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For other uses, see Rocket (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Rocket Raccoon, see Rocket Raccoon's Character Hub

"The name's Rocket. Rocket Raccoon."
―Rocket Raccoon to High Evolutionary[src]

Subject 89P13 is a raccoon who was genetically and cybernetically modified by High Evolutionary, giving him enhanced intelligence and the ability to speak. Naming himself Rocket, he befriended fellow captive Halfworlders: Lylla, Teefs and Floor, with the four believing they would soon be allowed to live in peace on a new planet. While aiding High Evolutionary in perfecting his experiments, Rocket discovered that he, along with his friends, were slated to be killed. Rocket attempted to free his friends, only for High Evolutionary to kill Lylla. Rocket then attacked his former master, mutilating him, which inadvertently resulted in the deaths of Teefs and Floor. Afterwards, Rocket boarded a ship and fled into the cosmos.

While traveling the galaxy, Rocket befriended Groot, and the pair committed crimes and picked up bounties. In 2014, they met Star-Lord, who convinced them to assist him in selling the Orb, which was being sought after by Ronan the Accuser, for a massive profit. However, when they discovered that the Orb contained the Power Stone, Rocket was convinced to risk everything to stop Ronan's plans from using the Infinity Stone to destroy Xandar. During the Battle of Xandar, Rocket managed to assist his friends in destroying Ronan, although this resulted in Groot being killed. Rocket then became a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy alongside the newly planted baby Groot.

Rocket continued working with the Guardians when they were hired by the Sovereign to slay an Abilisk. However, Rocket took the job as a way to steal Anulax Batteries with the intention to later sell them. This angered Ayesha, causing her to declare war on the Guardians and hire the Ravagers to capture them. Rocket and Groot were soon captured by Taserface under Yondu Udonta's command, forcing Rocket and Udonta to work together in order to break free and kill Taserface. During his time with Udonta, Rocket learned how to better himself and wishing to save his Guardians family, joined Udonta during the Battle on Ego's Planet.

Four years later, the Guardians rescued Thor after the Asgardians were slaughtered by Thanos, who had initiated the Infinity War. The Guardians split up; while the rest of the team returned to Knowhere to find the Reality Stone, Rocket and Groot accompanied Thor to Nidavellir to obtain Stormbreaker. Using the Bifrost Bridge, the trio traveled to Earth to join the Battle of Wakanda, where he fought alongside Winter Soldier. Their efforts to stop Thanos were unsuccessful, and Rocket was one of the only Guardians to survive Thanos' subsequent mass slaughter, along with Nebula. Rocket joined the Avengers on their trip to the Garden, where he witnessed Thor decapitate Thanos.

Rocket spent the next five years as a member of the Avengers under the command of Natasha Romanoff. In 2023, after discovering how to traverse through time safely, Rocket and Thor traveled back in time to 2013, where he extracted the Aether from Jane Foster on Asgard. With all six Infinity Stones used to resurrect the victims of the Snap, Rocket participated in the Battle of Earth against an alternate Thanos and his army. After attending Iron Man's funeral, Rocket left the Avengers and rejoined the Guardians, preparing to leave Earth and return to their cosmic adventures.

Rocket and the Guardians went on several missions with Thor, including the Battle of Indigarr. However, following the threat of Gorr the God Butcher, Thor left the team to help the Asgardians while Rocket and the other Guardians returned to the cosmos. After buying Knowhere from the Collector, Rocket worked with Cosmo to rebuild it, and on one occasion, they celebrated Christmas with Kevin Bacon.

Shortly after rebuilding Knowhere, the facility was attacked by Adam Warlock, who mortally wounded Rocket whilst trying to retrieve him for High Evolutionary. Any attempt to heal Rocket was found to be fatal due to his cybernetic implants, prompting the rest of the Guardians to look into Rocket's past to be able to save him. They were ultimately successful and Rocket joined his friends as they sought to liberate the rest of High Evolutionary's experiments. Upon learning that he was indeed a raccoon, he dubbed himself Rocket Raccoon and joined his fellow Guardians in a battle against his former creator, whom he chose to spare. Following the battle, the other Guardians left the team, including Star-Lord, who appointed Rocket as the new team's leader. Rocket then led the new iteration of the Guardians comprised of himself, Groot, Obfonteri, Cosmo along with Adam Warlock, Phyla and Blurp joining as they continued protecting the galaxy.


Genetic Experiments[]

Taken from Earth[]

High evolutionary reaching rocket

High Evolutionary reaches for 89P13

"Well, I didn't ask to get made! I didn't ask to be torn apart and put back together over and over and turned into some... some little monster!"

A litter of baby raccoons were taken from Earth and brought to space by a powerful being by the name of High Evolutionary, who placed them a planet named Halfworld. Inside Arête Laboratories, the batch of raccoons playfully huddled together until one raccoon in particular was selected by High Evolutionary and named Subject 89P13. 89P13 shivered in fear as High Evolutionary's hand gloomed over 89P13 to grab him.

Baby Rocket

89P13 is selected by High Evolutionary

89P13 was then subjected to experiments by High Evolutionary who wanted to create the perfect society. 89P13 was handled by Theel as High Evolutionary took a knife and cut into the raccoon, drawing blood. As the experiments went on, the code of 89P13 was etched into the subject. On one occasion, 89P13 was strapped with his hands and feet bound as they worked on him.[1]

Befriending Batch 89[]

Young Rocket

89P13 is thrown back into his cage


At the end of the first experience, 89P13 had become more sentient. Theel took the subject and threw him into a cage where he landed hard on the floor. There, he was met by three other experiments. There was an otter named 89Q12, a walrus names 89A95, and a rabbit named 89L06. The rabbit crawled over to 89P13, excited to see the new subject. However, 89Q12 was more kind.

Subject 89P13 in cage

89P13 talks to 89Q12

She talked to 89P13 and let him catch his bearings. 89P13, who's head was completely shaven, then spoke for the first time as an effect of the experiments. He struggled at first, but remarked at how much he was hurting. 89Q12 took a towel of the ground and carefully wetted it with her tongue before placing it on 89P13's forehead to sop up the blood. She assured him he was going to be okay. Due to being a young raccoon, 89P13 had no memory of his previous life and origin.[1]

Fun between Torture[]

Young 89P13

89P13 plays with Floor

"It blue."
"That's the sky."
"Sky. Rocket."
"Yes, it is."
―89P13 and High Evolutionary[src]

As 89P13 was still being experimented on, he coped by playing with his best friends in their cages. Now being able to run on two legs, he ran around the cage as 89L06 chased him. 89A95 and 89Q12 laughed at the playful nature of the two. They began to form a friendship through their torture as they were the only company any of them had.

High evolutionary showing rocket

89P13 sees the sky with High Evolutionary

However, High Evolutionary began noticing a pattern of intelligence within 89P13. He sat down in his room with 89P13 on his lap. The two talked as High Evolutionary watched 89P13 do some equations on a chalk board. High Evolutionary marveled on the accuracy of the equations. A curious 89P13 then asked about the sounds playing over the speakers. High Evolutionary talked about how it was music and the emotional ties to the music. 89P13 then asked about the aircraft taking off outside. He sat in awe as it lifted off into the atmosphere. High Evolutionary told him it was a rocket.[1]

Choosing a Name[]

"Someday, I'm gonna make great machines that fly. And me and my friends are gonna go flying together. Into the forever and beautiful sky. Lylla, and Teefs, and Floor... And me. Rocket."

The High Evolutionary then invited 89P13 to witness his demonstration of a new genetic mutation chamber. The subject of choice was a turtle. 89P13 watched as Theel loaded the subject into the chamber. They then pressed a button, sending beams onto the turtle and mutating it into an anthropomorphic creature.

The turtle then lashed out at the glass, angry. High Evolutionary complained that the device had been unable to suppress violent behavior in the subjects' post-transformation, much to his shock and the High Evolutionary's frustration. As he and his assistants debated on what could be done to fix this, 89P13 was able to identify flaws in the machine and single out the root cause of the mutation problem, stunning them all with his ability to think independently.

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Rocket chooses his name

89P13 returned to his cage. He began to grow sad as he monologued to the group. 89Q12 then announced that she had chosen a name. She wanted to be called Lylla. 89P13 remarked at the name, saying it was nice. This brought 89A95 to call himself Teefs as even though everyone had them, his were the most prominent. 89L06 continued the trend, naming herself Floor as she was laying on the floor.

Batch 89

Rocket and the rest of Batch 89

89P13 sighed as he was cheered up. He then went to choose his own name. Still being fond of the rocket he saw earlier, 89P13 decided to name himself Rocket. He vowed that one day, he and his friends would all fly away together, into the beautiful sky forever, Lylla, Teefs, Floor, and him: Rocket.[1]

The Truth[]

"We're going to the new world?"
"Oh... we? Look at you. As if you were cobbled together by fat-fingered children. How could you be part of a perfect species? You're simply a... medley of mistakes we could learn from and apply to the creatures that truly mattered. Batch 89 ... was never meant for the new world, 89P13."
―Rocket and High Evolutionary[src]

A while later, Rocket was summoned by High Evolutionary back into the test chamber to once more watch the experiments unfold. Initially, he was harshly interrogated by his maker on how he managed to perfect the process; but once he regained his composure, the High Evolutionary informed him that, with Rocket’s insight, they finally reached a breakthrough. Delighted with success, Rocket became excited with the prospect that they would finally touch down into the colony on Halfworld, but the High Evolutionary brutally shot him down.

Triangle-Faced Monkey

Rocket is mocked by the High Evolutionary

He explained that Batch 89 was never meant for the new world, but was instead regarded as a series of mistakes to learn from towards the creation of the perfect society; he even mocked his subject over this, wondering how the raccoon was able to solve the issue affecting the mutations but not realize his own fate. Still, the High Evolutionary regarded him as a noteworthy subject, expressing his desire to dissect Rocket's brain for study, and gave the order to incinerate the rest of Batch 89 by the following morning.[1]

Flying Away Together[]


Rocket frees Lylla

"Alright, 89P13! You win the crying contest, now back in the cage!"
High Evolutionary[src]

Rocket was carried back and thrown into his cage by Theel. As Batch 89 asked what was wrong, Rocket did not answer and instead pulled off many pieces of metal from the floor. He told Floor that he could not play at the moment. Instead, he used these scraps of metal that he had been secretly gathering to make an item. He held up the item: a key card.

Rocket before lylla dies

Rocket before Lylla is shot

Rocket then used this card to let him and Floor out, telling them the truth that they were never meant to go to the new world. He then let out Lylla. The two of them hugged as they spun in a circle. Lylla then held Rocket as they shared a moment. However, this moment was quickly interrupted as there was a shot heard. Lylla's smile faded as she collapsed. Behind her was High Evolutionary, who had shot Lylla. As Rocket looked at his friend, she remarked at how she could see the sky.

In his grief, Rocket let out a long and awaited wail. This crying annoyed High Evolutionary who brutally mocked him before telling Rocket to get back into his cage. However, Rocket refused as he lunged at High Evolutionary, clawing at his face. High Evolutionary screamed in pain as Rocket mangled his face into shreds. When he was done, Floor was begging Rocket for them to just leave.

Suddenly, High Evolutionary's guards arrived. They began shooting as Rocket grabbed his own gun and shot back. He killed the guards and turned around victorious, only to see Floor and Teefs, dead on the ground having been shot. Rocket stared back at his friends, having lost everything. He then ran for the exit and was able to escape.[1]

Bounty Hunter[]

Meeting Groot[]

Rocket began becoming a thief, racking up a criminal record that included thirteen counts of theft, twenty two counts of escape from his incarceration, seven counts of mercenary activity, and fifteen counts of arson.[4] He was eventually arrested and thrown into a dungeon where he met a Flora colossi named Groot and a man named Tibius Lark, who was dying from his wounds.

Rocket Trailer Break Out

Rocket breaking out of the dungeon

Rocket talked with Lark and heard Groot's story of being a zoo exhibit until Lark broke him out. Lark liked Rocket and asked him a favor: to protect Groot when Lark could not anymore. Lark then passed away. As Rocket realized Lark's fate, he also realized that he was a robot. Thinking quickly, Rocket was able to create a weapon out of Lark's robotic limbs. He then hopped onto Groot's shoulders and the two broke out of the dungeon. Rocket kept his word and protected Groot from then on.[5]

Deals at the Hub[]

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Rocket infiltrates the Hub

Rocket and Groot made their way in the galaxy performing various acts of dubious legality. On one such adventure, Rocket and Groot made their way to the Hub without money and desperate for a job in order to buy fuel for their vehicle. A job came their way via Sqqd'li, under the orders of his employer the crime lord Zade Scraggot, who hired Rocket and Groot to retrieve a package being held in the highly secure "Uptown" section of the station for a thousand credits.

Rocket and Groot successfully retrieved the package, but upon discovering that the package contained a family of sentient Scalluscs, a snail-like creature that Scraggot was planning on harvesting for their shells, Rocket and Groot rescued the Scalluscs from their cruel fate after a brief scuffle with Scraggot and his men.[6]

Chasing Rocket

Rocket fires at Bounty Hunter

Afterwards, Rocket and Groot were on a mission to capture Baldo and bring his to D'Xtar. Upon arriving at D'Xtar's place, he told them he couldn't pay because of the recent bounty on Rocket's head. Rocket stormed away angry. Suddenly a Bounty Hunter recognized him as that man on the bounty. He attacked Rocket, he ran into an alley with Groot. His partner then tried to grab him, Rocket broke free from Groot, who he believed betrayed him. Rocket locked himself in a building, but the Bounty Hunter was waiting for him and explained that he set up the bounty so that Rocket would not give him competition. Groot then broke in and scared the hunter into cancelling the bounty. Rocket realized that Groot was only trying to protect him, and he apologized.[7]

Encountering Star-Lord[]


Rocket and Groot begin to look for bounties

"Put him in the bag. Put him in the bag! No! Not her, him! Learn genders, man."
―Rocket to Groot[src]

Rocket and Groot traveled to Xandar, where he staked out potential bounty targets in a crowded plaza. While looking at the many Xandarians, Rocket ranted about how absurd the people looked such as insulting a man with a haircut, a child walking with his guardian, and a suspicious person talking to a woman. As Rocket was laughing at the locals, he turned to Groot and noticed him drinking water from a fountain, telling him to stop doing that in disgust.


Rocket finds Star-Lord as a worthy bounty

After Rocket had caught Groot lying about drinking, he picked up a signal from device and spotted Peter Quill with Bereet. As Rocket looked over Quill's stats, he noted that Quill was wanted for forty thousand Units and told Groot that they were going to be rich, before looking at Groot drinking the fountain again in despair. Moments before Star-Lord had tried to set up a deal with Broker and Gamora attempted to steal the Orb from him, Rocket intervened at the attack and tackled her with brute force.

Rocket Groot Attack Gamora

Rocket quickly tackles Gamora with force

While Rocket tried to tell Groot to capture Star-Lord, he began to yell at him for mistaken for Gamora, before he was bitten in the hand by Gamora. As Rocket told Gamora to stay calm, he was thrown away for several feet and landed onto an open glass store. Gamora then prolonged her mission to capture the Orb and went after Star-Lord before they fought each other. As Star-Lord had celebrated his victory of defeating Gamora, Rocket ordered Groot to capture him.


Rocket witnesses Gamora's quick recovery

Groot then trapped Star-Lord with a huge bag and Rocket told him to quit smiling so they could act like professionals. Rocket's victory was short lived once Gamora recovered and shoved him away. After Gamora attacked Groot by slicing his arms off, she was then stunned by Star-Lord's Quad Blasters and proceeded to escape. Rocket took note of Star-Lord's escape and proceeded to shoot him down with his Laser Cannon.


Rocket being arrested by the Nova Corps

As Rocket taunt at Star-Lord's defeat, he noticed that Groot was saddened by his loss of arms. Rocket then noted that Groot's arms will grow back and told him to stop whining. Suddenly as the Nova Corps arrived at the scene, Rocket and Groot were hovered over and was told to drop his weapon. In a minor inconvenience, Rocket dropped his weapon in dissatisfaction and was arrested under the authority of the Nova Corps.[4]

Held in the Kyln[]

Rocket prison file

Rocket arriving inside the Kyln

"I ain't about to be brought down by a tree and a talking raccoon."
"What's a raccoon?"
"'What's a raccoon?' It's what you are, stupid."
"Ain't no thing like me, 'cept me."
Star-Lord and Rocket[src]

Once they all arrived in their holding cells, Rocket and the others were forced into a line up by the Nova Corps where all of their own criminal histories were presented for Garthan Saal by Rhomann Dey. Frustrated by his experience with the intergalactic law, Rocket began to growl while crossing his arms and spat on the ground.


