Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"Blood Will Tell, Issue 4", scripted under the title "Blood Reign O'er Me", was the fourth comic issued in the Klingons: Blood Will Tell miniseries.


Another look at the struggle between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, from the perspective of the galaxy's fiercest warriors, the Klingons! This month, a handful of Klingons battle for control of a Federation starship in this alternate view of the classic "Day of the Dove". Will they be able to commandeer one of their enemies' most powerful vessels? Or are they themselves merely pawns in a larger plot?



(*) • Pavel Chekov • Fron'chak • Johnson • Jurva • K'ahlynn • Kahnrah • Kang • James T. Kirk • Mara • Leonard McCoy • Morglar • Spock • Tahk • Woroth
Referenced only
Kahless the Unforgettable • Kor

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise (Constitution-class) • IKS Voh'tahk (D7-class)
Referenced only
IKS Blortlh


Beta XII-A • Museum of Military Triumph and Conquest • Qo'noS
Referenced only
Caleb IV • Great Hall • Munjeb III • Organia • Praxis

Races and cultures[]

Human • Klingon • Vulcan
Referenced only

States and organizations[]

Federation Starfleet • Klingon Empire • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Klingon High Council

Other references[]

arboretum • armory • bat'leth • bridge • Chronicles of War • command pod • disruptor • engineering • explosive decompression • intercom • landing party • phaser • radiation • radiation exposure • science lab • shield • sword • torpedo • transporter • transporter room • tribble • warp core • warp core breach


  • This comic was scheduled as the July issue of the miniseries, but was actually released just a day late of the month, on August 1.
  • One of the ten pages of editorial content in this issue is an advert for the final issue of the miniseries, featuring Joe Corroney's artwork for the issue.
  • This comic, like previous issues in the miniseries, does not specify a title. However the title "Blood Reign O'er Me", was given on IDW’s message boards by the writer Scott Tipton.


  • This comic is available in three covers, two of which of equal availability; one by David Messina and a photomontage, and the third of more limited availability by Joe Corroney.

Related stories[]

Star Trek - Klingons: Blood Will Tell
Issues Against Their Nature • Beneath the Skin • The Order of Things • Blood Reign O'er Me • Losses
Episodes Errand of Mercy • The Trouble with Tribbles • A Private Little War • Day of the Dove • The Undiscovered Country
Creators Elena Casagrande • Joe Corroney • David Messina • Robbie Robbins • Chris Ryall • Dan Taylor • Scott & David Tipton • Ilaria Traversi • Neil Uyetake


published order
Previous comic:
The Order of Things
TOS comics
Klingons: Blood Will Tell
Next comic:
Previous comic:
The Order of Things
Comics by:
Scott & David Tipton
Next comic:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Order of Things
Framing story
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
Previous Adventure:
Day of the Dove
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
(2264 to 2270)
Next Adventure:
Plato's Stepchildren
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2293.
The Memory Beta Chronology places events from this story in one other timeframe:
Previous Adventure:
Day of the Dove
2268 Next Adventure:
Plato's Stepchildren


External link[]
