Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"Live Fast and Prosper" was the 142nd episode of Star Trek: Voyager, the 21st episode of the show's sixth season, first aired on 19 April 2000. The episode was written by Robin BurgerMA and directed by LeVar Burton.


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Lydia Anderson • Ayala • Chakotay • Dala • The Doctor • Patrick Gibson • Kathryn Janeway • Harry Kim • Mobar • Neelix • Orek • Tom Paris • Seven of Nine • B'Elanna Torres • Tuvok • Varn • Zar • unnamed Telsians • unnamed USS Voyager personnel

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Voyager (Intrepid-class cruiser) • Delta Flyer (Flyer-class shuttle) • Delta Flyer (impostor) • Telsian freighter
Referenced only
USS Al-Batani (Excelsior-class cruiser)


Telsius Prime, Telsius Prime mining colony (Telsius star system, the galaxy's Delta Quadrant) • Wyanti star system (the galaxy's Delta Quadrant)
Referenced only
Indiana, Earth (Sol star system, sector 001, the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant) • Grenna star system (the galaxy's Delta Quadrant) • Narva, Narva colony (the galaxy's Delta Quadrant)

Shipboard areas[]

bridge • brig • galley • holodeck • sickbay

Races and cultures[]

Borg • Dala's species • Hologram • Human • Klingon • Talaxian • Telsian • Varn's species • Vulcan
Referenced only
Hirogen • Polonian • Species 8472

Technology and weapons[]

photon torpedo • torpedo • phaser • phaser cannon • combadge • communicator • bio-neural circuitry • heating coil • transporter • transport enhancer • tractor generator • sonic shower • sensors • pulse drill • plasma flare • optronically targeted phaser • multi-spectrum shielding • hydroponic pod • integrated circuitry • starship • spacecraft • annular confinement beam

Materials and substances[]

atmosphere • gas • ambizine • antiviral protein • bolomite • bread • water • coffee • dilithium

States and organizations[]

Federation • Federation Council • Starfleet • Telsian Security • Starfleet Command

Ranks and titles[]

ambassador • astrometric officer • captain • chief engineer • chief medical officer • commanding officer • cook • doctor • engineer • ensign • Federation Starfleet ranks • Federation Starfleet ranks (2360s-2370s) • first officer • flight controller • lieutenant • lieutenant junior grade • lieutenant commander • medical practitioner • morale officer • officer • operations manager • second officer • security chief • tactical officer • weapons officer • Brother • Chief of Mining Operations • cleric • Sister

Other references[]

boot • captain's log • captain's log, USS Voyager • captain's log, USS Voyager, 2376 • clothing • log entry • lifeform • humanoid • races and cultures • nation-state • jacket • jumpsuit • shirt • pants • government • rank • title • space • time • uniform • supernatural • gremlin • Starfleet uniform • Starfleet uniform (2366-2373) • universe • weapon • technology • blight • blinking • cockpit • concentric search pattern • deity • diagnostic • Directive 927 • disease • extortion • farm • geostrata • impersonating a Starfleet officer • kiloton • live long and prosper • logic • matter • malnutrition • mark • mirror • mining • mother ship • neutronic storm • omega radiation • omega radiation therapy • optical subroutine • Oracle of K'Tal • orphan • pajamas • pilgrimage • practical joke • prison • psoriasis • Redeemer of Light • reparations • sanctuary • scan • sect • Selnia Prime • shell game • sombrero • spore • talisman • tera nut • food • The Cleansing • thief • torture • trading • transmission log • transport record • wig


prior in the year 2376
The thieves begin impersonating the crew of Voyager. (prior to episode)
stardate 53849.2, 2376 (2370s chronology, Voyager's journey)
Voyager travels in the path of those who have been impersonating them.


Related stories[]



published order
Previous episode:
Voyager episode produced Next episode:
Life Line
Previous episode:
Good Shepherd
Voyager episode aired Next episode:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
Stone and Anvil

External links[]