Rocket is taken to the Kyln for his sentence

The group were all sent to the Kyln by Saal to begin their sentence, where they all arrived together and continued their disagreements. After bragging about escaping twenty-two prisons and telling Peter Quill that he was lucky he was arrested, Rocket was told about being comparable by a normal raccoon. Hearing this, Rocket asked Quill what a raccoon was, and Star-Lord told him that it was what he was supposed to be before telling him that there was nobody like him. With Quill questioning what Gamora had planned for the Orb, Rocket listened to her plans on betraying Ronan the Accuser and selling the Orb to someone else.


Rocket explains Groot's limited vocabulary

As Groot kept talking, Quill wondered why he could only say three words repeatedly, Rocket explained that Groot would not speak well enough as the people like him and Quill, as his vocabulary was restricted to "I", "am", and "Groot". Once Quill spotted one of the guards using his own Walkman and quickly stepped through the doorway into the guard's quarters in order to ensure it, Rocket watched as the situation escalated with Quill being electrocuted.


Rocket using the showers with Peter Quill

Rocket and all the others were then processed by the Nova Corps as he was stripped down and washed, abusing him. Soon finding himself escorted into a prison cell with Quill, Rocket was given his prison uniform and began dressing up, unknowingly having Quill looking behind his back with his cybernetic implants being shown off. Rocket and the other members of the group had finished being processed and stepped into the prison compound.

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Rocket settles his arrival in the Kyln prison

As Rocket and the group walked inside the compound, he told Quill that the prison guards were determined to stop prisoners from getting out and they should not care for what they were doing inside their cells. As Quill found himself a target in the prison when a Monstrous Inmate attempted to start a fight, Groot saved him from by defeating him as Rocket claimed that Quill was their booty and no one else was to go near them or else their go through them.


Rocket wakes up from his prison group cell

Rocket went to sleep in the group quarters while Quill was concerned for Gamora's personal cell where the prisoners were. With Quill overhearing Gamora being abducted by one of the guards as well as some of the other prisoners, Rocket woke up and asked where Quill was going before he escaped from his cell. Rocket followed Quill up until Drax the Destroyer stopped to kill Gamora and Quill intervened, persuading him to kill Ronan the Accuser instead.


Rocket discusses the price of the Orb

As Quill left the room and told Gamora that she knows where to sell the Orb, Rocket joined in and confirmed that the group will eventually get out of Klyn, despite wanting Quill as his bounty. Gamora confessed afterward that the Orb was priced by her buyer for four billion Credits and offered to split the profits, and Rocket agreed to formulate a plan to break the four from the prison.[4]

Escape from Kyln[]


Rocket explains his plan to escape the Kyln

"If we're gonna get out of here, we're gonna need to get into that watchtower. And to do that, I'm gonna need a few things. The guards wear security bands to control their ins and outs. I need one."

The next day, Rocket came up with a plan to break Peter Quill, Gamora, and Groot out of the Kyln, as a team they would collect a prisoner's prosthetic leg and one of the guards' control devices attached to their arms in order to hack into the security tower. Rocket further explained that a Quarnyx Battery can help him escape and remove the prison's emergency lockdown.


Rocket being frustrated with Groot again

Gamora then questioned Rocket of how they should get any supplies, in which he noted that some inmates find her attractive so maybe she could come up with some kind of trade. Quill then expressed his fear that the plan would be impossible to pull off, but Rocket angrily insisted that they should figure it out. As Rocket explained the plan again, the operation went awry when Groot completed the last step first, setting off the alarms and causing him to be frustrated.


Rocket happily firing on the Kyln Hoverbots

As Quill and Gamora retrieved the items needed, Rocket was berated by Kyln Hoverbots that were fired at Groot, causing chaos. As Rocket yelled at Groot's mistake for alarming the guards, Drax fought the guards that attempted to fire at him and Groot. Once Drax came to their aid and tossed one of the guards' weapons, Rocket began to shoot the Kyln Hoverbots with great pleasure, while laughing maniacally. Once Gamora gathered the green wiring that was required for the breakout, Rocket caught the item and told Groot move over to the watchtower.

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Rocket hot wires the watchtower to escape

As Rocket continued his part of the plan until he was finally ready for all of the others to regroup with him, Rocket climbed up onto Groot's roots in order to get into the security tower. Once the group got into the watchtower and locked the door behind them, Rocket was given a prisoner's leg, in which he then revealed that stealing the leg was simply a joke, annoying Quill due to the money he had spent to get it. The group was soon found by a guard, who had gathered his team as they attempt to shoot the watchtower while Rocket worked.


Rocket quickly gathering all his belongings

Rocket then initiated his plan by switching off the prison's artificial gravity and took control of the Kyln Hoverbots, and used these Hoverbots to propel the watchtower room from the cellblock and into the prison's docking bay. Now safely out of the way of the Nova Corps, Rocket gathered his clothing while the others prepared to escape into deep space on board the Milano. Quill then went off to collect his Walkman and gave Gamora his bag, claiming it contained the Orb.


Rocket impatiently waiting for Star-Lord

As the group retrieved their effects, Rocket parked the Milano and stayed behind and ordered the others to take his ship out into space while Quill retrieved his Walkman, much to the group's annoyance. Rocket grew impatient and asked Gamora if she had the Orb, but was discovered to be nothing. As soon as Rocket and Drax noticed Star-Lord arriving, he and the group let him in the ship to give back the Orb.[4]

Gathering Materials[]


Rocket builds weapons on board the Milano

"No one's blowing up moons."
"You just wanna suck the joy out of everything."
Gamora and Rocket[src]

On the Milano, Rocket began pulling apart bits of his ship to build weapons, including the Hadron Enforcer. Peter Quill then found Rocket's actions and was furiously telling him to stop. Once Quill noted that he did not want any bombs or moon destroying weapons on his ship, Rocket suggested putting the bomb in a box and even tried to use the box of Meredith Quill's present to Quill, to which he insisted to not touch it.


Rocket dismisses Star-Lord's crude joke

As soon as Quill had a talk to the group about where to sell the Orb, leading to an argument between Drax the Destroyer and Gamora in which Quill was forced to break up as he insisted that nobody kill anyone aboard his ship. Once Quill stated that the group needed to trust each other if they were actually going to start working as a team and Gamora showed little interest in having anything to do with any of them, Rocket listened to Quill's claim about his ship's filthy history, much to his dismissal.[4]

Meeting the Collector[]


Rocket and the team arrive at Knowhere

"Blah, blah, blah. We're all very fascinated, whitey, but we'd like to get paid!"
―Rocket to Taneleer Tivan[src]

While piloting the Milano, Rocket informed the group that they were headed to inbound. As Rocket had piloted forward, Rocket was told by Gamora that they were now arriving on Knowhere, a remote mining outpost in space that was built in the giant severed head of a Celestial.

Rocket Bar

Rocket drunkenly parties with his new allies

As the group explored Knowhere, Rocket listened to Gamora's explanation of her reasoning of picking this particular location as the place to sell resources. Rocket then questioned Gamora if the Boot of Jemiah is where they would wait for the Orb's buyer to summon them. Accepting the locale, Rocket, Drax, and Groot playfully gambled on creatures lives while there while Gamora and Peter Quill conversed just outside.

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Rocket threatening Drax for his insults

As Rocket had a friendly drink with each other, he soon became drunk enough that he started to pick a fight with Drax for his disrespectful personality, which soon escalated into involving Groot in the fight. Intoxicated, a distraught Rocket accused Gamora and Drax of mocking him and seeing him as a monster, threatening to kill the others. Quill intervened before any harm was done and told Rocket put up with one night before he could be rich, but the outburst had caused Drax to leave.


Rocket arriving at the Collector's Museum

While the group let Drax walk away, they were then greeted by Carina who finally invited them into the Collector's Museum, in which it was housed by several species and items in cages. While Taneleer Tivan summoned them to his museum; Rocket and a cosmonaut dog, Cosmo, snarled at each other as they passed. Tivan found himself interested in Groot, and asked for permission in displaying his corpse as an exhibit, while also referring to Rocket as Groot's pet, which nearly caused another outburst.


Rocket mocks the Collector's long speech

After formalities were over, Tivan revealed what was inside the Orb: the Power Stone, one of the Infinity Stones, a powerful elemental objects created by the Big Bang; so powerful that only the most powerful of beings were able to wield it, even if the burden of the power was separated among multiple people. Rocket was unimpressed by the explanation of the Stone's power and demanded that Tivan pay them.


Rocket and Groot escaping the explosion

As Tivan was withdrawing the money to pay the Guardians, his long-suffering assistant Carina, seeing a way to end her misery under Tivan's control, grabbed the Power Stone and shouting about how she will no longer be Tivan's slave. The result was a powerful explosion that disintegrated her and destroyed Tivan's entire museum. Groot managed to pick up and rush Rocket outside before the ensuing purple fireball could harm them, while Quill and Gamora barely survived by hiding from the blast and Tivan escaped with only an injured forehead.[4]

Skirmish on Knowhere[]


Rocket tells the team to get rid of the Orb

"We're wanted by the Nova Corps! Just give it to Ronan!"
"So he can destroy the galaxy?"
"What are you, some saint all of a sudden? What has the galaxy ever done for you? Why would you wanna save it?"
"Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!"
―Rocket and Peter Quill[src]

Escaping away from the power that the Orb had carried, Rocket noticed Gamora had caught it, causing him to be frightened by the item inside it. As Gamora told the group that they should give the Power Stone over to the Nova Corps, Rocket objected her decision and suggested giving the Power Stone to Ronan the Accuser; however, Star-Lord abandoned the idea. Rocket asked why he chose to protect the Galaxy, only to be responded by Quill that he chose to protect the Galaxy for inhabitance.


Rocket battling against the Sakaaran army

Before they could continue arguing, Ronan and Nebula arrived with their entire army of Sakaarans behind them. Having learned that Drax the Destroyer had called his enemy for a chance to kill him to avenge his family. The group then noticed the Yondu Ravager Clan appeared, with the former having been called here by a vengeful Drax. Rocket and Gamora attempted to fight off Ronan's forces using Mining Pods while Drax tried to fight Ronan and Groot stayed behind. Rocket managed to use his Mining Pod's durability to his advantage by crashing through Ronan's Necrocrafts.

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Rocket and Star-Lord watch Gamora freeze

Pursued by her sister Nebula and several other Necrocrafts, Gamora attempted to flee into open space, but her pod malfunctioned due to its inability to function outside of Knowhere and was promptly destroyed by Nebula. Once Nebula destroyed Gamora's Pod and retrieved the Orb, Rocket and Quill caught up with her unconscious body. As they watched from afar, as their Mining Pods did not have the power to get closer, Rocket sadly informed Quill that Gamora would not survive and to go back into Knowhere.


Rocket tells Star-Lord he'll die in seconds

Once Rocket recommended they turn back before they got trapped, Quill announced his coordinates to the Ravagers in order to reveal his location and exited his Mining Pod. Just as Star-Lord proceeded to exit his pod and flew through deep space to reach Gamora, Rocket protested that he would not be able to survive in the extreme conditions of deep space, but Quill placed his helmet onto her, causing him to leave before they were rescued by the Ravagers.


Rocket furiously yells at Drax the Destroyer

Rocket returned to Knowhere, angered at Drax for allowing Gamora and Quill to be captured and Ronan to retrieve the Infinity Stone. Once Drax accepted his mistake by being overtaken by his vengeance of his family, Rocket insensitively mocked Drax's family's death, telling him that it is no excuse for his actions. Wanting to leave Drax behind, Rocket told Groot that they should leave while they can to the farthest parts of the galaxy and possibly live in peace before Ronan finds them. However, Groot offered to aid Quill and Gamora with Drax wanting help, causing Rocket to angrily kick a patch of grass in response.


Rocket making his threats to the Ravagers

Rocket then confronted the Ravagers in the Milano, gaining their attention by harmlessly firing upon the Eclector, and used a voice amplifying microphone, threatening to do greater damage. Rocket then ordered the outlaws to release Quill and Gamora while Drax aimed a Hadron Enforcer at them. The tension was resolved when Quill announced that they were fine and had temporarily resolved their conflict with the Ravagers.[4]

Guardian of the Galaxy[]

Accepting the Mission[]


Rocket states his discourage to Star-Lord

"Aw, what the hell, I don't get that long a lifespan anyway. Now I'm standing. You all happy? We're all standing up now. Bunch of jackasses, standing in a circle."

As the group had reunited inside the Milano, reviewed recent events and decided that it was up to them to prevent Ronan the Accuser from destroying Xandar with his Infinity Stone, Rocket was doubtful that they would succeed, upon hearing that Quill's plan for stopping Ronan was rob him despite the risk. Star-Lord berated Rocket for nearly blowing him and Gamora inside the Eclector after giving the Yondu Ravager Clan a count of five.


Rocket offers his statement to the team

Listening to Quill's rant, Rocket tells Quill that he did not think about the consequence of his plan, blaming what would happen if he became altruistic yet never giving the time to be thanked, having Groot agreeing with him. Gamora then told the group that they would have the Ravagers' help to save Xandar. However, Rocket rebuttal her claim that it they should just give the Stone to Yondu Udonta so he could sell to somebody even worse.

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Rocket criticizing Star-Lord's partial plan

Once Quill told that they might figure something out with Udonta and the Stone, Rocket listened to Gamora's about stopping Ronan with Quill telling him that he could have a plan. Rocket questioned if Quill did have a plan, in which he tould him that he had part of a plan, giving Rocket less hope. As the group had continued discussing a plan, Rocket asked Quill about what percentage, in which he expressed twelve percent. Rocket laughed hysterically at Quill, making sarcastic remarks along with it.

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Rocket decides to stand up for his team

As Groot told Rocket that the plan was higher than eleven percent, he angrily questioned on Groot's thinking. Quill then told the team that they would know they had lost many things in their lives but now it was the time give a damn about the people in the galaxy. Rocket told Quill that what they were doing to stop Ronanwas impossible, only for the group to come along and agree to fight alongside each other. Being dumbfounded on how they would die fighting for the galaxy, Rocket had no choice but stand up, admitting that he did not have a long lifespan.


Rocket prepares for battle on Xandar

As the group had then proceeded to stand together, Rocket said that team was standing in a circle like a bunch of jackasses. Rocket then got his weapons ready and prepared for battle, including his Laser Cannon. With the whole team on board with each other, Rocket joined them in a line and quickly adjust to himself before meeting up with the Ravagers with the plan in-store for them. As Ravagers had huddled up, Rocket and the rest of his team were equipped with tiny capsules in case of the Power Stone has been released.

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Rocket prepares to fly the M-Ship for battle

With the Yondu Ravager Clan, the group outlined a plan to prevent Ronan from destroying Xandar; they would contact the Nova Corps and convince them to aid them, Quill and Yondu Udonta would enter Ronan's ship, the Dark Aster, through a breach created by Rocket and Quill, and they would kill Ronan upon entering his chambers. Rocket attempted to get Vorker's cybernetic eye removed as part of the plan, but was quickly denied by Quill, much to his deep denial by covering up his laughter afterwards. Rocket then went over to pilot the Warbird for takeoff.[4]

Battle of Xandar[]

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Rocket flies his M-Ship under Dark Aster

"Keep Ronan up there, Saal. We'll take care of the people down here."
"I can't believe I'm taking orders from a hamster."
―Rocket and Garthan Saal[src]

As the plan had settled in, Yondu Udonta sends multiple M-Ships through a breach, along with Rocket and his team flying into Xandar. As the Dark Aster began to fly into Xandar's atmosphere, Udonta ordered his clan to fire at it and tells rest of the team to submerge under Ronan the Accuser's ship.


