Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the mirror universe counterpart, see Organia (mirror).

Organia was a class M planet, the fourth planet in the Organian system on the Federation-Klingon border. It was the homeworld of the Organians. After the Organians imposed a peace treaty between the Federation and Klingon Empire the planet fell into the Klingon Neutral Zone, near Outpost Delta 7. (ST references: The Worlds of the Federation, Star Charts; TOS episode: "Errand of Mercy"; TOS video game: Starfleet Academy: Strategic Command)

History and specifics[]


Explored Galaxy

Organia on the explored galaxy map.

Organia was noted on star charts of the galaxy's explored regions in the 23rd and 24th centuries, in an area of the projection also containing Kling, Ingraham B and Omega IV. (TOS movie: The Undiscovered Country, TNG episodes: "Conspiracy", "The Measure of a Man", "The Emissary", "The Mind's Eye", "The Game", DS9 episodes: "In the Hands of the Prophets", "Cardassians")


In the 22nd century, the USS Daedalus visited Organia. The crew was surprised to find that the inhabitants, though appearing to be primitive, were not surprised by the Federation Starfleet crew. The crew had even landed a shuttlecraft in a town square. (ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years)

In 2267, just before war broke out between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, the USS Enterprise was ordered to secure Organia. En route the Enterprise was attacked by a Klingon scout vessel IKS Vortha (which they promptly destroyed) and before they arrived at Organia the Enterprise received a Code One alert informing them war had officially commenced.


Organia vicinity.

The destruction of the Vortha prompted the Klingon High Council to send a fleet under command of Kor, son of Rynar to take Organia for the Empire and destroy the Enterprise. The Enterprise arrived at Organia shortly before the Klingons, but was forced to depart when the fleet did arrive, leaving Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock stranded on the planet.

While the Klingons established their rule over the planet Kirk and Spock donned disguises, and after being interrogated by the Klingons were allowed to go about their business — with Kirk in the guise of Baroner being appointed Governor Kor's liaison to the Organian people.

The Klingons’ peaceful conquest did not last long when Kirk and Spock decided to try and spark an Organian resistance by blowing up the Klingons’ ammunition depot. The Klingons discovered Kirk's true identity and took him into custody, but the Organian leader, Ayelborne, freed them. The two acts of apparent Organian terrorism prompted Kor to order two-hundred Organians be shot in punishment, and order more be periodically killed until the Starfleet spies turned themselves in.

War over Organia

Federation and Klingon forces face off over Organia

Horrified by the deaths Kirk decided to make a strike against Kor and attacked him in his base of operations on the planet. At the same time the Federation fleet arrived above the planet to face off against the Klingons. Appalled by the escalating violence the Organians, who were (unknown to both powers) in fact non-corporeal beings, decided to intervene and prevented the continuation of immediate hostilities by making it impossible for the Starfleet and Klingon forces to fight by making their weapons too hot to touch. At the same time Ayelborne simultaneously appeared before the Federation and Klingon leadership to impose a peace treaty on the two powers to prevent further violence. (TOS episode: "Errand of Mercy"; ST - Klingons - Blood Will Tell comic: "Against Their Nature")

Unable to continue the fight under the new Organian Peace Treaty the two sides retreated their forces from the planet, which now fell within the Klingon Neutral Zone. (TOS episode: "Errand of Mercy"; ST - Klingons - Blood Will Tell comic: "Against Their Nature"; TOS video game: Starfleet Academy: Strategic Command)

In 2269, the Klingons confined Organia with a thought-shield, thus allowing war to break out between the Federation and Klingons once again. After the Enterprise reached Organia and freed it, the Organians confined the Klingons to their homeworld for 1000 years. (TOS novel: Spock Must Die!)

Errand of curiosity[]

In the 2280s, Starfleet dispatched a small starship to investigate the suspected disappearance of the Organians. Upon arriving at the world, the Starfleet captain found all traces of them gone, and was confronted by a Klingon picket ship. The Starfleet crew destroyed the hostile Klingon and reported the abandonment of Organia. (TOS video game: Starfleet Command: "Errand of Curiosity")

Historic legacy[]

Worf had heard stories about Kor confronting Kirk on Organia throughout his life. (DS9 episode: "The Sword of Kahless")



