under the radar, dealing with multiple cases, in an aim to eliminate crime and terrorism around the world,[27] receiving aid from the reformed S.H.I.E.L.D..[28] Following a mission in Syria to stop ISIS from using Chitauri fueled weapons, the team were reunited with Nick Fury, who tried to get them to work things out with Tony Stark, but they declined and continued their secret missions.[27]

Maria Hill's Visit[]

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Maria Hill visits Tony Stark

"How long are you going to allow this to continue? The world needs the Avengers-- the full roster--"
"Yeah, well, not today."
Maria Hill and Tony Stark[src]

At the Avengers Compound, Tony Stark, who was now feeling guilty for becoming distracted from the real threats coming to Earth, began work on a new suit that could be used by him to defend the world by himself. Stark considered reaching out to Steve Rogers with the phone he was given but decided to continue his mission alone.[24] While testing the new suit, Stark was visited by Maria Hill, who brought up Vision's frequent disappearances, as he was secretly leaving to be with Wanda Maximoff. After mentioning the Ultron Offensive, Hill then brought up the Avengers' falling out and stated that the world needed the full roster assembled again, but Stark was reluctant.[27]

Deadpool's Application[]

Wilson and Hogan

Wade Wilson meets with Happy Hogan

"But the Avengers don't do the job because they need it. They do the job because people need them."
Happy Hogan to Wade Wilson[src]

On March 14, 2018, Wade Wilson arrived at the Avengers Compound to be interviewed by Happy Hogan about joining the Avengers. Wilson explained to Hogan that he needed to become an Avenger, so Hogan told Wilson that the Avengers stood for something more than just fighting and wearing costumes, as people looked up to them. Hogan ended the interview by informing Wilson that the Avengers didn't do their job because they needed it, but because others needed them. As Wilson left, Hogan told him that they would keep an eye on him.[29]

Infinity War[]

Attack on Greenwich Village[]

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Tony Stark is reunited with Bruce Banner

"The Avengers broke up. We're toast."
"Broke up? Like a band? Like... Like The Beatles?"
"Cap and I fell out hard. We're not on speaking terms."
"Tony, listen to me. Thor's gone. Thanos is coming. It doesn't matter who you're talking to or not."
Tony Stark and Bruce Banner[src]

Following his return to Earth, Bruce Banner informed Doctor Strange and Wong that Thanos' imminent arrival was coming. Upon Banner's request, Strange opened a portal to Tony Stark's location, and Banner reunited with his friend, asking him to come with them to help, so they entered the Sanctum.

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Bruce Banner tells Tony Stark about Thanos

After Strange and Wong explained the Infinity Stones to Stark, Banner began to explain Thanos' mission, and they discussed the threat he posed to them all. After a brief dispute between Stark and Strange about the Time Stone, Banner brought up Vision possessing the Mind Stone, so they had to find him. At that moment, Stark explained that Vision was missing and that Steve Rogers could find him, leading to Stark revealing how the Avengers had a falling out.

Strange Stark Banner Wong

The Avengers, Doctor Strange and Wong

However, despite being confused by this news, Banner made it clear to Stark that it was not important, as Thanos was coming, noting how he defeated Thor. Stark decided to call Rogers, but before he was able to, they were interrupted when they noticed something occurring outside. Exiting the Sanctum, the four witnessed the Q-Ship's arrival, as Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian appeared, declaring themselves as the Children of Thanos, with the mission of retrieving the Time Stone. Preparing to fight the alien invaders, Banner went to turn into Hulk but was unable to transform. Unable to assist in the fight, Banner stepped back as Stark proceeded to suit up and face off against the Black Order alongside Strange and Wong.

Iron Man & Cull Obsidian

Iron Man faces off against Cull Obsidian

After Banner was transported away for safety, Iron Man battled Obsidian, which soon moved to Banner's location. During the fight, Iron Man was joined by Spider-Man, who helped him deal with Obsidian, while Banner still struggled to get Hulk to come out. When Strange was captured and beamed aboard the Q-Ship, which began to depart from Earth with Spider-Man outside it, Iron Man rushed after it. After giving Spider-Man a new suit and sending him away, Iron Man made his way inside the ship.[30]

Attack on Vision[]


Bruce Banner makes a call to Steve Rogers

"Where to, Cap?"
Falcon and Steve Rogers[src]

In the aftermath of the battle in New York, Bruce Banner, who had been left alone, found Tony Stark's phone and decided to call Steve Rogers to inform him of the situation, asking him to find Vision before Thanos and his allies did. Afterward, Banner made his way to the Avengers Compound and was greeted by James Rhodes.

Vision and Wanda

Wanda Maximoff and Vision discuss duty

In Edinburgh, Wanda Maximoff and Vision would take time from their Avengers groups and frequently meet up to secretly be with each other. Before they both headed back, Vision suggested that neither return to their responsibilities with their respective Avengers groups, but just decide to be together. However, before responding, Maximoff noticed a report regarding the Attack on Greenwich Village, revealing that Tony Stark was missing. Understanding his duties, Vision immediately decided to leave, although Maximoff questioned whether it would be safer if he didn't, knowing that the Mind Stone was warning him.

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Wanda Maximoff sedulously protects Vision

Suddenly, Vision was stabbed by Corvus Glaive, and as Maximoff went to save him, she was blasted away by Proxima Midnight. The alien attackers began to extract the Mind Stone from Vision's forehead, but Maximoff was able to rescue him. An intense fight then began between Maximoff and Midnight, and Vision and Glaive, with Glaive demanding the stone be handed over or Maximoff would be killed. Maximoff was able to get her and Vision away from the fight, but only temporarily, as they were soon cornered at the train station.

Captain America, Falcon & Black Widow

The Secret Avengers come out of hiding

As the Black Order approached, Maximoff prepared to make her final stand, when they all became aware of someone standing in the shadows. Midnight threw her spear at the figure, who caught it, revealing himself to be Steve Rogers, who successfully located Vision. Falcon and Black Widow also appeared and began to attack the Black Order. In a coordinated attack from the Secret Avengers, Black Widow was able to wound Glaive, and Falcon knocked Midnight down, holding both of them at gunpoint, but they retreated.

Rhodey confronts Ross

James Rhodes breaks the Sokovia Accords

They all then boarded the Quinjet, and Rogers told Wilson to fly to the Avengers Compound, understanding that their current situation was more important than staying in hiding. At the compound, Rhodes was contacted by his former teammates about their arrival, and after having time to reflect on what the Sokovia Accords have done, Rhodes decided to welcome his friends. While Rhodes was speaking with Thaddeus Ross about Vision's disappearance, he expressed his thoughts on Ross' making the Avengers fugitives.

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The Secret Avengers back at the compound

At that moment, the fugitive Avengers entered the room and confronted Ross, who wasn't willing to accept their help. However, Rogers declared that he no longer cared about the Accords, as Stark wasn't on Earth anymore, so they were going to help fight in the incoming war. Ross ordered Rhodes to arrest the fugitives, but instead, he happily reunited with them, no longer standing with the Accords. Banner then joined them, to the team's surprise, having not known his whereabouts for three years.

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The Avengers discuss protecting Vision

After they all reunited, Banner stated that they needed all hands on deck, asking about Clint Barton's whereabouts, which Romanoff explained he was on house arrest. Banner revealed Thanos' plan, and how he needed the Mind Stone, which Vision stated that they should destroy it. However, everyone opposed the idea, as it would involve killing Vision, so Banner brought up a possibility of safely removing it. Not being able to do it at the compound, Rogers suggested they go to Wakanda to get it done.[30]

Rescue of Doctor Strange[]

AIW Spider-Man (Ever See The Movie Aliens)

Tony Stark has Peter Parker form a plan

"All right, kid, you're an Avenger now."
Iron Man to Spider-Man[src]

Back on the Q-Ship, Tony Stark was joined by the Cloak of Levitation and Peter Parker, as they located Doctor Strange, who was being tortured by Ebony Maw. Frustrated by Parker's presence, Stark relented and had him come up with a rescue plan for Strange.

Stark and Strange

Tony Stark disputes with Doctor Strange

By following Parker's plan, Stark was able to defeat Maw and save Strange by blasting a hole in the ship. After the rescue, Strange asked if they could navigate the ship back to Earth, however, Stark had other intentions, due to being haunted by Thanos ever since the Battle of New York, revealing he wanted to head to Titan. Stark explained his plan of bringing the fight to Thanos, and Strange acquiesced his decision.

AIW Stark Declares Spider-Man

Tony Stark makes Peter Parker an Avenger

With the three on a set course for Titan, where they planned to face off against Thanos, Stark decided to appoint Parker as an official member of the Avengers, to qualify him for the pending battle, much to Parker's delight. Once they arrived at Titan, Stark and Parker had to steer the Q-Ship with an arm piece each and attempted to safely land on the planet. However, they ended up crashing on the surface, so Strange protected them from the destruction.[30]

Meeting the Guardians[]

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The Avengers encounter the Guardians

"Wait, who are you?"
"We're the Avengers, man."
"You're the ones Thor told us about."
Peter Quill, Peter Parker and Mantis[src]

After recovering from the crash, the group was ambushed by the Guardians of the Galaxy, who mistook them for allies of Thanos. A brief fight broke out between the two groups, resulting in them holding members of their teams at gunpoint. However, they soon learned of each other's identities, as the Guardians were told about the Avengers from Thor, and decided to team up, having a shared interest in killing Thanos.