Rocket firing at the Dark Aster's breach

With a few Ravagers by his side, Rocket began firing at the side of the Dark Aster, Kraglin Obfonteri had started to do massive damage, making a hole on the ship. Rocket ordered Star-Lord and Udonta to come forward to his location; however, due to being hit by Ronan's ships, Udonta had to abandon the mission. As Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, and Groot fight off Ronan's army with aid of the Nova Corps, they enter the through the hole of Ronan's ship.


Rocket attacks Ronan the Accuser's army

With Quill, Gamora, Drax, and Groot inside the Dark Aster, Rocket aided the Nova Corps and Ravagers in preventing Necrocraft from attacking Xandar. Once the Nova Corps had formed a blockade to prevent the Dark Aster from going any further, Rocket started to fire at multiple Sakaarans attacking Xandar and told Garthan Saal that he would take care of the situation. As Ronan's army grew larger, Rocket and the rest of the Ravagers submerged down and destroyed the many incoming ships.


Rocket trying to attack Ronan the Accuser

Just as Ronan decided to destroy the blockade with the Power Stone, Rocket witnessed the attack and told Quill to hurry up on heading towards Ronan after having the civilians evacuated but started to lose the battle. In desperation, Rocket crashed the Warbird into the new hole in the Dark Aster, severely damaging both his and Ronan's ships and knocking himself unconscious.[4]

Losing a Friend[]


Rocket is carried out by the Guardians

"No, Groot. You can't, you'll die. Why are you doing this? Why?"
We are Groot."
―Rocket and Groot[src]

Once the damage from both Ronan the Accuser's use of the Infinity Stone and Rocket's crash caused the Dark Aster to begin falling towards the city below, Rocket was seen by Star-Lord and was picked up to meet with rest of the team. As the ship began crumbling down, Groot had the idea of creating a sphere of branches around his team.


Rocket begs Groot not to sacrifice himself

Seeing what was about to happen, Rocket woke up from getting knocked out and saw Groot creating a sphere of branches around him. As the spores had lit up the room, Rocket realized what Groot was doing and tearfully begged Groot to reconsider, however, Groot gently wiped a tear from his friend's eye before telling him "We are Groot" moments before the ship crashed to the ground.[4]

Killing Ronan the Accuser[]


Rocket threatens to kill Ronan the Accuser

"You killed Groot!"
―Rocket to Ronan the Accuser[src]

Once the Dark Aster had crashed onto Xandar, Rocket and the others survived, but Groot perished in the crash. A devastated Rocket managed to recover a twig from Groot's remains, recalling of what he had said about telling him that he was an idiot. However, Ronan the Accuser also survived the crash, and as he emerged from the fallen vessel Rocket flew into a rage and charged at Ronan but was easily swatted away.


Rocket reactivates the Hadron Enforcer

As Star-Lord distracted Ronan's speech on how he will destroy Xandar, by singing and dancing to O-o-h Child, Rocket quickly repaired the Hadron Enforcer as Drax the Destroyer went along with behind Ronan's back. As Ronan became furiously impulse by Quill's dancing, Rocket began to blast the purple Infinity Stone out of Ronan's Universal Weapon before Quill told that he was trying to distract him.


Rocket channels the Power Stone with Drax

Quill quickly grabbed the Power Stone, resulting in all its energy coursing through his body, slowly killing him. As Quill was slowly disintegrated by the Infinity Stone's power, Gamora, Drax, and Rocket linked hands to share the burden. As they reversed the Stone's power, the team successfully channeled the Power Stone's energy. Quill then opened his hand, releasing some of the Power Stone's energy, killing Ronan. Gamora then sealed the Power Stone in a containment orb, freeing them of its deadly power.


Rocket further mourns over Groot's death

Quill relinquished the new Orb to Yondu Udonta, though in reality, he switched containers. Rocket then sat alone on a rock, clutching some of Groot's remaining twigs and sobbing bitterly over his best friend's death. Drax approached Rocket and gently pet him between the ears, surprising him and causing him to slightly flinch, as he was used to others acting violent towards him and bringing him pain, but was comforted.[4]

Joining the Team[]

Rocket holding Groot

Rocket with Baby Groot after the battle

"Question: What if I see something that I wanna take and it belongs to someone else?"
"Then you will be arrested."
"But what if I want it more than the person who has it?"
―Rocket and Rhomann Dey[src]

In the aftermath of the Battle of Xandar, the newly formed Guardians of the Galaxy discovered that Peter Quill was not fully human, as his father was a member of an ancient alien species, thus giving a possible explanation to why Quill managed to hold an Infinity Stone. Rocket had placed the piece of Groot in a plant pot, from which an offspring began to sprout.


Rocket getting advice from Rhomann Dey

With his and the others' criminal records expunged, Rocket joined all the Guardians as they were led outside by Irani Rael to find that as a gift for defeating Ronan the Accuser, the Milano had just been repaired. Rocket then lamented that Rhomann Dey had informed him and the other that they could no longer steal anything or they would all be immediately arrested. Rocket tried to question what he could get away with but found little satisfaction from this.


Rocket witnesses Groot at last being reborn

Now on board the ship, Rocket strapped himself in the seat and then nodded towards Drax the Destroyer before noticing that Baby Groot was finally waking up. As they all prepared to leave, Quill and Gamora discussed what they should do next, agreeing that they should aim to do a bit of good and bad. They then left Xandar to continue their work as the Guardians of the Galaxy, seeking new employment wherever they could.[4]

Hired by the Sovereign[]


Rocket setting up music for the Guardians

"I'm finishing this so we can listen to tunes while we work."
"How is that a priority?"
"Blame Quill! He's the one loves music so much!"
―Rocket and Drax the Destroyer[src]

After a couple of months of being in a team, the Guardians of the Galaxy became well known across the galaxy. The team traveled to Sovereign, where the Sovereign hired the Guardians to take down an Abilisk that was eating their batteries. When the Guardians arrived on the planet, Rocket and the team search for the Abilisk with Star-Lord's Inter-Dimensional Tracker.


Rocket winks at Star-Lord for his sarcasm

While Gamora asks Drax the Destroyer about not wearing one of the Aero-Rigs, Rocket listened on about Drax's uncomfortable to wear it due to his sensitive nipples, causing him laugh and mock Drax for it. Being asked to what he was doing from Drax, Rocket noted that he was setting up a speaker system so they could listen to music as they battled, in which Drax told him how that was unimportant, causing him to blame it on Quill.

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Rocket talks to Groot about his manners

Despite of Quill's regards on the unimportance of music in battle, Rocket insists that he was being sarcastic. After being exposed for lying and failing at sarcasm, Rocket noticed Groot beating up one of the creatures out of spite of them looking at him funny, to which Rocket had to clarify that it wasn't the case. The Abilisk then arrived from Inter-Dimensional Portal, much to Rocket's stunned observation. As the Abilisk had settled in the platform, the Guardians began to fire at it while Groot danced to music.


Rocket angrily tells Groot to spit out a fly

As Rocket began to fire at the Abilisk with Gamora by his side, the Guardians began to have troubles with fighting it while also giving warnings to Groot to get out of the way before he gets hurt. Rocket then noticed Groot trying to eat a fly, he began to tell him to spit it out, knocking him at the head and leaving at in disgust as he left Groot on his own. While Groot was off riding a creature on its back, Rocket began firing at the Abilisk with little progress.


Rocket swiftly shooting at the Abilisk

Once Drax had entered the Abilisk's mouth, Star-Lord told Rocket to get it to look up so that Gamora could kill it from the neck up. Rocket began firing at the Abilisk before it became angry enough to burp up bubbles from his mouth, causing a minor malfunction his firearm. While Rocket was still shooting at the Abilisk and Star-Lord was grabbed by it, Gamora then observed its neck and began cutting its neck with her Godslayer to murder the Abilisk for good.

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Rocket steals some of the Anulax Batteries

After having Drax escape from the Abilisk's insides and looked questionably upon him, the Guardians settled down from the reckless battle as Quill explained to Drax about the Anulax Batteries and how they are worth thousands of Units a piece in which is the reason why the Sovereign needed the team to protect them while warning them about the Sovereign people. Despite of Quill's specific orders, Rocket stole a few of the Anulax Batteries.

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Rocket and the Guardians meet Ayesha

The Guardians then talked to Ayesha and were welcomed by her gratitude for their righteousness to defeat the Abilisk instead of risking her own people. Gamora then requested to release Nebula for her imprisonment and be handed over to them as payment. When Ayesha talked about Quill's father, Rocket told her that he heard the Sovereign were conceited douchebags but told them it wasn't true at all before sarcastically winking at Quill. As the Sovereign became aggressive, the team left the planet before revealing to Drax that he stole Anulax Batteries.[8]

Escape from the Sovereign Fleet[]

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Rocket flies the Milano along with Star-Lord

"What were you thinking?"
"Dude, they were really easy to steal."
"That's your defense?"
"Come on, you saw how that high priestess was talking down to us. Now I'm teaching her a lesson."
Star-Lord, Rocket and Gamora[src]

As the Guardians left Sovereign and flew away into with the Milano, Rocket told the team that they would have to get Nebula back to Xandar and collect that bounty. As Rocket piloted the ship while playing Lake Shore Drive, the team incarcerate Nebula below the ship.


Rocket is blamed for theft of the Sovereign

The Guardians were quickly followed by the Sovereign fleet, who were furious with Rocket for stealing their Anulax Batteries. As Gamora had questioned the team on why the Sovereign had followed them, Drax the Destroyer accidentally revealed to them that Rocket had stolen their batteries, much to Rocket's anger of being caught. As the Sovereign began to fire at them, the team maneuvered around the field of space to escape the incoming lasers.


Rocket justifies his actions to the Guardians

As the team began to avoid the Sovereign fleet, Star-Lord angrily questioned Rocket on what was he thinking on stealing from the Sovereign, to which Rocket told him that they were easy to steal their possessions, causing Gamora to become furious with his petty excuse. Rocket defended his decision by telling the team that the High Priestess Ayesha had talked down to the team and now it was time for the cybernetic raccoon to teach them a lesson.


Rocket begins to fire at the Sovereign fleet

While Star-Lord was talking to Rocket about his actions were in good intentions, he took it as an agreement, only for Star-Lord to tell him that he was being sarcastic, much to Rocket's frustration. Once the argument had been put into placed, the team discovered more Sovereign spaceships incoming, as Rocket began to be in the mood to kill them and started to shout at the top of his lungs while firing them one by one within shooting range.

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Rocket boasting that he is the best pilot

Despite on attacking the Sovereign fleet with expect to kill, Rocket was informed by Gamora that the Sovereign's ships were remotely piloted. To escape from the Sovereign fleet, Star-Lord asked Gamora where the nearest inhabitable planet was, as she noted that it was Berhert and in order to fly to towards the jump point is to fly through an asteroid field. As Star-Lord and Rocket flew through the asteroid field, Drax told Quill that this skill requires to be the greatest pilot in the universe, both pilots told Drax that they were the best simultaneously.


Rocket angrily insults Star-Lord's actions

As Rocket began to change the piloting positions in order to maneuver around the asteroid field as quickly as possible, he then asked Quill what he was doing switching to pilot the ship, noting to him that he has been piloting the Milano since he was ten years old. Rocket began to argue with Quill that he was cybernetically engineered to pilot a spacecraft, escalating into shouting insults at each other.


Rocket further insults Star-Lord's piloting

As Gamora tried to tell the co-pilots to stop bickering, Rocket threatened to put a turd inside Quill's pillowcase, causing Quill to promise him to be fully shaved, to which Rocket noted that won't be his turd but Drax's. As the bickering started to continue by switching each flight position, the ship was damaged from an asteroid that had caused a hole in a ship. As the ship recovered for full throttle, Rocket still began to insult Quill's piloting skill.

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Rocket is tricked by the Sovereign fleet

Once Rocket was hit by and object from Gamora, he was told that a Sovereign craft is behind them. As the particular Sovereign craft tried to attack the Milano, Drax began to reach down the co-pilots compartment and used one of the Holographic Space Suits to destroy one of the Sovereign spacecrafts that was piloted by Zylak. Once out of the asteroid field, more Sovereign fleets approached from both sides of the team, causing them to fall under heavy attacks.

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Rocket noticing a man outside of his ship

As the team was under attack and had no way of defending themselves back, they were suddenly rescued by an unknown ship that destroyed the entire fleet within seconds. As Gamora told the group that they were close to a jump point, Rocket noticed a ship fly past with a man riding on top of it, causing him to question what it was, before knowing it was a guy. Once the team had finally reached to Berhert, the ship was badly damaged, causing it to crash.[8]

Ravager Conflict[]

Meeting Ego[]


Rocket is blamed for crashing the Milano

"If he got closer, I'm sure he would be much larger."
"That's how eyesight works, you stupid raccoon."
"Don't call me a raccoon!"
―Rocket and Star-Lord[src]

After crashing on Berhert, the Guardians began to argue about the destruction of the Milano. Gamora angrily shouted at Rocket and Star-Lord for their actions on who should dominantly pilot the ship. With Gamora putting her half of the blame towards Quill's arrogance, Quill put the blame on Rocket stealing Anulax Batteries.


Rocket demands to not be called a raccoon

Once Rocket decided to speak for himself, he insultingly told Quill that he stole the batteries because he wanted to, much to Quill's anger, and quietly called him a dick. As Rocket began to rant about their situation, he noted that he saw a man that effortlessly destroyed an entire Sovereign fleet, using an inaccurate measurement of him. When Quill told Rocket that his statement of his eyesight doesn't work, he furiously told Quill not to call him a raccoon, only to get insulted again.

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Rocket and the other Guardians meet Ego

As Rocket became bitter towards Quill's insults, Nebula warns the team that incoming ship had followed them to Berhert. When the exact same unknown ship that saved them from the Sovereign was about to approach the team, Rocket then started to prepare for an attack by equipping himself a blaster rifle, as the unknown ship became closer to the area. Once the unknown ship had landed with the Guardians properly prepared for battle, they were greeted by a man named Ego and his servant named Mantis. Ego then revealed to Quill and the rest of his team that he was Quill's father.[8]

Getting Put In Charge[]


Rocket explains to Drax about distinct looks

"I hope Daddy isn't as big of a dick as you, orphan boy."
"What is your goal here? To get everybody to hate you? Because it's working."
―Rocket and Star-Lord[src]

At the night of which the Guardians were informed of Ego's announcement, they learned more about where he has been for all of Quill's life, having to give Quill up to Yondu Udonta in order to return to him only for Quill to be kept under the custody of him. As Quill told the reasoning of his custody for Udonta, Drax the Destroyer told Quill that he thought Udonta was his blood relative, having Rocket explained to Drax that one of them was blue.


Rocket is indirectly insulted by Ego's offer

While Ego told Quill that he wanted to be the father he was meant to be, Ego invited the team to his planet and went away from the campfire to urinate before calling Rocket a triangled-face monkey. When Mantis and Drax began to talk to each other about their social interactions, Rocket took the time to lick his hands, leading to Drax tricking Mantis into petting him, almost causing him to bite her hand.


Rocket and Star-Lord trading insults again

As the next morning had passed, Gamora, Quill, and Drax decided to leave Berhert to go to Ego's planet. Rocket was told by Gamora to keep an eye on Nebula while repairing the Milano with an Nanobot Welder. While repairing the ship, Rocket told Quill that he hopes his father isn't big of a dick as him. After Quill questioned his deal of getting people to hate him and working at it, Rocket witnesses the group leaving the planet before getting into Ego's ship.[8]

Attack on Berhert[]


Rocket waits for the Ravagers for his set up

"Hey there, rat!"
"How's it goin', you blue idiot."
Yondu Udonta and Rocket[src]

Having the Yondu Ravager Clan being hired by the Sovereign to hunt the Guardians and managed to track them down in Berhert, where Rocket was currently inhabited from, he prepared on setting traps for any incoming threats. Rocket then settled back on top of one of the trees while setting up loudspeakers of some of Star-Lord's music.


Rocket takes cover from the incoming firing

Once the Yondu Ravager Clan had started to come closer to the destroyed Milano, Rocket sat in a tree humming to Southern Nights on a speaker to lead the Ravagers to the ship only for Halfnut and other Ravagers fell into a trap, having multiple fired needles that quickly injected them, knocking them out instantly. Making noise from the high treetops, Rocket was noticed by one of the Ravagers and avoided the many ammunition that fired upon him.

