Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Houarner, at a Mok'bara class

Houarner was a male Human security officer serving on the USS Enterprise-D by 2370, holding the rank of Ensign. In an alternate timeline where Montgomery Scott rescued James T. Kirk before he could be absorbed into the Nexus, the Enterprise was thrown back in time to 2293 in a universe where the Borg controlled much of the Alpha Quadrant. The Borg Queen possessed the body of Balitor, a Narisian working for the Alliance, and attempted to kill Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Houarner was one of the security officers present, along with Worf and Ensign Porfirio, and helped Worf stun the possessed Balitor when she attacked. (Star Trek novel: Engines of Destiny)

In 2371, Houarner was one of the team assigned to provide security during the inauguration ceremonies for Governor Ra'ch B'ullhy of Damiano and was assigned to the outside of the building with Benesch and Post. (TNG - Perchance to Dream comic: "By a Sleep to Say We End")

In 2375, Lieutenant Houarner was on duty at the brig controls during Gul Madred's time as a prisoner on the USS Enterprise-E. (TNG short story: "Four Lights")

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) security & tactical personnel
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Addison • C. Anderson • Anderson • Arthur • Badnajian • Bailey • Barnaby • Belix • Benesch • Bernstein • Boyajian • Brindle • Burke • Bodonchar • Buchanon • Caledon • Cavay • Clarke • Conner • D'Angelo • Detaith • Detek • De Groodt • De Luz • Dreod • D'Sora • Frazer • Fong • Gomez • Greenblatt • Han • Hanson • Harcourt • Hasell • Hassett • Holzrichter • Horowitz • Houarner • Keenan • Kellog • Kessler • Kraner • Loyosha • Mann • Martinez • Mendez • Meyer • Mirish • Montez • Newman • Palazzo • Paskall • Porfirio • Potter • Resnick • Rodriguez • Ryder • Salinger • Schultz • Scully • Shikibu • Singh • Starros • Stern • Timoshenko • Tinker • Trent • Vanderbeek • Wallace • Whiff • Wong • Worf • Wrenn • Yar Starfleet insignia.
see also: engineering personnel • medical personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • operations personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • unnamed
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) security & tactical personnel
chiefs: L. Addison • P. Daniels • Rowan • R. McAdams • B. Leyoro • C. Vale • S. Nave • L. Battaglia • Z. Leybenzon • J. Choudhury • A. Šmrhová UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet
Aiken • J. Allen • Almonte • A. Balidemaj • A. Braddock • Brennan • G. Carmona • Carr • A. Chang • Chell • N. th'Chun • Clemons • Cobbins • Craycroft • K. Cruzen • P. Davila • H. de Lange • Dey • R. Duncan • S. Fillion • Floyd • R. Giudice • J. Gonzales • T. Gracin • E. Grigsby • Houarner • Althea Huff • Jarata B. • Jeloq • J. Jurot • Kelly • ch'Kerrosoth • Korban • E. Laird • Le Roy • Lightner • Liryn • J. Lofgrin • Lopez • T. Lynch • F. McEwan • R. Mars • Melo • A. Munro • T. Murphy • Obarakeh • T. Odell • Parminder • J. Peart • Razka • B. Regnis • T. Ryerson • Sanders • Seo • Shreff • N. Sirhc • S. Stockman • N. Stolovitsky • J. Struhlem • T'Sona • K. Thompson • J. Travis • Velex • M. Vogel • F. Wriede
see also: engineering personnel • medical & counseling personnel • operations personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • miscellaneous • unnamed