Spider-Man, Iron Man, Drax, Mantis & Star-Lord (Titan)

The Avengers work with the Guardians

As they waited for Thanos' arrival on Titan, Tony Stark decided to organize a plan but struggled with the unprofessionalism of the Guardians, much to the frustration of the two Avengers. After a brief squabble with Peter Quill, they noticed Doctor Strange seizing, so they went to check on him. Strange then revealed to them all that he used the Time Stone to look at over fourteen million outcomes, only to find that they win in one of them.[30]

Refuge in Wakanda[]

Avengers in Wakanda

The Avengers arrive in Wakanda for aid

"So, how big of an assault should we expect?"
"Uh, sir, I think you should expect quite a big assault."
T'Challa and Bruce Banner[src]

Back on Earth, the Avengers boarded the Quinjet and headed to Wakanda, where they could get the Mind Stone removed from Vision. Once they landed, the Avengers were welcomed by King T'Challa, who was warned by Bruce Banner about a massive assault coming their way, so he offered his forces, as well Bucky Barnes.

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The Avengers see the Outrider Dropships

While James Rhodes and Sam Wilson kept watch outside, the rest of the Avengers accompanied Vision as he was examined by Shuri, who assured them she could remove the Mind Stone, although it would take some time. When a fleet of dropships entered the atmosphere, Wilson informed the rest of the Avengers, and they witnessed the ships land outside of the dome. Vision insisted they destroy the Mind Stone, but they refused and prepared for the battle.[30]

Battle of Wakanda[]

Wakanda's Defenders

The Avengers with the Wakandan army

"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get behind us, there's nothing between them and Vision."
"Then we better keep 'em in front of us."
Bruce Banner and Steve Rogers[src]

Whilst Wanda Maximoff stayed with Vision as Shuri worked on separating the Mind Stone from him, Steve Rogers, Black Widow, Bruce Banner, War Machine and Falcon joined the Wakandan army, as they prepared to hold off Thanos' army.

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The Avengers charge at the Outriders army

Rogers and Black Widow accompanied Black Panther as they faced Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian, but neither side backed down. The Avengers watched as the Outriders charged at the barrier, forcing their way through, so Banner, War Machine and Falcon fired upon them before they got close. However, they were forced to open the barrier so the Outriders could not get to Vision, and the two armies then charged at each other, engaging in an intense battle.

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Thor joins the Avengers' fight in Wakanda

The Avengers, along with the rest of their allies, were able to take out many Outriders, but it didn't seem to make much of an impact, as more of the alien army continued to overwhelm them. When they all found themselves significantly overpowered, the Bifrost Bridge suddenly opened on the battlefield, and an axe came out, clearing through the Outriders, and saving the Avengers. The axe then returned, where it was caught by Thor, who had joined the fight with Rocket and Groot, declaring a want to kill Thanos.

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Wanda Maximoff destroys the Threshers

During the battle, Rogers and Thor reunited after three years, remarking on each other's new haircuts and beards. When Threshers arrived on the battlefield, Maximoff decided to join the fight, saving her allies. With Maximoff leaving her position, Corvus Glaive attacked the lab, but Vision was able to fight him, causing them to fall out of the building. Falcon informed the Avengers of Vision's situation, so Banner, in the Hulkbuster suit, made his way there, where he fought off and managed to kill Obsidian.

Corvus Glaive vs

The Avengers face off with the Black Order

Maximoff attempted to get to Vision, but was stopped by Midnight, who ended up facing off with Black Widow and Okoye until Maximoff was able to kill her. Glaive continued to fatally attack Vision, who was barely holding his own until Rogers came to his rescue. Vision was able to steal Glaive's glaive and impale him with it, killing the last of the Black Order, and saving Rogers.[30]

Battle of Titan[]

AIW Iron Spider (Magic Kick)

Spider-Man swiftly fights against Thanos

"Parker, help! Get over here. She can't hold him much longer. Let's go."
"We gotta open his fingers to get it off."
Iron Man and Spider-Man[src]

Back on Titan, the group of heroes formulated a plan and waited for Thanos. Once the Mad Titan arrived, he briefly spoke with Doctor Strange before Iron Man initiated the fight, by crushing Thanos with a massive piece of a spaceship hull. The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy and Strange worked together to overwhelm Thanos, who fought back with the Infinity Stones.

Iron Man & Spider Taking the Gauntlet

The Avengers grabbing the Infinity Gauntlet

Eventually, they were all able to overpower and restrain Thanos, so Iron Man and Spider-Man attempted to remove the Infinity Gauntlet from him, while they had the chance. However, when Star-Lord discovered that Thanos killed Gamora, he attacked the Mad Titan, forcing Iron Man to leave his position to stop the angered Guardian. Spider-Man was able to almost remove the Gauntlet, but Thanos managed to break free and reclaim the Gauntlet.

Thanos vs

Iron Man furiously confronting Thanos

With the plan ruined, Thanos retaliated, using the stones to throw one of Titan's moons at them. Spider-Man focused on saving the unconscious Guardians, while Iron Man returned to fighting Thanos after escaping the destruction. The two battled it out in a heated duel, resulting in Iron Man only being able to merely cut Thanos. Not being a match for the Mad Titan, Iron Man proceeded to be greatly beaten by him, despite his best efforts and was stabbed. Iron Man's life was saved when Strange gave up the Time Stone, and Thanos teleported away.[30]

The Snap[]

Thanos stops Hulkbuster (Space Stone)

The Avengers attempt to defeat Thanos

"What is this? What the hell is happening?"
"Oh, God."
War Machine and Steve Rogers[src]

With all of the Outriders defeated at Wakanda, the Avengers moved to Vision's location. Suddenly, a portal opened, and Thanos stepped out, so the Avengers continued to protect Vision, charging at the Mad Titan. However, Thanos made short work of the Avengers, using the Infinity Stones to clear through them with ease.

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Wanda Maximoff destroying the Mind Stone

Knowing the rest of the Avengers could not defeat Thanos, Vision told Wanda Maximoff to destroy the Mind Stone, and she sadly decided to do so. As Maximoff used her powers to destroy the stone, the Avengers, one by one, was defeated by Thanos, as they attempted to defeat him, with Steve Rogers being the last one fighting. Thanos then headed for the Mind Stone but was blocked by Maximoff, who was able to destroy the stone, killing Vision in the process.

Thor vs

Thor wounds Thanos with Stormbreaker

Unfortunately, Thanos had acquired the Time Stone, allowing him to reverse the effects, reviving Vision and the Mind Stone. Maximoff attempted to stop Thanos, but he was able to rip out the Mind Stone from Vision's forehead, thus completing the Infinity Gauntlet. At that moment, Thor arrived and threw Stormbreaker at Thanos, hitting him directly in the chest. When Thor landed to taunt the Mad Titan, Thanos took advantage of the opportunity to use the Infinity Stones once more, snapping his fingers, and then teleporting away.


The Avengers in the aftermath of the Snap

Thor was then left standing in silence, as Rogers helplessly asked where Thanos went. They were then shocked and confused when Bucky Barnes began to turn to dust and then disappear, which was followed by Maximoff and Falcon doing the same, along with Spider-Man on Titan, who vanished in Iron Man's arms. The remaining Avengers were left in horror, unable to do anything, as Thanos' missions to wipe out half of all life was completed.[30]

The Arrival of Captain Marvel[]

Widow & Cap

The Avengers witness the death count

"We don't even know what this is."
"Fury did. You tell me the second you get a signal. I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing."
Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff[src]

Following the Snap, the surviving Avengers on Earth, completely defeated, returned to the Avengers Compound to do whatever they could to prevent the damage from Thanos' actions from becoming too great. They also started planning a retaliation against Thanos and, if possible, undo his actions, using space scans and satellites to hunt him down but finding nothing that would lead them to the Mad Titan.

Avengers (Captain Marvel)

The Avengers look at Nick Fury's Pager

Along the way, they retrieved Nick Fury's Transmitter Pager in Atlanta, which apparently was sending a call to someone. As Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff were watching the casualties counter in despair and horror at the Avengers Compound and commented on how nightmarish it was, James Rhodes informed them that the Pager had stopped working. The three asked Bruce Banner if he could make it work but he claimed that he did not understand what it was yet. However, Captain Marvel suddenly appeared behind them, asking about Fury's whereabouts.[31]

Rescue of Tony Stark[]

Endgame 07

The Avengers witness Tony Stark's return

"I said we'd lose. You said, 'We'll do that together, too.' And guess what, Cap? We lost. And you weren't there. But that's what we do, right? Our best work after the fact? We're the 'Avengers.' We're the 'Avengers,' not the 'Pre-vengers.'"
Tony Stark to Steve Rogers[src]

Upon meeting Captain Marvel, the Avengers had her search for Tony Stark, who had been stuck in space with Nebula in the Benatar. Twenty-two days after the Snap, Stark was found by Captain Marvel, who carried the ship back to Earth, where the remaining Avengers reunited with him.

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The Avengers discuss Thanos' victory

They all went inside the Avengers Compound, and Stark was briefed on Thanos' victory, having successfully wiped out half of all life in the universe. After Steve Rogers mentioned their failed searches to locate Thanos, he asked Stark if he knew anything, which he responded that he was only beaten by Thanos. This then leads to Stark expressing how he envisioned the Infinity War all the way back in 2015, and that he needed Rogers, but he was not there to help.