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Rocket leads the Ravagers into his traps

As the Ravagers still fired him with their firearms, Rocket used his special device that turns on the anti-gravity mines, sending multiple Ravagers up in the air from each direction they came from and doing it repeatedly with each button input. Rocket eventually move over to a group of Ravagers in a single file line and planted electric disks on each one of their heads. Once Rocket was done setting up the device implants on the Ravagers, Rocket then presses the button to activate the device that would electrocute them simultaneously, as they painfully scream from their demise.


Rocket surrenders to Yondu Udonta's arrow

As Rocket settled down in the ground, he was approached by Brahl and another Ravager, telling him that he wasn't so tough without his gadgets. Rocket took this advantage by attacking Brahl and punched him in his throat, while the other Ravager accidentally fired at Brahl. Rocket backflipped onto the Ravager and defeated him by punching his face multiple times, only to be overcome by the rest of the Ravagers, including Yondu Udonta and his Yaka Arrow.


Rocket tells Yondu Udonta to not hurt Groot

While being surrounded by many Ravagers with the threat of Udonta's arrow, Rocket greeted Udonta and was informed that Ayesha had approached him with a deal to get paid by sending the Guardians to her people and kill them. Udonta noted that he tracked Rocket and his with his tracer and planted on the Milano during the Battle of Xandar. Worried for Groot's safety, Rocket decides to give his word out for Udonta to not hurt Groot and would tell him where the Anulax Batteries are.

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Rocket attempts to convince the Ravagers

Luckily for Rocket's situation, Udonta decides to not keep his word for Ayesha and steal the batteries for himself in order to sell them for a quarter-million Units. Just as half of the Ravagers had a massive disagreement with Udonta's decision, they drew their guns at each other, and Udonta prepared to whistle his Yaka arrow; as they continued to yell while holding their weapons closer. Rocket tried to withhold the entire Ravager clan as they kept yelling at each other, distracting their attention for one another.


Rocket before being kidnapped by Nebula

Rocket then used the time for the Ravagers' attention and told them there must be some kind of peaceful resolution to their disagreement, only to backtrack his idea and suggest that he stands away from the conflict. Before any violence had been put into display, Nebula, who was released by Groot, knocked out Udonta by shooting off his Yaka Arrow Controller with a blaster and then shot Rocket, leaving him knocked out from his inevitable imprisonment.[8]

Taserface's Mutiny[]

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Rocket laughing hysterically at Taserface

"What was your second choice, Scrotum Hat?"
"New plan. We're killing you first."
"Well, dying is certainly better than having to live an entire life as a moronic shitbag who thinks Taserface is a cool name."
―Rocket and Taserface[src]

After getting knocked from being shocked by an electrical blaster, Rocket, Groot, and Yondu Udonta were taken to the Eclector where Ravagers who sided with Udonta were being executed. Once Rocket recollect his conscious while being tied up, he witnessed Tullk and Oblo, who were forcefully sent into space and Taserface declares his leadership, much to his laughter.


Rocket gleefully making fun of Taserface

When Taserface noticed Rocket was laughing out loud at the declaration of the new leadership of their Ravager clan, Rocket questioned Taserface about his name, learning he only chose it because he thought it sounded intimidating; only to be further questioned, resulting on having Taserface's allies started to lose amount laughter and replace it with some confusion. While Taserface tried to torture Udonta, Rocket still snickered at Taserface's name, much to irritation.


Rocket is further threatened by Taserface

Taserface then questioned Rocket on what he was laughing at, to which Rocket responded that he thinks Taserface made up his name in order to sound cool. Further angering Taserface, Rocket guessed Taserface's second choice of his name by calling him scrotum hat, making the entire crew laugh. Now threatened by Taserface, Rocket makes fun of him, calling Taserface a moronic shitbag who thinks his name was cool, before Nebula tells them enough.

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Rocket continues to insult Taserface's name

As Nebula insisted to hand the group over to the Kree, who would be wanting retribution for Ronan the Accuser's death, the Ravagers decided to leave Rocket and Udonta inside of a cell where Rocket continued to insult Taserface for his name. Speaking out against Udonta's employees, Rocket sat down had a talk with Udonta, resulting into having them share stories of their past. Rocket listened to Udonta about he was Kree battle slave and Stakar Ogord took him in as part of his Ravager Clan but was too young and greedy that he departed from them.


Rocket and Yondu Udonta discuss escaping

Udonta then informed Rocket of the reason for his exile due to child trafficking, but despite of sharing their feelings, Rocket tells him that they need to find a way to get out of the ship. When Udonta asked of Star-Lord's whereabouts, Rocket noted that Quill was with Ego; before he insulted Udonta's teeth. Rocket then questioned Udonta for why he didn't give Quill to Ego, to which he responded that he was skinny and used him for thieving, leading into an escape plan.[8]

Escape from the Eclector[]

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Rocket is approached by a depressed Groot

"Where's Quill?"
"He went off with his old man."
"Yeah, it's a day for dumbass names."
Yondu Udonta and Rocket[src]

When Groot walked past the two in the cell after getting beaten and drenched by the remaining Ravagers, Yondu Udonta called him over and instructed him to retrieve his Yaka Arrow Controller, instructing him to find in one of his drawers. Groot, happily excited to escape with his allies, went off to do was he thought Udonta wanted, much to Rocket's doubt.


Rocket tells Groot to find Yondu Udonta's fin

Groot went to retrieve Udonta's underwear and showed them to the pair. Udonta again told Groot to find his prototype fin but still misunderstood him by bringing in an Orloni. With Udonta asking Rocket to instruct Groot, he attempted to explain where to get the item but Groot brought Vorker's eye, making him laugh at the prospect of leaving out the eye. As they tell Groot where to find the fin, he begins to bring incorrect items, such as a desk and a thumb.


Rocket translates Groot's explanation

When Udonta gave him a Ravagers badge to help him locate the controller, Groot mistook it for Udonta wanting him to wear it as a hat, which Rocket translated to him that Groot was relieved to not where it as hat since he hates hats because he sometimes mistakes that they are part of someone's head, much to his surprise. With Udonta having bring them into focus, they told Groot where to find the prototype fin, only to be brought by Kraglin Obfonteri who felt sorry for Udonta and wanted help him for the murder of his friends.

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Rocket attaches the Fin to Yondu Udonta

Once Obfonteri brought the controller to the two and went to go disconnect the third Quadrant, Rocket told Obfonteri to turn on some of Star-Lord's music to alert the other Ravagers. When Obfonteri turned the music on, the two Ravagers were suddenly curious and approached the cell where Rocket was attaching the Yaka Arrow Controller onto Udonta's head. Udonta killed the two Ravagers but as they proceeded to exit the cell, Rocket took the two Ravagers weapons, much to his satisfaction.

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Rocket escapes the Eclector with his allies

The three proceeded to get out of the cell through hall of the Eclector where Udonta eliminated all of the Ravagers with his Yaka Arrow before they could react to shooting at their prisoners. When the three make their way to the big station where the Ravagers were alerted, Udonta used his Yaka Arrow to kill the rest of them one by one, as they drop all the way to ground. Groot then attacked Retch and dropped him to the ground. Rocket then met Groot on his shoulder once he killed Retch with no remorse.

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Rocket fires at all the attacking Ravagers

They eventually made their way to the control room where Udonta noticed security camera footage of where to find incoming Ravagers and began to kill them one by one. Rocket then began to look up one of camera footage and noticed one of the Ravagers and shot him through the doorway. Having fun with killing the rest of the Ravagers, Rocket shot at the walls with Udonta, as they laugh together at this moment. While Rocket continued firing at the Ravagers, Udonta spotted Taserface and summoned his Yaka Arrow and ignite it at him.

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Rocket notices the Eclector being damaged

Once Taserface spotted the Yaka Arrow and dodged it, causing it to hit the ship and blow up some of the surface, Rocket called Udonta a maniac believing that he had doomed their chances of escape, but Udonta told him that Obfonteri will release the Quadrant for their escape. Udonta then led them to the Quadrant which Obfonteri was detaching from the rest of the Eclector. The three then joined Obfonteri in the Quadrant and departed from the Eclector as it blew up.

Rocket Raccoon (Trip to Ego)

Rocket sets up a jump point to Ego's planet

As they flew away, unaware of Taserface's short survival and informing the Sovereign of their location, Rocket told Obfonteri that he'll set the Quadrant to make the jump to Ego; however, Udonta told him that shouldn't have done that. Unaware that it required seven hundred jumps, Rocket was told by Udonta that he can't jump into another location for less than fifty jumps at a time, despite of Rocket knowing that.[8]

Confronted by Yondu[]


Rocket's face disfigures during the jumps

"I know you steal batteries you don't need and you push away anyone who's willing to put up with you, because just a little bit of love reminds you of how big and empty that hole inside you actually is."
Yondu Udonta to Rocket[src]

Despite of Yondu Udonta's warnings of going further many jump points for health reasons, the group began to suffer some disfigurements with each orifices of their bodies are starting come apart. Rocket and Groot started to scream loudly as they go to many jump points to reach over to Ego.


Rocket sorely tells Yondu Udonta to shut up

After recovering from their disfigurement, Udonta questioned what was Rocket doing, to which he told Udonta that Ego was bad news and needed to rescue Peter Quill. With Udonta questioning his motives for trying to save Quill, Rocket told him that it wasn't for love and only wanted to save Quill to tell that he is better than him, much to Udonta's laughter at Rocket's true feelings. After Udonta laughed at Rocket's face, he expressed that he knows who Rocket really is.

Yondu and Rocket

Rocket is confronted by Yondu Udonta

Rocket then told Udonta that he doesn't know anything about him but Udonta went further into explaining that he knew why Rocket was so defensive toward his feelings. Udonta revealed that he knew who Rocket was knowing that a little bit of love would let him know how empty his heart is. As Rocket kept telling Udonta to shut up, he was told that he was similar to Udonta, resulting into him know their circumstances. Rocket was then informed that they were going to fight a planet, which made him hesitate from not understanding that planet was Ego.[8]

Saving His Friends[]

Rescuing Peter Quill[]


Rocket and Yondu Udonta arriving on Ego

"Of course I care about the planets, and the buildings and all the animals on the planets."
"And the people."
―Rocket and Star-Lord[src]

Now understanding that Ego is a planet and now has to fight against him to save his allies, Rocket walked over to a Laser Drill with Yondu Udonta, getting ready to battle along with this task. Gamora then contacted Rocket where he was, telling her where he was located and keep themselves closely at bay.

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Rocket is finally reunited with the Guardians

Rocket, along with Udonta and Groot, took the Laser Drill and flew down to Ego where they crashed right into his own palace, crushing his human form and saving Peter Quill. Once Rocket's team had finally united inside the Laser Drill, he expressed his sarcastic gratitude when Drax the Destroyer told them they could have been nearly killed them all. Despite of Drax telling Rocket about having the situation under control, Mantis told the group that Ego will return.


Rocket operates the Laser Drill's systems

After learning that Nebula was accompanying them only to hitch a ride off-world, Rocket told everyone how she attempted to murder him, to which she insisted that she saved his life, calling him a fox. Groot, in an attempt to correct her, called Rocket a "raboon," before changing it to the raccoon. The Guardians of the Galaxy proceeded to fly straight towards Ego's core to destroy it before Ego's Expansion could destroy the universe as they know it.

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Rocket drills straight through Ego's surface

As they flew down to Ego's core, Rocket activated the ship's laser system to drill through the surface so they could make their way inside. Rocket then asked if they were saving the galaxy again, thinking they could raise their prices if they were two-time galaxy savers. Quill was annoyed by Rocket's greed, to which he defended was a random thought, claiming to care about the planets and buildings and animals on them; Quill pointed out he left out the people who live on them as well, much to Rocket's indifference.[8]

Battle on Ego's Planet[]


Rocket makes a bomb of Anulax Batteries

"The metal's too thick. For the bomb to work, we'd actually need to place it on Ego's core. And our fat butts ain't gonna fit through those tiny holes."

When the Guardians arrived at the core of Ego's center, they began to drill into it until Yondu Udonta was contacted by Kraglin Obfonteri about Ayesha's arrival, only to be bombarded by a Sovereign fleet causing them to redirect their fire to the fleet. While the Laser Drill was flying away from the Sovereign, Rocket noticed that the generator was damaged.

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Rocket and Star-Lord flying to Ego's core

With the generator damaged by the Sovereign, Rocket retrieved a detonator to use for a bomb and tells the team that he can build it with the Anulax Batteries he stole to blow up the core. Once Rocket was done explaining how to plant the bomb and setting the timer for it, he flew out of the ship with Star-Lord and Groot as they move towards the core where they noticed that they couldn't get to the center as it was too small for them. They then realized that only Groot could fit through and plant the bomb, despite of Rocket's belief on being a terrible idea.

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Rocket tells Groot how to activate the bomb

Being charge with Groot, Rocket explained to him how to activate the bomb and which button to push. When Rocket tells Groot to repeat what he said, he observed Groot's thinking of pushing the button that instantly blew the bomb up. Rocket then tells Groot what button to press and repeat back what he said, only to get it wrong again. Angry at Groot's learning capabilities, Rocket tells which button is supposed to press but Groot still got it wrong.

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Rocket becoming distracted by Star-Lord

When Quill came to check on them, Rocket asked him if anybody had any tape so that he could put it over the death button. After Quill asked the team from various locations on if they had any tape, Rocket was then told that nobody had any tape, leading into an argument with Quill about having to do everything making him, unaware of Groot taking the bomb and running off with it, much to his dismay.

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Rocket and the Guardians reunite together

Rocket then joined the rest of the Guardians as they all assembled together after destroying all of the Sovereign fleets. While Drax took Mantis back to the Quadrant after being knocked out, the rest of the Guardians stayed on the planet and fought off Ego's attacks while Groot planted the bomb.

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Rocket fights off Ego's attempted attacks

The Guardians were separated leaving Rocket, Star-Lord and Udonta to be confronted by Ego, attacking them with his energy tentacles. While the group began to fight against Ego's tentacles, Rocket used a few of his weapons to destroy all of Ego's tentacles including a bunch of mini explosives when he was surrounded and then using a bubble shield to protect himself. Once Rocket detonates Ego's arms, he then equipped himself with a blaster rifle with a satisfying smile, only to be swept up by one of Ego's incoming attacks.


Rocket tells Groot to hurry up on the bomb

Eventually, Ego apprehended all of the Guardians, including Rocket who was trapped under some rubble, before he began firing at the many energy tentacles. With Quill's urged to use his heart to access the powers within him to fight Ego, Rocket and the Guardians was released from Ego's grasp. While Quill fought Ego, Rocket went to retrieve Groot and tell him to get off of the planet before Groot successfully activated the bomb.[8]

Leaving Yondu Behind[]

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Rocket says his goodbyes to Yondu Udonta

"No, I'm not leaving without him."
"I'm sorry... I can only afford to lose one friend today."
Gamora and Rocket[src]

As they were about to depart Ego's Planet with just moments left to spare, Rocket noticed Yondu Udonta, who was still on the planet. Rocket flew towards him and told him that he has to get off the planet, but Udonta told them to get to the Quadrant, before Rocket told Udonta that they could not go without him. With someone needing to stay behind and rescue Peter Quill, Udonta told Rocket that he did not believe he had done anything good in his life.

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Rocket talking to Groot about his language

Udonta then told Rocket to let him stay, much to Rocket's emotional toll. Rocket gave Udonta an Aero-Rig and a Holographic Space Suit, which he only had one of each. As he was about to leave, Rocket attempted to say something to Udonta until Groot spoke. Rocket translated to Udonta about welcoming him to the team. Rocket and Groot flew off of the planet and onto the Quadrant before he tells Groot to discuss his language.

