Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Mirror universe
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Uhura distracts Hikaru Sulu (mirror)

Empire uniforms of 2267

For the prime universe counterpart, please see Starfleet ranks.

In the mirror universe, the ranks and uniforms of the Terran Empire's Starfleet were similar to those found in the Federation's universe. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")


The Imperial Starfleet was the primary space force of the Empire. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly")

Flag officers[]


Admiral Black, a Terran Empire Starfleet flag officer

Terran Starfleet admirals were the highest grade of commissioned officers, known as flag officers. Personnel were awarded these ranks for rising through the line officer ranks of military service; the admiralty was based at Starfleet Command on Earth. They wore uniform jackets with red and silver division stripes at the shoulders over a white undershirt and necktie, and were the only officer grade that had sleeve stripe insignia in regular uniform wear. These dress jackets displayed only the Empire insignia on their right shoulder, with no opposite assignment patch. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")

Fleet admiral[]

Terran admiral epaulet (2150s)

2155 epaulet insignia for multiple grades of admiral

The most senior flag rank, Starfleet fleet admirals in 2155 (like Fleet Admiral Gardner) wore a flag officer epaulet rank insignia of three gold chevrons with two smaller chevrons between them. The epaulets had admiral rank stripes, a thick silver band with a two separate silver stripes separated by two silver braids. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")

This rank has not been seen in the prime Starfleet of the 2150s.


Starfleet admirals (like Admiral Black) wore flag officer epaulet rank insignia. The admiral's sleeves had rank stripes of several braids and thickness. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")

The sleeve stripe insignia was similar to the prime Starfleet equivalent, except for additional stripe decorations.

Admiral Black wore an additional strap over his shoulder with three square-shaped insignia, though whether these were related to rank or decorations wasn't clear.

Line officers[]

Line officers were ranked captain or lower. The slave species of the Terran Empire were allowed to serve as line officers.


Terran captain epaulet (2150s)

2155 captain epaulet insignia

Terran captain vest epaulet (2260s)

2267 captain epaulet insignia

Terran Starfleet captains were the most senior line officers. The rank of captain was held by starship commanding officers, and was senior to commander.

  • In 2155, Starfleet captains (such as Capt. Forrest) wore on their epaulets the insignia of four silver stripes, with a pin of three silver chevrons, with two darker chevrons between them. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly")
  • In 2267, Starfleet captains (such as Capt. Kirk) wore thick gold braids at the shoulder of a metallic gold vest. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")

Presumably, a regular wear captain's tunic with sleeves would have the same insignia as the counterpart universe, a broken gold stripe with two solid gold braids above and below.


Terran commander epaulet (2150s)

2155 commander epaulet insignia

Terran Starfleet commanders were the second-most senior line officers. This rank was held by department heads and starship executive officers. Commander was inferior to captain, and superior to the lieutenant grades.

  • In 2155, Starfleet commanders (such as Cmdr. Archer) wore on their epaulets the insignia of three silver stripes, with single square pip pin in the center. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly")
  • In 2267, Starfleet commanders (such as Cmdr. Spock) wore thin gold braid edging a dress uniform jacket over a black undershirt. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")

Presumably, a regular wear commander's tunic would have the same insignia as the counterpart universe, two solid gold braids.

Lieutenant commander[]

Terran lieutenant commander epaulet (2150s)

2155 lt. commander epaulet insignia

Starfleet lieutenant commander insignia (2250s-mid 2270s)

2267 lieutenant commander rank stripes

Terran Starfleet lieutenant commanders served as department heads. They were inferior to commanders, and superior to the lieutenants.

  • In 2155, Starfleet lieutenant commanders (such as Lt. Cmdr. T'Pol) wore on their epaulets the insignia of two silver stripes, with single square pip pin in the center. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly")

In one scene, T'Pol wore the insignia of a commander, but it changed later to the lieutenant commander insignia. Either the producers realized after the fact that they would need to introduce the additional rank insignia, or Archer demoted T'Pol when he promoted himself.

  • In 2267, Starfleet lieutenant commanders (such as Cmdr. Scott) wore officer's tunics, with sleeve insignia of a solid and broken gold stripe. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")


Terran lieutenant epaulet (2150s)

2155 lieutenant epaulet insignia

Starfleet lieutenant insignia (2250s-mid 2270s)

2267 lieutenant rank stripe

Terran Starfleet lieutenants were inferior to the commander grades, and superior to ensigns.


Terran ensign epaulet (2150s)

2155 ensign epaulet insignia

Terran Starfleet ensigns were the most junior commissioned officers. This rank was achieved by Academy graduates.

  • In 2155, Starfleet ensigns (such as Ens. Kelby) wore the insignia of a single silver stripe on their epaulets. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")
  • In 2267, Starfleet ensigns (such as Ens. Chekov) wore no rank insignia, but wore officer uniform tunics (with sash and, as they were early in their career, only a few decorations). (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")


Terran enlisted epaulet (2150s)

2155 noncom epaulet insignia

Terran Starfleet enlisted personnel ranked below commissioned officers. These personnel joined Starfleet as crewpeople and usually had not attended a full course of study at Starfleet Academy.


Chief was the highest enlisted rank in Starfleet. This rank was the equivalent of a MACO sergeant. (citation needededit)

No chiefs were seen, but the rank was referred to in a conversation between Kirk and an enlisted man. Presumably this was equivalent to chief petty officer in the counterpart universe's system.


Soval (mirror)

Soval, a Vulcan sciences division crewman

Crewman was the lowest enlisted rank in Starfleet. This rank was the equivalent of a MACO private. (citation needededit) Crewmen (like Soval) wore no officer insignia, sashes or braces. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")


The MACOs were the infantry forces of the Terran Empire. MACO uniforms were the same as in the counterpart universe. The only difference was the MACO patch, which changed from a shark to a skull. See also: MACO ranks

MACO ranks and insignia
Major Sergeant Corporal Private
2155 major rank patch 2155 sergeant rank patch 2155 corporal rank patch 2155 private rank patch
The rank of major was given to MACO field officers commanding groups of soldiers.

Major Reed was commander of the MACOs aboard the ISS Enterprise.

The highest enlisted MACO rank. A sergeant was the equivalent of a Starfleet chief.

Sergeant Mayweather was a MACO sergeant aboard the ISS Enterprise.

A corporal was the MACO rank inferior to a sergeant, equivalent to a Starfleet noncommissioned officer.

Corporals were involved in the military action on the Enterprise, Avenger, and Defiant.

The lowest enlisted MACO rank. A private was the equivalent of a Starfleet crewman.

Privates were involved in the military action on the Enterprise, Avenger, and Defiant.

This chart shows only general equivalencies based on the ranks used by many governments on Earth, as well as the rest of the galaxy.

Background information[]

Episodes set in the mirror universe have not yet featured characters with the ranks of lieutenant junior grade, vice admiral, rear admiral, or Commodore, though the resemblance to the prime universe Starfleet ranks suggests they may exist.

Several rank insignia epaulets from "In a Mirror, Darkly" and "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" were sold as part of It's A Wrap! sale and auction, including: lieutenant commander [1](X) , commander [2](X) , captain [3](X) , and fleet admiral [4](X) .