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The Avengers check on a fainted Tony Stark

In his fragile state, both physically and emotionally, Stark continued his rant and bitterness towards Rogers, reflecting how Rogers assured him that if they lost, they'd do that as a team, but when it came for them to lose, the team was divided. Enraged, Stark then mocked the nature of the Avengers, declaring that they work best after losing, instead of preventing failure beforehand. The rest of the Avengers witnessed as Stark collapsed after insulting Rogers, and Bruce Banner gave him a sedative so he could rest.[12]

Ambushing Thanos[]


The Avengers ask Carol Danvers to help

"You know, we usually work as a team here, and, uh, between you and I, morale's a little fragile."
"We realize up there is more your territory, but this is our fight, too."
Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers to Carol Danvers[src]

When Carol Danvers announced she was leaving to kill Thanos, the Avengers stopped her, with Natasha Romanoff explaining that they work as a team, and Steve Rogers adding that this was their fight, too. James Rhodes asked if Danvers even knew where to find Thanos, which she didn't, but Nebula revealed she did.


The Avengers decide to confront Thanos

After Nebula revealed to the Avengers about the Garden, Rocket showed the team a power surge of equal size to the Snap on another planet, causing them to realize Thanos was there, and that he used the Infinity Stones again. Knowing this, the Avengers and their new allies, discussed going after Thanos and using the Stones to undoing the Snap. Bruce Banner was hesitant, but Danvers assured them that having her with them would ensure victory, and they all prepared to confront the Mad Titan.

Avengers Benatar

The Avengers traveling in the Benatar

After suiting up, the Avengers, joined by Captain Marvel, Rocket and Nebula, boarded the Benatar. As they departed from Earth, Rocket asked the Avengers who hadn't been to space before, which was Rogers, Black Widow and War Machine, before quickly arriving at the planet through a Jump Point. While Captain Marvel conducted recon, Rogers and Black Widow discussed their determination to succeed this time. Captain Marvel returned, informing them that Thanos was alone on the planet.

AoT 25

The Avengers successfully restrain Thanos

Landing on the planet, the team orchestrated a coordinated ambush, with Captain Marvel, Banner in the Hulkbuster armor, and War Machine restraining Thanos, allowing Thor to slice off his hand with the Infinity Gauntlet. When the rest of the team joined them, they discovered that the Stones were missing from the Gauntlet, so Rogers interrogated Thanos about their whereabouts, which he revealed that he had reduced the Stones to atoms.

AoT 45

The Avengers realize they failed once again

Desperately not wanting to have failed again, the Avengers accused Thanos of lying, but Nebula assured them her father was telling the truth. With nothing left for them to gain, Thor used Stormbreaker to decapitate Thanos, shocking everyone, as they all stood in silence and horror, realizing that despite having killed Thanos, it was no victory and they still lost as they were unable to bring back their friends, and the rest of the population. The Avengers and their allies dejectedly went back to the Benatar and returned to Earth.[12]

The Endgame[]

Moving On[]

BW Leader of Avengers 5

The Avengers' lineup following Infinity War

"If I move on, who does this?"
"Maybe it doesn't need to be done."
Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers[src]

The immense failure of the Infinity War impacted each of the Avengers severely, causing most of them to leave the team. Tony Stark started a normal life with Pepper Potts. Thor rebuilt Asgard on Earth, and fell into a deep state of depression. Bruce Banner took the time to evaluate his situation with Hulk, resulting in the two merging and operating as a public hero. Steve Rogers focused on helping people move on from the Snap, while not able to, himself. And Natasha Romanoff became the leader of the Avengers, as it was all she had left, creating a new roster of James Rhodes, Rocket, Nebula, Carol Danvers, and Okoye.

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Natasha Romanoff leading the Avengers

By 2023, the Avengers, whose main focus was helping Earth, as well as the wider universe, recover from the effects of the Snap, gathered for a holo-conference, held by Romanoff, who was stationed at the Avengers Compound. After they all provided their updates, including Danvers informing them they won't see her for a while, Romanoff reminded them to contact her if anything happens. Rhodes stayed on, telling Romanoff about his findings on former Avenger, Clint Barton, who had begun killing criminals after his family died, but Romanoff asked him to keep searching.

BW Leader of Avengers 29

Steve Rogers checks on Natasha Romanoff

Rogers arrived at the compound to check on Romanoff, and he told her about how some people were able to move on from the Snap, but the Avengers weren't able to, being the ones who directly lost. Romanoff questioned what would happen to the Avengers if she moved on, which Rogers pondered if the team still needed to exist. However, Romanoff proceeded to reveal how she had nothing until she joined the Avengers, which became her family, and that it made her a better person, which she was still trying to be, even after their failure.[12]

A Second Chance[]

Scott Lang reveals his idea to the Avengers

"The stones are in the past. We could go back, we could get them."
"We can snap our own fingers. We can bring everybody back."
Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff to Tony Stark[src]

Receiving a notification from the front entrance, Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers discovered Scott Lang had arrived at the Avengers Compound for their help, so they let him in. Lang then revealed to them that he had been trapped in the Quantum Realm for the last five years, but it only felt like five hours for him, leading to Lang creating the idea to use the Quantum Realm to travel back in time to undo the Snap.

Stark Romanoff Rogers Lang

The Avengers go to Tony Stark for his help

Because they didn't understand how to navigate through the Quantum Realm, they went to meet with Tony Stark, and ask for his help. However, when they proposed the idea of retrieving the Infinity Stones from the past to Stark, he turned it down, not viewing it as possible, but also not wanting to risk what he gained since the Snap. Rogers and Romanoff attempted to convince Stark to help them take this second chance, but he refused without hesitation, so they left.

Endgame 70

The Avengers meet up with Bruce Banner

Wanting to do it right, they decided to ask Bruce Banner for his help. Lang was confused about Banner's merging, so he explained how during the Infinity War, while all the Avengers lost, it was worse for him, as he lost as Banner and as Hulk, although Romanoff tried to comfort him in that they didn't blame him. Returning to what they were meeting about, Banner expressed that the subject of time travel was outside his area of expertise, but he agreed to help anyway.

BruceHulk - (Were Good)

The Avengers conduct their time travel test

The next day, after Banner looked into Quantum Physics, he joined Rogers, Romanoff and Lang at the compound to commence their time travel tests, setting up the Quantum Tunnel in Lang's van, although he was still doubtful whether it would work. Once the Avengers commenced the test, attempting to send Lang back in time, they were shocked to discover Lang returning in different ages, having sent time through Lang instead. Banner was able to return Lang to his right age, which he believed to be a successful first test.[12]

Reassembling the Team[]

Tony Steve 2023

Tony Stark and Steve Rogers reconcile

"We are getting the whole team, yeah?"
"We're working on that right now."
Tony Stark and Steve Rogers[src]

Although retired from his Avengers life, Tony Stark was unable to rest knowing he could do something to save the world. So, after successfully figuring out Time Travel, Stark headed to the Avengers Compound to rejoin the Avengers, where he and Steve Rogers reconciled their feud. Stark stated his terms for returning to them, leading to him asking about the team's status.

Rocket Raccoon meets Scott Lang

The Avengers return to the compound

Understanding that this was their most important mission yet, the Avengers determined that they needed all hands on deck, so they contacted their other active members, James Rhodes, Rocket and Nebula to return to the compound. In addition to Scott Lang joining the team, it was decided that they needed their full roster, so the Avengers planned to bring back their former original members, Thor and Clint Barton.


Bruce Banner and Rocket recruit Thor

Once Rocket arrived in the Benatar with Nebula, he was joined by Bruce Banner, and they departed the compound, heading to New Asgard to recruit Thor. After they landed, Banner and Rocket briefly spoke to Valkyrie before reuniting with Thor, who stunned them by his weight gain. Banner informed Thor that they needed his help to resurrect the victims of Thanos' Snap, but he refused, being depressed. However, they were able to convince him to come with them.


Natasha Romanoff reunites with Ronin

Meanwhile, Natasha Romanoff put it upon herself to recruit her best friend, Barton, having received intel of his location from Rhodes. Romanoff traveled to Tokyo, where she discovered Barton standing over many dead Yakuza members, who he had just ruthlessly massacred. After discussing what Barton had been doing, Romanoff revealed that they found a way to possibly bring everyone back, including his family, and she managed to get him to come with her.

Hulk explains Time Travel

The Avengers discuss Time Travel rules

Now that the Avengers were fully assembled at the compound, they began working on creating the means to Time Travel, with Stark and Rocket working on the Quantum Tunnel, and Banner, Nebula and Lang working on the Advanced Tech Suit. While Barton wore the suit, Rhodes wondered why they don't use time travel to go back and kill a baby Thanos, but Banner explained to them all how time travel actually worked, in which they couldn't actually change the past.

Time Heist Brainstorm 13

The Avengers commence their brainstorm

Having volunteered himself to test time travel, Barton was sent back to 2018 and then shortly returned, revealing that they were successful. With the ability to travel back in time achieved, the Avengers focused on brainstorming specifically when and where they were going to retrieve each of the Infinity Stones. They started with the Reality Stone, so Thor began to inform his fellow Avengers about it, only to become distracted from the brainstorm, due to his state.