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Rocket sadly prepares to leave Ego's planet

Seeing Rocket return without Quill, Gamora asked where he was, but Rocket was unable to acknowledge being personally affected by Udonta's sacrifice. Gamora then prepared to rescue Quill but was stopped by Rocket who knocked her out with his Laser Cannon as he could not afford to lose another friend. Rocket then ordered Kraglin Obfonteri to leave the planet. Eventually, they found Quill and a deceased Udonta in space and helped them up on board.[8]

Yondu Udonta's Funeral[]


Rocket and Groot at Yondu Udonta's funeral

"He didn't chase them away."
"Even though he yelled at them. He was always mean. And he stole batteries he didn't need."
―Rocket and Peter Quill[src]

After the Guardians retrieved Quill, they held a funeral for Yondu Udonta who sacrificed himself for him. Quill gave Udonta a eulogy comparing him to David Hasselhoff, saying his peace with Udonta and how he became his pretty cool father all along. As the funeral went silent, Rocket listened to Groot recalling his memory of being called a twig by Udonta, much to his agreement.

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Rocket sadly watches the Ravager funeral

When the funeral was over, Rocket sent out a message to the other Ravagers, telling them of Udonta's actions and then repaired his Yaka Arrow, which he found broken back on Ego. Rocket then witnessed the Ravagers arrived to give Udonta a funeral. As the Guardians watched the ships salute Udonta in traditional fashion, Rocket realized that Udonta did not chase them away or stole batteries, which Quill realized he was talking about himself.[8]

Traveling in the Galaxy[]

In addition to the Quadrant, the Guardians of the Galaxy acquired a new ship with an auxiliary pod ship attached, which they dubbed the Benatar. They flew it to Grundar[9] and later to Gangalor.[10]

Groot's Portrait[]

Rocket Raccoon (I Am Groot)

Rocket seeing the damage to the Quadrant

"A bomb did go off? What? How did you get... Hey! Don't give me that look. Don't think you're getting out of this by being cute. Why are you handing me this? What is this? More trash? It better be a written apology. Let's see this."
―Rocket to Groot[src]

Sometime later, Rocket woke up after hearing a small explosion within the Quadrant. He ran to where it went off, and believing Groot caused it, called out to him asking if he was okay or if he was dead. He found Groot in a room, that was currently on fire and wet. He then saw Drax's soap bar and stated he had been looking for it. He then asked Groot what he had done, in which Groot handed him a paper.

Rocket Raccoon wearing glasses

Rocket is shown Groot's artistic drawing

Rocket put on his glasses and looked at it, thinking it was trash, and saw Groot had made an artistic drawing of the time when he saved the team during the Battle of Xandar. Rocket was touched and noted it should be framed and put on the refrigerator. As he questioned why a piece of his tail fur was on the drawing, a hole opened up below him, pulling him into space, but Groot used his vines to save him. Sometime that year, the team obtained the Benatar, which they used interchangeably with the Quadrant.[11] Later on, Groot was drinking a scalding hot drink. In anger at the temperature, Groot slapped the drink away, causing it to hit Rocket, who angrily yelled back towards Groot.[12]

Infinity War[]

Distress Call[]


Rocket questions the team's reason to help

"Why are we doing this again?"
"It's a distress signal, Rocket. Someone could be dying."
"I get that, but why are we doing it?"
―Rocket and Gamora[src]

In 2018, Rocket and the Guardians of the Galaxy, using the Benatar, traveled in space for the insurgency of a distress call sent out by the Asgardians. Rocket asked the team why they were answering the signal, in which Gamora told him that someone needs saving.


Rocket yelling at Groot for his attitude

Mantis then alerted the team that they were arriving and Peter Quill told them to be prepared and put on their mean faces. Groot loudly played Defender on his handheld gaming console, causing a disturbance. After Groot swore at Quill for telling to put away his gaming device, Rocket started to yell at him for being rude and warned if he doesn't put away his console he'll smash into pieces.


Rocket tells the Guardians to get rid of Thor

Upon their arrival, the team witnessed the wreckage of a ship that had been recently destroyed, leaving the Asgardians to die in space. As the team looked around in horror, Rocket commented on the likelihood of any survivors that'll get them paid for their rescue. When Thor suddenly smashed onto their front window of their ship, Rocket loudly complained and called for wipers before realizing that he was still alive.

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Rocket alongside Mantis stand over Thor

Once the Guardians of the Galaxy took Thor on board the Benatar, the team tried to figure out how he was still alive, while Drax the Destroyer commented on his good looks. Upon having Drax and Rocket talk about Quill's weight increase, the team discovered through Mantis that Thor had feelings of anger and tremendous loss. Quill then ordered Mantis to wake Thor up, as he rushed out of the table and heavily took a deep breathe. Rocket and the Guardians quickly prepared for an attack, only for Thor to calmly asked who they are.

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Rocket noting Peter Quill's imitation of Thor

Having Thor settled down and eat soup, Gamora told him about Thanos' goal using the Infinity Stones. Thor then attempted to take one of the Benatar's Space Pod, only for Quill to tell him to not take their pod, much to Rocket's confusion on Quill's deep voice. As the team keeps commenting on Quill's deep voice as an imitation of Thor, Gamora broke off their attention for Thanos.

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Rocket agrees to go to Nidavellir with Thor

Thor then informed the Guardians about where the Reality Stone is and how Thanos had both the Power Stone and Space Stone, further telling them the other two were safe on Earth with the Avengers. As Thor tells them they should travel to Nidavellir, Rocket was in disbelief on how the place was real all along, very much liking to go. Thor told the team that Rocket was correct and smartest person, before calling him a rabbit. Rocket was confused by what Thor called him.

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Rocket settles to splitting up the Guardians

After Thor informed the Guardians that Eitri the dwarf could create a powerful weapon he needs, Rocket was offered to go with him, complimenting him on being a noble leader. Rocket happily accepted Thor's offer and prepared to travel to Nidavellir. As Rocket took Quill's backpack, they were stopped by him and asked what kind of weapon Thor was talking, to which he explained that it was one capable of killing Thanos. After a dispute telling them to not have any destructive weaponry, Rocket was more thrilled to be on their quest.

Thor, Rocket, & Groot (Farewell & Good Luck Morons)

Rocket prepares to travel to Nidavellir

Once Rocket settled their dispute on splitting up into groups, he was told by Quill that he knows he is going to a place where Thanos isn't, much to his mockery of being a captain. Rocket told Groot to travel to Nidavellir with him while Groot was playing his game. As Rocket settle inside the Space Pod, Thor bids the other Guardians a farewell before they departed.[2]

Traveling to Nidavellir[]


Rocket travels to Nidavellir in the Space Pod

"It's the birth place of my hammer. It's truly awesome."
"Okay, time to be the captain. So, dead brother, huh? Yeah, that can be annoying."
Thor and Rocket[src]

Making their way to Nidavellir inside the Benatar's Space Pod, Rocket tried to tell Groot where to go to the bathroom in the cup but was nervous to show where he would, leading to Thor tell Groot pour anything out of the cup then go in it again. To Rocket's disbelief, he asked Thor if he spoke Groot, listening to his joke about learning as an elective.

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Rocket talks to Thor about the mission

Thor told the group that Nidavellir was the birthplace of Mjølnir, and that he intended to make a weapon that is equally powerful. After a short conversation, Rocket turned to see Thor sitting sadly beside the window and started to talk to him about his family members, who are deceased. Rocket asked if Thor was prepared and listened to Thor having rage against Thanos, despite being beaten from his first encounter. Listening to Thor about killing his enemies more than his age number but none had succeeded and is only live by fate, Rocket asked if Thor would be wrong, getting response of loss hope.


Rocket gives Thor a new Prosthetic Eye

Feeling that he could give up something to help Thor on his quest, Rocket gave him a Prosthetic Eye, noting that he got it from a man back in Contraxia. With Thor questioning Rocket about the eye, he told Thor that he got a hundred credits from the bet and then snuck into the man's room to steal his eye. Being thanked by Thor, Rocket then looked at Thor putting the Prosthetic Eye in his socket, telling that he should've washed it first before getting a signal.


Rocket, Thor and Groot arrive at Nidavellir

After getting a signal of the Space Pod, Rocket had observed Nidavellir as a dark metallic star, as he and the group headed over to the station where they settle inside its room. Now inside the room of Nidavellir, Rocket realized that the place was filled with a pile of junk and later discovered a prototype of an Infinity Gauntlet, leading Thor to tell the group to get back to the pod. However, despite the Dwarves being absent, Eitri remained alive and attacked both Rocket and Groot until Eitri was calmed down by Thor.


Rocket and Groot being introduced to Eitri

As Eitri settled down and explained that he was forced by Thanos to forge the Infinity Gauntlet to harness the power of the Infinity Stones, before being crippled and forced to watch his people executed, Rocket and the group found the Uru mold that can be used to make a King's weapon in which he explained that it could even summon the Bifrost. Together, Rocket, Thor and Eitri worked to repair and restart Nidavellir, in order to forge a powerful weapon called Stormbreaker.

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Rocket helps Thor construct Stormbreaker

While inside the Space Pod, Rocket was told by Thor that he needed him to start the engines, much to his doubt. Thor then threw the pod with a string and told Rocket to start the engine, starting the mechanism of Nidavellir's iris. As the iris had finally brightened Nidavellir's mechanisms, Thor told Rocket that is what the star really looked like. Rocket was greatly amazed by it until it was shortly combusted and stopped working, Rocket then drove the pod near the iris and let him open up the gears, leading Eitri to forge the weapon.

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Rocket notices Groot forging Stormbreaker

As Thor collapsed from the heat of the star, Rocket rushed to his side and proclaimed that Thor was dying. With Eitri knowing that the axe had no handle, he frantically searched for it so he could revive Thor back to health, calling for Groot to help. Groot saw the opportunity to help Thor and stepped up to use his own wooden arm as a handle to complete Stormbreaker.[2]

Battle of Wakanda[]

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Rocket, Groot, and Thor arrive at the battle

"How much for the gun?"
"Not for sale."
"Okay, how much for the arm? Oh, I'll get that arm."
―Rocket and Winter Soldier[src]

Rocket and Groot were then transported by Thor using Stormbreaker's Bifrost Bridge to Wakanda on Earth. They arrived in the middle of a battle between the Avengers, Wakandans, and the Outriders. Rocket instantly joined the fight.


Rocket shooting at multiple Outriders

During the heat of the fight, Rocket encountered Winter Soldier while being surrounded by many Outriders. As he fired at many of his enemies while calling them "space dogs", Rocket was picked up by Winter Soldier from one of the attacking creatures and was spun in a circle, with both firing their weapons. Rocket perfectly aimed at the many incoming Outriders, shouting at them while firing each round of his blaster rifle.

Rocket Raccoon meets Bucky Barnes

Rocket asks Winter Soldier to sell his arm

After defeating the Outriders, Rocket was dropped onto the ground, leading to him asking Winter Soldier on the price of his firearm although Winter Soldier replied that it was not for sale. Becoming even more curious, Rocket then proceeded to ask about how much of Winter Soldier's prosthetic arm is worth. Winter Soldier threw Rocket a reproachful look and walked off, leaving Rocket muttering to himself that he would still get the arm.[2]

Thanos' Victory[]


Rocket witnesses the Snap take effect

"I... am... Groot..."[13]
"No, Groot... no, no, no, no! Oh... Groot. No..."
Groot and Rocket[src]

Shortly, Rocket witnessed, from afar, Thanos's arrival and his victory in achieving the Mind Stone from Vision. Suddenly, Thor arrived and unleashed a devastating attack with Stormbreaker. However, Thanos, despite being injured, used his now completed Infinity Gauntlet, to snap his fingers and teleported away. To Rocket's horror, he watched as Groot, who was calling out to him, disintegrated into dust.


Rocket and the Avengers mourn in defeat

Unable to do anything else, Rocket gathered with Thor, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner and James Rhodes and sat down on a log in defeat.[2]


Rocket Raccoon & Nebula

Rocket and Nebula comforting each other

"He thinks he failed. Which of course he did, but there's a lot of that's goin' around, ain't there?"
"Honestly, until this exact second, I thought you were a Build-A-Bear."
"Maybe I am."
―Rocket and Tony Stark[src]

Rocket joined the Avengers as they used their Quinjet to leave Wakanda and fly to the Avengers Compound in New York. He stayed there where he, along with the others, met Captain Marvel. Three weeks later, he witnessed Danvers' return with Tony Stark and Nebula. Rocket approached Nebula and held her hand in quiet mourning for the loss of their team.


Rocket discusses their recent failure

They all then gathered inside where they informed Stark of the Snap's effects on the world, displaying pictures of notable people that had fallen victim to it. When Stark asked what was wrong with Thor, who was sitting silently alone in another room, Rocket told him that he felt guilty about failing, which was shared by all of them. Rocket's presence shocked Stark as he thought that he was just a Build-A-Bear, although Rocket barely corrected him, not caring about others calling him other names. Rocket then witnessed Stark's outburst against Rogers due to prior tensions, before falling onto the floor.[14]

Ambush on Thanos[]


Rocket reports on a massive power surge

"What did you do?"
"I went for the head."
―Rocket and Thor[src]

The next morning, Nebula revealed she knew where Thanos was, and Rocket showed them a planet that had just experienced the same power surge that Earth did when the Snap occurred. The group discussed what they should do, ultimately decided to go after Thanos.

Avengers Benatar

Rocket and the Avengers in the Benatar

They all then boarded the Benatar, with Rocket flying and Carol Danvers co-piloting, and departed Earth. As they went into space, Rocket asked who had never been to space, and saw Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and James Rhodes raise their hands. Rocket then instructed them to not throw up on his ship before the Benatar, and they traveled to the Garden where Danvers left the ship to do recon. When she returned, she informed them that it was only Thanos down there. They then went down to the surface of the planet where Danvers, Bruce Banner, Rhodes, and Thor ambushed Thanos.

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Rocket realizes the Infinity Stones are gone

Rocket, Rogers, and Romanoff walked inside momentarily. Rocket then went to collect the Infinity Gauntlet, which Thor had chopped off Thanos' arm. However, when he turned the gauntlet over, Rocket discovered the Infinity Stones were gone, much to his and everyone's collective shock. They all then interrogated Thanos, who revealed that he had destroyed the stones. Thor then aggressively sliced Thanos' head off and Rocket questioned what he had done, to which Thor replied by saying that he went for the head, as Thanos told him moments before the Snap. The group then returned to Earth, having lost once again.[14]

Member of the Avengers[]

A New Team[]

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Rocket as a member of the Avengers

"We boarded that highly-suspect warship Danvers pinged."
"It was an infectious garbage scow."
"So, thanks for the hot tip."
―Rocket and Nebula[src]

With the only family he ever knew gone, Rocket decided to stay with his newly found allies and became a member of the Avengers under Natasha Romanoff's leadership. Rocket would mostly operate with Nebula from the Benatar, reporting back in with the rest of the team from time to time.

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Rocket reporting on the ship they boarded

In 2023, Rocket was messaged by Carol Danvers about a highly-suspect warship, so he and Nebula went to check it out as they were closer. However, the ship turned out to be an infectious garbage scow, causing them to smell like garbage. They then had a meeting with Romanoff, Danvers, Okoye, and James Rhodes via holographic call, where Rocket reported about the recent mission, which he openly complained to Danvers about. When she said that she was not going to be seen for a while, Rocket teased if it was to get another haircut, but she corrected him about the workload she has to cover beyond Earth.[14]

Bringing in Thor[]


Rocket and Bruce Banner at New Asgard

"You all right?"
"Yes, I'm fine. Why? Why, don't I look all right?"
"You look like melted ice cream."
Bruce Banner, Thor and Rocket[src]

When the Avengers discovered a way to potentially resurrect the victims of the Snap, Rocket and Nebula were called in to return to Earth so the whole team was together. When they landed on the lawn of the Avengers Compound, Rocket asked Scott Lang where Bruce Banner was, as they were tasked with bringing in Thor.


Rocket searches for Thor in his house

Banner then walked out, giving Lang tacos before joining Rocket in the shop. They then flew to Norway, where they were driven in the back of a pickup truck for the remainder of their journey. When they arrived, Rocket commented how New Asgard was not as nice as a golden palace. Banner implored Rocket to show some compassion since the Asgardians had lost their home and then half of their people. They then came across Valkyrie at the docks, and Rocket introduced himself before Valkyrie told them that Thor would not see them and comes out for "supplies". Rocket and Banner went to Thor's house, and when they entered, they discovered that Thor had gained a lot of weight, much to their surprise.