Amargosa investigation star chart
Angosia III (Angosia system) • Antica IV (Antica) • Antide Prime (Antide system) • Archer IV (Archer system) • Beta Renna system • Beta V (Beta system) • Betazed (Betazed system) • Boreal III (Boreal system) • Canopus Major (Canopus system) • Chalna (Chalna system) • Clarus system • Coalition of Madena • Daled V (Daled system) • Daran V (Daran system) • Delta IV (Delta system) • El-Adrel IV (El Adrel system) • Epsilon Canaris • Gamma Eridon • Gravesworld • Halee system • Hayashi system • Hansen's Planet (Beta Hydra system) • Idran Star Cluster • Ilecom system • Janus VI (Janus system) • Jaros colony (Jaros system) • Lauren III (Lauren system) • Lima Sierra system • Lorenze Cluster • M24 Alpha system • Makus III (Makus system) • Manark IV (Manark system) • Manu III (Manu system) • Maxia Zeta • Melina II (Melina system) • Milika III (Milika system) • Miridian VI (Miridian system) • Nimbus III (Nimbus system) • Ogus II (Ogus system) • Omega Centus I (Omega Centus system) • Organia (Organia system) • Pentarus system • Penthara IV (Penthara system) • Razzbo system • Seiji Major • Septimus Minor • Serlay • Sherman's Planet (Sherman system) • Straleb (Omega Sagitta system) • Strnad solar system • Thasus IV (Thasus system) • T'lli Beta • Torona IV (Torona system) • Turkana IV (Turkana system) • Tycho system • Tyken's Rift • Vandor IV (Vandor system) • Vaytan I (Vaytan system) • Wolf 359 • Zeon Minor • Zeta Antaras IV (Zeta Antaras system) Explored galaxy map.
planets visited by the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) during Captain Kirk's initial five-year mission (2265-2270)
various Capory • Cygnet IV • Garrus • Rheel • Triangularis III
2265 Earth • Yko • Draxis II • Tally • Karabos II • Gamma Alpha V • Pollux II • Starbase 8 planet • Sector Vega 6 planet • M-155 • Archernar IV • Dimorus • Mandylion V • Tendar IV • Mestiko • Alpha Ortelina VII • Arronus VII • Aldebaran III • Delta Vega I • Starbase 12 • Vellurius • Earth • Globular planet • Norus • Junkyard planet • Palnak's planet • Santar • Nova XIII • Zeltok • Korak • the Traveler's homeworld • Dukar • Orthoo • Algenib II
2266 Crucial-3 • Vultra • Robots' planet • Angoma • Mantis planet • Nuofo • Stai • Vrex • Balant planet • Galaxy T-21 planet • Zargot • Coltac • Rigel XII • Alfa 177 • M-113 • Psi 2000 • Tlaoli IV • Skur • Selkye • Taragon • Alpha 332 • Ynobe II • Ecnal • Raylo • Noriga • Alpha Proxima II • Kynardi • Argylus • Ominnus • Earth • K-G • Nekros • Seggor • Fornia • Angira • Beta II • Neesan • Kujal • Razlak • Luna • Bwuja • Fayo • Hercula • Earth • Kibo/Ndora • Nraka • Sacro • Alpha 23-C • Oordon • Mobita • Jodarr • Quodar • Zarta • Floe I • Metamorpha • Inicrust • Morti • Terrellian II • Voodoo planet • Riza homeworld • Mila Xa • Krugar III remnant • Quaraxus • Arima • Mazda • Numero Uno • Beta Carinae • Exo III • 1324-IV • 7348-II • Tantalus V • Miri's homeworld • Planet Q • Benecia • Zorat planet
2267 Taurus II • Makus III • Ximega II • Hydra Epsilon III • Perseus Arm planetoid • Yko • Tenkara • Salvum • Grotus • Varanu planet • Yko • Talos IV • Tekton • Rifas-L • Amusement Park planet • Heitius VII • Planet of Fire • Ice Planet • Centaurus V • Fomalhaut V • Emben III • Cynur IV • Tyrtaeus II • Gothos • Beta VI • Theta VII • Ramedes III • Cestus III • Metron planet • Alva • Lazarus's planet • Galaxy Zekbran planet • Cygnet XIV • Earth • Canara • Beta III • Draqqana • Iach'tu Prime • Eminiar VII • Ceti Alpha V • Gamma 400 • Vartax • Dak-Alpha • Thark • Morkol • Timshel • Omicron • Omicron Ceti III • Janus VI • 7348-II • Chandra IV • Organia • Angrena • Yko • Earth Colony II • Gateway • Earth • Deneva • Janvar • Zentar • Zettin • Winged Dreamers' planet • "the