Time Heist Brainstorm 31

The Avengers discuss the Infinity Stones

Later, they moved on to the Power Stone, which Rocket explained to the rest of the Avengers as they had dinner, talking about how Peter Quill found it on Morag in 2014.[12] Afterwards, Rogers and Rhodes went through the Space Stone's history during the 1940s together.[32] The next day, Stark and Banner told Romanoff about the Time Stone, leading to her realizing that there were three Stones in New York in 2012, along with the Space and Mind Stone.[12]

Time Heist Brainstorm 28

The Avengers learn the Infinity Stones' past

By the third day, with this new realization, the Avengers looked back to when they assembled for their first battle together in 2012, which Rocket mocked them for how long it took them to deal with the Chitauri army.[32] Lastly, Nebula explained to the Avengers about the Soul Stone located on Vormir, where Thanos killed Gamora. With every Stone covered, the Avengers completely formulated the plan, splitting into three teams and going to three different years.[12]

Time Heist[]

Time-Space GPS Trailer Version

The Avengers about to begin the Time Heist

"You know your teams. You know your missions. Get the stones. Get them back. One round-trip each. No mistakes, no do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. That doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives, and we're gonna win. Whatever it takes."
Captain America[src]

Being fully prepared for their mission, the Avengers suited up, with all of them wearing the Advanced Tech Suits, and then approached the Quantum Tunnel. After Captain America gave a speech about the mission being their second and only chance, as well as to watch out for each other, the Tunnel activated, and they were sent through the Quantum Realm to their designated times.

Ant-Man, Captain America, Hulk & Iron Man

The Avengers arrive in New York in 2012

The team of Captain America, Iron Man, Ant-Man and Hulk arrived in New York during the Battle of New York in 2012, as that was when there were three Infinity Stones in the same area at the same time. With instructions towards keeping a low profile, Captain America was tasked with stealing the Mind Stone, while Iron Man and Ant-Man were assigned with stealing the Space Stone, and Hulk focused on finding and stealing the Time Stone.

Hulk & Ancient One

The Ancient One gives Hulk the Time Stone

Hulk departed from the group and headed to the New York Sanctum, where he met the Ancient One, who was in current possession of the Time Stone, encased inside the Eye of Agamotto. Hulk attempted to steal the stone but instead had his astral form pushed out of his physical body. The two then discussed taking an Infinity Stone from an alternate reality, so Banner assured the Ancient One they would return all the stones, and she gave him the Time Stone.

Start and Ant-Man in Stark Tower

Iron Man and Ant-Man infiltrate Stark Tower

Once the Battle of New York concluded, Iron Man, Captain America and Ant-Man headed to Stark Tower, where both the Tesseract and Scepter were, along with all the past Avengers and Loki. While Captain America waited by the elevator, Iron Man and Ant-Man took cover as the past Avengers and STRIKE packed up the two Infinity Stones. Ant-Man was flicked onto the past Tony Stark, who was carrying the Tesseract, and Iron Man exited the building, tracking the STRIKE team's location for Captain America.

Captain America and Captain America

Captain America encounters his past self

Iron Man, disguised as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, made his way to the lobby where the Tesseract was taken being escorted. Managing to shutoff the past Stark's Arc Reactor, Ant-Man passed the briefcase to Iron Man, but it was knocked away from him when the past Hulk burst into the lobby, resulting in past Loki stealing the Tesseract and escaping. Meanwhile, Captain America was able to steal the Scepter from STRIKE, but encountered his past self, resulting in them fighting each other, and the past version was defeated.

Steve Rogers & Tony Stark (1970)

Iron Man and Captain America in 1970

Captain America regrouped with Iron Man and Ant-Man, who failed to obtain the Space Stone. However, Iron Man figured out they could retrieve the Space Stone and Pym Particles from 1970, so he and Captain America traveled there. Arriving at Camp Lehigh, Iron Man successfully stole the Tesseract, and Captain America acquired more Pym Particles. The two then regrouped with each other and headed back to the present, completing the New York team's mission.


Thor and Rocket leaving 2013

In an alternate 2013, Thor and Rocket arrived on Asgard to steal the Reality Stone which was currently housed inside the body of Jane Foster. Despite Rocket's attempts to motivate Thor during the mission, he was forced to go solo, so he snuck into Foster's room and extracted the Aether. Being chased by the Einherjar, Rocket regrouped with Thor, who had been talking with his alternate mother, and before they left, Thor summoned Mjølnir, proving he was worthy.

War Machine with Nebula

War Machine and Nebula on Morag in 2014

Lastly, in an alternate 2014, the team of Black Widow, Hawkeye, War Machine and Nebula arrived on Morag. Black Widow and Hawkeye took the Benatar and headed to Vormir to steal the Soul Stone, while War Machine and Nebula stayed on Morag to wait for Peter Quill so they could then steal the Power Stone. After that Benatar's departure, Nebula warned War Machine that Thanos, Gamora and her past self were also after the Infinity Stones in 2014.


War Machine and Nebula steal the Orb

Following War Machine knocking out the past Quill, he and Nebula entered the Temple of the Power Stone, and Nebula grabbed the Orb. After handing it to War Machine, they prepared to return to the present. However, only War Machine was able to leave, as Nebula suddenly malfunctioned, which was caused by her past self receiving her future memories. Nebula attempted to contact Black Widow and Hawkeye, but instead, she was kidnapped by past Thanos.


Nebula is captured by 2014 Thanos' forces

Nebula was brought on board the Sanctuary II, where she was interrogated by her past self, who stole her Time-Space GPS. The present Nebula attempted to get through to the past Gamora, explaining what Thanos was going to do, particularly what would happen to Gamora. After stealing the Pym Particle from the present Nebula, the past Nebula brought it to Thanos, who had it reverse-engineered. The present Nebula was left in 2014, as the past Nebula impersonated her and traveled to 2023.

ClintNat - Time Heist 9

Black Widow and Hawkeye meet Red Skull

At the same time, Black Widow and Hawkeye arrived at Vormir, where they were greeted by the Red Skull, who informed them that he was their guide to the Soul Stone. However, when they asked where it was, Red Skull revealed to them that to acquire the Soul Stone, one of them would have to sacrifice themselves. Accepting that the sacrifice was real, both Black Widow and Hawkeye decided to be the one to do it, much to the other's refusal.

Black Widow's Death

Black Widow sacrifices herself for the stone

Knowing she wouldn't let him, Hawkeye dropped Black Widow to the ground so he could sacrifice himself, but she threw him down and ran towards the edge of the cliff. After knocking Black Widow aside with an explosive arrow, Hawkeye jumped off the cliff, only to be grappled to the mountain by Black Widow. Hawkeye tried to hold on to Black Widow, but she let go, sacrificing herself. As a result, Hawkeye obtained the Soul Stone and returned to the present.[12]

Mourning Natasha Romanoff[]


The Avengers learn Natasha Romanoff died

"Why are we acting like she's dead? We have the stones, right? As long as we have the stones, Cap, we can bring her back. Isn't that right? So, stop this shit. We're the Avengers. Get it together."
"Can't get her back."
Thor and Clint Barton[src]

Returning through the Quantum Realm at the same time, the Avengers, minus Natasha Romanoff, and the past Nebula instead of the present one, returned to the Avengers Compound in the present. They celebrated their return and success in stealing the Infinity Stones, but this was cut short when they noticed Clint Barton was alone, leading them to realize what had happened.

Avengers 5 out of 6

The Avengers mourn Natasha Romanoff

Completely taken back by this loss, the remaining original Avengers gathered outside to mourn the death of their teammate and close friend, with Steve Rogers recounting how they were her family after Tony Stark asked if she had any. However, Thor believed they could bring her back using the Infinity Stones, but Barton sadly explained to him that the sacrifice couldn't be undone, so Bruce Banner said they had to accept that and make her sacrifice worth it.[12]

The Blip[]

Rocket, Tony and Banner

The Avengers creating the Nano Gauntlet

"Okay, remember, everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago, you’re just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years."
Iron Man to Hulk[src]

Determined to not let Natasha Romanoff's sacrifice be in vain, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Rocket got to work on creating a new gauntlet that could successfully store the Infinity Stones. Once they completed the Nano Gauntlet, Rocket arose the question of who would be the one to wield it.

Blip 3

The Avengers discuss the Nano Gauntlet

Thor immediately volunteered himself, much to everyone's hesitation, claiming that he was the strongest Avenger, making the responsibility fall upon him. However, after Stark convinced Thor that he was in no condition to wield the gauntlet, Banner revealed to the rest of them that it had to be him, explaining that none of them would be able to survive. Steve Rogers questioned whether he could even survive, but Banner stated that the radiation was mostly Gamma.

Blip 32

Bruce Banner wields the Nano Gauntlet

Deciding to have Banner be the one to snap his fingers, Stark reminded him to only bring everyone who died back, not changing anything from the last five years. Before Banner equipped the gauntlet, the rest of the Avengers fully suited up to protect themselves from the gauntlet's power. Once Banner put on the gauntlet, the Avengers watched on as the energy of the stones began to hurt his body, but Banner managed to snap his fingers.

