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For alternate versions of Roger Harrington, see Roger Harrington's Character Hub

"You, my friend, are a hero! Don't hide from your power."
―Roger Harrington to Bruce Banner[src]

Roger Harrington is a Culver University alumni who became a science teacher at Midtown School of Science and Technology and the coach of its Academic Decathlon Team. In 2024, he chaperoned the school's European class trip alongside Julius Dell until it was cut short by the Elemental attacks staged by Mysterio.


Early Life[]

Culver University Student[]

"I can't believe you actually came."
"Do we know each other?"
"No... I was in terrible need. You heard my plea, and you came. To help me."
―Roger Harrington and Bruce Banner[src]
Roger Harrington (The Incredible Hulk)

Harrington is given pizza by Bruce Banner

By 2010, Roger Harrington was studying at Culver University, being one of the smartest students in the class. He worked in the computer class by night, and granted Bruce Banner access to the computers in exchange for some pizza.[3]

Married Life[]

Harrington was once married to a poet named Tabitha. However, it was hard for Harrington to leave some space to his wife, and in spite of the couple trying marriage counseling, they ultimately divorced. Harrington had a hard time dealing with this breakup.[4]

Teaching Career[]

Midtown School Teacher[]

Sometime later, Harrington moved to New York City and became a teacher at Midtown School of Science and Technology. Under unknown circumstances, Harrington lost a student during a school trip.[5]

Academic Decathlon Team[]

"Peter, it's nationals. Is there no way you could take one weekend off?"
"I can't go to Washington because if Mr. Stark needs me, then I have to make sure that I'm here."
―Roger Harrington and Peter Parker[src]

One day in 2016, Peter Parker came to see Harrington to inform him that he could not join the Midtown School of Science and Technology's Academic Decathlon Team for the national tournament in Washington, D.C., pretending that he should be available for his internship in Stark Industries.[5]

Trip to Washington D.C.[]

SMH Fan's Guide 47

Harrington learns Peter Parker has returned

"I don't really want to celebrate something that was built by slaves."
"Oh, I'm sure the Washington Monument wasn't built by... Okay. Enjoy your book."
Michelle Jones and Roger Harrington[src]

Peter Parker eventually changed his mind and joined the Academic Decathlon Team right before they left. Harrington enthusiastically welcomed him and informed Flash Thompson that he would leave his place to Parker. Harrington then took his team to Washington, D.C. for the national tournament and stayed in a hotel.


Harrington speaking with Michelle Jones

The next day, after the Decathlon Team won the nationals, Harrington took his students to the Washington Monument in order to celebrate. Before Harrington went inside, he noticed Michelle Jones not going in, and asked why she wasn't going with them. She then replied that she didn't want to go inside a building that slaves had built, in which Harrington noted that she was wrong. However, a guard by the Monument nodded his head in agreement with Jones, causing Harrington to rush inside after realizing he was wrong.

Spider-Man saves Harrington, Liz & Ned

Harrington being rescued by Spider-Man

While they were in the elevator lift, there was a mysterious burst of energy which damaged the lift. Harrington tried to have all his students escape the elevator, but the lift ultimately free fell in the shaft with Harrington, Ned Leeds, and Liz Toomes still in it.

SMH Fan's Guide 52

Harrington thanks Spider-Man for his help

However, the fall was averted by Spider-Man, who held the elevator with his Web-Shooters before it started to plummet to the ground. After Spider-Man managed to save the elevator again, Harrington was relieved to know that he was safe as well as the students. Once Spider-Man took Harrington and the other students to safety at the top at the Monument, Harrington belatedly thanked him as he fell in the shaft when his web string broke.[5]

Return to Midtown School[]

Roger Harrington - Interviewed (SMH Deleted Scene 02)

Harrington discusses all the recent events

"As you know, we made it out alive. And that's the important thing. I couldn't bear to lose a student on a school trip. Not again."
―Roger Harrington[src]

Harrington returned his students to Midtown School of Science and Technology. He was then interviewed by some students for Midtown News and declared that he was relieved as he would not bear losing a student on a school trip once again. Harrington also reported Peter Parker's multiple absences during the trip, which led Parker into detention.[5]

Newest Decathlon Captain[]

Midtown Debate Club Meeting

Harrington congratulates his team

"I'm gonna have to put this back in the trophy case soon, but just for motivation right now at this practice. I'm a little ahead of the game, but we will need a new team captain next year. So I'm appointing Michelle."
―Roger Harrington[src]

