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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Australia, as seen from space.


Map of Earth showing Australia.

Australia was an island continent on Earth. Located in the southern hemisphere, it was the location of an eponymous nation-state. Inhabitants of Australia were known as Australians.


Australia was home to a prehistoric human culture, commonly called Aborigines. They had a complex philosophical system which included a concept called Dream-time. This culture was nearly wiped out in the 19th century, but had managed to survive into the 23rd century. (TOS novel: Strangers from the Sky)

From 18th to 21st century[]

In the late 18th century, a penal colony was established on Australia by the United Kingdom. English Captain Arthur Phillip attempted to establish a penal colony at Botany Bay on January 17, 1788. Poor soils and poor knowledge of the climate and country meant the colony was often facing starvation, but adjustment of farming techniques, discovery of richer lands ensured the prosperity of the colony. Other colonies were soon established. Gold rushes and an inclusive culture attracted millions of immigrants who forged a stable, inclusive and peaceful nation. In the 20th century, Khan Noonien Singh memorialized the colony by naming the sleeper ship his augment group had been provided with after the colony (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2; FASA RPG module: The Klingons: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual)

In 2032, Australia took part in the Ares IV mission. (VOY episode: "One Small Step")

When Lily Sloane claimed for a way out of the USS Enterprise-E Jean-Luc Picard told her it would be difficult. He opened a hatch to space and showed Lily Earth, pointing at Australia, New Guinea, and the Solomons. (TNG movie: First Contact)

United Earth[]

In 2141, Hoshi Sato had a pen pal in Brisbane, a city of Australia. (ENT episode: "Dear Doctor")

By the 22nd century, the nation was known as the Independent Republic of Australia. It was the last of the old nation-states on Earth to join the United Earth government, eventually and reluctantly joining in 2150. (ENT novel: The Good That Men Do; Decipher RPG module: Aliens)

In the TNG episode: "Attached", Beverly Crusher mentioned Australia as a continued hypothetical hold-out against the formation of the United Earth government in 2150. Though only a hypothetical example at the time, it later became fact with The Good That Men Do and Aliens, as above. With Earth Starfleet conducting training there in the 2140s, below, relations were likely to be amicable for some time prior to this.

In the 2140s and in 2150, Earth Starfleet conducted survival training in the Outback of Australia, near Alice Springs. This lasted two weeks and included drinking recycled sweat and eating snake meat. Jonathan Archer, Trip Tucker and A.G. Robinson underwent this training. (ENT episodes: "Desert Crossing", "First Flight")

In the 2150s, a Vulcan consulate was located in Canberra, Australia's capital city. (ENT episode: "Terra Prime")

Modern times[]

A 21st century-era political map of Earth was stored in the USS Enterprise's library computer in 2254. The Australian continent was seen on this map. This map was among the materials viewed by the Talosians when they scanned the Enterprise computer. (TOS episode: "The Cage")

The two humpback whales brought by James T. Kirk to the 23rd century, George and Gracie, were given a new home at the New Cetacean Institute off Australia's Great Barrier Reef. (TOS novel: Probe)

Sarah Sisko was working as a holophotographer in Australia when she was killed in a hovercraft accident. (DS9 episode: "Image in the Sand")


Australia was famous for its Vegemite. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals)

Alternate timeline[]

In an alternate timeline accidentally created by Leonard McCoy saving Edith Keeler's life in March 1930, Australia was conquered by the Empire of Japan prior to 1944. (TOS - Crucible novel: Provenance of Shadows)



Brisbane • Canberra • Perth • Sydney


Botany Bay • Tasmania


A kangaroo was an Australian animal. (TOS movie: The Voyage Home)

Noted Australians[]



Earth states, organizations and geographical regions
Planetary State United Earth • United Earth Republic International organizations United Nations/New United Nations • Great Khanate • Optimum Movement United Earth logo
Africa Pan-African Alliance African Confederation (Somalia) • Egypt • Madagascar • Mali • Senegal • République de Côte d'Ivoire • South Africa • Sudan • United States of Africa (Kenya)
Asia and Siberia Eastern Coalition Afghanistan • China • India • Indonesia • Japan (Empire of Japan) • Kazakhstan • Korea (S. Korea) • Malaysia • Mughal Empire • Pakistan • Philippines • Russia • Soviet Union • Singapore • Thailand • Tibet • Vietnam
Central America Belize • Costa Rica • El Salvador • Guatemala • Honduras • Nicaragua • Panama
Europe European Alliance • European Hegemony • European Union • Mediterranean Alliance • United States of Europe Austria • Azerbaijan • Belarus • Belgium • Bulgaria • Czechoslovakia • Denmark • France • German Democratic Republic • Germany • Gibraltar • Greece • Hungary • Iceland • Ireland • Italy • Lithuania • Netherlands • Norway • Pan Slavia • Poland • Portugal • Roman Empire • Serbia • Soviet Union • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales) • Yugoslavia
Middle East Muslim Bloc • Pan-Semite Union Arabia • Iran • Iraq • Israel • Lebanon • Turkey • Saudi Arabia
North America Caribbean Alliance • Central America Canada • Cuba • Jamaica • Mexico • Panama • Dominican Republic • Puerto Rico • United States of America
Oceania and Antarctica Australia • Easter Island • New Guinea • New Zealand • Norfolk Island • Pitcairn • Solomon Islands
South America Argentina • Bolivia • Brazil • Chile • Colombia • Ecuador • French Guiana • Guyana • Paraguay • Peru • Suriname • Trinidad and Tobago • Uruguay • Venezuela

External links[]