Blip 44

The Avengers check on Bruce Banner

Completely overwhelmed to a weakened state from the snap, Banner collapsed to the ground, so the Avengers immediately rushed to his side to check on him. The Avengers were uncertain whether the snap worked, as they were focused on making sure Banner wasn't too badly hurt from the effects of the gauntlet. However, Scott Lang looked outside and assumed it worked, which was proven true when Clint Barton received a call from his wife, who died during the Snap.[12]

Thanos' Return[]

Rocket & War Machine

The Avengers fall under the compound

"You know it's a trap, right?"
"Yeah. I don't much care."
"Good. Just as long we're all in agreement... Let's kill him properly this time."
Thor and Iron Man[src]

This momentary success was interrupted when the compound was suddenly destroyed by an airstrike, due to the 2014 Nebula bringing the Sanctuary II to 2023 through the Quantum Tunnel. Amidst the destruction, the Avengers were separated and trapped underneath the rubble.

Endgame 56

The Avengers prepare to fight Thanos again

Hulk, War Machine and Rocket struggled to survive as the entire compound started to collapse on top of them, while a flood began to fill up the area. Ant-Man made his way to rescue them, as Hawkeye found himself in the access tunnels with the Nano Gauntlet, being chased by a swarm of Outriders. Meanwhile, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor discovered Thanos sitting amongst the destruction, so they decided to confront and kill him once again.


Nebula saves Hawkeye from her past self

Before Hulk, War Machine and Rocket drowned, Ant-Man managed to find them and get them to safety. During the heated pursuit, Hawkeye protected the gauntlet and was able to kill all the Outriders. Resting after the fight, Hawkeye noticed Nebula approach him, so he gave her the gauntlet, only to discover that she wasn't the Nebula he knew. However, the present Nebula arrived and killed her past self, and Hawkeye continued to protect the gauntlet.


The Avengers face off against 2014 Thanos

Outside, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor made their way to Thanos' location to confront him, and keep him away from the gauntlet. Thanos commented on the Avengers' inability to accept their failure, which led them back to him, and he declared a new mission to wipe out all of existence with the Infinity Stones and create a new existence. The three Avengers then charged at the Mad Titan and commenced the intense fight.


Captain America wields Mjølnir in the fight

Even with their combined efforts, Thanos was too formidable, defeating each of the three Avengers. As Thanos was near killing Thor with Stormbreaker, Captain America picked up Mjølnir and used it to stop him. Thor rejoiced in having his suspicions he had ever since 2015 confirmed, as Captain America proceeds to overpower Thanos with Mjølnir. However, Thanos was soon able to get the upper hand, defeating Captain America and breaking his shield.[12]

Battle of Earth[]

Endgame Battle

Captain America stands against Thanos

"Avengers! Assemble."
Captain America[src]

Having defeated the Avengers, Thanos expressed his pleasure in destroying Earth out of spite for heroes, and proceeded to call down his entire army. Captain America, who refused to give up, got back on his feet and prepared to face off against the gigantic army alone.


The Avengers and their allies assemble

Despite Captain America's strong persistence, the upcoming fight was destined for defeat, only to completely change when he was suddenly radioed by Falcon, followed by a massive number of portals to open up behind him. Coming out of the portals were all heroes from different affiliations, including the Avengers who died from the Snap, but also the Guardians of the Galaxy, Masters of the Mystic Arts, Wakandan armies, Asgardians and Ravagers, having been resurrected by Hulk's snap.

Mightiest Heroes

The Avengers charging at Thanos' forces

With Captain America leading them, the united allies stood together, and after he shouted the Avengers' battle cry to assemble, they all charged at Thanos' army. Once the two sides collided, an epic battle commenced, with the Avengers fighting alongside their allies, old and new, to once and for all defeat the Mad Titan and his forces. During the battle, Captain America and Thor fought side by side as they shared Mjølnir and Stormbreaker, and Iron Man was reunited with Spider-Man, who saved him from Cull Obsidian.

Hawkeye Protecting Infinity Stones

Hawkeye protecting the Nano Gauntlet

Elsewhere on the battlefield, Hawkeye was still protecting the Nano Gauntlet, which put him in the most danger, so Falcon saved him from a Chitauri Gorilla. Hawkeye asked Captain America what he should do with the gauntlet, so he told him to get it far away from the area. Hulk interjected, explaining that they would have to return the Infinity Stones to their original timelines, but Iron Man revealed that Thanos destroyed their Quantum Tunnel. Ant-Man noted that they still had a Quantum Tunnel in the van, so he and Wasp went to get it working, as the rest of the heroes focused on getting the gauntlet to them.

Scarlet Witch (Endgame)

Wanda Maximoff ruthlessly attacks Thanos

Iron Man checked in with Doctor Strange to see if they were in the one reality where they won, as Hawkeye was faced with an overwhelming number of Thanos' forces, to be then saved by Black Panther, who took possession of the gauntlet. When Thanos went to acquire the gauntlet from Black Panther, Wanda Maximoff confronted him, seeking revenge for him killing Vision, unknown to her it was not the same Thanos, and she proceeded to overpower the Mad Titan.

Spider-Man Infinity Gauntlet

Spider-Man protecting the Nano Gauntlet

Spider-Man soon took possession of the gauntlet, but when Maximoff was near killing Thanos, he ordered an airstrike, causing her to be knocked away, and for Spider-Man to drop the gauntlet. The heroes found themselves struggling to avoid the attacks from the Sanctuary II, but were spared when it suddenly stopped firing at them and began firing at Captain Marvel, who had returned to Earth. With great ease, Captain Marvel destroyed the Sanctuary II.

Endgame women

Captain Marvel is given the Nano Gauntlet

Captain America informed Captain Marvel of their plan, and she made her way to Spider-Man's location. After they introduced themselves, Spider-Man handed Captain Marvel the gauntlet so she could get it to the Quantum Tunnel, but the path was blocked by a substantial amount of Thanos' forces. To assist Captain Marvel in getting past the gigantic horde, Maximoff, Okoye and Nebula, along with others joined her, and they all charged forwards, successfully clearing a path.

Thor & Cap v Thanos

Thor and Captain America hold off Thanos

Unfortunately, despite their efforts, Thanos used his Double-Edged Sword to destroy the Quantum Tunnel, and the explosion caused Captain Marvel to be separated from the gauntlet, leaving it vulnerable. Thanos went to grab the gauntlet, but Iron Man rushed at the Mad Titan to stop him, only to be knocked down. Thor quickly arrived and vigorously held off Thanos, with Captain America assisting him, but the Mad Titan managed to incapacitate them, too.

Captain Marvel vs Thanos (Endgame)

Captain Marvel greatly overpowers Thanos

After a brief brawl with Captain Marvel, Thanos threw her aside and equipped the gauntlet. But, mere moments before Thanos was about to snap his fingers, Captain Marvel recovered and forcibly held his hand open. Thanos, with all his strength, was unable to even move Captain Marvel, who proceeded to immensely overpower the Mad Titan. To gain the upper hand, Thanos grabbed the Power Stone out of the gauntlet and used it to increase his strength, allowing him to punch Captain Marvel away, knocking her out.

And I am Iron Man

Iron Man wielding the Infinity Stones

When all hope seemed lost, Doctor Strange signaled Iron Man that they were in the reality where they won. So, with everything he had left in him, Iron Man managed to latch onto the gauntlet. Thanos brushed Iron Man aside, but unbeknownst to him, Iron Man had stolen the stones and inserted them into his armor. Thanos snapped his fingers, but when nothing happened, he looked to Iron Man, who snapped his own fingers, wiping out Thanos and his entire army.[12]

The Death of Tony Stark[]


The Avengers honor Tony Stark by kneeling

"This time travel thing that we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it's... it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. But then again, that's the hero gig, right? Part of the journey is the end."
Tony Stark[src]

Although the heroes had won the battle, their victory came at a great cost, as the severe power of the Infinity Stones rendered Tony Stark fatally incapacitated. Stark's fellow Avengers, along with his wife, gathered around him in his final moments,[12] kneeling before him when he died.[32]


The Avengers attend Tony Stark's funeral

With the Snap undone, the entire world celebrated having everyone brought back, including some of the Avengers, who returned to their families. A few days later, a funeral was held for Stark at his home, so the rest of the Avengers attended to pay their respects. The remaining original Avengers and James Rhodes watched a recorded message left by Stark, and afterwards they all stood outside, with their allies, as Stark's Arc Reactor was sent adrift.[12]

Legacy of the Avengers[]

Wanda & Clint

Clint Barton and Wanda Maximoff reunite

"Everyone keeps asking me where the Avengers are, and I don't know what to say to that."
Talos to Nick Fury[src]

After the funeral, Clint Barton reunited with his fellow Avenger, Wanda Maximoff, and the two mourned the losses of Natasha Romanoff and Vision, taking comfort that they would know they won.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2023)

Thor joins the Guardians of the Galaxy

Barton returned home and went back into retirement,[12] while Maximoff continued to mourn Vision, briefly creating a fake reality with him in it.[33] Scott Lang and Peter Parker left the Avengers and continued their regular lives, the former being with Hope van Dyne and his daughter, and the latter going back to high school and avoiding Avengers-level situations. Okoye resumed her duties to Wakanda, while Rocket and Nebula returned to the Guardians of the Galaxy, who were joined by Thor,[12] and Carol Danvers headed back to space.[34]

Hulk Cap Falcon

The Avengers prepare for their final mission

Although the Avengers had all gone their separate ways and were no more,[1] there was still one final mission: returning the Infinity Stones to their original timelines. Bruce Banner rebuilt the Quantum Tunnel and was joined by Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson outside of the destroyed compound. Rogers volunteered for the mission, and before he left, he and Banner discussed Romanoff. Rogers took the stones and Mjølnir and traveled to the different times and succeeded.