Frontier" • Modala • Lado • Gamma Xaridian • Elsinor H-25 • Starbase 10 planet • Beta Mariotia III • Vega III • Tondus • Tekkor • Carnak • Pyris VII • Earth • Pentam V • Gamma Canaris N • Vandros VII • Nukolee • Styra • Lurota • Oorego IV • Giant Brain asteroid • Otari II • Gateway • Isis III • Not Eden • Maaba S'Ja • Capella IV • Pollux IV • Vulcan • Mestiko • CJ-884 planet • Nador • Tactis II • Beta Nirobi II • Phygma IV • Outpost Omega-70 • Tau Gamma IV • M-370 • Argelius II • Merope IV • Malur • Eulus • Donico II • Gamma Trianguli VI • Tyrtaeus II • Halka • Ixtolde • Gamma Hydra IV • Levinius V • Calydon • Starbase 10 planet • Turan Tot Narut's planet • Gamma Canaris N • Taunus • Planet 656 • Beton III • Sklurr • Karr • Graktan • Plixes • Andrius • Deneva • Mudd • Earth • Aneher II • Wezonvu • Nalaing • Magna Roma • Bavarya • Neolithia • Mythra • Rimillia • Babel • Gamma Canaris N • Vulcan • Nisus • Certax • Narnel's World • NGC 667 • Neural
2268 Fornax II • Gamma II • Triskelion • Rudimon • Argus X • Tycho IV • Theta VII • Centaurus • Usilde • Signi Beta • Tautee system • Prometheus IV • Syngreal • Glisten IV • Billybob • Gamma Hydra Gamma • Milo • Thrint • Throckmorton • Urf Durfal • Orgone • Vulcan • Beta Canzandia III • Alpha Maluria VI • Rariar III • Karxen V • Dekian II • Mevinna • Sigma Iotia II • Xanvia • Xoxxa • Inquisitor planet • Beta Reticuli • Delta Vega • Nalogen IV • Delta Vega • Delta Canaris IV • Alnath II • Ammdon • Arret • Mu Arigulon V • Ekos • Eeiauo • Sivao • Aprilia III • Kahless • Omega IV • Earth • Theta Kiokis II • Elas • Troyius • Elethia • Alsand • Kos • Tau Delta IX • Kroy's planet • Amerind • Starbase 14 planet • Andru 4/6 • Tranquility VII • Midos V • Earth • Exo III • T'nufo • Midos V • Eando 375 • Starbase 10 planet • Wrigley's Pleasure Planet • Exo III • Tortuga VI • Taos IV • Triacus • Marcos XII • Wokkle III • Cawley IV • Makon III • Kala • Lowaria • Dreamers' planet • Sigma Draconis VI • Direidi • Medusa • Iolos VI • Giermos • Persis Nova • Midgwis • Minara II • Gamma VI • Octavius IV • Beta Cabrini colony • Pegasus IV • Careta IV • Beta XII-A • Platonius • Earth • Scalos • M-317 • Beta Aurigae III • Sanoora host planet • Rhinegelt • Kalandan outpost • Distrel • Prastor • York III • Tttnicktttnor • Ariannus • Cheron • Elba II • Sanctuary • Gideon • Kolya • Tau Omega IV • Tau Omega III • Tareel III
2269 Rontelm • Memory Alpha • Ardana • Merak II • Avalon • Pollux V • Beta Myamid VIII • Chameleon • Zamphor • Hrakkour IV • Scythe • Balkos III • Gothos • Onyius II • Nova Atar III • Masaba • Lekythos • Shroud IV • Sigma Iotia II • Tarnak II • Vesbius • Janus VI • Beta Niobe III • Tree of Life planetoid • Gamma Cygnet planetoid • Centaurus • Raga's Planet • Eden • Theta Tau V • Holberg 917G • Lothor • Tau Beta IV • Excalbia • Sarpeidon • Feudal planet • Camus II • Duwamish • Ephrata IV • Sigma Niobe II • Gateway • Krasni's Folly • Vestalan • Maltos IV • Organia • Kyros • Nesta • Anomaly • Academy • Yko • Arachnae • Babel • Epsilon Delta IV • Heartland • Gothos • Cherela • Starbase 8 planet • Syhaar Prime • The Strand • Aarak III • Phi XI • Ur homeworld • Viden • Gobi III • Pacifica • Dolysia • Gralafi • Loren V • Gelladorn/R-775 I • Dengella II • Lloyd Zeta IX • Sigma Iotia II • Hesperides I • Tombstone • Waycross • Perry's planet • Delta Gamma IV • Trefolg • Trellisane • Holox • Boaco VI • Juram V • Vancadia • Veletus V • Pollux II • Leora IV • Patria I • Memory Prime • Talin IV • I'Qos • Circe V • Gateway • Mantilles • Moauv • Pomplance • Ribol II • Marpaplu • Valeria • Taurus II • Kinshasa
