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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Doors Into Chaos is a Star Trek novel, the third book in the Gateways crossover miniseries, branded as the Star Trek: The Next Generation entry in the crossover arc. Doors Into Chaos was written by Robert Greenberger, and released in September 2001. As with each entry in the Gateways series, Doors Into Chaos had somewhat of a cliffhanger ending, with the resolution to follow in the What Lay Beyond anthology. Doors Into Chaos would be concluded in the short story "The Other Side" in that volume.


More than 200,000 years ago, the ancient Iconians created a network of interdimensional Gateways providing instantaneous transportation across unimaginable distances. Once known as the "Demons of Air and Darkness," the Iconians mysteriously vanished many millennia ago, never to return -- or so it was believed.
Summoned to an emergency briefing at Starfleet Headquarters, Captain Jean-Luc Picard is stunned to discover that the legendary Iconians have returned at last, and are offering to sell the secrets of their advanced technology to the Federation. To prove their sincerity, they have reactivated their long-abandoned Gateways, but the results have been strife and chaos throughout the entire Alpha Quadrant. Now Picard and his crew must contend with feuding Klingons and Romulans as the captain seeks to discover the sinister truth behind the Iconians' unexpected rebirth!



Throughout this novel, a variety of short side-stories are used illustrate the chaos caused by the gateway network. These usually feature one-off characters, and generally do not affect the main plot.

  • Tellar: Four Andorians steal the colAndor Scrolls from a museum.
  • Ferenginar: Orions raid Grand Nagus Rom's home.
  • Sherman's Planet: Macan forces assassinate Jiggs Card, a dissident in exile.
  • Armus IX: A pandemic spreads, inadvertently brought by visitors from Tavela Minor.
  • Delta Vega: A Romulan ship plans to investigate the abandoned outpost.
  • Turona Alpha: Three Bolian student athletes approach a Jarada colony. During a confrontation, their magnoball causes a chain reaction that destroys the colony.
  • Balosnee VI: A seafaring vessel from Prakal II falls victim to Balosnee VI's hypnotic tides and crashes.
  • Deep Space K-7: A Prytt carpenter beats up a Human guard.
  • Cadmon: Cheap ore from Harod IV destabilizes a local market.
  • Nimbus III: An elementary school class from Mars survives a sandstorm, but their teacher does not.
  • Troyius: A hospital goes into quarantine from a potential Vegan choriomeningitis exposure.
  • Unknown planet: A stranger arrives speaking an unintelligible language. The local Inquisition tortures him to death.
  • Rao system: A gateway is draining energy from the local star, threatening all life in the system.
  • Unknown planet: A group of people on a colony world prepare to assassinate their praetor.
  • Briar Patch: A Breen privateer arrives, and attempts to return through a gateway to the Black Cluster. Instead, she arrives in an area with no visible stars. She makes several more unsuccessful trips through the gateway network.



Angela • Balit • Bractor • Carter Brisbayne • Bruce • Mackenzie Calhoun • Clandakin • Chuma Chukwu • Beverly Crusher • Darleen • Data • Jessie Davison • Desan • Erask • Felk • Elim Garak • Grekor • Jenny • Jerolk • Jhen • Kira Nerys • Geordi La Forge • Leop la mir Werstin • Leeta • Lojal • Helt • Oli ma fen Cordiek • Mako • Marisa • Martok • Landik Mel Rosa • Okud • Daniel Paisner • Panni • Kell Perim • Jean-Luc Picard • William Riker • Rom • William Ross • Montgomery Scott • Elizabeth Shelby • Solok • Tarnan • Tolin • Deanna Troi • Ulisssshk • Christine Vale • Elias Vaughn • Werq • Worf • Giancarlo Wu
Referenced only
Julian Bashir • Chu-Fong • Jadzia Dax • Decker (likely Willard) • Rachel Garrett • Ger • Dixon Hill • Sherlock Holmes • Garth of Izar • Gowron • John Harriman • Ili • Ishka • Kathryn Janeway • James T. Kirk • Krad • Krigar • Meloth • Chi Namthot • Miles O'Brien • Opel • Christopher Pike • Nechama Rabin • Quark • Sirella • Benjamin Sisko • Van Doren • John Watson • Zek