Rocket and Bruce Banner try to recruit Thor

Excited to see them, Thor hugged them both, much to Rocket's discomfort. Rocket and Banner were then introduced to Korg and Miek, who invited them to use their free Wi-Fi and drink their beer. They then watched as they saw their friend yelling at someone through an online video game, which they felt embarrassed by. They then informed Thor of the chance they had to fix everything, but Thor declined, as he had fallen into a deep state of depression and did not believe he was worth any help to them. However, Rocket was able to convince him by revealing that there was beer on the Benatar. He then went with them, and they returned to the Avengers Compound.[14]

Locating the Infinity Stones[]

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Rocket works on building a Quantum Tunnel

"Ratchet, how's it going?"
"It's Rocket. Take it easy. You're only a genius on Earth, pal."
Tony Stark and Rocket[src]

With all the Avengers at the Avengers Compound, they all began working the means of travel safely through the Quantum Realm. Rocket and Tony Stark worked on a bigger Quantum Tunnel inside the hangar. When Stark called him the wrong name, Rocket corrected him and then reminded him that he was only a genius on Earth. After they did a test run with Clint Barton, they were successful in achieving and harnessing time travel.

Rhodey Avengers

Rocket explains the Power Stone's history

They then focused on locating the Infinity Stones throughout time, due to them appearing in the past for nearly all of the Avengers. They started with the Aether, which they had Thor explain its history. However, Thor soon started to get off track due to it bringing up past trauma he never got over, in which Stark had to calm him down. Later that day, they moved to the Power Stone, Rocket explained to them how Peter Quill stole it from Morag, and then Rocket started to tease Scott Lang due to him getting excited about space.

Avengers (2023)

Rocket and Avengers prepare their mission

Next, Nebula informed them about the Soul Stone and Vormir, where Thanos murdered her sister to get the stone. After two days, the Avengers had finalized their brainstorm and planned when and where they would travel to, to get all six stones Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner and Lang going to 2012 to get the Space Stone, Mind Stone and Time Stone, Thor and Rocket to 2013 to get the Reality Stone, and Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Nebula and James Rhodes to 2014 to get the Power Stone and Soul Stone.[14]

Time Heist[]

Theft of the Reality Stone[]

Rocket Raccoon Time Travel Suit

Rocket preparing himself for Time Travel

"I lost the only family I ever had. Quill, Groot, Drax, the chick with the antenna... all gone. I get that you miss your mom. But she's gone. Really gone. And there are plenty of people who are only kinda gone. And you can help them."
―Rocket to Thor[src]

They all then suited up in their new Advanced Tech Suits, and made their way to the Quantum Tunnel. When Steve Rogers gave a motivational speech, Rocket commented on how good he was at that, in which Scott Lang agreed. Rocket then handed the shrunken Benatar, as it had been shrunken down by Pym Particles, to Clint Barton for him to travel to Vormir in, which he made him promise to return in good condition.


Rocket and Thor arrive in Asgard in 2013

Rocket and Thor then traveled to an alternate 2013, to retrieve the Reality Stone from Asgard, which was infused in Jane Foster. Once they arrived, they followed Foster to her room, and Rocket layer out the plan for Thor to distract her as he extracted the stone from her body using a device they built for the mission. However, Thor started to get distracted, wanting to raid the wine cellar.


Rocket attempts to motivate Thor

They then spotted Frigga walk by, which reminded Thor that his mother died that day. This made Thor become incredibly stressed and start to have a panic attack. Rocket then slapped him to get him focused, reminding him that he has lost people, too, and unlike Frigga, they can get them back, so long as Thor sticks to the mission. They then went to Foster's room, but as Rocket turned around, he discovered Thor had disappeared, so he went in solo.

Rocket Raccoon (2013)

Rocket taking the Aether from Jane Foster

Rocket then entered Foster's room, where she was asleep, so he snuck up behind her. When she woke up, Foster got up and Rocket followed her from behind, and then used the device to extract the Aether from her body. This caused his presence to be alerted to the Einherjar, who pursued him through the palace. Rocket rushed through the palace, looking for Thor and trying to lose the soldiers chasing him.

Aether (Avengers Endgame)

Rocket successfully completes his mission

He soon came across Thor, who was with his mother. Rocket told him they had to go, so Thor hugged his mother goodbye. But, before they left, Thor reached out his hand, to Rocket's confusion, in which Mjølnir came to him, making him happy that he was still worthy, although Rocket was not that interested. They then traveled back to the present, having successfully completed their mission.[14]


Tony Stark & Rocket Raccoon

Rocket helps in creating the Nano Gauntlet

"Alright, the glove's ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their frickin' fingers?"
―Rocket to the Avengers[src]

Once they all returned to their universe, they noticed Natasha Romanoff was not there, and learned she had sacrificed herself for the Soul Stone. After they mourned her, Rocket, Tony Stark, and Hulk started working on creating a Nano Gauntlet, capable of possessing the Infinity Stones. When they inserted the stones, Rocket made a loud noise to startle the other two, who were tense, much to his delight.


Rocket completes the Nano Gauntlet

When Rocket completed the gauntlet, he then asked who was going to be the one to wield it, which Thor immediately volunteered, but it was Hulk who told them all that he had to be the one to do it, due to the levels of gamma radiation. They all then suited up as they stood around Hulk, preparing for him to snap his fingers. Rocket stood behind Thor for protection against anything that could happen when he put the gauntlet on. Hulk then put on the gauntlet, and they watched as it hurt him, but he was able to snap his fingers.[14]

Attack on the Avengers Compound[]


Rocket trapped under some rubble

"I can't breathe! I can't breathe!"

As they checked on Hulk, the Compound was suddenly attacked by an air strike, destroying the foundations. Rocket, James Rhodes, and Hulk fell through the floor and became trapped under the rubble. Hulk was able to hold up the building, but Rocket found himself trapped and struggling to breathe. Rhodes then made his way to Rocket and tried to lift the rubble off of him.


Rocket and James Rhodes nearly drowning

Rhodes was able to free Rocket, but they were not able to go anywhere. Suddenly, water rushed through, taking them under as it filled up the area. They tried to call out for help but the comms weren't working and couldn't get any responses. As the water rises up to their necks, Rhodes farewelled his ally, believing this to be their final moments, much to Rocket's fear. However, they were saved by Scott Lang, who got them away from the flooded area and to safety.[14]

Battle of Earth[]

Rocket Raccoon & War Machine

Rocket and War Machine rejoining the battle

"Oh, yeah!"

Ant-Man then grew to giant size and carried Rocket, War Machine, and Hulk out, joining in with the rest of the assembled heroes preparing to face off against an alternate Thanos and his army. Rocket jumped on War Machine's back and cocked his gun as Captain America led the lineup.

Bucky Barnes & Rocket Raccoon

Rocket fighting alongside Winter Soldier

They then charged at Thanos' forces, with Rocket riding on Rhodes as he flew towards the opposing army, protecting him from the fast-paced and chaotic battle. Rocket eventually joined the battle on the ground, picking off incoming enemies side by side again with Winter Soldier. Rocket later reunited with Groot, and the two fought together.

Rocket and Groot reunite

Rocket reunites with Groot

When Thanos ordered an airstrike, Rocket attempted to shield Groot from the attack. However, the strike suddenly stopped, and when Rocket looked up, he discovered Captain Marvel arrive at the battlefield. She then destroyed the Sanctuary II, much to Rocket's enjoyment.

Rocket Raccoon vs Leviathan

Rocket is almost killed by a Leviathan

Rocket eventually found himself facing off against an approaching Leviathan, which was about to eat him, until it suddenly turned to dust. This was because Iron Man obtained the Infinity Stones and used them to snap all of Thanos' forces out of existence. However, this action came at the cost of his life, due to the power of the stones.[14]

Guardians Reassembled[]

Tony Stark's Funeral[]

Guardians of the Galaxy (Avengers Endgame)

Rocket attends Tony Stark's funeral

Rocket, long with the rest of the reunited Guardians of the Galaxy, attended the funeral held for Tony Stark at Stark's house. Rocket stood alongside the team as they watched Stark being memorialized. Although only knowing Stark for not that long, Rocket was very upset by his passing, as hated losing more people close to him.[14]

Departing Earth[]

Rocket Raccoon (Norway)

Rocket waits for Thor to board the Benatar

"Move it or lose it, hairbag."
―Rocket to Thor[src]

Before the Guardians of the Galaxy departed from Earth, they decided to let Thor join them, as he was now without a path, much like all of them. They waited for Thor on New Asgard to say his goodbyes to Valkyrie, but Rocket hurried him up as he stood outside the Benatar.


Rocket offering Peter Quill and Thor blasters

When Thor boarded the Benatar, he and Peter Quill had a small conflict over leadership, which the others joined in on. When Drax the Destroyer suggested they fight each other for the role of leader, Rocket revealed that he had blasters they could use, unless they wanted knives, much to Mantis' excitement. The conflict was brushed aside, but the position of leader was still left uncertain.[14] Rocket's time on Earth acting as an Avenger resulted in the citizens learning of his existence, and he was featured at the New Jersey AvengerCon.[15]

Adventures with Thor[]

Asgardians of the Galaxy L&T

Rocket with the Guardians

Soon after returning to space, Rocket and the Guardians of the Galaxy were joined by Kraglin Obfonteri and welcomed him into the team. They then helped Thor in his weight loss training. They returned to many adventures throughout the galaxy, although Thor hardly contributed in his quest for self-discovery. In one adventure, they were in a swamp like territory battling aquatic creatures.[16]

Battle of Indigarr[]

Groot and Rocket

Rocket scolds Groot

"You said this would be a relaxing holiday."
"I said it would be like a relaxing holiday."
―Rocket and Thor[src]

In 2025, the Guardians received a distress call on Indigarr and agreed to go only because Thor said it was going to be like a relaxing holiday for them, they were also accompanied by Korg, Thor's friend. Upon arrival, they were forced into battle against Habooska the Horrible and his army who were trying to take over the planet. During the battle, Rocket got into a fight with Groot over his binoculars, angering him for filling them with his sap.

Rocket Raccoon (Thor 4)

Rocket on Indigarr

Rocket was surprised when Thor finally joined in, and snapped at him for saying that the planet would be like a relaxing holiday. Rocket then listened as Thor gave a speech to King Yakan of the Indigarrians and then single-handedly defeated Habooska and his army, accidentally destroying the Sacred Temple in the process.[16]

Answering Distress Calls[]

Rocket and guardians

Rocket sees the distress calls

"Who could have done something like this?"

At the Benatar, Rocket and the Guardians argued with Thor for bringing Toothgrinder and Toothgnasher, as they ate control of the distress calls, with Rocket mentioning that he wasn't going to check in the poop of the goats, getting scared because one of the goats hits him. The Guardians watched the calls for help in horror, discovering that several gods were being killed by Gorr the God Butcher, shocking Rocket.

Guardians (Thor 4)

Rocket sees Thor a final time before leaving

Before answering the calls, Rocket and the Guardians saw a distress call by Sif. Thor told them he needed to help her and walked out of the ship. As he spoke to Quill, Rocket and the Guardians waited nearby and watched. They then said goodbye to Thor and flew off.[16]

Operating Knowhere[]

Buying Knowhere[]

Sometime later, the Guardians bought Knowhere from the Collector and decided to rebuild it so that it was liveable again after it had been destroyed by Thanos. They also acquired a new ship as their main source of transportation, and were joined by Cosmo, a superpowered dog who they previously encountered on Knowhere in 2014.[17]

Christmas Celebration[]

Rocket Raccoon looks at Cosmo

Rocket talks to Cosmo

"Dude, calm down. We're not gonna hurt you."
"That's a talking raccoon."
"I'll kill you! Don't ever call me that!"
―Rocket and Kevin Bacon[src]

Trying to fix Knowhere, Rocket had Cosmo use her telekinesis to move objects. Later, Mantis had Rocket dress up for a Christmas party. Peter Quill stepped out and was very happy to see the holiday. However, his mood changed when he saw that they kidnapped Kevin Bacon. Rocket remarked that it was a good gift because Quill had everything, but a human being.

Rocket Raccoon gets Winter Soldier's arm

Rocket surprised to see his present

Mantis then removed the mind control from Bacon, who was very scared. Rocket tried to calm Bacon down, saying they were not going to hurt him. When Bacon pointed Rocket out as a talking raccoon, Rocket got mad and tried to lunge at Bacon, threatening to kill him. When Bacon calmed down, he decided to join them and celebrate. During the celebration, Nebula dropped a present at Rocket's feet. Rocket opened it, amazed to see Winter Soldier's prosthetic arm. When the day was over, Rocket and the rest hugged Bacon before he left. Afterwards, Rocket and Cosmo decorated Groot like a Christmas tree.[17]

Peter Quill's Depression[]

Quill passes out

Rocket witnesses Peter Quill pass out drunk

"So, what are you gonna do about Quill?"
"Me? Why not you?"
"I got emotionalistical issues. What am I gonna do?"
―Rocket Racoon and Nebula[src]

Some months later, the Guardians of the Galaxy finished rebuilding Knowhere and turned it into a base of operations for the team. However, as time went on, Peter Quill fell into a depressed state, during which Rocket found himself using his Zune often. As Rocket walked around Knowhere listening to Creep, he found Quill drunk in a bar. Quill berated Rocket and snatched his Zune back before passing out.

Rocket in knowhere

Rocket discusses Peter Quill's depression

Nebula came in and carried Quill out, and the rest of the Guardians all walked with her. As he tested out his Gravity Boots, Rocket asked Nebula what was going to be done about Quill, but she deflected back at him, so he told her that he wasn't good at dealing with emotional problems. The rest of the Guardians joined in with discussing Quill, with Rocket suggesting that Mantis use her powers to make him happy, but she stated that it was wrong to manipulate the feelings of her friends.[1]

Facing His Past[]

Attacked by Adam Warlock[]

Adam Warlock and Rocket

Rocket is attacked by Adam Warlock

"Who is that maniac?"
"Some super douche with ray gun hands, I don't frickin' know."
Mantis and Rocket[src]

Rocket took back the Zune, and that night, he looked at the key card he had made to escape his cell back in Arête Laboratories. Suddenly, Rocket was tackled out of his room and into the streets by Adam Warlock.

Rocket bleeding

Rocket is fatally wounded by Adam Warlock

Rocket was able to escape from Adam, who was distracted fighting the other Guardians of the Galaxy, allowing Rocket to head to the armory. As he equipped himself with a gun, Mantis asked Rocket about the attacker, but he didn't know who it was. Adam found Rocket and blasted him in the chest. As the others fought Adam, Mantis rushed to Rocket's side, as he had been fatally shot. But, when Peter Quill try to heal him with a Med-Pak, it electrocuted Rocket, so they rushed him to the med-bay on the Bowie, where they discovered he had a kill switch embedded inside his body.[1]

Seeing Old Friends[]

Rocket Raccoon on life support

Rocket is put on life support in the Bowie

"They made us for nothing, these stupid experiments to be thrown away."
"There are the hands that made us and there are the hands that guide the hands. My beloved raccoon, this story has been yours all along. You just didn't know it."
―Rocket and Lylla[src]

While in a comatose state, Rocket remained in the Bowie while the Guardians of the Galaxy tried to save him. While on Counter-Earth, Rocket's body was taken by War Pig, but he was saved by the alternate Gamora.

Rocket hugs Lylla

Rocket is reunited with Lylla in the afterlife

Throughout all of this, Rocket had a vision where he was reunited with Lylla. Rocket became emotional and apologized for getting her, along with Teefs and Floor killed. Lylla put Rocket at ease, telling him that the sky was forever and beautiful, and that she had been flying with her friends. Rocket saw Teefs and Floor, and asked if he could join them. At this time, Rocket's body was flatlining. In the vision, Lylla stopped Rocket, telling him he still had a purpose. Rocket told her that they were made for nothing, but Lylla comforted him, telling him that the story was always his, and the two hugged.[1]


Quill, Rocket & Groot hug

Rocket is hugged by Peter Quill and Groot

"Rocket, we love you very much, and we're happy you're alive."
"Well, that makes you the idiots then."
Mantis and Rocket[src]

Rocket was resuscitated by Peter Quill, who performed CPR on him. The kill switch inside of Rocket was disabled and the Med-Pak healed his wound. Now that Rocket was no longer dying, Quill and Groot warmly hugged him.