2270 Janus VI • Phylos II • Amusement Park planet • Motherlode • Rock creature planet • Darius IV • Megas-Tu • Terratin • Verdanis • Sherman's Planet • Argo • Deneb V • Vedala asteroid • Dramia • Dramia II • Arret • Lactra VII • Boqu II • Delta Theta III • Pandro • Dengella II • Briamos • Finder's planet • Procrustean planet • Yko • Belarius IV • DT-262 • Kwettir • Waasertla • Mygdalus III • Artemys 314 • Velat Nol/R-836 II • Pillagra (R-855 III) • Polymax VIII • Cenotaph • Emilla II • Vehtora IV • Anabarra colony • Hollow Planet • N'cai • Muldoon • Coridan III • Akladi • Mudd • Kuban • Sarai • CJ-884 planet • Stella Mudd's planet • Mudd • Taygeta V • Okeanos • Beta Omicron Delta III • Zeta Gibraltar • Yoondri • Earth (alternate) • Vrotii outpost planet • Sycorax • Baldur III • Bira III • Njura • Omne's planet • Voran • Razar • Mercan • Starbase 9 planet • Yalbo • Aritani • Vulcan • Hoshan planets • Tanis • Starbase 9 planet • Aragos planet • Aleph Prime • Aleph III • Antos IV • Takoi homeworld • Jinks' planet • Gateway • Andros • Yusub • Earth • Denebia • Veneu II • Gribbin II • Klondike VI • Isitra Zero • Gateway • Aleriad • Andoria • Proxima Centauri • Vulcan • Earth • Pelos • Talos IV • Gateway • Earth • Starbase 12 • Tomarii
planets visited by the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (2273-2285)
James T. Kirk's second five-year mission (2273 - 2278)
2273 Earth • Gallus III • Nelestra • Lorina • Sherman's Planet • Earth • Starbase 16 planet • Yannid VI • Andrea IV • Omega IX • Turages • Moonsek • 897-JOJ • Calibus VII • Earth • Manlikt • Grokh • Shadir • Toltan colony • Forma VI • Agena IV • Tarsus II • Zaran II • Telos • Abaris • Mycena • Starbase 8 planet • Barak VII • Hohweyn VII • Cragon V • Andronicus • Starbase 28 planet • Persephone II • Sherman's Planet • Skaftar • Rakatan
2274 Mestiko • Hus-24 • Arroool planet • Sarsithia • Vulpecula 12 IV • Iskonia • Hamal IV (Starbase 18) • Mimit • Earth • Thoris Amarnis IV • Zeta-Atez • Argus IV • Cytherius • Phaeton • Hephaestus • Zeta Reticuli II • Starbase 9 planet • Miaplacidus V • Valerian • Goran IV • Nordstral • Helva • Cephalus IV
2275 Earth • Flyspeck • Vulcan • Feeniks-Denn IV • Nova Empyrea • Yko • Miri's homeworld • Perinda IV • Oblik III • Garrus
2276 Sigma 1212 • Zenna IV • Duran XII • Shad • Parides IV • Levaeri V • Artaleirh
2277 Manark V • Murakami IX • Lycos V • Varda III • Myra • Khepri • Pollox IV • Upsilon Xi III • Lieberman's World • Macedon III • Marris V • Omicron Theta V • Ayin Aleph III • Lam Qaf Kha II • Kappa Rho IV
2278 Cathy • Granotoulomines planet • Hippocrates IV • Dekkanar • Mars • Akkalla • Earth
Spock's command (2278 - 2285) Bright Tree • Kaferia • Mestiko • Earth • Fortenue • Circe II • Earth • Belle Terre • Thieurrull • Starbase 12 • Regula I • Earth • Hellguard • Earth • Delta IV • Rator • Yko • Mestiko • Earth
Admiral Kirk's command (2285) Earth • Regula I • Genesis Planet • Azphari • Organia • Beta Epsilon VI • Babel • Vulcan • Romulan planetoid • Earth • Genesis Planet
explored galaxy map
states and organizations First Federation • Tholian Assembly Explored galaxy map.
regions Kling • Romulan Neutral Zone • Sarpeid
stars and systems Aldeberan • Alpha Carinae • Alpha Centuri • Alpha Majoris • Beta Aurigae • Beta Geminorum • Beta Lyrae • Beta Niobe • Beta Portalan • Capella • Deneb • Eminiar • Fabrina • Gamma Trianguli • Ingraham B • Omega Cygni • Orion • Pallas 14 • Phylos • Regulus • Rigel • Sirius • Sol • Talos • Tau Ceti
planets and planetoids Alfa 177 • Altair VI • Andor • Arret • Ariannus • Babel • Benecia • Berengaria VII • Camus II • Canopus III • Daran V • Gamma Canaris N • Holberg 917G • Janus VI • Kzin • Lactra VII • Makus III • Marcos XII • Marnak IV • Memory Alpha • Mudd • Omega IV • Organia • Pollux IV • Psi 2000 • Pyrix VII • Remus • Romulus • Theta III • Vulcan

Appearances and references[]



External link[]