Harrington soon learned about Liz Toomes' father's criminal activities and his arrest. As she had to leave the school, he appointed Michelle Jones as the new captain of the Academic Decathlon Team, and congratulated the team for their victory in the nationals.[5]

Snap and Blip[]

Wife's Adulturous Deception[]

"Did I tell you how my wife pretended to blip out? Turns out she ran off with a guy in her hiking group. We had a fake funeral for her and everything... well, the funeral was real. 'Cause we thought she was really dead."
―Roger Harrington to Peter Parker[src]

In 2018, Harrington survived the Snap. During this time, Harrington believed that his wife had turned to dust and held a funeral for her. In actuality, she had used the Snap as an opportunity to run off with another man.[1] In an interview with the The Daily Bugle, Harrington was asked about it all before being brought to tears about his wife faking her death.[2]

In 2023, following the Blip, Harrington was traumatized by the sudden return of the population and remained in therapy for a while.[6]

Europe Trip[]

Plane Ride with Students[]


Harrington on the airplane

"I can tell you from experience, perfume allergies are no joke. I can feel hives breaking out already. MJ, stand up. Ned, take MJ's spot. Alright, MJ you take my spot. Peter, come with me. Let's get you get out of there."
―Roger Harrington[src]

In June 2024, following the end of the school year, Harrington went as a chaperone on a school sponsored trip to Europe. He was accompanied by another teacher and chaperone, Julius Dell, on the trip. On the airplane, Harrington broke up a seating situation involving Peter Parker, Betty Brant, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, and Brad Davis. He then took his seat next to Parker and told him about his wife's deception after the Snap, before later taking a nap.[1]

Battle in the Grand Canal[]


Harrington tries to take a selfie in Venice

While in Venice, Italy, Harrington and his group stumbled upon their supposed destination to unload their belongings. Much to their dismay, however, the hotel was closed last November. Julius Dell reprimanded Harrington for not checking a website ahead of time, though their conversation would be interrupted by Hydro-Man rushing towards them, prompting them to flee before lying low in shelter. They would then witness Mysterio successfully defeating Hydro-Man, prompting their group to praise him for his actions.[1]

Offering Emotional Support[]

"Just making the rounds, see if anyone needs any emotional councilling after today's traumatic events."
"No, we'll be okay. We're fine. Thank you."
"Great, because I'm not qualified."
―Roger Harrington and Peter Parker[src]

Due to the possibly horrific events that had transpired, Harrington knocked on all student's doors to make sure they wree okay and if not, offer support. He knocked on Peter Parker's room, but Parker said they were okay. Harrington that was good because he was not qualified to do it anyways. He then saw Ned Leeds asleep and quickly left.[1]

Eventful Bus Ride[]


Harrington tries to introduce himself

"Peter, plant your fanny in that seat and buckle up, right now!"
"Look at the baby mountain goats!"
"Baby mountain goats? Don't see any mountain goats."
―Roger Harrington and Peter Parker[src]

The next day, Harrington told the students that they were going to Prague. He then tried to introduce himself to Dimitri Smerdyakov, who was going to be their bus driver, but Smerdyakov did not say anything.

Harrington Bus

Harrington tells Peter Parker to sit down

After taking a rest stop to the bathroom, Harrington told Parker to buckle up in his seat, unaware that Peter Parker was trying to stop an accidental Combat Drone from hitting the bus. After Parker responded that they were passing baby mountain goats, Harrington and the others gathered to one side of the bus and looked out the window. Much to their disappointment though, they would remark on there being no baby mountain goats.[1]

Trip to the Opera[]

Flash Dell Harrington

Harrington at the opera house

"Good news, we are going to the opera!"
―Roger Harrington[src]

Upon unknowingly retrieving the tickets to the opera from Nick Fury, Harrington enthusiastically announced the change in plans, much to the students' disappointment. When Ned Leeds voiced his approval over this, Harrington thanked him, much to everyone's chagrin.[1]

Battle of London[]

Have a nice, peaceful afternoon

Harrington responding to Brad Davis

"The bus driver is gone…It's okay. Mr. Dell and I have it under control."
―Roger Harrington[src]

With the dangerous turn of events revolving around their group, Harrington and Julius Dell requested everybody to round up their belongings and get ready to return home. When Brad Davis voiced about Peter Parker's frequent disappearances, Michelle Jones replied on asking why he would photograph a half-naked Parker. This caused the students to angrily reprimand him, with Harrington in particular remarking to put Davis' stories behind.