Sam Wilson (Captain America's Shield)

Steve Rogers gives his shield to Sam Wilson

However, Rogers did not return as planned, causing Banner and Wilson to become worried, until Bucky Barnes brought their attention to a man sitting on a bench. Wilson walked up to the man, discovering that it was Rogers, who was much older, and revealed to him that he stayed behind in the past to live a life with Peggy Carter, as per Tony Stark's words back in 2015. Rogers then passed on the shield to Wilson,[12] who became the next Captain America.[35]

Avengers (Spider-Man Far From Home)

The Avengers being praised for their efforts

The Avengers would go on to be once again praised worldwide for their heroic and victorious efforts in bringing back those who died to the Snap. Ajak, the leader of the Eternals, was deeply moved by the Avengers’ actions in the Blip and their actions were a contributing factor to her doubting her mission.[36] The fallen heroes were honored: Stark, Romanoff, Vision, and even Rogers, who was widely believed to be deceased.

Rogers The Musical Avengers

Rogers: The Musical depicting the Avengers

Eight months later, there was no activity from the Avengers, causing the world to grow concerned about their whereabouts or if they were even still around at all. Seeking answers from the person who would know, people began to ask Nick Fury, unbeknownst that it was actually Talos impersonating him.[37] A Broadway musical about the life of Rogers was created, and all the Avengers were invited to the premiere, but only Barton accepted the invitation.[38] The show depicted Rogers' time with the Avengers, including the Battle of New York.[39]

Black Widow & Iron Man (Memorial Artwork)

AvengerCon honoring Romanoff and Stark

In 2025, the remaining Avengers on Earth were approached about writing the official account of the battle against Thanos, so they chose Lang to do it,[40] and he published a book entitled Look Out for the Little Guy!, which also told the story about how he became a hero.[41] News reports reported that there were rumors that She-Hulk had been rejected by the Avengers, suggesting that they had reformed.[42] That same year, a fan event dedicated to the Avengers was created called "AvengerCon," in which the heroes would be celebrated.[43]


Former Members[]

Captain America[]

  • Name: Steven Grant “Steve” Rogers
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 2012; 2015 - 2016; 2018; 2023
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: Steve Rogers is a World War II veteran and the team's leader. After Abraham Erskine's Super Soldier Serum transformed the frail Steve Rogers into the powerful and heroic Captain America, his amazing World War II exploits made him a living legend. He is considered to be the world's first superhero. Rogers destroyed multiple HYDRA bases, slowly crippling the organization. During his final battle with the leader of HYDRA, the infamous Red Skull, Rogers crashed a plane into the Arctic and was frozen in ice for nearly seventy years. He was eventually found by S.H.I.E.L.D. and resuscitated. Shortly after his revival, Rogers found himself alone in a modern world that he hardly recognizes. When Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., called on Rogers to help save the world again, he quickly suited up as Captain America, taking up his iconic shield and bringing his strength, leadership and no-nonsense attitude to the Avengers in the Chitauri Invasion. After the team disbanded as a result of the Ultron crisis, Captain America formed a new lineup alongside Black Widow. However, he had to face against some of his members led by Iron Man because Rogers disagreed with the Sokovia Accords and defending the Winter Soldier. As a result, Captain America was tagged as a fugitive. Rogers returned leading the Avengers following Thanos' attack on Earth. He fought in the Battle of Wakanda to protect Vision's Mind Stone, but he failed when Thanos claimed the stone and wiped out half of the universe. Rogers left the Avengers afterward to console the survivors of Thanos' Snap, though still visited the Compound to do his laundry. Five years later, Rogers rejoined the team to travel back in time to reclaim the Infinity Stones in a series of time heists proposed by Scott Lang. Once the victims of the Snap were resurrected after collecting the six Infinity Stones, he fought an alternate version of Thanos in 2023. In the battle, he proved to be worthy of handling Mjølnir and commanded the forces of the Avengers and their allies. After the alternate Thanos' army defeat, he traveled to the past to return the Infinity Stones. Instead of traveling back, he decided to live his life with Peggy Carter and travel to an alternate 1940s. Returning to the prime timeline's 2023 as an old man, he gifted Sam Wilson the shield.


  • Name: Robert Bruce Banner
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 2012; 2015; 2018; 2023
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: Bruce Banner is a graduate from Culver University who was hired by the military general Thaddeus Ross to develop a new variation of the Super Soldier Serum that brought Captain America into being. Using gamma radiation, Banner succeeded in his experiments, but the results were more disastrous than he thought as he involuntarily transformed into a monster known as Hulk. Now, fearful of the damage that Hulk could inflict, Banner chose to live a discreet life in remote parts of the world, working to cure the sick and help the poor while trying to elude those who would take advantage of his ability to change into the enormous, green menace. Unknown to Banner, Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. watched over him and kept hostile forces off his back, as Fury saw Banner's transformation as being a valuable asset to the agency's Avengers Initiative. Despite his chagrin, Banner aided the Avengers greatly in the Chitauri Invasion, and later became good friends with Tony Stark and worked with him numerous times. Together, the two created the artificial intelligence Ultron, initially as a peacekeeping program, only for the AI to go rogue and force the Avengers to assemble once again. In the ensuing conflict, Banner was declared missing in action during the Battle of Sokovia and was last reported as being on the Avengers Quinjet. After two years on Sakaar, Hulk was returned to Earth by Heimdall to warn the Avengers of the coming of Thanos. However, Hulk's disinterest in simply being used by Banner as a means to an end stripped Banner of his strength, forcing him to use the Hulkbuster 2.0 instead during the Battle of Wakanda. Seeking to solve his and Hulk's split personality after the Snap, Banner spent 18 months in a laboratory and was able to merge him and Hulk into one, ending up in a body with Banner's mind and intellect, but Hulk's physical body and strength. After being sought out by the Avengers to build a time machine, he traveled back alongside Stark, Rogers and Scott Lang to the Battle of New York. After returning, he donned the new Infinity Gauntlet and resurrected those killed in the Snap. He later fought an alternate version of Thanos' army in the final battle.


  • Name: Thor Odinson
  • Species: Asgardian
  • Activity: 2012; 2015; 2018; 2023
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: Thor is the heir of Odin and the former King of New Asgard. When Thor's headstrong ways nearly plunged his realm into war, Odin banished Thor to Earth as punishment, where his otherworldly antics drew the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. While in exile on Earth, Thor learned humility and helped to save his new friends from a destructive threat sent by his jealous adoptive brother Loki. In the process, Thor redeemed himself in the eyes of his father, and attempted to confront Loki over his actions; the ensuing confrontation resulted in Loki's own exile. After being welcomed back to Asgard as a hero, Thor must now return to Earth once again to prevent a cosmic-level catastrophe. With Mjølnir, a legendary hammer with immense power, in his hand, the mighty warrior soon finds himself drawn into an unlikely alliance with Nick Fury's secret initiative, the Avengers, lending his power to their cause against Loki and his army. When the crisis with Ultron took place years later, Thor grouped with the Avengers again. However, once that ordeal had ended, Thor left his mortal compatriots once more, returning to Asgard to further understand his vision on the mysterious and powerful Infinity Stones. Following Ragnarök and losing his right eye at the hands of his sister Hela, and the Attack on the Statesman by Thanos, Thor went to forge Stormbreaker with Rocket and Groot, and then joined the Avengers in the Battle of Wakanda, where he helped his fellow Avengers and Wakandan army to defeat Thanos' army and also made a failed attempt to kill Thanos. Embarrassed and plagued with guilt and depression, Thor retired to New Asgard, where he became a drunken alcoholic. Years later, Rocket and Bruce Banner convinced him to rejoin the Avengers, and he participated in their Time Heist, traveling alongside Rocket to his home in 2013. He fought Thanos using both Stormbreaker and an alternate version of Mjølnir. After the battle ended with the death of Thanos and his forces, Thor appointed Valkyrie as the Queen of Asgard and joined the Guardians of the Galaxy.


  • Name: Clinton Francis “Clint” Barton
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 2012; 2015; 2016; 2023
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: Clint Barton is an elite S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, codenamed as Hawkeye. A master marksman and specialist in archery, Barton has been assigned on various missions and faced numerous dangers in his career; it was one of these missions that brought his comrade, Natasha Romanoff, into S.H.I.E.L.D. Before the Chitauri Invasion, Hawkeye was assigned by Nick Fury to keep watch over Erik Selvig while the doctor was studying the Tesseract; Hawkeye was subsequently brainwashed by Loki during the Destruction of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. and unwillingly aided him in setting up his invasion of New York. However, after the attack on the Helicarrier, he was freed from Loki's mental control and joined the Avengers to fight against Loki's alien army. After that, he continued to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. until its collapse, after which he then returned to the Avengers and assisted in bringing down Ultron. Once that threat had been dealt with, Barton chose not to remain with the Avengers and chose instead to return to his wife and children. However, Barton teamed with Captain America with his fight against the Sokovia Accords and its supporters. After the Clash of the Avengers, Barton and the others siding with Captain America went into hiding. While Romanoff went with Falcon and Captain America on secret missions, and Wanda Maximoff and Vision stayed in Europe, Barton went into house arrest. After the Snap, he sought out criminal gangs under the new identity of Rōnin. He was met years later by Black Widow and joined her on the Time Heist to Vormir. Attempting to sacrifice himself for her, Barton was devastated when she saved him to kill herself. After collecting the Infinity Stones and using them successfully to revive those killed by the Snap, Barton fought in Battle of Earth with the rest of the Avengers and their allies.