Alpha Quadrant • Armus IX • Balosnee VI • Briar Patch • Cadmon • Cardassia • Deep Space Station K-7 • Earth • Ferenginar • First City • Nimbus III • Qo'noS • San Francisco • Spacedock • Turona Alpha
Referenced only
Alexandra's Planet • Altair IV • Beta Proxima • Betazed • Black Cluster • Bolarus IX • The Captain's Table • Cor Caroli V • Deep Space 9 • Delta IV • Delta Quadrant • Delta Vega • Eminiar VII • Europa Nova • Galactic barrier • Garak's Clothiers • Gault • Glavir • Herod IV • Iconia • Imsk‎ • Kaelon II • Kavis Alpha IV • Korugar • Lysia • Mars • Memory Alpha • Mount Seleya • Nesprytt • Prakal II • Praxis • Rao system • Rura Penthe • Starfleet Academy • Tavela Minor • Tellar • Vandros IV • Veridian IV • Vulcan • Wrigley's Pleasure Planet

Starships and vehicles[]

IRW Bloodsword • IKS Chargh (K't'inga-class) • USS Enterprise-E (Sovereign-class) • ES135659 • IRW Glory • Kreechta (D'Kora-class) • USS Marco Polo (Saber-class) • USS Mercury (Saber-class) • IKS Qob (K't'inga-class)
Referenced only
Breen attack ship • USS da Vinci • USS Defiant I • USS Defiant II • USS Exeter • USS Gettysburg • Klingon bird-of-prey • USS T'Kumbra • USS Voyager

Races and cultures[]

android • Armusian • Bajoran • Betazoid • Bolian • Breen • Cardassian • Carreon • Deltan • Ferengi • Gorn • Human • Iconian • Kalandan • Klingon • Nyrian • Petraw • Relisa • Romulan • Tholian • Trill • Vulcan • Xenexian
Referenced only
Changeling • Jem'Hadar • Organian • Prophets

States and organizations[]

Bajoran Militia • Cardassian Union • Federation Diplomatic Corps • Ferengi Alliance • Gorn Hegemony • Klingon Empire (House of Krad) • Romulan Star Empire • United Federation of Planets (Starfleet • Starfleet Command)
Referenced only
Dominion • First Seat of Tellar • Gropla Team • Regency of Armus IX • Temporal Displacement Office • Treasury Guard

Science and technology[]

cocamine‎ • EPS power stabilizer • Feinberger‎ • holographic communicator • injector (medical) • microfusion initiator‎ • micron • photonic amplifier • transparent aluminum‎ • Vegan choriomeningitis

Ranks and titles[]

admiral • captain • commander • daimon • Grand Nagus • High Councillor to the First Seat of Tellar • lieutenant • lieutenant commander • master • praetor • President of the United Federation of Planets • sir

Other references[]

colAndor Scrolls • dilithium • Dominion War • Ferengi Rules of Acquisition • Great Monetary Collapse • Heshballa curry • holoconference • magnoball • ore • podmate‎ • quarantine • Ressikan flute • setch • silver • stew • trilium • tuber • Vegan choriomeningitis • Vulcan salute • The Wizard of Oz




Star Trek: Gateways
One Small Step • Chainmail • Doors Into Chaos • Demons of Air and Darkness • No Man's Land • Cold Wars • What Lay Beyond ("One Giant Leap" • "Exodus" • "Horn and Ivory" • "In the Queue" • "Death After Life" • "The Other Side") • Here There Be Monsters


published order
Previous novel:
Next novel:
Demons of Air and Darkness
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Rising Son
Chapter 8, Section 2
Pocket Next Adventure:
Demons of Air and Darkness
Previous Adventure:
Avatar, Book Two
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
Next Adventure:
What Lay Beyond
"The Other Side"

External links[]