Harrington Far From Home

Harrington witnesses Mysterio's illusions

Unfortunately for them, Harrington and the students were attacked by Mysterio's illusions on the Tower Bridge. Harrington then noticed that the driver had intentionally abandoned them on the bus and reported on the situation. Upon a tidal wave approaching them, they were forced out of the bus and ran to find shelter away from the incident. From their viewpoint, Harrington watched as the illusion fell apart, revealing Mysterio to be the mastermind behind it.[1]

Return Back Home[]

Harrington and his students then took a plane back to the United States of America landing at the Newark Airport. They then safely returned to New York City.[1]

New School Year[]

Welcoming Back Spider-Man[]

Peter's Teachers

Harrington welcoming Peter Parker back

"Some of the students put this together for you."
"No. You did that."
"I helped a little bit."
―Roger Harrington and Andre Wilson[src]

A week later, Harrington learned that Peter Parker was Spider-Man. Following this, he made a display case outside of his classroom showcasing a photograph of them taken in Venice, along with other memorabilia. When Parker returned to school, Harrington and Julius Dell showed much respect towards him and greeted him warmly. Harrington then revealed his display case to Parker. When Andre Wilson called Parker a murderer and stated that Mysterio was right, Harrington told Parker to ignore him as he was a conspiracy theorist.[7]

Interviewed by Betty Brant[]

"Well, Peter's always been more than a student to me, more like a son, who's also my little brother."
―Roger Harrington to Betty Brant[src]

Sometime later, Harrington was interviewed by Betty Brant. She asked what it was like being Peter Parker's teacher. He described his relationship and was then asked about the crazy Mysterio conspiracy theories online. Harrington stated that his ex-wife had gotten lost and believed in the theories looking at sub-reddits. He proceeded to recall how she had left him.[8]

Later, Harrington put out a wanted advertisement in The Daily Bugle for high-school level tutoring in the subjects of Chemistry, Biology and Physics.[2]

Later that year, Harrington, along with the rest of the world, had his memory of Parker erased from his mind.[7]


"I'm not really qualified to do it anyway, so, goodnight."
―Roger Harrington to Peter Parker[src]

A former student of the Culver University, Roger Harrington is a serious, friendly, and reliable teacher who strongly supports his Academic Decathlon Team. He knew which elements of the team were the best and did not hesitate to replace Flash Thompson with Peter Parker once the latter joined back the team. Harrington cares about the well-being of his students, and tried to make sure every one of them was safe when they were endangered in the Washington Monument before he could exit the elevator himself. Back to New York, Harrington expressed considerable relief upon knowing all the students had been unharmed during the accident.

Like many teachers of the Midtown School of Science and Technology, Harrington loves his students as if they were his family. When many of his students temporarily perished due to Thanos' Snap, Harrington went to therapy to deal with his trauma, demonstrating how much he cares for them. However, along with most of his colleagues, Harrington doesn't tolerate perversion or voyeurism among his pupils: when Brad Davis was revealed by Michelle Jones to have photographed Peter Parker half-naked with a woman, Harrington was greatly disgusted, believing Davis to be a voyeur and immediately reprimanding him for his actions.

During the trip to Europe, Harrington was seen to be a hilariously incompetent and clumsy field trip chaperone. This is demonstrated when he dropped his camera into a canal in Venice, while his lack of the foresight to do research for the field trip ahead of time resulted in landing his class in a dilapidated motel and being astonished that a museum he wanted to visit was shut down, something his colleague Julius Dell criticized to him. He also never seemed to question the oddity of his class's "travel company" upgrades and detours throughout their trip, such as the abrupt presence of Mysterio and "Night Monkey."

Despite his likable attitude, however, Harrington seems to have problems when forming relationships or pursuing romance. He has married twice, but both marriages ended up sourly. His first wife left him as Harrington had problems with leaving some space to her and his second wife took advantage of the Infinity War's outcome to fake her death and flee with another man, while Harrington believed her to have been snapped. This last abandonment was enough for Harrington to break down in tears when commenting about it, possibly demonstrating that he really loved his second wife.


"My kingdom is yours."
―Roger Harrington to Bruce Banner[src]
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In chronological order:


Behind the Scenes[]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Roger Harrington.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Roger Harrington.

External Links[]