Rocket hears the High Evolutionary

Rocket hears the High Evolutionary's voice

Rocket asked where Nebula was, seeing that she was trying to contact them, and they discovered that she, along with Drax the Destroyer and Mantis were onboard the High Evolutionary's ship. Rocket spoke, informing the others that he was alive, so Mantis told him that they all loved him. However, they were interrupted when the High Evolutionary incapacitated the three on his ship. Rocket was shaken upon hearing the voice of his creator. Rocket listened as the High Evolutionary demanded he be brought to him, or else he would kill Nebula, Drax and Mantis.[1]

Attack on Arête Laboratories[]

Rocket pilot

Rocket flies towards Arête Laboratories

"I'm done runnin'."

To rescue their friends, Star-Lord devised a plan, although Rocket felt it would be a futile attempt due to how powerful the High Evolutionary was. Star-Lord responded that they would then die trying, and Gamora suggested just handing over Rocket, so Rocket sided with dying trying. Rocket, Star-Lord and Groot each split off in their own ship from the Bowie and headed to Arête Laboratories.

Rocket with gun

Rocket chooses to not run from his past

As they approached, Rocket's ship was swarmed by the Hell Spawn. They began to break through the glass and attack Rocket, but he was able to knock the Hell Spawn off his ship and get inside Arête Laboratories, along with Star-Lord, Gamora and Groot. They exited their ships, where they were reunited with Nebula, Drax and Mantis. Mantis informed them of the Star Children that were imprisoned onboard, so they debated leaving or helping. But Rocket, remembering his past, told the others he was done running and headed straight to rescue the children, and the rest of the Guardians followed him.

V3 Rocket

Rocket fights the High Evolutionary's army

The Guardians entered a corridor filled with the High Evolutionary's guards and Hell Spawn. The Guardians fought the enemies until they corridor was cleared. Star-Lord made a plan to connect the hole in the ship with Knowhere to get the survivors to safety. Rocket split the Guardians, with him and Nebula piloting the ship while the others rescued the children. The two arrived at the bridge, only to find it destroyed, leaving Rocket unable to pilot the ship. Nebula told Rocket that she could, so he went to join the others in the evacuation, giving her his communication device.[1]

Face Off with the High Evolutionary[]

Rocket and the raccoons

Rocket frees the caged Raccoons

"All I wanted to do was to make things perfect."
"You didn't wanna make things perfect. You just hated things the way they are."
High Evolutionary and Rocket Raccoon[src]

Once Rocket guided the last of the Star Children off ship, he noticed various cages. He approached the cages, noticing one filled with creatures that were the same as him. Using his key card, Rocket opened the cage and saw on the info card that their common name was "Raccoon, making him realize that he was a Raccoon. Determined to not let another creature suffer, he grabbed the kits out of the cage, but saw all the rest of the caged creatures.

Rocket aiming his gun

Rocket shoots the High Evolutionary

The High Evolutionary appeared, Rocket dropped the kits and reached for his gun, but he wasn't fast enough, and the High Evolutionary launched him into the ceiling. Rocket was then thrown around the room, unable to fight back as the High Evolutionary berated him as an abomination, calling him 89P13. Rocket managed to activate his Gravity Boots, dropping him to the floor and equip his gun. Rocket declared that his name was "Rocket Raccoon," finally accepting what he was, and fired a blast directly at the High Evolutionary.


Rocket spares the High Evolutionary's life

The High Evolutionary got up and charged at Rocket, but was stopped when the Guardians of the Galaxy arrived and attacked him. The High Evolutionary was finally defeated when Gamora stabbed him and peeled his mask, before he fell to the floor. Rocket looked at his tormentor's true face that he had disfigured, as he claimed how he only wanted to make things perfect. Rocket objected, saying that he just hated how things were. Drax the Destroyer told Rocket to kill the High Evolutionary, but instead spared him, explaining that he was a Guardian.

Guardians hugging

The Guardians of the Galaxy hug Peter Quill

With time running out before the ship exploded, the Guardians went to leave, but Rocket stopped them, saying that had to save all of the animals. So, they unlocked all the cages and escorted all of the different creatures towards Knowhere, as well as the High Evolutionary. However, while the Guardians managed to get across safely, Star-Lord fell behind because he dropped his Zune. The Guardians watched in horror as Star-Lord failed to make it across, and was stuck in space to die, but he was saved by Adam Warlock. Relieved their friend was safe, they all hugged Star-Lord.[1]

Leading the Guardians[]

Guardians Disassembled[]

Guardians salute Rocket

Rocket is appointed leader of the Guardians

"So, that's it? The group's over?"
"No. Well, the galaxy still needs its Guardians. And you will make a better leader than I ever was. Cap'n."
―Rocket Raccoon and Peter Quill[src]

With the threat over, Rocket personally locked the High Evolutionary in a cell on Knowhere.[18] The Guardians of the Galaxy were all summoned, and they listened to Peter Quill reveal that he was leaving the Guardians and returning to Earth. Rocket proceeded to hear all the other Guardians announced their departures, which saddened him, thinking the team was over. But, Quill told Rocket that the Guardians were still needed and that Rocket would be the new leader. They all then saluted Rocket as the new Captain.

Rocket celebrating

Rocket dancing freely on Knowhere

Afterwards, Rocket went outside and sat alone holding Quill's Zune, which Quill left a note on saying that he went back to get it for Rocket, knowing how much he enjoyed using it. Through the speakers, Rocket played Dog Days Are Over to comfort him and watched as Groot began to dance to the music. Rocket got up and danced with his friend, and soon everyone on Knowhere was dancing along with them. As they danced, Cosmo let out a howl, and all the remaining Guardians howled as well, finally feeling no longer burdened by their past.[1]

Mission on Krylor[]


Rocket leading the Guardians of the Galaxy

"On your word, Kapitan."
Cosmo and Rocket Raccoon[src]

Under Rocket's leadership, the new Guardians of the Galaxy, which consisted of Groot, Kraglin Obfonteri, Cosmo, Adam Warlock, Blurp and Phyla continued to protect the galaxy and help those in need. Sometime later, the Guardians were helping a remote village on Krylor that was being terrorised by hostile creatures. As they waited, the Guardians discussed their favourite musical act, with Rocket playing Redbone's Come and Get Your Love. Once the creatures arrived, under Rocket's order, they Guardians charged into battle.[19]


"I know everything about you. I know you play like you're the meanest and the hardest, but actually, you're the most scared of all."
Yondu Udonta to Rocket[src]

During his early life as a test subject, Rocket was very innocent and child-like. He quickly formed a bond with the other subjects of Batch 89 and began viewing them as his family. When the High Evolutionary showed Rocket a view of the outside world, he became enamored with the blue sky and the rockets that flew outside. He wished to take his friends out into the new world in a rocket and into the blue sky. Rocket initially latched onto the High Evolutionary as a father figure. He was eager to impress him and assist him in his experiments by explaining the reason his artificially evolved creatures were becoming filled with rage.

Despite his incredible intellect, Rocket was very naive. Rocket did not realize the High Evolutionary regarded Batch 89 as a group of failed experiments and assumed he would take them all to the new world. Upon learning of his intention to incinerate Batch 89, Rocket attempted to free himself and the others so they could escape. Unfortunately for Rocket, the High Evolutionary had anticipated this and killed Lylla before she could escape. Her death caused Rocket to furiously maul the High Evolutionary's face. Upon the rest of Batch 89's death, Rocket blamed himself for not being able to save them and closed himself off from relationships so he won't be hurt again. However, upon meeting Groot, Rocket started to open up on relationships again as they became best friends.

Also, due to the inhumane experiments done to him, Rocket became bitterly, even bitingly sarcastic, foul-mouthed and cynical, as well as generally misanthropic, but in recent years seems to have adopted a more calm and temperamental demeanor. He is also easily enraged and extremely aggressive, which, in turn, makes him exceedingly trigger-happy with an innate desire for violence. Despite his toughness, he also possesses a cruel and slightly morbid sense of humor.

Rocket has an obsession with prosthetic limbs, finding it humorous to steal them - especially without the possessor knowing as shown when he asked Peter Quill to get a guy's prosthetic leg to bust them out of jail, lying about the leg to see if Quill would do it and asking him whether the guy was hopping around on one leg, laughing all the while. He later tries pulling a similar stunt with Vorker, one of the Ravagers, saying that he needed the cybernetic eye off for his plan, although he is stopped by Quill. When Groot actually did steal the eye, Rocket burst out laughing into tears. In the Battle of Wakanda, after being assisted by the Winter Soldier in killing a horde of Outriders, he inquired if he can purchase his custom-made machine gun. When he declines the offer, he then offers to purchase Barnes' vibranium arm, which is also declined. He chuckles to himself as he leaves the offer to buy it on the table. His obsession with prosthetic body parts stemmed from his earlier life with Batch 89, and they likely served as mementos to Rocket of his happier times with Lylla, Teefs and Floor, who also had prosthetics like him.

He appears to pride himself on his abilities and professionalism, which is indicated by when he spoke harshly to Groot when he childishly drank out of a fountain then smiled about it. A true criminal, Rocket has a higher sense of self-preservation and interests than the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy. In the conflict against Thanos, he volunteered himself and Groot to go with Thor to Nidavellir as opposed to going with his fellow Guardians to confront Thanos directly, and Star-Lord points this out. He will cave into pessimism and panic in a situation that is out of his depth as he was the first to consider simply giving the Infinity Stone to Ronan the Accuser after realizing its destructive purposes and instead of fighting the Accuser after coming into the possession of the Stone, planned to run away to "the furthest corners of the galaxy" with Groot. However, through Groot's convincing and having coming to care about Quill, Gamora and Drax the Destroyer, Rocket had a change of heart and decided to face Ronan with his newfound friends.

Though he displays a somewhat heroic personality, such as defending Xandar from the kamikaze Necrocrafts, Rocket still has a distorted view of the logical and ethical boundaries of the law as he believes if he wants a possession more than the current possessor of such an item, it was acceptable to steal it from him. Rocket was driven by money before he joined the Guardians of the Galaxy and that trait still remains with him, but he has shown himself to be more compassionate and less greedy as time goes on. Although he does not resort to stealing as like he used to and opts for more acceptable methods by noting if they saved the galaxy twice, they could increase the fee for their services.

Rocket is also stunningly intelligent, as he is much more intelligent than a normal raccoon. He is able to conceive very complexly, intricate plans in a very short period of time, such as his plan to escape the Kyln. However, his genius is occasionally superseded by his emotions which appear to be exceedingly strong such as his anger over Quill going back to get his Walkman and his sadness over Groot's death.

However, deep down, Rocket is incredibly lonely and carries overwhelming pain over the experimentation that was performed on him before he was a Mercenary. He covers his insecurities well, but once he is drunk, he becomes very emotional and if possible, even more violent, speaking of how he did not 'ask' to be made into what he believed was a "little monster," implying that the experiments done to him were torturous. It is perhaps because of this loneliness and pain that he despises being derided as a rodent or vermin, going so far as to attack Gamora and Drax over the slight.

Despite Rocket's apparent dislike of people, he is exceedingly attached to Groot, and is the first known individual who was able to understand Groot when he spoke, even while everyone else only heard 'I am Groot.' He is obviously exceedingly attached to Groot, as seen when he started crying when Groot was apparently killed and pleading with Groot to not save them because he knew that Groot would die if he did so. His grief over Groot's apparent death lead him to angrily charge at Ronan, who was armed with his Universal Weapon and the Power Stone, while completely unarmed. It was also in this moment of vulnerability that he was comforted by Drax the Destroyer, which he initially flinched at before accepting the caring gesture, showing that he was not used to such gentleness or kindness. He also became very protective of Groot's offspring, caring for him in a fatherly manner and collapsed to his knees sobbing when he was erased from existence by the Infinity Gauntlet.

As he got to know his fellow Guardians better, he became much more protective of them. An example of this was when he, Groot and Yondu Udonta escaped the Eclector and were going to save Quill. He initially insisted that he wanted to save Quill strictly because he wanted to prove that he was "better than him." Udonta managed to break through to the core of what Rocket is truly like on the inside, saying that they are the same type of person in the sense that, while they genuinely care about the people around them, they refuse to show it out of fear and insecurity.

Quill's taste in music seems to have rubbed off on Rocket as he seems to enjoy listening to songs from Star-Lord's era, especially while working such as making sure the Guardians had music to listen to whilst battling the Abilisk, when the Ravagers attacked him on Berhert and escaping the Ravagers with Udonta, the former even Quill found to be distracting. Rocket even goes to the point of taking Quill's Zune to listen to music, which would later becomes his when Star-Lord decided to return to Earth to find his family and his way in life.

While captive with Yondu Udonta, Rocket quickly bonded with him due to their similar backgrounds and the fact that they love people without saying it. A great example of his newfound bond with Yondu is when he refused to leave Ego's Planet without him, even though it would mean his death since the planet was about to explode. His bond with Yondu also caused him to call the rest of the Ravagers during Udonta's funeral. While watching his funeral, Rocket stated the his previous team never abandoned him even if "he yelled at them, and was always mean, and he stole batteries he didn't need" clearly comparing himself to Udonta.

Four years after the Battle on Ego's Planet, Rocket has become slightly more empathetic, showing a growing level of maturity, as seen when he consoled Thor over his multiple losses and became concerned for him after he nearly died activating the damaged neutron star, though he still has his money-driven personality, as seen when he stated they could ask for financial compensation when traveling to respond the Statesman distress call.

Following the events of the Snap, Rocket has grown more affectionate to those he considers family, sitting beside Nebula and holding her hand upon reuniting. He has also grown wiser and more selfless, trying to console Thor after everything he has been through but also reminding him of their duty to the people they could still save.

At first, Rocket believed that he wasn't a raccoon and thought he was unique, but he did curiously asked Quill what it was when they first meet. Also, Rocket would get upset when he was called a raccoon and would go to the point of hurting or killing people because of it. Rocket also denied being from Earth like Quill and some of his allies from the planet. He would even go so far as to deny he was a raccoon to Lylla when they conversed in the afterlife. He disliked being called a raccoon due to his uncertainty over his identity and likely because it reminded him of his time as the High Evolutionary's captive.

The deaths of Batch 89 weighed deeply on his soul. He carried the guilt of believing he got them all killed because he tried to break them out of their prison. When Rocket meets Lylla's spirit as he was on the verge of death, Rocket openly wept. He apologized to Lylla for letting her down and getting them all killed, demonstrating the deep pain he'd kept hidden for many years. Rocket expresses to Lylla his insecurity over his purpose in life, believing he was just an experiment to be thrown away. It was thanks to Lylla's encouragement that Rocket began to value himself more than just as one of the High Evolutionary's test subjects.

After his near-death experience and meeting the souls of his friends in the afterlife, Rocket began to experience a massive shift in character. Despite being visibly frightened by the High Evolutionary, he refused to run and chose to save all the captives on the High Evolutionary's ship. While helping the prisoners evacuate, he came across captive animals. He saw the High Evolutionary had baby raccoons and they're from Earth, which got him to realize that Quill was right about where he came from and was right about him. Seeing the raccoons and other captive animals caused Rocket to openly weep as he was brought back to his origins and where his life began. From this, Rocket was finally able to accept both his past and his identity as a raccoon, even putting it in his name when he was confronting the High Evolutionary.

Due to his emotional development, he ultimately chooses not to kill the High Evolutionary in cold blood. When Drax asked him why, Rocket replies that he's a Guardian of the Galaxy and needs to be better. When the other guardians attempt to leave, Rocket refuses to leave the other animals behind and helps them evacuate. Through this, he achieves a personal redemption by freeing the animals when he'd failed to save his friends during his childhood. It is because of his newfound maturity that Quill chooses to entrust Rocket as the new leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

As the new leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket is a very affectionate and effective leader. He bonds with the new members over their favorite music and artists. He also becomes significantly more empathetic. He admits to Phyla that he feels some guilt for killing the wild animals invading hostile villages, but knows that there's no one else who can protect them. This demonstrates how he has moved past his greedy and self-serving desires and changed into a heroic, empathetic and strong-willed leader who fights to protect the innocent.

