Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This article is about Aiken. You may be looking for Aken, of the Vashnar.

Aiken was a 24th century Human, a Starfleet security crewmember in the 2370s decade.


By the year 2379, Aiken served under Security Chief Christine Vale aboard the USS Enterprise-E. Aiken was killed in action on Tezwa, and later mentioned as a casualty by Sabin Genestra as he questioned Vale on her performance. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)

MarinerConspiracies1 This character's death occurred in the First Splinter timeline. In the prime timeline, events unfolded differently, meaning this person might not have died at that point, or that they died in a different manner.



USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) security & tactical personnel
chiefs: L. Addison • P. Daniels • Rowan • R. McAdams • B. Leyoro • C. Vale • S. Nave • L. Battaglia • Z. Leybenzon • J. Choudhury • A. Šmrhová UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet
Aiken • J. Allen • Almonte • A. Balidemaj • A. Braddock • Brennan • G. Carmona • Carr • A. Chang • Chell • N. th'Chun • Clemons • Cobbins • Craycroft • K. Cruzen • P. Davila • H. de Lange • Dey • R. Duncan • S. Fillion • Floyd • R. Giudice • J. Gonzales • T. Gracin • E. Grigsby • Houarner • Althea Huff • Jarata B. • Jeloq • J. Jurot • Kelly • ch'Kerrosoth • Korban • E. Laird • Le Roy • Lightner • Liryn • J. Lofgrin • Lopez • T. Lynch • F. McEwan • R. Mars • Melo • A. Munro • T. Murphy • Obarakeh • T. Odell • Parminder • J. Peart • Razka • B. Regnis • T. Ryerson • Sanders • Seo • Shreff • N. Sirhc • S. Stockman • N. Stolovitsky • J. Struhlem • T'Sona • K. Thompson • J. Travis • Velex • M. Vogel • F. Wriede
see also: engineering personnel • medical & counseling personnel • operations personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • miscellaneous • unnamed