War Machine[]

  • Name: James Rupert "Rhodey" Rhodes
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 2015 - 2023
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: James Rhodes is a United States Air Force Colonel and military liaison to Stark Industries and a close friend of Tony Stark. He appropriated his Mark II Iron Man suit and had it modified by Hammer Industries into the War Machine Armor. During the government's alliance with the think tank A.I.M., Rhodes became known as the Iron Patriot to boost morale as he investigated alleged attacks by the terrorist group the Ten Rings until A.I.M. was exposed as being behind them and Rhodes resumed using the War Machine codename, which he personally preferred. Rhodes aided the Avengers during the Battle of Sokovia and joined the group in its second incarnation, acting as the liaison between them and the United States Government. Rhodes joined his friend Tony Stark and the Avengers who supported the Sokovia Accords and fought against those who were opposed to them, ending in Rhodes getting injured and nearly paralyzed. He eventually reunited and reconciled with his returning teammates and helped them in battling Thanos' army in Wakanda. He spent time doing recon work after the Snap and frequently spoke to Black Widow. He went on the Time Heist to Morag in 2014 alongside Nebula and retrieved the Orb. Rhodes fought an alternate Thanos' army in the Battle of Earth.


Falcon AIW Profile


Spider-Man AIW Profile
  • Name: Peter Benjamin Parker
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 2018; 2023
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: Peter Parker is a high school student and a superhero with spider-like abilities, fighting crime as his alter-ego Spider-Man. After receiving his abilities from a spider's bite, Parker chose to protect Queens from crime with his powers, juggling all of his superhero duties and the demands of his high school life. Despite his best efforts to keep his identity secret from the world, he was found and recruited by Tony Stark in the Avengers Civil War, while gaining a new suit and technology in exchange for his help. Following the Clash of the Avengers, Stark allowed Parker to keep the suit for his time as Spider-Man. Parker forged a reputation for himself in New York City and became a well-known local hero. He later stumbled into a group of criminals led by the Vulture, who were creating advanced weapons from stolen Chitauri technology, and went on a quest to defeat their own leader to prove to Stark that he was worthy of being an Avenger. Only after defeating Vulture did Parker discover the true responsibilities of a hero, so he decided to decline Stark's offer of membership in the Avengers, to continue being a "friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." After he helped his mentor in rescuing Doctor Strange from Ebony Maw, Stark made Parker an official Avenger and the three fought alongside the Guardians of the Galaxy to defeat Thanos on Titan. Thanos, however, managed to completely overpower them and head for Earth. He was disintegrated when Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to wipe out half the life in the universe. He was revived five years later by Hulk, who resurrected the victims of the Snap by using the new Infinity Gauntlet and fought on the side of the Avengers in the Battle of Earth.




  • Name: Nebula
  • Species: Luphomoid
  • Activity: 2018 - 2023
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: Nebula is Luphomoid and the adopted daughter of Thanos and Adopted sister of Gamora. From a young age, she was taken by Thanos and trained to be an assassin, where every time Gamora would beat her a piece of her body would be replaced by machinery, making her a cyborg. In 2014, she and Gamora were lent to Ronan the Accuser by Thanos, where she served him loyally. During the Skirmish on Knowhere, she took the opportunity to betray Thanos and Ronan. Three months later, she assisted the Guardians in killing Ego. After she attempted to kill Thanos. he captured her, keeping her on his ship, frequently torturing her to find out where the Soul Stone was from Gamora. Unfortunately, Thanos sacrificed Gamora for the stone. During the Infinity War, she joined the Avengers to help take down Thanos on Titan after escaping from his ship. During the Snap, she survived along with Tony Stark, but was trapped in space drifting endlessly in their ship for 23 days until Captain Marvel saved them both. For five years, Nebula served as an official Avenger under Black Widow's lead. During the year of 2023, Nebula teams up with War Machine, as well as Black Widow and Hawkeye for the Power and Soul Stones in 2014. While Black Widow and Hawkeye went to Vormir to retrieve the Soul Stone, Nebula partnered with War Machine to seize the Power Stone before Star-Lord could get ahold of it. While they were successful in getting the Power Stone, Thanos became aware of her presence and had 2014 Nebula take her place and bring his army to the present day. Once the people killed in the Snap were revived, Nebula fought in the Battle of Earth, where she assisted the Avengers and their allies. resulting in present time Nebula shooting her 2014 counterpart through the heart. She survived the rest of the battle, continuing to join the Guardians.

Captain Marvel[]

  • Name: Carol Susan Jane Danvers
  • Species: Human/Kree Hybrid
  • Activity: 2018 - 2023
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: Carol Danvers is a former United States Air Force pilot, whose pilot call is the originator of Avengers' namesake, inspired by Nick Fury. She gained cosmic powers after being exposed to the effects of the Tesseract. She and Nick Fury teamed up to defeat the Skrulls' supposed invasion until they learned the truth behind the Kree's schemes in 1995, and the two departed once the ordeal was over. Danvers left Fury a pager for him to call her on in emergencies. Activated during the Snap, Danvers arrived on Earth to save Fury but was too late to learn he was among the victim of that event. Teaming with the Avengers, she traveled to the Garden and held Thanos down alongside Bruce Banner and War Machine. Once Thor killed Thanos, Danvers left to help guard the rest of the universe. During the next five years, she stayed in contact with Black Widow. In 2023, she arrived in the Battle of Earth and destroyed Thanos' ship, saving everyone below. She fought alongside the many allied forces of heroes.


  • Name: Okoye
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 2018 - 2023
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: Okoye is the general of the Dora Milaje and head of Wakanda's armed forces. She served under King T'Challa's command and briefly under N'Jadaka's when the latter rightfully took the throne by throwing T'Challa off a waterfall during ritual combat. However, when T'Challa returned alive and having seen Killmonger's despotic rule she rebelled against him with other Wakandans and helped T'Challa recover the throne. She fought in the Battle of Wakanda against Thanos' forces under T'Challa's command. Sometime after the Snap, Okoye became a member of the Avengers taking missions all over Africa and reporting directly to Black Widow. Okoye alongside a revived T'Challa, Shuri and Wakandan forces assisted the rest of the Avengers and their allies in the Battle of Earth against an alternate version of Thanos' army from the past.


  • Name: Scott Edward Harris Lang
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 2023
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: Scott Lang is a former criminal who was convinced by Pym Technologies CEO Hank Pym to take up his mantle as the new Ant-Man. As Ant-Man, Lang fought against Darren Cross, Pym's protégé who became obsessed with Pym Particles and intended to recreate and sell the technology to terrorist organizations. While fighting Cross, Scott sends both him and Cross into the Quantum Realm but manages to come back safely, seeing briefly Pym's wife, Janet van Dyne, in the process. He participated in the Clash of the Avengers on the side of Captain America, previously recruited by Falcon whom he encountered while helping Pym against Cross. However, having supported the illegal cause of Rogers, Scott ended up arrested and remained under house arrest after making a deal with Ross. Near the end of his sentence, Lang received a message through a dream from Janet and after discussing this with Hank and Hope van Dyne agreed on helping them to make Janet return from the Quantum Realm by using a Quantum Tunnel. They had to deal with Ava Starr and Bill Foster in the process, who wanted to use the only chance to open the tunnel to heal Ava from a quantum disorder that makes her body phase uncontrollably. Having returned Janet from the Quantum Realm, Lang entered there once again assisted by the Pym family so he can collect quantum energy to provide Ava a cure. While doing this task is when Thanos' Snap happened, unable to return, due to the Pym family being among the victims. Five years later, Lang came out of the Quantum Realm by a coincidence without aging. He proposed the Time Heist to the Avengers, in order to recover the Infinity Stones and undo Thanos' deeds. Having succeeded, he fought with the rest of the Avengers and their allies against an alternate version of Thanos from the past in the final battle.

Deceased Members[]


Quicksilver Infobox
  • Name: Pietro Maximoff
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 2015
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: Pietro Maximoff was a man who was born in Sokovia with his twin sister, Wanda. When the twins were children, their parents died in a bombing involving Tony Stark's weapons technology. As the two grew up, Sokovia was caught up in constant war and strife, and the twins regularly took part in various protests meant to drive military forces out of their home. Baron Strucker, the leader of a secret HYDRA group set up in Sokovia, recruited Pietro and Wanda to take part in a series of tests involving the Scepter. The energy from the scepter transformed the twins, granting them superpowers. Pietro himself was gifted with superhuman speed, and his talents, as well as his sister's, led to their indoctrination by Ultron in his campaign against the Avengers. The twins assisted Ultron greatly for a time, before learning of his genocidal intentions towards humanity; they turned against Ultron, deciding to instead help the Avengers stop him. However, Quicksilver was killed in the battle, shot dead protecting Hawkeye and Costel.


