Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Chimera.

Beta Chimera was a star system, located in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, in or near a 23rd century boundary of Federation space in sector 01379. (TOS video game: Judgment Rites)

The stellar notation using the Greek language letter "beta" indicates that there might be a star group or constellation of some sort named "Chimera", of which Beta Chimera would logically be indicated to be the second most prominent star or system.



sector 01379-44δ8
Alpha Nexus I (Alpha Nexus system) • Antares Rift • Atabis • Balkos III (Balkos system) • Beta Chimera • Borea IV (Borea system) • Delphi • Diogenes • Epsilon Sierra • Espoir Station • Klahmac • Lachian • Nova Atar • Onyius II (Onyius system) • Omega Corvus • Praetus • Saracles • Stonrak • Symphony Alpha • Zhraad the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (B)
B Hydri • Babylus • Badura • Bafor • Bahr • Baideus • Baj'neth • Bakada • Baker • Bakora • Bal Daraan • Bal Quonnot and PojjanPiraKot • Baldara • Baldur • Balidex • Balka • Balkos • Ballion • Bal'tek • Bamir • Bandor • Banra • Ban'trek • Baradex • Baradi • Barak • Baran • Barasa Alpha • Barasa Beta • Baraza Gamma • Barbox • Bardeeza • Bardex • Barklay • Barnard 183 • Barnard 392 • Bar'tara • Bar'tmana • Bartha • Bartunu • Barzan • Baten • Batora • Baumeister • Baw • Baxak • Bayara • Bazron • Baz'tek • Beaufort Vortex • Bejarus • Bechdel • Bekom • Belarius • Belaruz • Belena • Belennii • Belgara • Bellex • Belmara • Benar • Benera • Bennus • Bentix • Benzi • Berak • Berasi • Berkaid • Bernard • Bernay • Berry • Bersallis • Bersus • Bestari • Beta • Beta 6 • Beta Agni • Beta Arantialus • Beta Argotha • Beta Arietis • Beta Aurelon • Beta Barania • Beta Bilatus • Beta Bora • Beta Brenor • Beta Cabrini • Beta Calara • Beta Canzandia • Beta Cassius • Beta Cephei • Beta Chimera • Beta Corvela • Beta Damoron • Beta Deri • Beta Draconis • Beta Eneras • Beta Epsilon • Beta Feronis • Beta Folor • Beta Forminia • Beta Gitor • Beta Gorgoni • Beta Haxor • Beta Herculani • Beta Hetera • Beta Hydra • Beta Hydra 378 • Beta Hydros • Beta Indi • Beta Infinite • Beta Ivela • Beta Jalonis • Beta Jola • Beta Kentor • Beta Koda • Beta Kona • Beta Krakor • Beta Kupsic • Beta Laeras • Beta Leetor • Beta Lenta • Beta Li'odo • Beta Lora • Beta Magellan • Beta Marada • Beta Maradi • Beta Mariotia • Beta Mera • Beta Merana • Beta Minora • Beta Myamid • Beta Nimara • Beta Niobe • Beta Nirobi • Beta Norab • Beta Origii • Beta Orsilak • Beta Orvis • Beta Paugdi • Beta Penthe • Beta Portolan • Beta Prometheus • Beta Proxima • Beta Quaternas • Beta Reticuli • Beta Rigala • Beta Rigalia • Beta Roxor • Beta Runa • Beta Sargonus • Beta Serpentis • Beta Scoraata • Beta Sora • Beta Tarsus • Beta Triaran • Beta Ursae Minor • Beta Veldonna • Beta Vertis • Beta Visa • Beta Virgilis • Beta Xaridian • Beta Yela • Beta Zeta • Beta Zlora • Beta'Elan • Betazed • Bethel • Beton • Betrisius Major • Bexem • Beyven • Bezedi • Bikes • Bik'van • Bilara • Biliuz • Bimiok • Bimor • Bimum • Bindor • Bintar • Binvek • Bin'vrak • Bio'reth • Bir Daraan • Bira • Biran • Biren • Birob • Bir'teth • Biruin • Bisera • Bisiul • Bisox • Bitrox • Bixiem • Bletayil • B'lev • Blisnar • Blys • Boaco • Boam • Boana • Boggas • Bokrasi • Bolari Alpha • Bolari Beta • Bolarus • Boldasi • Bolius • Bolona • Bomelli 709 • Boqu • Bor • Boraka • Borea • Boreal • Borgia • Borigrass • Boristar • Bornar • Boron 437 • Borora • Boru • Boslia • Botein • Bovek • Boxiez • Bracas • Bradley • Bral'vara • Bramon • Branda • Braslota • Bravan • Bredara • Bre'el • Brelga • Brenex • Brenott • Brenta • Brentis • Briamos • Brijac Alpha • Brijac Beta • Bringloid • Brinus Zeta • Bris'neth • Britannia • Brius • Brividi • Brodar • Brol Daraan • Bronthrop • Broyan • Brun'tara • Brutus • B'Saari • BU1T-61 Singularity • Buenora • Bulara • Bulasi • Burela • Burran Alpha • Burran Beta • Burtira • Bus'vara • Bu'uli Tev • BWCC98 • Bygoth the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (B) Baham • Bajor • Balancar • Balosnee • Barkon • Barnard's Star • Behr'ak • Benecia • Berengaria • Beta 16 Ceti • Beta Andromedae • Beta Aquilae • Beta Aurigae • Beta Boötis • Beta Canum Venaticorum • Beta Ceti • Beta Comae Berenices • Beta Coronae Borealis • Beta Cygni • Beta Delphini • Beta Draconis • Beta Herculis • Beta Lyrae • Beta Maxim 437 • Beta Ophiuchi • Beta Persei • Beta Piscis Australis • Beta Renner • Beta Tauri • Beta Trianguli • Beta Ursae Majoris • B'hava'el • B'lii • Bryma the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (B) Ba'aja • Balduk • Barolia • Barradas • Beid • Belak • Bellatrix • Benzar • Beta Antares • Beta Canis Minoris • Beta Carinae • Beta Centauri • Beta Columbae • Beta Eridani • Beta Geminorum • Beta Hydri • Beta Lankal • Beta Leonis • Beta Leonis Minoris • Beta Octantis • Beta Orionis • Beta Pavonis • Beta Pavonis JK-838 • Beta Pictoris • Beta Rigel • Beta Stromgren • Beta Theseus • Beta Thoridor • Beta Virginis • Beta Volantis • Betelgeuse • Bhea • Black Star • B'Moth • Bolarus • Boragi • Boreth • Bortas • Borka • Breshar • Brestant • Buqret • Buruk the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.

