Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the mirror universe counterpart see Arawath (mirror).

Arawath was a Cardassian planet in the Arawath system. It was the site of the Arawath colony. (DS9 episode: "The Wire")


The Arawath system was first colonized in the late 22nd century. Surface temperatures on Arawath were more than ten degrees lower than on Cardassia Prime, and the long rainy seasons were considered unappealing to most Cardassians. (STO mission: "The Other Side")

Prior to 2323, Skrain Dukat saw the standard construction pattern ordered by Central Command, a box within a box, used on Arawath. (TLE - Terok Nor novel: Day of the Vipers)

In the 2350s, the Arawath colony became popular among retired Cardassian officials seeking respite from the intrigues on the homeworld. (STO mission: "The Other Side")

In the year 2370, Julian Bashir found Enabran Tain on Arawath in order to get help removing Elim Garak's cranial implant. (DS9 episode: "The Wire")



Zeta Andromedae sector block
Arawath sector Arawath (Arawath) • Bavar • Kalesta (Kalesta III) • Lahra (Lahra Prime) • Zenas Expanse
Kora sector B'lii • Mirish (Mirish Prime) • Oradhe (Eta Oradhe 70) • TRD 071944
Orias sector Crown (Crown IV) • Enocha (Enocha Prime) • Orias (Orias III) • Phi (Phi II)
Vanden sector Goralis (Goralis III) • Mec • Mryax (Mryax 40) • Vanden (Vanden Prime) • Vestalan (Vestalan Prime) • Zenas Expanse