Vision AIW Profile
  • Name: Vision
  • Species: Synthezoid
  • Activity: 2015 - 2018
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: Vision was a powerful synthetic life form originally constructed by Helen Cho and then perfected by the deranged artificial intelligence, Ultron, using the power of the Mind Stone hidden within the Scepter. Ultron sought to make the synthetic's body his own, but fortunately, the body was claimed by the Avengers and perfected by Tony Stark, who uploaded into it the consciousness of his own AI, J.A.R.V.I.S., granting the synthetic life. Calling himself the Vision, the robot proved his faithfulness to the Avengers and assisted them as a last-minute addition in the Battle of Sokovia. Vision himself is responsible for Ultron's defeat and remained with the Avengers when they were reformed by Captain America. However, the Avengers were divided into two groups after some of the members' disagreements with the Sokovia Accords. Despite his love for Wanda Maximoff, he chose to fight her and the members who opposed the Accords. Vision was killed by Thanos in the Battle of Wakanda when Thanos undid Maximoff's destruction of the Mind Stone with the Time Stone and personally removed the stone from Vision, killing him again.

Black Widow[]

  • Name: Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 2012; 2015 - 2016; 2018 - 2023
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: Natasha Romanoff was a former Russian spy and a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., the international counterintelligence agency that founded the Avengers, before it collapsed at the hands of HYDRA. Even in her short career at S.H.I.E.L.D., Romanoff has turned covert espionage into an art form. Armed with an extensive complement of high-tech weaponry and armaments, as well as a vast repertoire of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat training, Romanoff's skill-set seems to know no bounds. After Loki declared war on Earth, Romanoff joined the Avengers, despite not being applied to the initiative, and contributed greatly in the team's battle against Loki and the Chitauri. She and Captain America remained members of the team after the defeat of Ultron, recruiting new members under Nick Fury's counsel. Romanoff initially supported the Sokovia Accords but chose to betray Tony Stark, realizing the damage their fight against the Avengers opposing the Accords was causing. After allowing Captain America and the Winter Soldier to escape, she was forced to go on the run. She rejoined the Avengers following Thanos' attack on Earth and fought his army during the Battle of Wakanda. Shortly after Thanos' Snap, she returned to the Avengers Compound with the remaining Avengers. After Stark's and Nebula's return, she and the other Avengers began plotting out a course to find Thanos and undo the Snap. Having learned that Thanos destroyed them. Over the next Five years she acted as the leader of the Avengers. in 2023, Scott Lang went to the Avengers Facility and told them about his idea for a time machine. The Avengers then attempted a Time Heist, Natasha and Hawkeye were sent to retrieve the Soul Stone on Vormir. They discovered what had to be done to retrieve the stone, so they both fought each other because they wanted to kill themselves for the greater cause. As their battle was coming to an end, Hawkeye was hanging on to Romanoff's arm and she finally sacrificed herself to help Barton obtain the Soul Stone. Thanks to her sacrifice, the Avengers could resurrect the victims of the Snap.

Iron Man[]

Iron Man Infobox
  • Name: Anthony Edward “Tony” Stark
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 2012; 2015 - 2018; 2023
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: Tony Stark was a self-proclaimed eccentric genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist. After being abducted by the Ten Rings terrorist organization, who desired his company's weapons technology, Stark constructed a suit of armor that aided him in his escape. Shaken from the experience, Stark seeks to bring about world peace using other suits, each one more advanced than the last. His heroic adventures have brought him into contact with enemies, including Obadiah Stane, Ivan Vanko, Justin Hammer, and Aldrich Killian. However, his self-destructive nature and love for fame made his actions less than discrete and attracted the attention of Nick Fury. Stark reluctantly agreed to serve as a consultant to Nick Fury's peacekeeping intelligence agency S.H.I.E.L.D., and later teamed up with them and the Avengers to take down Loki during the Chitauri Invasion. Usually, when not on his own or with the Avengers, he teams up with his best friend and partner, James Rhodes. After the defeat of Ultron, Stark chose to semi-retire from the Avengers, choosing to become an active duty non-combatant instead, as he was shaken by his unwitting role in the chaos Ultron caused. His choice to side with the Sokovia Accords led him to fight against his friend, Steve Rogers, causing the Avengers to divide into two groups. Despite the team's disbanded following the conflict, Stark continued working for the Avengers, notably training Spider-Man as a potential member. Iron Man found himself teaming up with Doctor Strange and the Guardians of the Galaxy to defeat Thanos before he could complete his Infinity Gauntlet. However, they failed to do so and Stark was left alone with Nebula on Titan after the rest were disintegrated by Thanos. He and Nebula returned to Earth after Captain Marvel found them adrift in space. He reunited with his future wife, Pepper Potts and the rest of the Avengers. After the discovery that Thanos destroyed them, Tony officially retired from the Avengers, got married to Pepper, and in 2019 had his daughter, Morgan Stark. In 2023 the Avengers came to him and asked for help in creating a time machine, he reluctantly decided to help, and ended up going back in time to 2012 along with Captain America and Ant-Man to find the Space and Mind stones. Once the Avengers found the stones and resurrected the victims of the Snap, an alternate version of Thanos from the past traveled in time and attacked the Avengers Compound, setting off the Battle of Earth. Stark fought fiercely against Thanos' army and at the climax of the battle, Stark used the Infinity Stones to turn Thanos and his army into dust, at the cost of his own life. A funeral was held in his honor, mourned by the Avengers, their allies and friends.

Wanda Maximoff[]

Scarlet Witch AIW Profile
  • Name: Wanda Maximoff
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 2015 - 2016; 2018; 2023
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: Wanda Maximoff is a native of the Eastern European country of Sokovia who grew up solely in the company of her twin brother, Pietro after their parents were killed by the weaponry of Tony Stark's making. To help purge their country of warfare, the twins agreed to undergo experiments with the Scepter under the supervision of Baron Strucker's HYDRA cell, and achieved superpowers as a result, with Wanda attaining various telekinetic and energy manipulating. In his mission to bring about the genocide of the human race, Ultron took great use of the pair, manipulating their enmity towards Tony Stark to serve his own needs. But upon learning of Ultron's true motives, Wanda and Pietro rebelled against the Android and joined up with the Avengers in the Battle of Sokovia, where Pietro was killed, leaving Wanda devastated. She later joined up with Captain America's second incarnation of the Avengers. Maximoff disagreed with the Sokovia Accords, causing her to fight against some of her teammates, including her love interest, Vision. She later went on the run along with her teammates that opposed the Accords. She fought in the Infinity War, during which she was disintegrated when Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to wipe out half the life in the universe. She was revived five years later by Hulk, who resurrected the victims of the Snap by using the new Infinity Gauntlet and fought on the side of the Avengers in the Battle of Earth.





Appearances for Avengers

In chronological order:

Out of time:


  • In the comics, the original five Avengers were Iron Man, Thor, Ant-Man, Wasp and Hulk, with the team formed to fight Loki. After that battle, Hulk left the team and Captain America joined, with Wasp being the one who gave the team its name.
    • The formation of the Avengers at the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. as portrayed in The Avengers follows the same premise as The Ultimates, a modern re-imagining of the Avengers in the comics' Ultimate universe.
  • Aside from Black Widow and Hawkeye, the order in which the Avengers are introduced in the series follows the original founding lineup portrayed in the comics, although both of them become members later in different lineups.
  • Despite forming alliances with the Masters of the Mystic Arts, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Nation of Wakanda, only members or former members of the Avengers were able to defeat the members of the Black Order during the events of the Infinity War.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Avengers.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Marvel's Kevin Feige Confirms the Status of the Avengers In the MCU (
  2. Captain Marvel
  3. Iron Man Post-credits Scene
  4. Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline
  5. Iron Man 2
  6. Thor
  7. Marvel One-Shot: The Consultant
  8. The Incredible Hulk
  9. Captain America: The First Avenger
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 The Avengers
  11. The Avengers Deleted Scene
  12. 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 Avengers: Endgame
  13. The Avengers Post-credits Scene
  14. Iron Man 3 Prelude
  15. Hawkeye: 1.05: Ronin
  16. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.10: The Bridge
  17. 17.00 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 Avengers: Age of Ultron
  18. Avengers: Operation HYDRA
  19. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.19: The Dirty Half Dozen
  20. 20.0 20.1 Ant-Man
  21. Peyton Reed on Twitter
  22. Captain America: Road to War
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 Captain America: Civil War
  24. 24.0 24.1 Avengers: Infinity War Prelude
  25. Black Widow
  26. Spider-Man: Homecoming
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Captain Marvel Prelude
  28. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 1.01: New World Order
  29. Deadpool & Wolverine
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 30.6 30.7 Avengers: Infinity War
  31. Captain Marvel Mid-credits Scene
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Avengers: Endgame Deleted Scenes
  33. WandaVision: 1.08: Previously On
  34. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
  35. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 1.06: One World, One People
  36. Eternals
  37. Spider-Man: Far From Home
  38. Assembled: 1.07: The Making of Hawkeye
  39. Hawkeye: 1.01: Never Meet Your Heroes
  40. MCU: The Avengers Chose 1 Hero After Endgame to Publicize Thanos Events (Confirmed)
  41. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
  42. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.03: The People vs. Emil Blonsky
  43. Ms. Marvel: 1.01: Generation Why

External Links[]
