Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Delphi.

Delphi was a trinary star system, located not far from Romulan territory in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, in or near a 23rd century boundary of Federation space in sector 01379.

History and specifics[]

No habitable planets were located in the system.

In the year 2269, the starship USS Enterprise was en route to probe radiation clouds at Omega Corvus when Starfleet Command diverted her to Delphi system to investigate the disappearances of several spacecraft here. For at least a month, Gothos was relocated near the system by Trelane, who was playing out a World War I military fantasy game with the crews of the SS Mniki'rr, SS Shinobi, and USS Zimbabwe. (TOS video game: Judgment Rites)



sector 01379-44δ8
Alpha Nexus I (Alpha Nexus system) • Antares Rift • Atabis • Balkos III (Balkos system) • Beta Chimera • Borea IV (Borea system) • Delphi • Diogenes • Epsilon Sierra • Espoir Station • Klahmac • Lachian • Nova Atar • Onyius II (Onyius system) • Omega Corvus • Praetus • Saracles • Stonrak • Symphony Alpha • Zhraad the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systema (D)
Daa'V • Daffodon • Dagem • Dahleb • Dajera • Dak-Alpha • Dakiak • Dalanda • Daled • Damana • Damir • Damocles • Danae Victoria • Danara 5986 • Dangasi • Danian • Daniir • Dankon • Danor Tor • Dantar • Dante • Dante Maxima • Danton • Danula • Danzan • Daran • Dargesi • Dark Horse • Dark Maw • Daro • Daros • Dar'shinta • DaSqor • Dastera • Dathan• Dauouuy • Davidul • Daxura • DD Tauri • Debali • Debudex • Dedderac • Dedira • De Gaulle • Dekian • Delanath • Delanos • Delior • Delius • Delkon • Dellaton • Delleren • Delmas • Delos • Delos • Delphi • Delta (Delta Principius/Delta Triciatu) • Delta Arietis • Delta Arlana • Delta Cassiopeiae • Delta Cyanna • Delta Darius • Delta Feronis • Delta Fuego • Delta Gamma • Delta Gamma • Delta Ganymede • Delta Gorgoni • Delta Indus • Delta Khinah • Delta Lyra • Delta Majoris • Delta Neezott • Delta Omega • Delta Principius/Delta Triciatu • Delta Serpentis • Delta Sigma • Delta Theta • Delta Trimute • Delta Vara • Delta Vega • Delta Zeta 785 • Demeter • Demos • Demostonies • Denab • Denem • Denkir • Denocet • Denro • DepIp • Dep'reth • Derenja • Deriben • Der'neth • Deren'dex • Deresi • Derin • Derix • Dero • Detok • Detria • Devara • DevIygh • Devnar • Devona • Dex Daraan • Dexel • Dextera 273 • Deznah • Dhum'Qha • Dhu'Qua • Diad • Diamana • Diana • Diaso • Didacti • Didi • Diehr • Digifal • Dillia • Dilyut • Dimonra • Dimor • Dim'pel • Dinar • Dinira • Din'tara • DIpeyj • Dira Tor • Diren • Dirmasi • Dis • Diskon • Dis'reth • Disuz • Dixiak • DIyn'I • Dizok • D'Livian • DoH • DoHInup • Dokudex • Dolcan • Dolron • Doma'tara • Domra • Donovan's Star • Don'tara • Don'zali • Doona • Dorala • Dorasi • Dorella • Doria Daraan • Doril • Dorox • Doska • Dothor • Douruine • DovID • Doxiez • Dozox • Drago • Drakam • Draken • Dramia • Drana'tara • Dranvedis • Draomn • Dravek • Draxis II • Drena • Dresebis • Drexler • Dre'zek • Drid • Drinen • Drixane • Dro'neth • Du'chigh Doghiq • Dundee • Dulira • Dultesi • Duo • Duosetel • Duraiana • Durala • Duran • Durandal • Dured • Durel • Durusi • Duska'had • Dutton • Duval • Duviniax • Duwamish • Dylonian Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (D) Dannus • Davon • Delavi • Delkar • Delta Aquilae • Delta Aurigae • Delta Cygni • Delta Herculis • Delta Pegasi (Delta Pegasi A • Delta Pegasi B) • Delta Scorpii • Delta Ursae Majoris • Denab • Deneb systems: (Deneb • Deneb Kaitos • Deneb el Okab) • Dengella • Denobula Triaxa • Devidian • Dnoces • Doltec • Dopteria • Dorvan • Draco Minora • Draco Omega 371 • Draco Ursula • Draconis • Draygo • Draylon • Dreon • Dubhe Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (D) Da'Kel • Danteri • Dasha Verta • Davlos • Dayos • D'deridex • Delphic • Delta Canaris • Delta Corvi • Delta Dorado • Delta Eridani • Delta Geminorum • Delta Hydri • Delta Leonis • Delta Leporis • Delta Orcus • Delta Orionis • Delta Pavonis • Delta Phoenicis • Delta Rana • Delta Velorum • Denebola • Deneva • Denius • Derex • Desotriana • Dessica • Devolin • Devoras • Devorren • Devron • Dewa • Dimorus • Dinasia • D'Korin • Donatu • Drovna • Dumok'azen Beta Quadrant icon image.

