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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki



Asia map showing Japan's capital Tokyo.

Japan was a nation-state on Earth, just off the east coast of Asia. It is composed of four major islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku, and many smaller islands, with its capital in the city of Tokyo. Its primary language was Japanese.

In its history, Japan was ruled by shoguns. It also had traditional female entertainers known as geisha. (FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge)

History and specifics[]

In 2273 Hikaru Sulu was sent back in time to 1600 in feudal Japan, where he helps to rescue Lady Oneko, the youngest concubine of Torii Mototada, the lord of Fushimi Castle. (TOS novel: Home Is the Hunter)

During World War II, the Japanese Navy attacked a United States naval installation at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on 7 December 1941. (VOY episode: "The 37's")

During the Eugenics Wars, a battle in the Sea of Japan was fought. It was considered the turning point in the conflict, as it saw much of Khan Singh's military force being destroyed and marked the beginning of the end of his superrace. (TNG novel: Debtors' Planet)

In 2032, Japan took part in the Ares IV mission. (VOY episode: "One Small Step")

Hoshi Sato was a native of Japan. (ENT episode: "In a Mirror, Darkly")

Shimizu Hana, mother of Hikaru Sulu was from the island of Shikoku. (TLE - Tales from the Captain's Table short story: "Iron and Sacrifice")

Visiting the planet Neolithia in 2267, Hikaru Sulu compared it to the National Park of Kyoto in Japan. (TOS novel: Mission to Horatius)

In the 24th century, Federation Starfleet named the New Orleans-class frigate USS Kyushu after Kyushu, one of the four main islands of Japan. (The Official Starships Collection Issue 95: "New Orleans Class")

Alternate timeline[]

In an alternate timeline accidentally created by Leonard McCoy saving Edith Keeler's life in March 1930, Keeler became a powerful voice in the American Pacifist Movement. She exerted significant influence on the administration of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt much so as to delay the United States' entry into World War II. Japan did not attack Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 as it did not consider the US to be a significant threat. By 1944, after the United Kingdom had fallen to the Nazis and Japan had conquered Australia and New Zealand, the Axis finally struck against the United States in Hawaii and drew the nation into war. World War II continued into 1955 and was eventually won by the Axis. (TOS - Crucible novel: Provenance of Shadows)

Geography and locations[]


Other locations[]



Earth states, organizations and geographical regions
Planetary State United Earth • United Earth Republic International organizations United Nations/New United Nations • Great Khanate • Optimum Movement United Earth logo
Africa Pan-African Alliance African Confederation (Somalia) • Egypt • Madagascar • Mali • Senegal • République de Côte d'Ivoire • South Africa • Sudan • United States of Africa (Kenya)
Asia and Siberia Eastern Coalition Afghanistan • China • India • Indonesia • Japan (Empire of Japan) • Kazakhstan • Korea (S. Korea) • Malaysia • Mughal Empire • Pakistan • Philippines • Russia • Soviet Union • Singapore • Thailand • Tibet • Vietnam
Central America Belize • Costa Rica • El Salvador • Guatemala • Honduras • Nicaragua • Panama
Europe European Alliance • European Hegemony • European Union • Mediterranean Alliance • United States of Europe Austria • Azerbaijan • Belarus • Belgium • Bulgaria • Czechoslovakia • Denmark • France • German Democratic Republic • Germany • Gibraltar • Greece • Hungary • Iceland • Ireland • Italy • Lithuania • Netherlands • Norway • Pan Slavia • Poland • Portugal • Roman Empire • Serbia • Soviet Union • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales) • Yugoslavia
Middle East Muslim Bloc • Pan-Semite Union Arabia • Iran • Iraq • Israel • Lebanon • Turkey • Saudi Arabia
North America Caribbean Alliance • Central America Canada • Cuba • Jamaica • Mexico • Panama • Dominican Republic • Puerto Rico • United States of America
Oceania and Antarctica Australia • Easter Island • New Guinea • New Zealand • Norfolk Island • Pitcairn • Solomon Islands
South America Argentina • Bolivia • Brazil • Chile • Colombia • Ecuador • French Guiana • Guyana • Paraguay • Peru • Suriname • Trinidad and Tobago • Uruguay • Venezuela


External links[]