Powers and Abilities[]


"Subject 89P13. Calls itself "Rocket." The result of illegal genetic and cybernetic experiments on a lower life form."
Rhomann Dey[src]
  • Halfworlder Physiology:
    Cybernetic Rocket

    Rocket has cybernetic enhancements on his back

    Rocket is a bionically augmented raccoon evolved into a Halfworlder due to OrgoCorp's experimentations. His enhancements include a cybernetic skeletal structure, enhanced phalange, and metacarpal bones, and a genetically augmented cerebral cortex.
    • Enhanced Strength: Due to his augmentations, Rocket is able to use weapons that are designed to be wielded by normal sized humanoids with ease. He was also able to swiftly tackle Gamora to the ground when she attempted to assassinate Star-Lord to get the Orb and easily stun many human-sized Ravagers using his strength. More notable, his teeth can bite through metal.[20]
    • Enhanced Durability:
      Rocket gets attacked

      Rocket being smashed through walls by Adam Warlock

      Due to his cybernetic implants, such as a cybernetic skeletal structure, Rocket is capable of surviving damage that would normally be sufficient to kill an animal of his size, as well as injure a normal sized human. He has been attacked with enough force to knock him back several meters and only suffered minimal injury, as well as withstood being thrown by Gamora, being blasted by the Universal Weapon and surviving Ego's attacks. Even more impressively, he survived being pinned under an enormous amount of debris when Thanos attacked the Avengers' headquarters, albeit he had trouble breathing. During the Attack on Rocket, Rocket was able to survive being smashed through buildings by Adam Warlock, though he was nearly killed by his energy blast.
    • Enhanced Speed: Due to his cybernetic implants alongside his normal anatomy, Rocket is capable of running faster than an animal of his size, as well as a normal human. Rocket was able to run across distances by running on all fours from small rooms in the Kyln, many trees on Berhert, and on Groot's limbs.
    • Enhanced Agility:
      Rocket Groot

      Rocket swiftly fighting

      Rocket's entire skeletal structure is cybernetic, allowing him to move more like a human and still be as agile as a raccoon. He narrowly avoided rapid gunfire during the Escape from the Kyln and escaped the Einherjar after extracting the Aether from Jane Foster.
    • Enhanced Stamina: Because of Rocket's cybernetics, he is able to produce less fatigue toxins compared to normal animals and humans, with him lasting much longer in fights.
    • Enhanced Reflexes: Rocket is able to quickly respond to high-intensity situations, such as piloting the Milano through a Quantum Asteroid Field.
    • Enhanced Senses: Rocket can see, smell, and hear better than any raccoon possible. This potentially helps him detect approaching enemies, as he was able to hear Yondu Ravager Clan footsteps so that he could put on traps for them, as well as using his sense of smell to detect Brahl and another Ravager approaching him while hiding.
    • Enhanced Intelligence: Rocket's cerebral cortex was genetically enhanced meaning that unlike other members of his species he has a cognitive and intellectual equivalent or superior ability to the most sensitive species in the galaxy. He can talk and communicate with other species, as well as perform extremely complex tasks. Even though he has only known him for a short time, Thor claimed that Rocket is the most intelligent member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Rocket has an affinity for using and forging galactic artillery, piloting spacecrafts, and quickly devising strategies. He also possesses a level of emotional intelligence, as he was able to get through to a traumatized Thor and convinced him to return to help with the Time Heist. Rocket told Tony Stark that he is "only a genius on Earth," pointing out that he is a galactic genius by comparison.


"In hundreds of years of our creations, only one has known true invention."
High Evolutionary[src]
  • Genius-Level Intellect: Due to the modifications done by High Evolutionary, Rocket possesses genius intellect that rivals renowned scientists such as Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. Rocket's genius intellect was present even as a child. He could figure out the solution to creating advanced lifeforms without inducing rage when observing the faulty filtration systems delivering the chemicals to induce the artificial evolution, something even the High Evolutionary could not deduce. Rocket could also generate a key card to unlock the pens he and his friends were trapped in by utilizing a combination of spare parts he had smuggled in. The High Evolutionary himself noted Rocket to be the only test subject with the ability to invent and create new ideas instead of memorizing what had already been taught to him. It was for this reason the High Evolutionary became obsessed with obtaining Rocket's brain to replicate his genius intellect and creative mind.
"That was a pretty good plan."
  • Master Tactician: Rocket is a brilliant strategist. He is able to formulate strategies of advanced combat and escape, even with minimal resources, and to change them according to the needs of the situation. Rocket already said he fled from twenty two prisons. In the Kyln, Rocket quickly devised a plan to escape using only a power source and security band. On Berhert, he quickly laid out a series of traps for the Ravagers.
  • Master Engineer:
    Blip 1

    Rocket finishes the Nano Gauntlet

    Rocket is highly skilled in handling, modification, and construction of equipment and high-tech weaponry. Rocket was able to modify a power source and security band to break into the control tower of the Kyln, disable the security system, unlock doors, and hijack the security Hoverbots. Using scrap from the Milano, Rocket built several high-powered weapons, including the Hadron Enforcer. Rocket was also given the task of fixing the ship when they crash landed on Berhert. Rocket's engineering skills are comparable to the likes of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner when he helped them in forging a new Infinity Gauntlet, the Nano Gauntlet.
"Heptonic filters."
"They suppresaliding the glycusolided saltses. And then, boop, boop, boop... absisting residual deformant. And then, they, make, um... what do you say?"
"The legobeta microsamino proteins."
―Rocket, High Evolutionary and Vim[src]
  • Master Scientist: Rocket was able to solve a mutation problem that even the High Evolutionary could not figure it out.
  • Expert Combatant: Although Rocket may not look like it due to his small size, Rocket has been known to pack a punch. Able to shoot many security hoverbots at the Kyln and help take down the Abilisk using weapons he built, he can also fight with his bare paws. He was also able to easily stun two human-sized Ravagers while jumping onto them and attacking them and was able to knock out one of them by punching him repeatedly in the head.
"Let's see if you can laugh after five or six good shots to your frickin' face!"
  • Master Marksman:
    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol

    Rocket aiming Vicki through a door

    Rocket has a great skill in handling various weapons throughout the Galaxy, with the preference of high-powered artillery. Rocket also has excellent precision, enough to shoot Quill with a non-lethal electrical round with his cannon while the latter was running away. During the flight of Kyln, Rocket destroyed many Hoverbots with a weapon of a Nova Corps soldier. During the escape from the Sovereign's fire, Rocket destroyed many of the Sovereign's drones with the ship's turret. Rocket even shot a Ravager through a door from observing the surveillance screens of the Eclector.
"I was cybernetically engineered to pilot a spacecraft."
―Rocket to Star-Lord[src]
  • Master Pilot:
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    Rocket piloting an M-Ship during a battle

    Rocket is an excellent pilot of various starships. Even as a child, he was capable of piloting one of the High Evolutionary's ships and escaping despite never having operated a spacecraft before. On Knowhere, he took down several Necropods using only the high durability of his industrial pod. During the Battle of Xandar, Rocket was responsible for leading the attack of the Ravagers and Nova Corps, in the Dark Aster, destroying many Necropods in the process. Rocket also proved capable of piloting improvised vehicles, like the Kyln's security tower. Rocket is even said to be a greater pilot than Peter Quill.
  • Expert Thief: Rocket's small figure allows him to swiftly steal objects that could be useful to him. This helps Rocket create various weaponry as well as building other items. While meeting with High Evolutionary, 89P13 was able to swiftly grab many pieces of metal scraps which helped him create a key card.
  • Bilingualism: Rocket is fluent in English, and has the ability to understand what Groot is saying, though others; including Star-Lord's Translator Implant only hear "I am Groot." This is due to Rocket's connection with Groot.[21]



"You have priceless batteries and an atomic bomb in your bag. If anybody's gonna have tape, it's you!"
Star-Lord to Rocket[src]
  • Ion Cannon: Rocket's favorite weapon, until he was forced to sell it in the Hub in order to obtain some fast cash.
  • Gas Grenade: A small device that emits a sleeping gas.
  • Laser Cannon:

    Rocket taking aim with his Laser Cannon

    Rocket's new weapon, described as "the juiciest killware seen in ages," and obtained in a confiscated weapons case in a customs station in the Hub. He shot at Peter Quill with it to prevent him from escaping in Xandar right before being apprehended by the Nova Corps, and threatened Drax with it in Knowhere. He incapacitated Gamora right before escaping from the destruction of Ego, to prevent her from sacrificing herself in an attempt to rescue Quill from there.
  • Nova Machine Gun: Rocket used this gun after Drax tossed it to him in order to destroy the Kyln Hoverbots during their breakout.
"That's for if things get really hardcore. Or if you wanna blow up moons."
  • Hadron Enforcer: One of Rocket's own inventions, it is a large combustion cannon used for demolition purposes and stated to be able to destroy moons, and used by Rocket to destroy Ronan the Accuser's hammer.
  • Power Stone: During their final battle with Ronan the Accuser, Rocket and the other Guardians of the Galaxy used the Power Stone in tandem to direct the Stone's energy at Ronan, destroying his body and killing him.
  • Gatling Blaster: Rocket chose a heavy weapon to fight the Abilisk, firing against it while flying around the beast. Once Star-Lord realized the beast had a wound on the neck, both started to shoot him from above to give a chance to Gamora to kill it by attacking the wound.
  • Katie and Vicki:
    GotGV2 HD Stills 5

    Rocket with Katie and Vicki

    Rocket confiscated two blasters from the Eclector. He shot a Ravager through a door with Vicki, using a camera to aim, and continued to fire off shots with both Katie and Vicki.
  • Mini Bombs and Bubble Shield: As he was surrounded by Ego's energy tentacles, Rocket launched a small amount of Mini Bombs to the tentacles, and then activated the Bubble Shield, detonating the explosives and destroying the wave of constructs.
  • Collapsible Blaster Rifle: Rocket armed himself with this weapon in order to hold Ego off and buy some time for Groot to detonate a bomb in its core. His gun successfully destroyed many of Ego's energy tentacles until he was overwhelmed by them.
  • Twin Barrel Blaster: Rocket engaged the Outriders as soon as he arrived on Wakanda, shooting at many of them. When surrounder, he was picked up by the Winter Soldier and spun into a circle, firing his weapon at the same time as the Winter Soldier shot with his own, killing the wave of Outriders.
  • Dual Blasters:
    Rocket Raccoon & Bucky Barnes

    Rocket fighting alongside the Winter Soldier

    Rocket carried his dual blasters in two holsters in his legs. He prepared one of them while riding War Machine to join the forces of the Avengers against Thanos and his army, but soon he went to the ground and duel-wielded his two guns. He fought alongside the Winter Soldier again, killing one of the Chitauri waves, and shot one last time to a fast approaching Leviathan, only for it to disintegrate before being hit.
  • Laser Blaster: Rocket resorted to use a laser blaster in order to fend off the Booskans that were attacking Indigarr. As he and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy took cover from the attack, Rocket fired his weapon towards his targets until Thor's intervention put an end to the battle.

Other Equipment[]

  • Aero-Rigs: Another invention of Rocket is jet-pack devices that are materialized onto the user and allow them to seamlessly fly through the air and potentially even reach space.
  • Anulax Batteries: Anulax Batteries are powerful energy sources that serve as the main provenance for the Sovereign and its people. Rocket stole several of these in his battle with an Abilisk. During the Battle on Ego's Planet, Rocket used the batteries to create a bomb to kill Ego.
  • Nanobot Welder: A highly-technological device that can create or repair space vessels using nanotechnology.
Rocket Suit Snarl Endgame

Rocket's time travel suit

  • Advanced Tech Suit: This suit was designed in order to time travel through the Quantum Realm safely. It is a white, red and black suit that materialize around the wearer's regular clothes, managing to be summoned when time travel is required again, and disappear when no longer in use. It has size-shifting adaptability down to subatomic levels and a wrist gadget that allows for displacement through time and space.
  • Aether Extractor: A device capable to extract the Aether from its hosts.
  • Translator Implant: Rocket has a translator implant that helps him understand many of the languages spoken in the universe.[22]
"Bucky's arm?"


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Rocket flying the Milano

  • Milano: When Rocket joined forces with Peter Quill to escape from the Kyln, Quill directed him to his ship and told him to fly it outside the prison. Then, when the Guardians of the Galaxy were formed, Rocket would co-pilot the ship with Quill, although they would often fight for control. This would eventually lead Rocket to crashing the Milano on Berhert.

Rocket in a mining pod

Infinity War 274

Rocket aboard the Benatar

  • Benatar: After crashing the Milano, the Guardians of the Galaxy acquired a new ship, as their new base of operations and home. Rocket and Peter Quill were piloting the ship when they came across Thor. Rocket was reunited with the ship when Captain Marvel carried it to Earth, and she and Rocket piloted the ship to ambush Thanos. Rocket would continue to use the ship with Nebula when serving as a member of the Avengers. Rocket was eventually reunited with his team and returned to how things used to be, now with Thor joining the team.
    • Benatar's Space Pod: Rocket used the Benatar's space pod, while bringing Thor and Groot, to travel all the way to Nidavellir to make a weapon that would kill Thanos. While there, Rocket used the space pod to help Thor create Stormbreaker outside of Nidavellir.
Groot at Rocket's bedside

Rocket in the Bowie's Medical Bay

  • Bowie: After buying Knowhere from the Collector, the Guardians of the Galaxy also sold the Benatar in exchange for the bigger Bowie. After being wounded by Adam Warlock, Rocket was held in the Bowie's Medical Bay as the Guardians raced to find information to deactivate Rocket's kill switch to fix him. Eventually, after being fixed, Rocket used one of the Bowie's pods to invade Arete Laboratories to save the other Guardians from the High Evolutionary.



Rocket threatening Drax

  • Boot of Jemiah: Rocket and the Guardians of the Galaxy visited the Boot of Jemiah while waiting to meet with the Collector. During an Orloni race, Drax insulted Rocket, causing the two to fight until Peter Quill stopped them.
  • Collector's Museum: The Guardians of the Galaxy went to the Collector's shop to sell the Orb. Rocket got angry at the Collector after he attempted to purchase Groot's corpse and insulted him. Gamora distracted the Collector and Rocket calmed down. Carina, one of Tivan's slaves, touched the Power Stone in an attempt to free herself but was immediately consumed by it and exploded. Rocket escaped unscathed with the others.
  • Avengers Compound: As a member of the Avengers, Rocket occasionally met with them at their facility.
  • Thanos' Farm: The Avengers attempted to get the Infinity Stones from Thanos at his farm, but found out that they were gone. Thor killed Thanos is retaliation which prompted Rocket to doubt his friend's decision.


Rocket Raccoon (2014)

Rocket in prison



  • Mother †




Appearances for Rocket Raccoon

In chronological order:

In narrative order:


  • In the comics, Rocket Raccoon is a native of Halfworld resembling Earth raccoons who was genetically and cybernetically enhanced by robots after serving as a therapy animal.
  • Rocket Raccoon is the fourth character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to break the fourth wall, after Groot, Pizza Poppa, and She-Hulk.
  • Rocket is 144 microbules tall and weighs 168 grets.[23]
  • In Avengers: Endgame, Rocket wears a uniform that looks like his classic uniform from the comics.
  • Rocket claims that his lifespan is the normal lifespan for a raccoon, i.e. at most 20 earthly years. However, this is inevitably incorrect, as even though he was abducted as a newborn, he has spent a number of years in captivity, was a notorious criminal for several more years, and has been one of the Guardians of the Galaxy for well over a decade now, making him at least approximately 20 earthly years old. Thus, his lifespan was likely enhanced as well by the experiment that "made" him.
  • Rocket is a fan of Glen Campbell,[8] Radiohead, Heart, The The, and Redbone.[1]
  • In a deleted concept, a variant of Rocket was supposed to make an appearance in the first episode of Loki.

Behind the Scenes[]


Although Rocket was called "Rocket Raccoon" in the front page of Guardians of the Galaxy: Galaxy's Most Wanted, this name was never used in either of the movies where the character appeared until the release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. In retrospect, Director James Gunn said that the Guardians of the Galaxy films were "essentially the origin of how [the] character came to be known as 'Rocket Raccoon'",[26] thus retconning every mention of the name in the MCU previous to the events of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Rocket Raccoon.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Rocket Raccoon.

External Links[]
